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(Orchidaceae). Ii Neodiversity 5: 13–17 www.neodiversity.org 31st Dec 2010 EW COMBIATIOS I THE GEUS CATTLEYA (ORCHIDACEAE). II. CORRECTIOS AD COMBIATIOS FOR HYBRID TAXA C. VAN DEN BERG1 1Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Av. Transnordestina, s.n., 44036-900, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil. e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT In the present article two new combinations for species and 43 combinations for nothospecies in Cattleya are proposed, based on molecular phylogenetic analyses which support the inclusion of Sophronitis in Cattleya. A recent article (van den Berg, 2008) van den Berg (2008). The combination explained the need of merging Sophronitis proposed for Sophronitis cernua (Lindl.) with Cattleya, due to recent molecular W.J.Hook was invalid because the phylogenetic analyses (van den Berg, 2009; basionym used by van den Berg (2008) was van den Berg et al., 2009). This would be itself a combination, and therefore we preferrable than splitting Cattleya into propose here the new combination again, smaller units, which would produce many this time with the correct basionym to naturally occurring hybrid genera and many validate this name. thousands of them to classify commercial hybrids. As a result, new combinations for Cattleya cernua (Lindl.) Van den Berg, species previously placed in Sophronitis, comb. nov. Hoffmannseggella and other genera of Basionym: Sophronia cernua Lindl., Bot. Chiron & V.P.Castro (2002) were proposed Reg. 13: t. 1129. 1828 in Cattleya (van den Berg, 2008). The new circumscription was adopted in 2009 by the Cattleya kleberi (F.E.L.Miranda) Van den American Orchid Society and Royal Berg, comb. nov. Horticultural Society for the registration of Basionym: Hoffmanseggella kleberi F.E.L. artificial hybrids, and incorporated into the Miranda, Orchids 74(6): 458. 2005. World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (Govaerts et al., 2010). In the current article NEW COMBINATIONS FOR NATURALLY we propose new combinations missing OCCURRING HYBRIDS combinations of species and for most Among the binomials for nothospecies of naturally occurring hybrids within Cattleya Laelia, ×Encylaelia and ×Schombocattleya, and between Cattleya and other genera, the following list of combinations is which are required due to the new proposed, based on putative naturally taxonomic circumscription. occurring taxa. Natural occurrence was based on Pabst & Dungs (1975, 1977), van NEW COMBINATIONS FOR SPECIES den Berg & Chase (2000) and field and A combination for Hoffmannseggella herbarium work. The nomen novum for kleberi F.E.L.Miranda was overlooked by Schombocattleya ×felix honors Lou C. 13 VAN DEN BERG - NEW COMBINATIONS IN CATTLEYA. II Menezes for her contribution to the Cattleya ×carassana (Pabst) Van den Berg, knowledge of natural hybrids in Cattleya. comb. nov. Basionym: Laelia ×carassana Pabst, Bradea Cattleya ×adrienne (Rolfe) Van den Berg, 2: 22. 1975. comb. nov. Parentage: Cattleya caulescens × Basionym: Laelia ×adrienne Rolfe, Orchid. Cattleya longipes Rev. 16: 31.1908. Parentage: Cattleya pumila × Cattleya ×cattleyioides (A.Rich) Van den Cattleya jongheana Berg, comb. nov. Basionym: Laelia ×cattleyioides A. Rich., Cattleya ×albanensis (Rolfe) Van den Berg, Hort. Universel 5: 206. 1843. comb. nov. Parentage: Cattleya loddigesii × Cattleya Basionym: ×Laeliocattleya ×albanensis lundii Rolfe, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 14: 584. 1893. Cattleya silvana Pabst, Bradea 2(12): 68. Cattleya ×cipoensis (Pabst) Van den Berg, 1976. comb. nov. Parentage: Cattleya grandis × Cattleya Basionym: Laelia ×cipoensis Pabst, Bradea warneri 2: 14. 1975. Parentage: Cattleya ghillanyi × Cattleya Cattleya ×amanda (Rchb.f.) Van den Berg, rupestris comb. nov. Basionym: Laelia ×amanda Rchb.f., Gard. Cattleya ×cristinae (F.E.LMiranda & Chron. , n.s., 18: 776. 1882. K.G.Lacerda) Van den berg, comb. nov. Parentage: Cattleya lobata × Cattleya Basionym: Hoffmannseggella ×cristinae intermedia F.E.L.Miranda & K.G.Lacerda, Orchids 72: 853. 2003. Cattleya ×binotii (Cogn.) Van den Berg, Parentage: Cattleya briegeri × Cattleya comb. nov. rupestris Basionym: ×Laeliocattleya binotii Cogn., Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 28: 370. 1900. Cattleya ×cypheri (Rolfe) Van den Berg, Parentage: Cattleya pumila × Cattleya comb. nov. bicolor Basionym: ×Laeliocattleya ×cypheri Rolfe, Orchid Rev. 5: 313. 1897. Cattleya ×britoi (K.G.Lacerda & V.P. Castro) Parentage: Cattleya purpurata × Cattleya Van den Berg, comb. nov. forbesii Basionym: Hoffmannseggella ×britoi K.G. Lacerda & V.P.Castro, Richardiana 5(1): 20. Cattleya ×ericoi (V.P.Castro) Van den Berg, 2005. comb. nov. Parentage: Cattleya rupestris × Cattleya Basionym: ×Hadrocattleya ×ericoi V.P. mirandae Castro, Richardiana 9(1): 31. 2008. Parentage: Cattleya warneri × Cattleya Cattleya ×caetensis (Pabst) Van den Berg, praestans comb. nov. Basionym: Laelia ×caetensis Pabst, Bradea 2: 50. 1975. Cattleya ×feldmanniana (F.E.L.Miranda & Parentage: Cattleya crispata × Cattleya K.G.Lacerda) Van den Berg, comb. nov. rupestris Basionym: Hoffmannseggella ×feldmaniana 14 VAN DEN BERG - NEW COMBINATIONS IN CATTLEYA. II F.E.L.Miranda & K.G.Lacerda, Orchids 72: Cattleya ×lilacina (F.A.Philbrick ex H.J. 854. 2003. Veitch) Van den Berg, comb. nov. Parentage: Cattleya pabstii × Cattleya Basionym: Laelia ×lilacina Philbrick ex endsfeldzii H.J.Veitch, Man. Orch. Pl. 2: 89. 1887 Parentage: Cattleya crispa × Cattleya Cattleya ×gehrard-santosii (Pabst) Van den perrini Berg, comb. nov. Basionym: Laelia ×gehrard-santosii Pabst, Cattleya ×mucugensis (F.E.L.Miranda) Van Bradea 2: 16. 1975. den Berg, comb. nov. Parentage: Cattleya harpophylla × Basionym: Laelia ×mucugensis F.E.L. Cattleya neokautskyi Miranda, Bradea 6: 159. 1993. Parentage: Cattleya luetzelburgii × Cattleya ×gottoiana (Rolfe) Van den Berg, Cattleya pfisteri comb. nov. Basionym: ×Laeliocattleya gottoiana Rolfe, Cattleya ×neocalimaniana Van den Berg, Gard. Chron., ser. 3, 18: 467. 1895. nom. nov. Parentage: Cattleya tenebrosa × Cattleya Basionym: ×Hadrocattleya ×calimaniana warneri V.P. Castro & K.G.Lacerda, Richardiana 5(2): 98. 2005. Cattleya ×heitoriana (Campacci) Van den Parentage: Cattleya grandis × Cattleya Berg, comb. nov. amethystoglossa Basionym: Hoffmannseggella ×heitoriana Campacci, Colet. Orquid. Bras. 5: 162. 2007. Cattleya ×neocalimaniorum Van den Berg, Parentage: Cattleya itambana × Cattleya nom. nov. ghillanyi Basionym: Hadrolaelia ×calimaniorum K.G. Lacerda & V.P.Castro, Richardiana 5(4): Cattleya ×itabiritensis (K.G.Lacerda) Van 198. 2005. den Berg, comb. nov. Parentage: Cattleya praestans × Cattleya Basionym: Hoffmannseggella ×itabiritensis xanthina K.G.Lacerda, Richardiana 6(2): 63. 2006. Parentage: Cattleya fournieri × Cattleya Cattleya ×neoreginae Van den Berg, nom. caulescens nov. Basionym: ×Laeliocattleya ×reginae Pabst, Cattleya ×jetibaensis (V.P.Castro & G.F. Bradea 2: 280. 1978. Carr) Van den Berg, comb. nov. Parentage: Cattleya sincorana × Cattleya Basionym: ×Hadrodungsia ×jetibaensis elongata V.P.Castro & G.F.Carr, Richardiana 8(4): 194. 2008. Cattleya ×neoschilleriana Van den Berg, Parentage: Cattleya harpophylla × nom. nov. Cattleya wittigiana Basionym: Laelia ×schilleriana Rchb.f., Allg. Gartenz. 23: 323. 1855. Cattleya ×lambari (Pabst) Van den Berg, Parentage: Cattleya purpurata × comb. nov. Cattleya intermedia Basionym: ×Laeliocattleya ×lambari Pabst, Bradea 2(4): 14. 1975. Cattleya ×occhioniana (Brade) Van den Berg, Parentage: Cattleya crispata × Cattleya comb. nov. loddigesii Basionym: ×Laeliocattleya ×occhioniana 15 VAN DEN BERG - NEW COMBINATIONS IN CATTLEYA. II Brade, Orquídea 6: 133. 1944. Cattleya ×zaslawskiana (Chiron & V.P. Parentage: Cattleya perrinii × Cattleya Castro) Van den Berg, comb. nov. harrisoniana Basionym: Hoffmannseggella ×zaslawskiana Chiron & V.P.Castro, Richardiana 5(2): 63. Cattleya ×porphyritis (Rchb.f.) Van den 2005. Berg, comb. nov. Parentage: Cattleya briegeri × Cattleya Basionym: Laelia ×porphyritis Rchb.f., rupestris Gard. Chron., n.s., 25: 72. 1886. Parentage: Cattleya pumila × Cattleya Cattleya ×zaslawskii (L.C.Men.) Van den dormaniana Berg, comb. nov. Basionym: Laelia ×zaslawskii L.C.Men., Cattleya ×raganii (F.E.L.Miranda & Orchidee (Hamburg) 47: 259. 1996. K.G.Lacerda) Van den Berg, comb. nov. Parentage: Cattleya praestans × Cattleya Basionym: Hoffmannseggella ×raganii F.E.L. harpophylla Miranda & K.G.Lacerda, Orchids 72(11): 856. 2003. ×Catyclia×intermedia (F.E.L.Miranda) Van den Parentage: Cattleya rupestris × Cattleya Berg, comb. nov. bradei Basionym: ×Encylaelia ×intermedia F.E.L. Miranda, Albertoa 3: 94. 1991. Cattleya ×rigbyana (Pabst) Van den Berg, Parentage: Encyclia seidelii × Cattleya comb. nov. rupestris Basionym: ×Laeliocattleya ×rigbyana Pabst, Orchid. Rev. 83: 212. 1975. ×Laeliocattleya ×calimaniana (L.C.Menezes) Parentage: Cattleya pumila × Cattleya Van den Berg, comb. nov. schilleriana Basionym: ×Schombocattleya ×calimaniana L.C.Men., Orquidário 16: 60. 2002. Cattleya ×sgarbii (Ruschi) Van den Berg, Parentage: Laelia gloriosa × Cattleya comb. nov. guttata Basionym: ×Laeliocattleya ×sgarbii Ruschi, Orquídea(Brasil) 12: 48. 1950. ×Laeliocattleya ×menezesiana Van den Berg, Parentage: Cattleya pumila × Cattleya comb. nov. warneri Basionym: ×Schombocattleya ×felix L.C. Menezes, Bol. CAOB 34: 128. 1998. Cattleya ×verelii (Rolfe) Van den Berg, Parentage: Laelia gloriosa × Cattleya comb. nov. walkeriana Basionym: ×Laeliocattleya ×verelii Rolfe, Orchid Rev. 7: 340. 1899. ×Laeliocattleya ×micheliniana (Campacci) Van Parentage: Cattleya lobata × Cattleya den Berg, comb. nov. forbesii Basionym:
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