Table of contents

Foreword CAROLINE KANTER p. ' 9 Preface and acknowledgments ANDREA DE PETRIS,THOMAS POGUNTKE " II

PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS IN ITALY AND GERMANY: RESULTS AND IMPLICATIONS The Five-Star Movement: A catch-all anti-party party FABIO BORDIGNON AND LUIGI CECCARINI " 17 1. The 5-Star rise " 18 2. The conquest of the local dimension " 21 3. The invasion of the national territory " 23 4. The socio-demographic profile " 27 5. The political profile " 30 6. A late decision and a choice against " 32 7. Less and less different " 34 8. The 5-Star vote: in search of a model " 36 9. Conclusion " 43 Anti-Party Voting in Germany: the Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the INA BIEBER, SIGRID ROSSTEUTSCHER, PHILIPP SCHERER " 5 I i. Introduction " 51 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS

2. Conceptual background " 53 3. Data and Methods " 57 4. Results " 59

THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF PARTY SYSTEMS COMPARED Is it all about money? The Legal Framework of Party Competition in Italy ANDREA DE PETRIS " 79 Introduction " 79 1. Political Parties in the Italian Constitution " 80 2. Political parties in the Italian secondary legislation " 82 3. Regulation of political parties' public funding in Italy until 2013 " 84 4. The new regulation of political parties'funding " 97 5. Parties funding and internal democracy " 102 Conclusions: Did the reform miss the target? " 104 The Legal Framework of Party Competition in Germany MARTIN MORLOK " 11 3 1. Introduction " 113 2. Election Law " 113 3. Political Financing " 116 4. Party Organization Law " 119 5. Summary " 120

PROGRAMS, STRATEGIES AND GOALS OF ANTI-PARTY PARTIES Programs, Strategies and Electoral Campaigns of the Five Stars Movement in Italy. A brand new Party Model or an "Anti-Party" State of Mind? ANDREA DE PETRIS " 125 Introduction " 125 7

1. A personified (and maybe blogified) party " 126 2. A "Non-Association" with a "Non-Statute" " 127 3. The "certified lists" " 132 4. Party program " 135 5. Further political matters " 140 Conclusions " 141 The Election Campaigns of German Anti-Party Parties - Pirates, Free Voters and the Alternative for Germany CARSTEN KOSCHMIEDER AND OSKAR NIEDERMAYER " 149 1. Introduction " 149 2. The Pirate Party " 150 3. The FREE VOTERS " 154 4. The Alternative for Germany " 156

ORGANIZATION, CANDIDATE SELECTION AND INTRA-PARTY DEMOCRACY OF ANTI-PARTY PARTIES How to Select Citizen Candidates: The Movimento 5 Stelle Online Primaries and their Implications LORENZO MOSCA, CRISTIAN VACCARI, AND AUGUSTO VALERIANI " 165 Introduction " 165 The rules of the game " 170 The outcomes of the online primaries " 174 Candidates' presence and popularity on social media...176 MsS's elected representatives compared to other parties'" 181 An assessment of online primaries for the European elections of May 2014 " 182 Conclusions " 185 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Internal Democracy and Candidate Selection The Free Voters, the Alternative for Germany and the Pirate Party CARSTEN KOSCHMIEDER 193 1. Introduction " 193 2. The framework " 193 3. The Free Voters " 195 4. The Alternative for Germany " 195 5. The Pirate Party " 199

ANTI-PARTY SENTIMENT AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE PARTY SYSTEM The Italian Party System and the Anti-Party Challenge FILIPPO TRONCONI " 213 1. The 1948 party system: cleavages, subcultural identities and stability " 213 2. The breakdown of the "First republic" and the party system of the "Second Republic" " 219 3. The last anti-party challenge - so far. The party system of 2013 and the Movimento 5 Stelle " 224 The German Party System after the 2013 Elections: An Island of Stability in a European Sea of Change? THOMAS POGUNTKE " 235 1. Introduction " 235 2. Landslide Elections in Europe " 236 3. (Right-wing)Populism and Eurocepticism " 240 4. The German Party System: Still Solid as a Rock? " 242 5. No German Sonderweg " 247

ROUND TABLE Anti-Party Parties and their impact on Italian and German Politics: Transient or Permanent? " 257 Abstracts " 279 Contributors " 285