Revival and Reformation-1
May 2, 1968 Vol. 145 No. 18 - REVIEW AND HERALD • GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS The MATCHLE HRIST •A HYING -aside His, royal 4 robe tid . kingly, ,crow , lx Christ 'aothed His, di vinity with humanity, that. human' beings might be 4 raked from their degrada-'. tion,,-4-14 placed on vanta e. ound,'Christ could no , / have come to this 'ear kith the glory:that He ha in the heavenly courts. Sinful human beingi could . not have borne the 81 t ti • , 4 4. He veiled His:divinity with . theg4rb of, lintrignity,but t. t He dill. not part with His 1 divinity. A divine-bum. Saviour, He came to ,staid • i at the head of the fallen ,... 4 44 race, to share in their ex- perience from childhood to , manhood. That human beings might be partakers of the divine nature, came to 'this earth, and lived a life of perfect o e- dience."--ELLEN G. 1'. WHITE, Review and H • .. aid, June ipo 05 1959 BY THE REVIEW AND HERALD NARRY A DERSON, ARTIST - Revival and Reformation-1 ANY years ago, back in 1902 in fact, the servant of the M Lord wrote: "A revival and a reformation must take place, under the ministration of the Holy Spirit." —Selected Messages, book 1, p. 128. The need for such an experience among us today is most evident. We ee41/• are living on the borders of the eter- nal world. Everything about us tells that the coming of the Lord is very near. But are we ready for that event? This prospect of the Lord's return should grip our souls in such a way that we will not be satisfied until in REVIVAL practical daily experience we know revival and we know reformation.
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