BRISTOL FOOD NETWORK Bristol’s local food update2012 community project news · courses · publications · events january–february If you’re one of those people who’ll start out 2012 with good intentions, then you may like to add one or two of these suggestions to your resolutions... But if you just love local food, then you may like to try them anyway! 1. I’ll shop on a high street in a part of the city that I don’t know very well. 2. I’ll try out a market or food event that I haven’t been to before 3. I’ll try some local produce that I haven’t tried before. 4. I’ll grow something new. 5. I’ll ask where my food has come from. Please email any suggestions for content of the March–April newsletter to
[email protected] by 10 February. Events, courses listings and appeals can now be updated at any time on our website Bristol’s urban farm? Keith Cowling Since the article I wrote on ‘Farming the suggested that some form of short term City’ in the September/October issue of agricultural use that does not involve a lot Bristol’s local food update, a very large of public and vehicular access would be Bristol’s local food update is produced (overwhelming possibly) opportunity worth considering (the first thought was by the Bristol Food Network, with support has emerged to trial urban agriculture in growing biomass, such as miscanthus!!!). from Bristol City Council. Bristol on a significant scale. As many The Bristol Food Network is an umbrella This is a huge central site of about 2.5 of you already know, Bristol City Council group, made up of individuals, hectares with little overshadowing and community projects, organisations has been facilitating discussions on a source of river water.