The essential rules of security to be observed by all seamen :  Before any outing, consult the weather forecast.You have a link to Meteo via  Do not forget that your speed limit is of 5 knots no less than 300 meters from the shore (including the Rade de Villefranche).  Note that 5 knots speed limit is the equivalent of 9 Km/h.  When renting : always verify the presence and conformity of the security equipment in the boat.  Keep on board all boat papers (navigation papers, insurance, etc...).  Be in possession of your European Union see boat permit which is obligatory for all boats with engines of more that 6 horsepower.  Respect all rules of priority of way on the sea : this applies to all vessels including windsurfs.  Make sure that you are always in control of the speed of your boat - Any violation of this rule could cause a serious accident and will be considered as an offence sanctioned by the Tribunal Maritime Commercial.  If ever you are a witness to an accident, try and help them and contact immediately the CROSS LA GARDE (Tel: 112 and VHF 16).  If you are a victim of an accident, use the distress beacons and distress signals and try to stay as near as possible to your vessel.  Don’t forget that it is forbidden to swim in any Access Channel.This includes the center of the Rade of Villefranche sur Mer.  Don’t pass the swimming zones market by a chain of yellow buoys.  To go water-skiing, it is obligatory that there are at least two people on board as well as the skier.  If you are towing floating safety buoys, you respect the same rules as above and carry the orange flame.  If you would like to go diving : - Check your diving equipment and never dive on your own - Signal your presence with the appropriate flag - as shown below. Place them at least 100 meters from the boat and reduce your speed.

Rules of nautical activities in the littoral communities of :

: - All zones market out by beacons outside of the channel access and port access areas are forbidden to any motor engines. - Forbidden zones for navigation and mooring : Hélistation de Cannes - Croisette. - Regulated mooring zones : Iles de Lerins. ATTENTION : The speed is limited to 5 knots in between the Iles Ste-Marguerite and St-Honorat (Lérins). The speed is limited to 5 knots 300 meters out from the quadrilateral Fort Ste-Marguerite, Casino Palm Beach, Pointe de Bataiguier, entrance to the Old Port (see map).  Golfe-Juan / : - From a depth of 300 meters, two zones are forbidden for the circulation of motor boats and for mooring.  Antibes : - Forbidden zones for motor boats : Plage de Juan les Pins, Plage de la Gallice, Plage des Ondes, Plage de la Garoupe, Plage de la Salis and Plage de la Gravette. - Channel access to the Shore : Plage de Juan les Pins and de la Siesta (first aid post), Cap d’Antibes .Villefranche-sur-Mer : - Channel access for motor boats : landing stage of the C.N.R.S.

SARL DARK PELICAN ‐ 1, Quai Courbet 06230 ‐ Villefranche sur Mer ‐ France Tel. +33(0)4 93 01 76 54 ‐ Mob. +33(0)6 62 55 06 60

- Area reserved solely for swimming : Plage de la Darse et des Marinières. ATTENTION : The speed is limited to 5 knots in the bay of Villefranche-sur-Mer (see map).  Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat : - Channel access to the shore for boats : landing stage of the Fosses and to the South West of the plage du Barraquier.  Eze : - Forbidden zones for motor boats : between Eze-les-Pins and the port of Silva Maris. - Channel access to the shore : up to the local surveillance of the beach.  Cap d’Ail : - Forbidden zones for motor boats : Plage de Mala and of Marquet. - Channel access to the shore : landing stage of the Plage de Mala, up to the Plage Marquet  : - Forbidden zones for motor boats : between the limit of the west of the community and the Bastion, between l’Epi Nord of the Port Garavan and the Italian border.

The principal authorized zones of the littoral in the Alpes Maritimes :

Speed is limited to 5 Knots Speed is limited to 5 Knots Forbidden zone for navigation, fishing and diving Speed is limited to 10 Knots after Forbidden zone for mooring, 300 meters fishing and diving

Forbidden zone for mooring, Forbidden zones for mooring fishing and diving and diving

IMPORTANT : If the sea becomes rough don’t hesite to turn back to the nearest port or ask for assistance, we will do the necessary to come and collect you as quickly as possible. TEL : +33 (0)6 62 55 06 60 or +33 (0)4 93 01 76 54. ATTENTION ! For complete and up to the date information, users should refer to the latest laws and regulations in use.

I declare that I am aware of all the security rules as mentioned above. Date : ...... /...... /...... Signature :

SARL DARK PELICAN ‐ 1, Quai Courbet 06230 ‐ Villefranche sur Mer ‐ France Tel. +33(0)4 93 01 76 54 ‐ Mob. +33(0)6 62 55 06 60