The Vanderbilts and the Story of Their Fortune
Ml' P WHi|i^\v^\\ k Jll^^K., VI p MsW-'^ K__, J*-::T-'7^ j LIBRARY )rigliam i oiMig U mversat FROM. Call Ace. 2764 No &2i?.-^ No ill -^aa^ceee*- Britfham Voung il/ Academy, i "^ Acc. No. ^7^V ' Section -^^ i^y I '^ ^f/ Shelf . j> \J>\ No. ^^>^ Digitized by tine Internet Arcinive in 2010 witii funding from Brigiiam Young University littp:// -^^ V !<%> COMMODORE VANDERBILT. ? hr^ t-^ ^- -v^' f ^N\ ^ 9^S, 3 '^'^'JhE VANDERBILTS THE STORY OF THEIR FORTUNE BT W. A. CKOFFUT A0THOR OF "a helping HAND," "A MIDSUMMER LARK," "THE BOUKBON BALLADS," " HISTOBr OF CONNECTICUT," ETC. CHICAGO AND NEW YORK BELFOBD, CLARKE & COMPANY Publishers 1/ COPYKIGHT, 1886, BY BELFORD, CLAEKE & COMPANY. TROWS PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING COMPANY, NEW YORK. PREFACE This is a history of the Yanderbilt family, with a record of their vicissitudes, and a chronicle of the method by which their wealth has been acquired. It is confidently put forth as a work which should fall into the hands of boys and young men—of all who aspire to become Cap- tains of Industry or leaders of their fellows in the sharp and wholesome competitions of life. In preparing these pages, the author has had an am- bition, not merely to give a biographical picture of sire, son, and grandsons and descendants, but to consider their relation to society, to measure the significance and the influence of their fortune, to ascertain where their money came from, to inquire whether others are poorer because they are rich, whether they are hindering or promoting civilization, whether they and such as they are impediments to the welfare of the human i-ace.
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