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Gain the Upper Hand with Good

Melissa Love Koenig

Joseph S. Diedrich

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Part of the Law Commons Publication Information Joseph S. Diedrich & Melissa Love Koenig, Gain the Upper Hand with Good Typography, Oct. 2020, at 26. Reprinted with permission of the October 2020 Wisconsin Lawyer, the official publication of the State Bar of Wisconsin, and the author. You can improve your Gain the Upper chances of persuasion by making your briefs typographically superior. It Hand with Good won't make your arguments better, but it will ensure that judges grasp and retain your points with less struggle. Typography That's a valuable advantage. BY JOSEPHS. DIEDRICH & MELISSA E. LOVE KOENIG SUMMARY Briefs are the legal profession's nov- et's say you go to the bookstore to as possible. Those who do will gain an upper els - and judges are buy your next book club selection. hand over their opponent. The Seventh Circuit its bibliophiles. Lay L You find a hardbound edition of the agrees: "You can improve your chances by readers, lawyers, and novel and thumb through it. As you making your briefs typographically superior. judges all notice when walk to the checkout, you spy a paperback in It won't make your arguments better, but it something is difficult the discount bin. You have to squint to read will ensure that judges grasp and retain your to read, and all get the small , and the words seem to bleed points with less struggle. That's a valuable ad­ distracted from the together. So you drop it back in the bin, opting vantage, which you should seize." 2 If two briefs text by poor visual to spend the extra money on the hardbound contain the same content but one is easier to presentation . But all also are pleasantly copy. The font is easier to read and the visual read, that one will be more persuasive. drawn into text that design draws you in. You read the first chapter To design a visually superior brief, you must uses good typography, in the checkout line. comply with court rules and orders about for­ which aids reader Despite the identical content of the two matting and typography. You might also have comprehension . editions, you picked one over the other because to follow conventions set by your employer. But What makes a brief it was easier to read. After comparing the edi­ these rules and conventions merely establish a both visually pleas­ tions, you noticed how the hardbound edition's floor: you should go beyond compliance. In this ing and intellectua lly typography - the visual presentation of the article, we share best practices and recommen­ persuasive? Here are words on the - was easier to comprehend. dations for doing so. some practical tips. And comprehension is something you value . The authors organ ize After all, you want to sound smart the Rules of Appellate Procedure their discussion of book club discussion. We organize our discussion of best practices best practices around Briefs are the legal profession's novels - and around Wis. Stat. section 8O9.19(8)(b), part of Wisconsin Rule of judges are its bibliophiles. Lay readers, lawyers, the Wisconsin Rules of Appellate Procedure, Appellate Procedure and judges all notice when something is difficult which sets forth basic typography standards section 809.19[8)(bl, to read, and all get distracted from the text by for briefs filed in the Wisconsin Supreme Court which sets forth basic poor visual presentation. But all also are pleas­ and Wisconsin Court of Appeals. typography standards antly drawn into text that uses good typogra­ At the same time, the rule grants brief writ­ for briefs filed in the phy, which aids reader comprehension. "[A]n ers substantial discretion to make typography Wisconsin Supreme effectively designed document," says law pro­ choices. We explain what each rule requires Court and Wisconsin fessor James Dimitri, "make [s] the arguments in and then offer additional recommendations for Court of Appeals. the document more memorable to the reader" crafting a visually superior brief. and "make [s] a strong statement to the reader Later, we·explain how our recommendations about the authoring attorney's credibility."1 translate to filings in Wisconsin circuit courts To that end, brief writers should aim to and other tribunals. While our recommenda­ make their visual presentation as pleasing tions apply to brief writing genera lly, particular


for example, uses Century to publish its Paper Versus Screen slip opinions. Book tend to take up more on the page than Times New Roman The Rules of Appellate Procedure were written w ith paper in mind. Although many judges still read briefs on paper, more and more are reading briefs electron­ does. The rule enforces a , ically. Should you design your brief differently if it will be read electronically? however, not a page count. At least in Wisconsin appellate courts, you can't To be sure, paper and electronic screens lend themselves to different typographi­ gain an advantage by using a font that ca l best practices. With older technology, these differences were quite pro­ fits more words onto a page. nounced. For example, it is accepted wisdom that seri f fonts look better on paper, but sa ns fonts look better on a sc reen. 30 Spacing Choices As screen technology continues to improve, however, many differences between The space you leave on the page cre­ paper and screens have evaporated. "[W]ith screens becoming more paper-like than ates a sense of breathing room; a ever, there's decreasing need to make special accommodations for screen reading." 31 What's more, judges who read on a screen typically view briefs in paginated PDF reader should not feel overwhelmed form, meaning what they see on a monitor, laptop, or tablet resembles paper. in approaching the print on the page. Creating the right spacing is a matter A ll this means that you needn't fret over the difference between paper and of both mathematics and art. The rule screens. That said, we have tailored our recommendations to work well both on specifies that if you use a proportional paper and electronica ll y. WL serif font (see above), you must also use a "leading of minimum 2 points."9 Leading (pronounced with a soft "e" jurisdictions, courts, and judges may discretion when choosing which propor­ like the metal "lead") refers to "the verti­ have their own preferences. The U.S. tional serif font to use. Yet the inertia cal space from the same on one line Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, of blind tradition has made Times New to the same point on the next, within the for example, maintains detailed typogra­ Roman the default and has led "[m]any same ."10 The term originated phy standards. 3 lawyers [to] erroneously assume that with the small lead pieces used in hand courts demand" it. 5 to space vertical line s.11 Font Choice Times New Roman was invented in Leading and "line spacing" are A visually appealing brief starts with the early 20th century for the Times sometimes used interchangeably, but a visually appealing font. In Wisconsin of London and quickly gained traction they are slightly different concepts.12 appellate courts, "[b]riefs shall be among newspaper publishers. The Times Line spacing is the "vertical distance produced by using either a monos paced commissioned it as an intentionally between lines of text." 13 font or a proportional serif font" in size narrow font to fit more text per line and Single spacing is generally too 13 for body text and size 11 for footnotes to enable quick reading. 6 Even from the cramped for the eye. Double spacing, and block quotes.4 beginning, it was criticized as unappeal­ historically used in term papers to A monospaced font's characters all ing to the eye. occupy the same width on the page; For all its ubiquity in self-published a proportional font's characters vary documents, when was the last time you in width. Monospaced fonts, such as saw Times New Roman in a book? Maybe , are a vestige of early typewrit­ never. Fonts used in professionally pub­ ers and are rarely used today. When lished books are comparably easier to writing a brief, you should always use a read. This visual appeal, in turn, fosters proportional font. comprehension and retention.7 Under the rule, a proportional font Because "[b]riefs are like books rather Joseph S. Diedrich, U.W. 2017 summa cum laude, Order of the Coif, is an appellate must also include serifs. A "serif" is than newspapers," we (along with litigator at Husch Bl ackwell LLP in Madison. the small curl-like feature added to courts and typographers) recommend He also serves on the State Bar of Wisconsin's Appellate Practice Section board. the ends of characters in certain fonts. using a book font to write briefs. Among [email protected] For instance, Times New Roman and the best proportional serif fonts are Melissa E. Love Koenig, Marquette 1999 cum the font used in the Wisconsin Lawyer Century, Century Schoolbook, and Book laude, is an associate professor of legal writing printed articles are serif fonts. and .8 These fonts are used by pro­ at Marquette Law School. She is a past chair of the State Bar of Wisconsin's Appellate Practice Verd an a are sans-serif fonts. fessional printers and the country's best Section board. Brief writers have considerable legal writers. The U.S. Supreme Court, [email protected]

28 WISCONSIN LAWYER allow for handwritten comments, slows down the eye and is therefore no longer The Future of the Rules of Appellate Procedure recommended. It creates too much white space (or "negative space") on the ( All of Wis. Stat. chapter 809 is currently under review by the Appellate eFiling . page, especially when paired with wider I Committee, appointed by the Clerk of the Supreme Coµrt and Court of Appeals margins (see below). to recommend rule changes for appellate electronic filing. The committee is con­ Legal typography expert Matthew sidering changes to Wis. Stat. section 809.19(~) that may affect the recommenda­ Butterick recommends using line spac­ I tions in this article to some extent. Although their exact contours are not known ing that is between 120 percent and 145 with certainty, any changes will likely more closely reflect the best practices and recommendations discussed in this article. percent of the font size.14 When using Microsoft Word, this translates to 1.03- A petition to recommend mandatory eFiling for attorneys filing in the Court of 1.24 1.2-1.45).15 Appeals and Supreme Court is expected to be filed in autumn 2020. WL line spacing (not That said, l allowing some room for tradition and flexibility, selecting between 1.15 and 1.5 line spacing in the Word paragraph dialog break. Note that your choice of Margins and Alignment box will promote optimal readability in a width may warrant a small adjustment Typography entails not only the text Wisconsin appellate brief. to these figures (see below). itself, but also the text's relationship to If you use less than 1.25 line spacing, As to spacing between sentences on the page. To that end, decisions about consider adding additional space be­ the same line, one space is sufficient margins and alignment significantly af­ tween . To comply with the for proportional fonts .16 This departs fect the visua) appeal of a brief. The rule rule and as a best practice, we recom­ from past practice with and regulates a brief' s margins by mandating mend either 1.4 line spacing or 1.15 line monospaced fonts, when two spaces were a "maximum of 60 characters per full line spacing with extra spacing between recommended to create a visual break. of body text." 17 The number of characters paragraphs to give the reader's eyes a per line depends on the font. If you use


size 13 Century Schoolbook, 60 characters comprehension and retention. capped, and left justified (as is all amounts to roughly 1.5-inch margins. Unless you're engaging a profes- text), and uses a serif font for body text.) By capping the number of characters, sional typesetter (who has sophisticated Be sure to use consistent numbering the rule sets a minimum margin width, technology for com batting rivers), we and spacing in headings. Align your head­ which you can exceed. We recommend recommend sticking with left-aligned ings with the left margin of your para­ setting your margins between 1.5 and 2 text. If you do justify, you should also graphs. Indent your subheadings (from inches. This range complies with what's hyphenate. In this context, hyphenation the left) using the same amount of space required and provides adequate white refers to splitting long words across lines as you use to indent each new paragraph. space. Like silent rests between the mu­ at syllabic breaks. Exacting placement of headings in a doc­ sical notes of a symphony, white space Microsoft Word has a rudimentary ument creates a professional look that is crucial for a visually appealing and automatic hyphenation function that conveys credibility. Also, consider using easy-to-read document. 18 controls for some of the inconsistent an introductory paragraph between a In general, the wider you set your mar­ spacing endemic to justified text. You main heading and a subheading; headings gins (the more white space at the edges), can select this option under the Layout should be followed by content. 25 the less white space you need between -> Page Setup tab. (You may also have to Italics are appropriate for citations, lines within the same paragraph. If you adjust your Paragraph settings to undo limited in text, and some use LS-inch margins, for example, then the check box "Don't Hyphenate.") foreign words. Avoid using underlining, 1.25 to 1.4 line spacing looks quite com­ , or in briefs; italics are fortable; if you use 2-inch margins, you Headings, Emphasis &Graphics the only acceptable way to add emphasis. can reduce your line spacing to as low as Good document design governs the use Underlining is a product, again, of the 1.15. (See also Spacing Choices, above.) of headings and other visual aids to facili­ bygone era. 26 Closely related to margins is align­ tate comprehension. The rule provides Like long headings, block quotations ment. Microsoft Word allows you to left for the use of headings and adds that provide a visual wall of text that many readers skip over. When you do use them, Like silent rests between the musical notes of a sparingly, include only the most relevant language in the quote and use ellipses symphony, white space is crucial for a visually appealing for internally omitted language and .and easy-to-read document. citations. Two shorter block quotes are preferable to one long block quote. We align or justify your text. Whereas the "[i]talics may not be used for normal also recommend introducing the quote former lines up only the left edge of the body text but may be used for citations, with language more meaningful than text, the latter aligns "both the left and headings, emphasis and foreign words." 23 "the court said as follows." Then go on to the right margins by adding additional Headings draw attention to important explain the quote in your own words. 27 space between words as needed." 19 The points, helping a reader comprehend and Finally, graphics and pictures can help a text of this article is left aligned. retain information through a process reader quickly draw inferences. Charts and Which alignment fosters easier read­ called "chunking." 24 Although the rule points synthesize material. Don't ing?20 Left-aligned text leaves jagged allows you to italicize headings, italics hesitate to copy photos from exhibits into right edges (called "rags"), which many and underlining impair readability in a brief. A picture provides a ready refer­ view as unappealing. It has the advan­ single-spaced headings. ence for your written content and helps a tage, however, of keeping uniform space To make the most of your headings, reader visualize what you're describing. between all words on the page. create contrast without being flashy. For Justified text, with its flush-right briefs, we recommend using the same Wisconsin Circuit Courts edge, "gives text a cleaner, more formal font and same size as the body text, Whereas all appellate courts and judges look." 21 But the reader's eyes must though balded for contrast. Capitalizing in Wisconsin adhere to the same basic contend with different-sized spaces every word in a heading or using all caps typography requirements (the rule), between the words in each consecutive or small caps is distracting. To enhance circuit courts lack the same uniformity. line. Sometimes the spaces become quite readability, capitalize only the first word No statewide typography criteria are wide, causing "rivers"- "vertical flow[s] and proper nouns. (Many non-brief publi­ baked into the Wisconsin Rules of Civil of white spaces that appear near each cations use various different typography Procedure. Individual counties and other on consecutive lines of text." 22 settings, all of which can look very good. judges sometimes set their own stan­ Inconsistent spacing and rivers make For example, the Wisconsin Lawyer uses dards and sometimes don't. text more difficult to read, which reduces ·anon-serif font for subheads, balded, In Dane County Circuit Court, for

30 WISCONSIN LAWYER example, local rules regulate margin size (1 inch on all sides), line spacing (double), and font (size 12, proportional). 28 These parameters obviously differ from the appellate rules. Yet after accounting for the different requirements, brief writers retain signif­ icant discretion - and hence have room to apply the recommendations from above. You can choose which font to use, for instance, and we still recommend the book fonts. So, too, do our recommenda­ tions about emphasis and headings apply with equal force.

Conclusion Whether it's Dane County Circuit Court, another court, an administrative forum, or any other legal body, the age-old advice to "check the local rules" only begins the document design process. Applicable rules answer some questions but leave many more up to individual writers. Because "the look of words themselves affects visual perception," brief writers "can create a picture using typography as enhance the appearance, the readability, appealing document might just give you paint on the canvas of the page." 29 Using and ultimately the persuasiveness of your the edge in credibility and persuasion you best practices and good judgment, guided briefs. Even if both sides' legal argu­ need to win. WL by your eyes and trial and error, you will ments are equally strong, a more visually

ENDNOTES value) or "multiple" (based on ratio). See id. "Multiple" spacing can be used to set single and double spacing, as well as any more 1James D. Dimitri, Word Wise: Best Practices in Document Design, specific number you choose, such as 1.15, 1.25, 1.4, 1.5, etc. (See the Res Gestae: J. Ind. State Bar Ass'n, Vol. 57, No. 10, at 2 (June 2014). Paragraph dialog box in Word.) 2U.S . Court of Appeals for the Seventh Ci rcuit, Requirements and 16See, e.g., Mignon Fogarty, How Many Spaces after a Period? Suggestions for Typography in Briefs and Other Papers, https://bit. (July 31 , 2009), https://bit.ly/2YLlw0L. ly/2Ba89hU; see also Ruth Anne Robbins, Painting with Print: Incor­ 17 Wis. Stat.§ 809.19(8)(b)3.c. porating Concepts of Typographic and Layout Design into the Text 18 See, e.g., Bryan A. Garner, Legal Writing in Plain English 146-47 of Legal Writing Documents, 2 J. Ass'n of Legal Writing Dirs. 108, 111 (2d ed. 2013); see also Dimitri, supra note 1, at 9-11; Kiernan-John­ (2004) ("Persuasion includes looking good on paper."). son, supra note 7, at 110 -12; Robbins, supra note 2, at 122-23; Mads 3 U.S. Court of Appea ls for the Seventh Circuit, supra note 2. Soegaard, The power of white space, Interaction Design Founda- 4 Wis. Stat. § 809.19(8)(b)l., 3.c. tion, https://bit.ly/ 3hk2LZf. . 5 Matthew Butterick, A brief history of Times New Roman, Typog­ 19 Bryan A. Garner, The Redbook: A Manual on Legal Style 82 (2006). raphy for Lawyers (2d ed.), https://bit.ly/2Zl1 Ewl. 20See Robbins, supra note 2, at 130-31. 6 See id.; Robbins, supra note 2, at 131-32. 21Matthew Butterick, Justified text, Typography for Lawyers (2d 7 For an extended discussion of font design, see generally Derek H. ed.), https://bit.ly/391gVqh. Kiernan-Johnson, Telling Through Type: Typography and Narrative in 22Garner, supra note 19, at 82; see also Dimitri, supra note 1, at 9-10. Legal Briefs, 10 J. Ass'n of Legal Writing Dirs. 87, 91-106 (2010). 23Wis. Stat. § 809.19(8)(b)3.c. 8 U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit, supra note 2, at 24 Robbins, supra note 2, at 125. 3-4, https://bit.ly/32ttuyh; Butterick, supra note 5; id. at System 25See id. at 124-25 (discussing introductory paragraphs summariz­ Fonts, https://bit.ly/3eH6Zlz. ing information as a "learning base" for more detailed content later 9 Wis. Stat. § 809.19(8)(b)3.c. in the document). 10Allen Wyatt, Understanding Leading (Dec. 23, 2019), https://bit. 26 Matthew Butterick, Underlining, Typography for Lawyers (2d ly/ 31HjO2d. ed.), https:// bit.ly/2EGQikw. 11 Robbins, supra note 2, at 123. 27 Mary Beth Beazley, A Practical Guide to Appellate Writing and 12 Wyatt, supra note 10. Advocacy 141-42 (5th ed. 2018). 13 Matthew Butterick, Line spacing, Typography for Lawyers 28Dane Cnty. Cir. Ct. Local Rule 115 . (2d ed.), https://bit.ly/3grSN nO. 29See Robbins, supra note 2, at 110. 14 ld. 30See, e.g., Dimitri, supra note 1, at 5-6. 15 See id. Yo u can specify the line spacing in Word by choosing 31Matthew Butterick, Screen-reading considerations, Typography either "at least" (minimum point va lu e) or "exactly" (exact point for Lawyers (2d ed.), https://bit.ly/2OBO2fL. WL

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