RESEARCH ARTICLE High Trypanosoma spp. diversity is maintained by bats and triatomines in EspõÂrito Santo state, Brazil Maria Augusta Dario1, Cristiane Varella Lisboa1, Luciana M. Costa2, Ricardo Moratelli3, Monique Pereira Nascimento4, Leonora Pires Costa4, Yuri Luiz Reis Leite4, Martin S. Llewellyn5, Samanta Cristina das Chagas Xavier1, Andre Luiz Rodrigues Roque1, Ana Maria Jansen1* a1111111111 1 LaboratoÂrio de Biologia de TripanosomatõÂdeos, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, FundacËão Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, 2 LaboratoÂrio de Ecologia de MamõÂferos, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio a1111111111 de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, 3 Fiocruz Mata AtlaÃntica, FundacËão Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro/RJ, Brazil, a1111111111 4 Departamento de Ciências BioloÂgicas, Centro de Ciências Humanas e Naturais, Universidade Federal do a1111111111 EspõÂrito Santo, VitoÂria/ES, Brazil, 5 Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, a1111111111 University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom *
[email protected] OPEN ACCESS Abstract Citation: Dario MA, Lisboa CV, Costa LM, Moratelli R, Nascimento MP, Costa LP, et al. (2017) High The aim of this study was to reevaluate the ecology of an area in the Atlantic Forest, south- Trypanosoma spp. diversity is maintained by bats east Brazil, where Chagas disease (CD) has been found to occur. In a previous study, imme- and triatomines in EspõÂrito Santo state, Brazil. PLoS diately after the occurrence of a CD case, we did not observe any sylvatic small mammals or ONE 12(11): e0188412. dogs with Trypanosoma cruzi cruzi infections, but Triatoma vitticeps presented high T. c. journal.pone.0188412 cruzi infection rates. In this study, we investigated bats together with non-volant mammals, Editor: Aldo Solari, Universidad de Chile, CHILE dogs, and triatomines to explore other possible T.