Exhibition Engaging Audiences to Build Respect – Awareness-Raising Activities

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Exhibition Engaging Audiences to Build Respect – Awareness-Raising Activities Exhibition Engaging Audiences to Build Respect – Awareness-raising Activities Geneva, September 3–5, 2018 World Intellectual Property Organization 34, chemin des Colombettes P.O. Box 18 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 338 91 11 Fax: + 41 22 733 54 28 For contact details of WIPO’s External Offices visit: Advisory Committee www.wipo.int/about-wipo/en/offices/ on Enforcement (ACE) Thirteenth Session Respect for intellectual property is critically important, but building respect need not be dry or overly serious. That is particularly true when dealing with the young. Children On the contrary, if you and young people are a key audience for IP awareness-raising campaigns. want to win support from Creativity, innovation and awareness people, often the best of IP, developed at an early age, can way is to entertain as form the basis of a well-informed IP well as inform them. culture later on. So it is crucial to find effective ways of connecting with young people. This exhibition features awareness- raising projects from various WIPO member states. The range of activities is broad – from comic books, puzzles and video games to TV shows, competitions, story-telling and more – but they are united by a common approach: to gain support for their message by engaging their audience. 1 Municipal administrations are close to Another objective of the Authenticity citizens and are responsible for regulat- Project is the creation of a network of ing local commerce. It falls to these ad- “Authenti-cities” in Europe that cooper- ministrations to prosecute the local sale ate and share best practices for combat- of counterfeit products, which infringe ing the sale of counterfeits and defending trademark rights and registered designs. local trade and brands. The “Authenticity” Project sprang from the So far, the following European munic- initiative of three organizations, UNIFAB ipalities have become Authenti-cities: (France), INDICAM (Italy) and ANDEMA Alicante, Malaga, Rome, Cervia, Paris, (Spain), to recognize the efforts of local Cannes, Cannes, Le Cannet, Mandelieu- councils in these three countries to pro- La Napoule, Mougins, Théoule-Sur-Mer, tect the rights of owners of brands and Antibes, Menton, Nice, Saint Laurent du commercial establishments that have to Var, Saint Tropez, Vallauris, Villeneuve contend with the distribution and sale Loubet, Juan les Pins and Marseille. of counterfeit goods in the streets and in markets. The project will soon be extended to oth- er European Union countries (Germany, The Authenticity Project, financed by the Malta, Poland and Portugal) through their European Observatory on Infringements national patent and trademark offices. of Industrial Property Rights, seeks to fa- cilitate the making of agreements between municipalities and the three organizations for the implementation of awareness-rais- ing activities, training for local police officers in the prosecution of intellectu- al property crimes and improvement of communication between brands and the authorities to make police investigations and operations more effective. 2 3 One of the priorities of the European of IP in the 2018 recommendations of key The Unreal Campaign is a consumer Observatory on Infringements of Intel- competencies for lifelong learning. awareness initiative that seeks to raise lectual Property Rights which is hosted by awareness and educate youth aged 14-18 the European Union Intellectual Property Ideas Powered is a program aimed at rais- years old about the dangers of counterfeits (EUIPO) is raising awareness on the value ing awareness of IP with young people and the value of trademarks. of intellectual property rights (IPR) and (16-35). It is a community of young people the harm infringements of IPR causes to that focuses on issues linked to creativi- The Unreal Campaign aims to teach young the economy and the society. ty, entrepreneurship and innovation and people about the importance of buying empowers them to share IP knowledge genuine products through awareness In order to be effective in this ambitious with their peers. activities, such as: aim, a widespread, multi-angled approach directed at specific target groups is need- The IP and Technology project primarily • Social media ed. Therefore, among other priorities, the focuses on the use of blockchain technol- • Video blogs Observatory is engaged in three streams ogy, and is a mix between communica- • Information targeted specifically of awareness raising activities. These are: tion activities and the implementation at teens of the technology in the fight against • Organization of student engagement • IP in education, IP infringements. It started with the sessions • IP and youth EUBlockathon2018 competition which • Attendance at youth-oriented • IP and technology. was held in June 2018 and brought together conferences and events 11 teams of the most innovative program- The IP in education project focuses on mers to create new prototypes that can Through these activities, the Unreal working with schools and school com- build the next level of anti-counterfeiting Campaign has reached over 37,700 stu- munities on enhancing creativity, entre- infrastructure. It raised IP awareness in dents in 32 countries since its launch preneurship and innovation in children technological communities that had not in 2012. This consumer awareness pro- ages 4-18. This is carried out through been reached before and resulted in very gram was developed by the International specific programs and resources, which high social media engagement. Trademark Association (INTA), a global are tested and deployed with pupils and association of brand owners and profes- teachers, in a form of tailored trainings. sionals dedicated to supporting trade- This project was endorsed by the 28 EU marks and related intellectual property Ministries of Education in their 22 May (IP) to foster consumer trust, economic Council Conclusions and by the inclusion growth, and innovation. 4 5 The main priority of the Mexican Institute Objectives: of Industrial Property (IMPI) is to generate awareness of the importance of IP protec- • Stimulate creativity and responsibility tion. IMPI has developed three important among students of the importance of initiatives that could be considered a ref- consuming original products protected erence at the national and regional (Latin by a trademark. America and Caribbean) levels. • Encourage a culture of respect for IP rights. 1. “Por un México Original” 2. “Jornadas Expo Ingenio” 3. “Mexicanitos al Grito” “Jornadas Expo Ingenio” Jornadas Expo Ingenio is a massive travel- University Banner Contest: ing series of events organized by IMPI in “Por un México Original” different cities of the country. The main “Mexicanitos al Grito” purpose is to foster close encounters and IMPI set up a yearly campaign entitled effective work between providers and po- Mexicanitos al grito® is a trademark for “Por un México Original”, which, seeks to tential beneficiaries of IP protection, in- products for children, inspired by national raise awareness among the general public creasing awareness of the benefits of the traditions, that show a positive image of on the importance of consuming original IP system. Jornadas Expo Ingenio involves Mexico. A percentage of the profits ob- products, as well as the significance of the participation of the local governments tained are used to help Mexican children. respecting intellectual property rights, and the leading institutions, both educa- using posters related to the values and tional and governmental involved in IP. The designs and products behind such a traditions of the country. trademark raise positive values among During the activities developed within the children and consequently create the The winning posters in the contest are “Jornadas Expo Ingenio” lectures and same effect in adults. The distribution of disseminated through different media panels cover all aspects of IP, addressing these products helps to create a positive with the objective of having a visual im- trademarks, patents and other subjects change in the social perception of piracy pact among the Mexican society as to the such as industrial designs and plant vari- and counterfeiting; and also helps chil- effects and implications of buying coun- eties as elements of an integrated process dren to grow in a positive environment terfeit products. to foster economic development. of respect for IP. 6 7 Video Raising Awareness Public Service Advertisement of IP Protection KIPO has featured public service adver- tising campaigns which are displayed Introduction inside elevators in business districts, sub- The Korean Intellectual Property Office way stations and theaters as video clips, (KIPO) strives to enhance respect for IP addressing topics such as preventing the by strengthening awareness of the need theft of ideas and technologies or the con- to avoid counterfeit goods. KIPO has col- sumption of counterfeit products. laborated with the Korean Intellectual Property Protection Agency (KOIPA) to IP Protection Campaign organize competitions for IP protection, In cooperation with related organizations to disseminate public service advertise- and leading colleges, KIPO has promoted ments, to conduct campaigns to raise campaigns to cultivate a culture of respect awareness of IPRs, etc. for IP. Campaigns aimed at eliminating the Card news distribution of counterfeit goods are con- ducted, especially in areas where it takes Activities to Raise Awareness of place frequently. The message of IP
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