§ 578.53 32 CFR Ch. V (7–1–08 Edition)

DURING THE LIMITED EMERGENCY with either of the following expedi- PROCLAIMED BY THE PRESIDENT tions: ON SEPTEMBER 8, 1939 OR DURING (1) American Expeditionary Forces in THE UNLIMITED EMERGENCY PRO- European Russia between November 12, CLAIMED BY THE PRESIDENT ON 1918 and August 5, 1919. MAY 27, 1941’’ above a seven-leafed (2) American Expeditionary Forces spray of laurel. The foreign service Siberia between November 23, 1918 and clasp is a Bronze bar 1⁄8 inch in width April 1, 1920. and 11⁄2 inches in length with the words (b) Battle clasps, service clasps, and ‘‘FOREIGN SERVICE’’, with a star at service stars are authorized appur- each end of the inscription. The foreign tenances to be worn on the World War service clasp is placed on the suspen- I . (See § 578.61 for spe- sion ribbon of the medal. The ribbon is cific details.) 13⁄8 inches wide and consists of the fol- (c) Description. The medal is Bronze lowing stripes: 3⁄16 inch Golden Yellow and 13⁄8 inches in diameter. On the ob- 67104; 1⁄8 inch triparted Old Glory Blue verse is a winged Victory, standing full 67178; White 67101; and Scarlet 67111; length and full face. On the reverse is center 3⁄4 inch Golden Yellow; 1⁄8 inch the inscription ‘‘THE GREAT WAR triparted Scarlet; White; and Old Glory FOR CIVILIZATION’’ and the United Blue 67178; and 3⁄16 inch Golden Yellow. States shield with the letters ‘‘U.S.’’ surmounted by a fasces, and on either § 578.53 Army of Occupation of Ger- side the names of the allied and associ- many Medal. ated nations. The lapel button is a five- (a) Criteria. The Army of Occupation pointed star 5⁄8-inch in diameter on a of Germany Medal was established by wreath with the letters ‘‘U.S.’’ in the the act of November 21, 1941, (55 Stat. center. The medal is suspended by a 781). It is awarded for service in Ger- ring from a silk ribbon 13⁄8 inches in many or Austria-Hungary between No- width, representing two rainbows vember 12, 1918 and July 11, 1923. placed in juxtaposition and having the (b) Description. The medal is Bronze red in the middle. and 11⁄4 inches in diameter. On the ob- verse is a profile of General John J. § 578.55 Service medals and ribbons no Pershing, encircled by four stars indi- longer available for issue. cating his insignia of grade as Com- The medals listed below are no longer manding General of the Field Forces. issued by HQDA. They may be pur- In the lower left is the inscription chased if desired from civilian dealers ‘‘GENERAL JOHN J. PERSHING’’ and in military insignia and some Army ex- on the right is a laurel wreath super- changes. imposed by a sword with the dates (a) Civil War Campaign Medal. This ‘‘1918’’ and ‘‘1923’’ enclosed by the medal was established by WDGO 12, wreath. The reverse shows the Amer- 1907. It is awarded for service between ican eagle perched with outspread April 15, 1861 and April 9, 1865, or in wings standing on the Castle Texas between April 15, 1861 and Au- Ehrenbreitstein, encircled by the words gust 20, 1866. ‘‘U.S. ARMY OF OCCUPATION OF (b) Indian Campaign Medal. This GERMANY’’ and three stars at the bot- medal was established by WDGO 12, tom of the medal. The ribbon is 13⁄8 1907. It is awarded for service in a cam- inches in width consisting of the fol- paign against any tribes or in any lowing stripes: 1⁄16 inch Ultramarine areas listed below, during the indicated Blue 67118; 1⁄16 inch Scarlet 67111; 3⁄16 period. inch White 67101; 3⁄4 inch Black 67138 (c) Spanish Campaign Medal. This (center); 3⁄16 inch White; 1⁄16 inch Scar- medal was established by WDGO 5, 1905. let; 1⁄16 inch Ultramarine Blue. It is awarded for service ashore in, or on the high seas en route to, any of the § 578.54 World War I Victory Medal. following countries: (a) The World War I Victory Medal (1) Cuba between May 11 and July 17, was established by WDGO 48, 1919. The 1898. medal is awarded for service between (2) Puerto Rico between July 24 and April 6, 1917 and November 11, 1918 or August 13, 1898.


VerDate Aug<31>2005 12:10 Jul 30, 2008 Jkt 214125 PO 00000 Frm 00438 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\214125.XXX 214125 rfrederick on PROD1PC67 with CFR Department of the Army, DoD § 578.56

(3) Philippine Islands between June (2) Served beyond the date on which 30 and August 16, 1898. entitled to discharge. (d) Spanish War Service Medal. This (3) Ashore in the Philippine Islands medal was established by the act of between February 4, 1899 and July 4, July 9, 1918 (40 Stat. 873). It is awarded 1902. for service between April 20, 1898 and (i) China Campaign Medal. This medal April 11, 1899, to persons not eligible was established by WDGO 5, 1905. It is for the Spanish Campaign Medal. awarded for service ashore in China (e) Army of Cuban Occupation Medal. with the Peking Relief Expedition be- This medal was established by WDGO tween June 20, 1900 and May 27, 1901. 40, 1915. It is awarded for service in (j) Army of Cuban Pacification Medal. Cuba between July 18, 1898 and May 20, This medal was established by WDGO 1902. 96, 1909. It is awarded for service in (f) Army of Puerto Rican Occupation Cuba between October 6, 1906 and April Medal. This medal was established by 1, 1909. War Department Compilation of Or- (k) Mexican Service Medal. This medal ders, changes 15, February 4, 1919. It is was established by WDGO 155, 1917. It is awarded for service in Puerto Rico be- awarded for service in any of the fol- tween August 14 and December 10, 1898. lowing expeditions or engagements: (g) Philippine Campaign Medal. This (1) Vera Cruz Expedition in Mexico medal was established by WDGO 5, 1905. between April 24 and November 26, 1914. It is awarded for service in the Phil- (2) Punitive Expedition in Mexico be- ippine Islands under any of the fol- tween March 14, 1916 and February 7, lowing conditions: 1917. (1) Ashore between February 4, 1899 (3) Buena Vista, Mexico, December 1, and July 4, 1902. 1917. (2) Ashore in the Department of (4) San Bernardino Canon, Mexico, Mindanao between February 4, 1899 and December 26, 1917. December 31, 1904. (5) Le Grulla, Texas, January 8 and 9, (3) Against the Pulajanes on Leyte 1918. between July 20, 1906 and June 30, 1907, (6) Pilares, Mexico, March 28, 1918. or on Samar between August 2, 1904 and (7) Nogales, Arizona, November 1 to 5, June 30, 1907. 1915 or August 27, 1918. (4) With any of the following expedi- (8) El Paso, Texas, and Juarez, Mex- tions: ico, June 15 and 16, 1919. (i) Against Pala on Jolo between (9) Any action against hostile Mexi- April and May 1905. cans in which U.S. troops were killed (ii) Against Datu Ali on Mindanao in or wounded between April 12, 1911 and October 1905. February 7, 1917. (iii) Against hostile Moros on Mount (l) Mexican Border Service Medal. This Bud-Dajo, Jolo, March 1906. medal was established by the act of (iv) Against hostile Moros on Mount July 9, 1918 (40 Stat. 873). It was award- Bagsac, Jolo, between January and ed for service between May 9, 1916 and July, 1913. March 24, 1917, or with the Mexican (v) Against hostile Moros on Border Patrol between January 1, 1916 Mindanao or Jolo between 1910 and and April 6, 1917, to persons not eligible 1913. for the Mexican Service Medal. (5) In any action against hostile na- tives in which U.S. troops were killed § 578.56 United States Unit Awards. or wounded between February 4, 1899 (a) Intent. Awards are made to orga- and December 31, 1913. nizations when the heroism displayed (h) Philippine Congressional Medal. or meritorious service performed is a This medal was established by the act result of group effort. of June 29, 1906 (34 Stat. 621). It is (b) Announcement. All unit awards ap- awarded for service meeting all the fol- proved at HQDA will be announced in lowing conditions: HQ, DAGO. (1) Under a call of the President en- (c) Presentation. Unit awards will be tered the Army between April 21 and presented at an appropriate formal October 26, 1898. ceremony at the earliest practicable


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