영국의 통일운동의 역사 History of the Unification Movement in the 1965-2014 Left: Doris Orme preaching at London’s Speakers Corner, 1971. Right: Group of early members at the Peter Pan statue near the London Holy Ground, 1971.

1970-71 Missionaries sent out and first print-works set up The 1970’s was a time of reaching out to peo- In October, 1970 the 777 couple Blessing was ple in the UK and beyond. The missionaries held in Seoul with Alec Herzer, Dennis Perrin, were sent out, first June Darby went to pioneer June Darby and Barbara Cottle participating Jordan, Carl Redmond to Australia, George from the UK. Carlo Zaccarelli later came from Robertson to Cyprus, Jeremy Jordan to Hong Italy to join his wife Barbara. Among those who Kong and Lester Chilman to Egypt. Carol Bart- joined in this time were Richard Barlow, Brian holomew first went to Malta and later to Trin- and Marjorie Hill and Kevin and Terry Brabazon. idad. Patricia Hardman was sent to Italy to be In 1971, Patricia and June went to Edinburgh the centre mother first in Rome and then Milan. to pioneer Scotland but Patricia was soon re- Robert Duffy returned to work in Canada. called. Barbara Zaccarelli and Dawn Golding In February, 1970 a daughter, Young Oon was left for Dublin to pioneer Ireland, where later born to Dennis and Doris Orme. Later in 1970, Terry Brabazon developed the foundation dur- Rowlane Farmhouse near Reading was rented ing 1972. During 1971 rallies for Victory over and became the National Headquarters until Communism were held in Trafalgar Square in 1975. A print-works was established there under London, featuring large paintings depicting the the direction of Ian Alexander, and later for many threat of Communism. years by Tony Dixon, during which time a large The ‘Little Angels’ folk dancing troupe from Heidelberg printing press was installed in one South Korea arrived in the UK, performing of the barns. It was there that the first publica- firstly in Bournemouth and again on November tions for the Movement were printed and Dennis 15, 1971 at the Royal London Palladium, where Orme’s passionate vision to spread the Word be- Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth attended. The gan to be realized. Printing was carried on there Queen met Col Bo Hi Pak and the Little Angels until 1979 when a new print-works was bought behind the scenes after the performance. Many in Mansfield and run by Tony Dixon. Also Dor- British newspapers printed articles about how ney Cottage near Eton was rented and Dennis these little girls from Korea had inspired hun- Bottom: Group of early and Doris Orme lived there with another five dreds of people. members preaching in members. Lively Sunday services were held there London’s Trafalgar Square with Doris Orme, 1971. underpinned by Carl Redmond’s piano playing. 1972 True Parents’ third visit By the time of the third visit, a foundation was The discussion was on the topic of marriage, beginning to grow in the UK and preparations but although True Father appeared on screen he were well in hand for a series of public talks that was not called upon to contribute. He comment- True Father planned to deliver in London. ed on returning to Rowlane that he was shocked by the liberal and irresponsible attitude to mar- True Parents arrived on March 16, 1972 and riage shown by many of those who did speak. went straight to Rowlane Farmhouse that then “I heard the most incredible things, particu- served as the church’s headquarters. He invited larly from the young speakers, and one person the members gathered to ask questions free- proclaimed that we must abolish the marriage ly and dealt with many queries about the fall system altogether and introduce a new word of man. Another central topic was the need to instead, the definition being that many men restore one nation, and the threat posed to the should possess one woman. On the other hand, free world by communism. He spoke of Britain’s many young men claimed that there shouldn’t role, “This country, the United Kingdom, can- be any set formula, and that men and women not even maintain her own nation - she has to should be free to do as they want”. fight to do this. Through subversive activities the Communists are trying to destroy this na- In his sermon on Sunday, March 19, True tion....you must be confident in expelling Com- Father spoke for several hours with the mem- munists from your nation...we should not have bers. He spoke clearly about the role of Britain any fear for our life”. He then listened to reports as the original Eve nation in the providence of from Dennis Orme about the activities of com- God. He explained that because of the failure munism in Britain, and especially through the of Christianity right after World War II, Britain Left:True Father delivering his speech in the Friends’ Meeting IRA in Northern Ireland. could not stand in the original position of Eve. House with Dr Bo Hi Pak Nevertheless, she was to be commended for On the evening of March 18, True Father, Mrs. translating, 1972. standing firm against Soviet Russia and should Won Pok Choi and Dennis and Doris Orme sat Right: The poster announcing always work together with America, which in the audience of the popular television pro- True Parents’ public speeches stood in the position of a son. at the Friends’ Meeting House gramme, the David Frost show. in Euston Road, London, 1972.

660 영국의 통일운동의 역사 History of the Unification Movement in the United Kingdom On March 20 – 22, True Father delivered A spiritual lady, who attended the speeches, three public speeches in the Friends’ (Quak- told our member Alec Herzer that George Fox, ers) Meeting House in London’s Euston Road who founded the Quaker movement and died to more than 300 people over the three nights. in 1691, had spoken to her saying “When I was In these speeches, entitled “One God – One in my earthly life, I hated the sound of church World”, “Ideal World for God and Man” and bells, but I wish all the church bells in London “The New Messiah and you”, True Father out- would ring tonight to announce this man. If you lined God’s plan of restoration. “This is the most could see his light, you could not look upon it and blessed moment in history” he said, “The new you would take off your shoes”. universal world religion will consummate God’s will upon the earth by installing True Parents”. Dennis Orme reported that the speeches, which had been widely advertised in the media and on public transport, had been a great success.

Middle: True Mother and Mrs Won Pok Choi at the Holy Ground in London Kensington Gardens, 1972. Bottom: Some of the UK’s earliest members with True Parents, including June Darby, (fifth from the right) the first national leader, 1972

영국의 통일운동의 역사 History of the Unification Movement in the United Kingdom 661 1972 Expanding to twelve cities During his visit, at a meeting in Rowlane by Dennis Orme, showing the outlines of Ko- Top: Samson brothers’ Farmhouse, True Father directed that mission- rea and Britain connected by forked lightning mobile team touring the UK aries be sent out to twelve more cities namely: issuing out of the hand of God, with the Biblical Glasgow, Newcastle, Hull, Manchester, Liver- quotation in very large letters “For as the light- pool, Birmingham, Cardiff, Plymouth, Bristol, ning flashes and lights up the sky from one side Bournemouth, Cambridge and Sheffield. True to the other, so will the Son of Man be in His Father gave each pioneer £20 and directed them day” (Luke 17:24). all to find a disciple within the next 40 days. He On the back of the lorry was painted a Brit- further asked that a mobile team be established. ish grenadier charging into battle carrying a flag He also donated over £5,700 towards the pur- with the Unification symbol and the inscription chase of a new London centre. Commenting “You are now following God’s light infantry”, on the urgency of the time, he said, “The main which prompted a Newcastle man to remark. “It’s reason for my visit to this country this time is to not the light infantry we need, but the heavy ar- reap all the fruit you have borne so far, and I am tillery”. Most of the early male members, served going to give it to your people (your own Chris- on the up to fifteen-strong Samson Team, trav- tian people) so that they deserve your blessing elling the length and breadth of the British Isles through your hard work - your sweat and your and Ireland. Carl Redmond was the first Sam- blood - and in this way they can be saved.” He son team leader but was soon replaced by David urged the members to “march forward to save Blair, who became Samson’s heart and soul. your country”. In January, 1973 True Parents asked for 120 True Parents left for Germany on March 23 European members to go to the United States to and the members immediately began a forty-day help with preparations for True Father’s speak- campaign to implement all the directions. ing tour. Of these, thirty were sent from Britain. From this request came the inspiration to set Several of these British members remained in up the ‘Samson’ team. An aged pantechnicon the United States and became state-leaders and a furniture lorry was purchased for £300. Edward few subsequently became world missionaries in Stacey, a carpenter by trade, equipped it with Zambia, Tanzania, Trinidad and Australia. Mar- two decks, Carlo Zaccarelli and Alec Herzer jorie Hill was sent to Cardiff in autumn 1973 to painted on both sides a bold design, designed give impetus to the church in South Wales.

662 영국의 통일운동의 역사 History of the Unification Movement in the United Kingdom 1972-77 Activities develop Top: The Samson Team Following True Parents’ visit, the UK Move- A business was established selling Il Hwa gin- witnessing in 1973. ment expanded rapidly and several business seng from South Korea and many healthy living Bottom-Right: A group of and economic activities were started. In 1972, seminars were held around the country togeth- brothers taking part in one of fundraising began in earnest. The Rowlane er with demonstrations in health food stores. the round-London Indemnity walks. print-works was kept very busy. ‘Korea’s Great Cartographer Crafts was also established, print- Bottom-Left: The ‘One Revival Comes to Town’ became a highly suc- ing and selling parchment notepaper with dif- World’ and ‘New Tomorrow’ cessful fundraising tool for the Samson team. ferent designs taken from engravings, such as Magazines, launched in 1976 The ‘Rising Tide’ weekly newspaper, edited by Old and Old Scotland as well as cards and 1977 respectively. Michael Marshall, was published and printed designed by Jan Parker. These were printed and from 1973 to 1976 for the purpose of outreach. packed at Rowlane print-works. Both Il Hwa The content was political, literary and spiritual ginseng and Cartographer Crafts stationery in nature with humorous cartoons from Jan were on sale in leading UK stores. The business Parker. In 1976 the ‘One World’ bi-weekly mag- manager was Edward Hartley. azine, designed by Christopher V. Davies, be- Music played a strong part in the witnessing gan production and hundreds of thousands of efforts. Christopher V. Davies composed many copies were sold all over the country over the memorable songs. Doris Orme, a trained opera following ten years. In August, 1977 the ‘New singer, formed a group of members who were Tomorrow’, a monthly colour magazine, was known as ‘The Unified Family Singers’ who per- started. This was edited first by Michael Mar- formed on many occasions throughout the UK. shall and later by David Fraser Harris and Mike Breen. Over 40,000 copies were sold in Novem- The ‘indemnity walk’ became an annual oc- ber and December alone and the magazine was currence. A group of members would com- warmly received throughout the UK. plete an arduous course around London’s north and south circular roads. They would begin at Candle making was also initiated mainly in 10:00pm and return home about 3:00pm the Dunbar. Flowers and pot plants were bought next day. During the walk members would pray at wholesale markets. The sales of these helped for the success of the UK outreach activities. to build an economic foundation in the UK. 1974 True Parents’ fourth visit When True Parents visited the UK from comment at all on the Watergate Affair. In- Top Left & Right: Febru­ary 2 - 4, 1974, they called for a European stead he exhorted the audience to practice the True Father blessing the Holy Ground on the farm three day conference. Approximately 300 mem- “winning strategy” of true love. Late in the af- at Stanton Fitzwarren, near bers from 29 countries came to Rowlane Farm- ternoon, after the members returned from the , UK, February house and were accommodated in large tents set rally in London, True Father thanked them for 1974. up in the gardens around the house. True Father their efforts and explained that he wanted to Bottom: European Leaders at spoke for many hours in a large tent which was share a “general rundown” of his “Strategy for the Rowlane Farm house. set up parallel to the old stables which housed Spreading the Gospel around the World.” the print-works. True Father, having just come In this speech, he spoke again of the threat of from a meeting with US President Richard Nix- communism and the importance of establishing on in Washington, called for all the members one nation for God. To do that, he said, members at this meeting to march through London in a must be trained to “experience the worst kind of “Forgive, Love, Unite” parade to express sup- sorrow” if they were to comfort the disappointed port for Nixon, who was in the middle of the and disillusioned peoples of the world. “We will Watergate scandal. The next day members in become a totally selfless organization,” he said London were mobilized for a prayerful demon- “mobilized for one great purpose...moving to stration in support of the American President one nation to save that nation.” outside the American Embassy. Finally - barely 48 hours after arriving in the True Father gave three speeches during his UK, True Parents left with the words “I trust visit. In both his first untitled speech the first you, I love you, and know that you will never night and the second the following morning, let God down.” “The Necessity of Religious Life,” he did not

664 영국의 통일운동의 역사 History of the Unification Movement in the United Kingdom Top: Cleeve House, It was during this visit that True Parents Virginia Woolf’s sister, was purchased in May, purchased in 1974. This large created the Holy Ground on South Farm at 1974 in order to be a private Primary School. country house in serverd as workshop venue Stanton Fitzwarren, near Swindon. The farm When it opened to the public in September 1975, for nearly 40 years. together with 16 cottages, 2 other farm houses children from the village attended together with Bottom-Left: Henry and Avril and 500 acres of farm land had been donated members’ children, Barbara Zaccarelli being Masters who donated the to the Movement by Henry and Avril Masters the head teacher. The school was closed in 1983 “Farm” to the Movement 1973. in 1973. The Holy Ground was made up of oak and a nursery set up for Blessed children. Lat- Bottom:Right: New Hope saplings, the first of which True Father planted er it served as a workshop venue for nearly four Singer performing at the and at a later date Dennis Orme planted more decades. True Father visited Cleeve House in Chelsea Town Hall in 1974. to form the shape of a cross, symbolising the 1978 while the Go World Brass Band was there Christian foun­dation in the UK. for practice. Recently it has become a venue for weddings and conferences as well as retreats and Parallel to the men’s mobile Samson Team, also offers bed and breakfast overnight facilities the ‘Martha Team’ led by Avril Masters was for guests looking for a quiet place to stay. formed, consisting of five women. A male member drove the mobile home during the day The ‘New Life Show’, composed of brothers and slept at night in a smaller vehicle close by, and sisters from around Europe, performed to so he could protect the women if necessary. The a large and appreciative audience at the Chelsea team travelled from town to town, distributing Town Hall and other venues around the coun- leaflets during the day and booking halls and try, including Dunbar in Scotland, where the giving lectures in the evening. ‘Manor House’ was purchased in the autumn 1978 as a training centre for Scotland. The show Cleeve House, a large country house in Seend, later toured through many European countries. Wilts­hire, which had belonged to W.H.Bell, whose son Clive married Vanessa, the writer

영국의 통일운동의 역사 History of the Unification Movement in the United Kingdom 665 1974 True Parents’ fifth visit – Third ICUS Conference The British Movement was happy and hon- of the Second Advent...is an unlikely mentor Left: True Father at the third oured to welcome our True Parents again from for such a gathering. His...business and polit- ICUS conference, delivering his address and talking about November 20 – 26, 1974. Their main purpose ical activities have drawn praise from former the importance of the Unity for coming was to attend the Third Interna- President Richard Nixon but concern from the of Sciences tional Conference on the Unity of the Sciences, British Attorney General.” Several of the aca- Right: True Father with which was held in London in the Royal Lan- demics due to attend the conference withdrew Dennis Orme, welcoming caster Hotel, just a few hundred yards from the upon learning of the “Moon connection,” but VIPs at the reception. Holy Ground in Kensington Gardens. the great majority stood firm. In his address True Father said: “In the past, Directly after the ICUS Conference, True Fa- development of science and technology has been ther met with the leaders and members who aimed mainly at the conquest and exploitation had been working for the event at the move- of nature. Today, this very science compels us to ment’s headquarters, a small house in Wemb- set up a new ethical standard … which can bring ley on the outskirts of London which stood in about an ideal world of harmonious co-existence striking contrast to the luxuries of the Royal among all the creatures on the earth.” Lancaster Hotel. He commented in particu- lar on the favorable impression that the young The ICUS was an astounding success, large- members had made on the scientists, “The ly organised in the UK by Brian Wijeratne. It prominent and distinguished scientists attend- was attended by 128 scholars from 27 coun- ing were most impressed by our young peo- tries, including 18 Nobel Laureates. More No- ple...I expected good results, and I was deeply bel Laureates attended than at any time before gratified by their comments about you.” True or since. Among the observers were Professor Father expressed his thanks to the leaders of the R.V. Jones, the well-known physicist, the neu- movement by giving them money to buy suits rophysiologist Sir John Eccles, Professor Ken- and dresses, which they were invited to show neth Mellanby CBE and many other renowned in turn to True Parents. He then told them that scientists and prominent persons. Many Unifi- the relationship between a church leader and a cationists served as staff in different capacities. member was like that between Abel and Cain. The conference was chaired by the former A leader had to work harder than his or her vice-chancellor of Cambridge University, Lord members and win their hearts, not simply give Adrian. He was warm in his praise of the found- orders based on position. er’s initiative, and in his Opening Address he During their visit, True Parents resided at promised that “we will try our best to find out the Wembley centre, where they conducted the whatever answers are possible.” The New Hope Marriage Blessing of Dr Kae Hwan Kim and News reported on December 23, 1974, “Science Soon-Ja Hwang, two Korean members who Conference a Success” and noted that partici- were working in Germany at that time. The pants “carefully considered” their responsibility following day True Parents left for the United to create the “world of higher dimension.” States to complete the eight-city tour. However, it was not all plain sailing. In the In February 1975, British members travelled weeks before the ICUS conference, controver- to Korea to take part in the 1,800 couples Bless- sy surrounding Rev. Moon’s support of Rich- ing. They were Christopher V. Davies, Richard ard Nixon had emerged in the British press. Barlow, Hazel Ifill, Robin Kuhl, Kevin Braba- The Times wrote, “The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, zon, Nicola Barlow and John Relph. known variously as the Messiah or the Lord