Plutarch's Lives

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Plutarch's Lives 1 i 1 i 1 i i i i i UTARCH'S LIVES i i VII i i i I DEMOSTHENES AND CICERO i El i 1 ALEXANDER AND CAESAR i 1 i i I i I i I !'. i 1 1- I 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I Translated bv I 1 1 BERNADOTTE PERRIN I I I 1 1 1 Complete list of loeb titles can be \ found at the end of each volume V PLUTARCH (Plutarchus, c. A.D. 45- 120, was born at Chaeronea in Boeotia in central Greece, studied philosophy at Athens, and, after coming to Rome as a teacher in philosophy, was given consular rank by the emperor Trajan and a procura- torship in Greece by Hadrian. iMarried and father of one daughter and four sons, he appears as a man of kindly character and independent thought. Studious and learned, he wrote on many subjects. Most popular have always been the 46 Parallel to be ethical Lives, biographies planned in each one Greek examples pairs (in pair person and one similar Roman), though the last four lives are single. All are in- valuable sources of our knowledge of the lives and characters of Greek and Roman statesmen or soldiers or orators. Plutarch's many other varied extant works, about 60 in number, are known as 'Moral or are of Essays' 'Moral Works'. They besides ol high literary value, being groat use to people interested in philosophy, ethics and religion. \\ 92/7 NY PUBLIC LIB 3 333C THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY FOUNDED BY JAMES LOEB, LL.D. EDITED BY E. H. WARMINGTON, M.A., F.R.HIST.SOC. FORMER EDITORS f-T. E. PAGE, C.H., LITT.D. fE. CAPPS, PH.D., LL.D. fW. H. D. ROUSE, LITT.D. L. A. POST, L.H.D. PLUTARCH'S LIVES VII 99 PLUTARCH'S LIVES WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY BERNADOTTE PERRIN IN ELEVEN VOLUMES VII DEMOSTHENES AND CICERO ALEXANDER AND CAESAR fffS|2fm JTv CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD MCMLXVII First printed 1919 Reprinted 192S, 1949, 19JS, 1967 Printed in Great Britain CONTENTS PAOK PREFATORY NOTE vi ORDER OF THE PARALLEL LIVES IN THIS EDITION . viii TRADITIONAL ORDER OF THE PARALLEL LIVES ix DEMOSTHENES . 1 CICERO 81 COMPARISON OF DEMOSTHENES AND CICKRO 211 ALEXANDER 223 CAESAR 441 DICTIONARY OF PROPER NAMES 611 PREFATORY NOTE As in the preceding volumes of this series, agree- ment between the Sintenis (Teubner, 1873-1875) and Bekker (Tauchnitz, 18551857) editions of the Parallel Lives has been taken as the basis for the text. Any preference of one to the other, and any important departure from both, have been indicated. An abridged account of the manuscripts of Plutarch may be found in the Introduction to the first volume. None of the Lives presented in this volume are con- tained in the two oldest and most authoritative the Codex s manuscripts Sangermanensis (S ) and the Codex Seitenstettensis (S), or in the excellent Paris manuscript No. 1676 (F*). Their text there- fore rests principally on the Paris manuscripts Nos. 1671, 1673, and 1674 (ACD), although in a few- instances weight has been given to readings from the Codex Matritensis (M*), on the authority of the collations of Charles Graux and his editions of the Demosthenes and Cicero. No attempt has been made, naturally, to furnish either a diplomatic text or a vi PREFATORY NOTE full critical apparatus. For these, the reader must be referred to the major edition of Sintenis (Leipzig, 1839-1846, 4 voll., 8vo), or to the rather inaccessible text of the Lives by Lindskog and Ziegler, in the Teubner Library of Greek and Latin texts (Vol. III., Fasc. I. was published in 1915). In the present edition, the reading which follows the colon in the brief critical notes is that of the Teubner Sintenis, and also, unless otherwise stated in the note, of the Tauchnitz Bekker. All the standard translations of the Lives have been carefully compared and utilized, including those of the Cicero and Caesar by Professor Long. And more or less use has been made of the follow- ing works : Graux, Vie de Demosthcne, and Vie de Ciceron, Paris, 1883 and 1882; Holden, Plutarch's Demosthenes, Cambridge, Pitt Press Series, 1893; Gudeman, Sources of Plutarch's Cicero, Philadelphia, 1902; Sihler, Cicero of Arpinum, New Haven, 1914, and Annals of Caesar, New York, 1911. B. PERR1N. NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT, U.S.A. November, 1918. vn ORDER OF THE PARALLEL LIVES IN THIS EDITION IN THE CHRONOLOGICAL SEQUENCE OF THE GREEK LIVES. VOLUME I. VOLUME VI. (22) Dion and Brutus. (1) Theseus and Romulus. Comparison. Comparison. (7) Timoleon and Aemilius (2) Lycurgus and Numa. Paulus. Comparison. (3) Solon and Publicola. Comparison. Comparison. VOLUME VII. (20) Demosthenes and Cicero. VOLUME II. Comparison. (4) Themistocles and (17) Alexander and Julius Camillus. Caesar. the (9) Aristides and Cato VOLUME VIII. Elder. (15) Sertorius and Eumenes. Comparison. Comparison. (13) Cimon and Lucullus. (18) Phocion and Cato the Comparison. Younger. * VOLUME III. VOLUME IX. and Fabius Max- (5) Pericles Demetrius and imus. (21) Antony. Comparison. Comparison. (11) Pyrrhus and Cains Marius. (14) Nicias and Crassus. Comparison. VOLUME X. IV. VOLUME (19) Agis and Cleomenes, and Tiberius and Caius (6) Alcibiades and Coriola- nus. Gracchus. Comparison. Comparison. and Flam- (12) Lysander and Sulla. (10) Philopoemen ininus. Comparison. Comparison. VOLUME V. VOLUME XI. Aratus. (16) Agesilaiis and Pompey. (24) Comparison. (23) Artaxerxes. Galba. (8) Pelopidas and Marcellus. (25) Comparison. (26) Otho. vm THE TRADITIONAL ORDER OF TtiE PARALLEL LIVES. (1) Theseus and Romulus. (2) Lycurgus and Numa. (3) Solon and Publicola. (4) Themistocles and Camillas. (5) Pericles and Fabius Maximus. (6) Alcibiades and Coriolanus. (7) Timoleon and Aemilius Paul us. (8) Pelopidas and Marcellus. (9) Aristides and Cato the Elder. (10) Philopoeinen and Flamininus. (11) Pyrrhus and Caius Marius. (12) Lysander and Sulla. (13) Cimon and Lucullus. (14) Nicias and Crassus. (15) Sertorius and Eumenes. (16) Agesilaiis and Pompey. (17) Alexander and Julius Caesar. (18) Phocion and Cato the Younger. (19) Agis and Cleoinenes, and Tiberius and Caius Gracchus. (20) Demosthenes and Cicero. (21) Demetrius and Antony. (22) Dion and Brutus. ..* (23) Artaxerxes. (24) Aratus. (25) Galba. (26) Oulio. DEMOSTHENES AHMO26ENH2 I. 'O [lev ypd-^ras TO eVl TTJ vLxr) T?}? 'OXf/t- Paris / r r> / A -\ /o ' '' Edition, madiv JTTTroopo/ua? et? A\,Kipi,aor]v eyKwuiov, a . 16-24, j>. err' TZvpiTTi&rjs, a>? 6 TTO\V<; /cparel \6yos, eW^ 846 " l irpwTOV vTrdp^ai TCLV TTO\IV evBoKi^LOV^ eyco 5e TO) /zei' v$aifjLOvr]O'iv\\ovTi Tr]V d\rj6u>riv v&ai/jLOVLai>, 7^5 eV ?)^et /cal &ia6ecrei TO 7T\l<TTov eaTLV, ovbev $ia<f)epeiv rjyovjjiai d$ol~ov KOL TaTrei- real Z'T)? iraTpiSos r) fMrjTpo^ afjiopfyov fJUKpas ye- 2 vecrfiat. <ye\olov yap el' rt? OLOITO TTJV 'lov\iSa, fj,epos jjiiKpov ovaav ov fjLeyd\y^ v/jaov TTJ? Ke'a), /cat Tr]V Aiytvav, r^v T&V 'ArriKwv &)? \rjfJLrjv afyaipzlv TOV TIetpaiw KCLI 8' fji,v ciyaOovs Tpe(f)iv Trofc^Ta?, avopa OVK av 7TOT6 bvvaaOai Si/caiov Kal avrdp/cr) teal vovv 3 e^ovTa Kal jJLya\o^rv^ov rrpoeveyKeiv. TO,? yap (TTI iKo^ 7T/)o? epyaalav 77 So^av ev Tat? aSo^ot? Kal Tavrei^at? TTO- \eaiv drrop-apaivecrOai, Trjv S' dpert]v, wcrTrep icr^vpov Kal 8iapre? (frvrov, ev aTravrt p Ktti TO7TW, <j)V(T(t>S T %/3^O"T7}? (j)i\O7TOl'OV ' "/) > f / ofef ofo yjueis, et. TI TOV 1 1 a : rav Sintenia , and Graux with M DEMOSTHENES I. THE author of the encomium upon Alcibiades 1 for his victory in the chariot-race at Olympia, whether he was Euripides, as the prevailing report 2 has it, or some other, says, Sosius, that the first to a man's happiness is birth in "a famous requisite" but in for a man who would city ; my opinion, enjoy true happiness, which depends for the most part on character and disposition, it is no disad- vantage to belong to an obscure and mean city, any more than it is to be born of a mother who is of little stature and without beauty. For it were laughable to suppose that lulis, which is a little part of the small island of Ceos, and Aegina, which a certain Athenian was urgent to have removed as an eye-sore of the Piraeus/* should breed good 4 actors and poets, but should never be able to produce a man who is just, independent, wise, and magnanimous. The arts, indeed, since their object is to bring business or fame, naturally pine away like a in obscure and mean cities ; but virtue, strong and hardy plant, takes root in any place, if she finds there a generous nature and a spirit that shuns no labour. Wherefore we also, if we fail to live 1 See the Alcibiades, chapter xi. 2 One of Plutarch's Roman friends. See the note on 3 the Theseus, i. 1. See the Pericles, viii. 5. 4 The great poet Simonides was of Ceos, and the great actor Polus of Aegina. 3 PLUTARCHS LIVES fypovelv o>? Set KOI ftiovv eXXeiTro/jiev, TOVTO rfj TT}? Trarpi&os, aXX' avrols II. Tw yueyrofc (Tvi>Taj;iv vTro/36/3\r}/j,VM Kal icrropiav e ov irpo^elpwv ovo* oiKcLwv, aXXa ev erepois avviovaav avayvaxT/jidrwv, ra> OVTL %pr] Trpwrov V7rdp%6iv KOI yuaX/crTa TTJV TTO\LV ev- ^)OKLfJLOV KOl (j)l\6/Ca\Ol> KOI TToXvcivOpWTTOV, CO? /3i.ftX.Lcov re Travrobcnroyv aQovlav e^wv, KOL oaa rou? >ypd(f)ovTas Siafavyoi'Ta (Twrrfpia /j,vij/j,rjs 7ri(f)ava-T6pav et'X^^e IT'KJTIV {moKa^avwv d/coy Kal SiaTrvvdai'6/jievos, fjirj 7ro\\a)V 2 eVSee> d-rro&iBoir) TO pyov.
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