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contents VOL. 48, NO. 12 Consider the Source 5 CHARLES E. BRADFORD International Journal of the Seventh-day Adventist Ministry Guilded Praise 8 GENEVIEVE C. BOTHE Editorial Director: Presenting the Case for Creation 9 LEONARD BRAND N. R. Dower Editor: Why Continuing Education? 12 JOHN W. OSBORN J. R. Spangler Executive Editors: "She Is My Bookmaker" 14 ROBERT W. OLSON O. M. Berg Leo R. Van Dolson The Message of "the Messenger" 16 LEO R. VAN DOLSON Health Editor: J. Wayne McFarland, M.D. Enlisting in the Armed Forces 19 CLARK SMITH Associate Editors: E. E. Cleveland R. Dedere©n Nazareth Attested in Caesarea H. Habenicht, M.D. M. G. Hardinge, M.D. Fragments 21 JAMES J. c. cox A. E. Schmidt Editorial Assistant: Handles 23 PAUL H. ELDRIDGE Marta Hilliard Editorial Secretary: Peace on Earth? 24 PATRICK A. TRAVIS Hazel Bowen Designer: Behavioral Change in Health G. W. Busch Education 26 ELLA MAY STONEBURNER Nutrition Research and Menu 30 LYDIA SONNENBERG Printed monthly for the Min Planning isterial Association of Seventh- day Adventists by the Review and Herald Publishing Asso Revelation Seminars 32 MICHAEL D. FELLOWS ciation, 6856 Eastern Avenue NW., Washington, D.C. 20012, U.S.A. $8.95 a year; 75c a copy. The Diet, the Day, the Prophet 34 WALTER R. L. SCRAGG Price may vary where national currencies are different. For each subscription to go to a foreign country or Canada, add 75c postage. THE MINISTRY 21 Biblical Archeology 48 News Briefs is a member of the Associated Church Press and is indexed in the Seventh-day Adventist 38 By His Side 40 Recommended Reading Periodical Index. Second-class postage paid at Washington, D.C. Editorial office: 6840 3 Editorials 9 Science and Religion Eastern Avenue NW., Washing ton, D.C. 20012. Unsolicited manuscripts are 4 Feedback 37 Sermon Spice Shelf welcome, but will be accepted without remuneration and will be returned only if accompanied 41 Index 29 Spotlight on Health by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. 2/The Ministry/December, 1975 "ALL THINGS come of thee, and of us present our bodies a living sacrifice, thine own have we given thee" (1 editorials holy, acceptable unto God, which is Chron. 29:14). Not only is this a beau our reasonable service. With undivided tiful sentiment but it is true. "Every heart and loyalty let us support every good gift and every perfect gift is from World effort that is designed by the Lord to above, and cometh down from the Steward break the hold of selfishness upon our Father of lights, with whom is no vari lives and the lives of our dear people. ableness, neither shadow of turning" ship Day In giving all to Christ we are giving (James 1:17). only that which is rightfully His any It is essential that we come to the way. If we are in truth the temple of place where we give not only lip service God and if the Spirit of God dwells in but heart service to this philosophy. us, then we will be quick to recognize The church today needs all of its re our accountability to Him, and gladly, sources, human and otherwise, as it willingly, turn over our all to Him. attempts to reach the peoples of the Let us give a demonstration both to the world with the last message of love and church and to the world that it really mercy. Every talent, every ability, is "more blessed to give than to re needs to be turned over to the Lord for ceive" (Acts 20:35). We have the His use and glory. Our time, our promise that God will do the work if energy, our special gifts, are to be we will furnish Him the instruments. used to honor God and to bring blessing Let us on this World Stewardship Day to our fellow men. furnish Him instruments that are We therefore appeal to all of our min completely dedicated to Him, so that isters everywhere to recognize our He may use us to finish speedily His stewardship of time, talent, and means. work in all the world and thus hasten By precept and example let us conse the return of our blessed Lord. crate all to the work of the Lord. Let N. R. D. THE FUNDAMENTAL doctrines of Scrip Grace "Holiness," of course, is always the ture that guard against Satan©s de holiness of the Lord. And "righteous lusive last-day deceptions, including for ness," of course, is His righteousness, the standards that make the true Chris Obedience not ours. Both are ours only through tian different from the worldling, are faith in Christ. It was of this complete set forth in our Church Manual and experience that Paul wrote in Gala- appear on the certificates given to new tians 2:20. He claimed, "I am crucified converts at the time of their baptism. with Christ." That is, his old carnal na These are all founded on Scripture. ture was slain. There was only one Added emphasis given to them through place for it, and that was at the foot of the counsels of the Spirit of Prophecy the cross. This was not a case of "once is designed to help keep the remnant slain, always slain." Paul had to die church on the right path to the king daily. dom. This initial death to sin and the old Rather than minimizing these affir nature is the experience of repentance mations by a limited "grace alone" and conversion. This is justification by theology that seeks only the grace of faith. And it is by grace, through faith. forgiveness, these doctrines of truth But Paul doesn©t stop with the cruci and principles of Christian conduct fixion and burial of his past sins. He need a new emphasis that includes the continued, "Nevertheless I live." This grace of obedience. To present only is the new life, the spiritual life. He the former, and in such way as to mini has become "a new creature" in Christ mize or even detract from the latter, is Jesus. Notice that this is "in Christ." a great injustice. It misleads and con He explains: "Yet not I, but Christ liv- fuses. Thus presented it is not the eth in me." The good works that re everlasting gospel in its fullness. It is sulted from his conversion experience, not the full message that will "make repeated daily, were attributable only ready a people prepared for the Lord." to Christ, who now controlled his ac It is not a message that will protect and tions. exalt the high standards that are to How was this accomplished? He says: characterize the remnant, holy people. "And the life which I now live in the The Ministry/December, 1975/3 flesh I live by the faith of the Son of the divine warnings and reproofs, he God." His was indeed a life of faith. It recognizes how appropriate they are to was obedience by faith, a changed his own experience. He sees the need life by faith. To the Ephesians he wrote, for a new conversion, for a reforma "That Christ may dwell in your hearts tion in the life on this point and that. by faith" (Eph. 3:17). He recognizes more fully the impor Check-list Christians? Never! Dis tance of the clear statements of doc regard God©s rules that help us to un trine and Christian standards that derstand God©s will for our lives? have been set forth to distinguish the Never! It is, in fact, most appropriate remnant as a peculiar and holy peo that we check our relationship with ple. He discovers how easily one, God©s will daily to make sure that we though sincere, may slip into a state of are not slipping away from His coun carelessness by looking only to a past sels. experience. He sees anew the need of When the Temple was being reno pressing on in a life of obedience, of vated in the days of Josiah the book of searching to understand more fully the the law was found. Upon reading it the will of God, of seeking that complete king was shocked to discover how far conformity to His divine image. He they had wandered from its teachings. realizes he can never reach these ideals So the Laodicean Adventist may feel on his own, but he claims by faith the that everything is going along quite enabling power of Christ, which can well with himself until he takes the accomplish for him that which he can Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy books never accomplish for himself. down from the shelf. As he reads again o. M. B. "Playing With Fire!" reminder that we as a church really believe feedback that the work of the wife and mother is the Elder Robert H. Pierson©s article "Playing most important work on earth, underlying With Fire!" in the May, 1975, MINISTRY every other. raises again the problem of Adventist min DR. DRUSILLA HERTOGS isters and their wives and families. St. Albans, England The suggestion in the middle column of page 11 is that the minister©s wife should be Wedding Rings with him when he counsels women. This is almost a "counsel of perfection" unless his Like Brother Barr, I also have for some wife is at home full time. Can our ministerial time followed the somewhat emotion-laden couples achieve this ideal situation? correspondence re wedding rings. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is We might do well to reali2e that our de now committed to the principle of equal pay nomination is a world movement and cus for equal work by men or women.