7 bus time schedule & line map

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The 7 bus line (Swindon - Highworth) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Highworth: 5:00 AM - 11:35 PM (2) Swindon: 5:27 AM - 11:58 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 7 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 7 bus arriving.

Direction: Highworth 7 bus Time Schedule 24 stops Highworth Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 7:45 AM - 6:15 PM

Monday 5:00 AM - 11:35 PM Bus Station, Swindon Tuesday 5:00 AM - 11:35 PM Gladstone Street, Swindon 96 Manchester Road, Swindon Wednesday 5:00 AM - 11:35 PM

County Road Corner, Swindon Thursday 5:00 AM - 11:35 PM Friday 5:00 AM - 11:35 PM Tesco Superstore, Gorse Hill Saturday 5:20 AM - 11:35 PM Farriers Close, Gorse Hill Farriers Close, Swindon

Brsa Club, Gorse Hill Briar Fields, Swindon 7 bus Info Direction: Highworth Copse Avenue, Gorse Hill Stops: 24 Trip Duration: 27 min Marshgate, Greenbridge Line Summary: Bus Station, Swindon, Gladstone Street, Swindon, County Road Corner, Swindon, Greenbridge Retail Park, Greenbridge Tesco Superstore, Gorse Hill, Farriers Close, Gorse Stratton Road, Swindon Hill, Brsa Club, Gorse Hill, Copse Avenue, Gorse Hill, Marshgate, Greenbridge, Greenbridge Retail Park, New Inn, Lower Stratton Greenbridge, New Inn, Lower Stratton, Birchwood B4006, Swindon Road, Lower Stratton, Grange Drive Shops, Lower Stratton, Yiewsley Crescent, Lower Stratton, Jacobs Birchwood Road, Lower Stratton Ladder, Lower Stratton, The Crown, Lower Stratton, Grange Drive, Swindon Rat Trap, Lower Stratton, Honda, Lower Stratton, Park, Sth Marston Ind Est, Viscount Grange Drive Shops, Lower Stratton Way, Sth Marston Ind Est, Lancaster Place, Sth Marston Ind Est, Exel, Sth Marston Ind Est, Redlands, Yiewsley Crescent, Lower Stratton Redlands Close, Redlands, Swindon Street, Highworth Grange Drive, Swindon

Jacobs Ladder, Lower Stratton Ermin Street, Swindon

The Crown, Lower Stratton School Close, Swindon

Rat Trap, Lower Stratton Highworth Road, Swindon

Honda, Lower Stratton Highworth Road, Stratton St. Margaret

South Marston Park, Sth Marston Ind Est

Viscount Way, Sth Marston Ind Est

Lancaster Place, Sth Marston Ind Est Stirling Road, South Marston Civil Parish

Exel, Sth Marston Ind Est Stirling Road, Stanton Fitzwarren Civil Parish


Redlands Close, Redlands Redlands Close, Highworth

Swindon Street, Highworth The Elms, Highworth Direction: Swindon 7 bus Time Schedule 39 stops Swindon Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday 8:12 AM - 6:42 PM

Monday 5:27 AM - 11:58 PM Swindon Street, Highworth The Elms, Highworth Tuesday 5:27 AM - 11:58 PM

Stapleton Close, Highworth Wednesday 5:27 AM - 11:58 PM

Station Road, Highworth Thursday 5:27 AM - 11:58 PM Friday 5:27 AM - 11:58 PM Home Farm, Highworth Saturday 5:47 AM - 11:58 PM Islay Crescent, Highworth

Folly Crescent, Highworth Grove Hill, Highworth 7 bus Info Westrop, Highworth Direction: Swindon Stops: 39 Hareseld Roundabout, Highworth Trip Duration: 38 min Line Summary: Swindon Street, Highworth, Sevenelds, Highworth Stapleton Close, Highworth, Station Road, Highworth, Home Farm, Highworth, Islay Crescent, Highworth, Folly Crescent, Highworth, Westrop, Edencroft, Highworth Highworth, Hareseld Roundabout, Highworth, Sevenelds, Highworth, Edencroft, Highworth, Wessex Way, Highworth Wessex Way, Highworth, Priory Green, Highworth, The Willows, Highworth, Brewery Street, Highworth, Priory Green, Highworth Brewery Street, Highworth, Redlands Close, Redlands, Redlands, Exel, Sth Marston Ind Est, The Willows, Highworth Lancaster Place, Sth Marston Ind Est, Viscount Way, Sth Marston Ind Est, South Marston Park, Sth Brewery Street, Highworth Marston Ind Est, South Marston Park, Sth Marston Ind Est, Honda, Lower Stratton, Rat Trap, Lower Brewery Street, Highworth Stratton, The Crown, Lower Stratton, Jacobs Ladder, Hammond Close, Highworth Lower Stratton, Yiewsley Crescent, Lower Stratton, Grange Drive Shops, Lower Stratton, Birchwood Redlands Close, Redlands Road, Lower Stratton, New Inn, Lower Stratton, Redlands Close, Highworth Greenbridge Retail Park, Greenbridge, Marshgate, Greenbridge, Copse Avenue, Gorse Hill, Brsa Club, Redlands Gorse Hill, Farriers Close, Gorse Hill, Tesco Superstore, Gorse Hill, County Road Corner, Swindon, Exel, Sth Marston Ind Est Gladstone Street, Swindon, Bus Station, Swindon Stirling Road, Stanton Fitzwarren Civil Parish

Lancaster Place, Sth Marston Ind Est

Viscount Way, Sth Marston Ind Est

South Marston Park, Sth Marston Ind Est

South Marston Park, Sth Marston Ind Est Highworth Road, Stanton Fitzwarren Civil Parish

Honda, Lower Stratton Highworth Road, Stratton St. Margaret Civil Parish Rat Trap, Lower Stratton Highworth Road, Swindon

The Crown, Lower Stratton 101 Ermin Street, Swindon

Jacobs Ladder, Lower Stratton Ermin Street, Swindon

Yiewsley Crescent, Lower Stratton Grange Drive, Swindon

Grange Drive Shops, Lower Stratton

Birchwood Road, Lower Stratton

New Inn, Lower Stratton B4006, Swindon

Greenbridge Retail Park, Greenbridge Stratton Road, Swindon

Marshgate, Greenbridge

Copse Avenue, Gorse Hill

Brsa Club, Gorse Hill Shrivenham Road, Swindon

Farriers Close, Gorse Hill Farriers Close, Swindon

Tesco Superstore, Gorse Hill

County Road Corner, Swindon

Gladstone Street, Swindon 120 Manchester Road, Swindon

Bus Station, Swindon Carfax Close, Swindon 7 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in South West. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved