AVON LOCAL Material for Newsletter 158 by 20 March 2019 please HISTORY & Magazines and books to reviews editor, Hardings Cottage, Swan Lane, Winterbourne BS36 1RJ ARCHAEOLOGY
[email protected] Details of events to website manager, Flat 1 Chartley, 22 The Avenue, Bristol BS9 1PE Newsletter 157
[email protected] 31 December 2018 Other news, comments, and changes of contact details to newsletter editor and membership secretary, e-version 5 Parrys Grove, Bristol BS9 1TT Website: www.alha.org.uk
[email protected] Events: http://www.alha.org.uk/events.html facebook https://www.facebook.com/AvonLocalHistoryandArchaeology CONTENTS ALHA NEWS Local history day 2019 – transport BOOKS etc NOTICED AGM and Joe Bettey lecture 2018 Posset pieces 22 AGM 2019 - venue Bristol railway stations DVD SOURCES AND EVENTS Colston hall rock and pop KYP North Somerset OFFERS Peter Insole Somerset bench ends photos ALHA booklets COMMENTARY and RESPONSES Bristol Archives Bristol Old Vic reinvented Somerset Heritage Centre computing at Rolls Royce Gloucestershire Archives building materials REVIEWS Littleton whale And The Regional Historian EVENTS DIARY ALHA NEWS LOCAL HISTORY DAY 2019 As UWE says it is not able to offer ALHA the same accommodation for the local history day as in previous years, and has not offered satisfactory alternatives, ALHA’s committee has decided that the event should be held somewhere else. The venue now booked is Thornbury Leisure Centre, and the date is Saturday 27 April 2019. The topic is transport and getting about. A flyer and booking form for the event accompanies this newsletter. JOE BETTEY LECTURE 2018 Following ALHA’s annual general meeting, ALHA’s 2018 Joe Bettey lecture was delivered by Stella Man, director of development at Glenside Hospital Museum (GHM), under the title Discover the secrets to well-being by examining the history of Glenside Hospital.