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February 2010 40p ws Rosemary and John’s Celebration of Ministry. With readings from 1 Cor 13, Luke 4:14-22a awaiting the church’s call. She already What a wonderful occasion! Rosemary had a wonderful ministry through Young and John have always found ways to cel- Wives, MU, and her work with playgroups ebrate all that is good in the church, and and through St Johns as a member, today we come to celebrate and give church warden and deacon. But the thanks for them. It is always special to be opportunities of ordination, and then back here it is now 25 years since I first stipendiary ministry, opened up the preached in this pulpit as a new curate at possibilities for Rosemary’s gifts to be St Andrews. (Just to make some of the St more fully utilised. Her ministry as vicar of Andrews stalwarts feel your age!), alt- Ninefields in the Waltham Abbey Team, hough it is a few more years since Rose- seeing through huge changes in the mary was here as a young girl, at least church school there, and then a return to 30, maybe even 40! her childhood church of St Andrews, to be vicar where her dad had been curate to I have known Rosemary and John for 17 Sam Erskine. What a great joy that has years of shared ministry and friendship, been. I was delighted to be able to since I went to be vicar of St John’s, Sev- commend Rosemary as Area Dean of en Kings. Redbridge to follow on our connection of Rosemary was there as deacon, and I ministries, and to see her installed as a shared in her great joy as we talked Canon of Chelmsford Cathedral. In all the- through and prepared for her ordination se Rosemary has brought her qualities of as priest in 1994. Historic moments, and a being a people person, warm, open and privilege to share in them. The recognition approachable, in a way that transcended of women’s gifting and call to ordained divisions of church tradition and outlook. ministry was a momentous time. Affirming and caring, with her wonderful St Andrew’s Church Parish Magazine & Interregnum Ne Interregnum & Magazine ChurchParish St Andrew’s Rosemary was one of the most gifted smile putting people at ease, Rosemary Page 2 ST ANDREW’S CHURCH PARISH MAGAZINE & INTERREGNUM NEWS (Continued from page 1) enced a clarity grows as to what is most im- portant of all. So many things seem important when you are younger, but we hone in on the things that are essential, that really matter, that has been an enabler of so many, encouraging last forever. The first of these is love. Love is many others into their own ministries, both or- the greatest thing in all the world. St John tells dained and lay, female and male. She could do us that ‘ God is love ’. St Paul tells us that love is this because she was willing to let others do eternal, and growing in love is a sign of our ministry, not threatened by those who saw maturing in Christ. Much else of our lives dies things differently, not afraid to take a back seat with us, but love lasts forever, our love goes so that others could flourish. St Andrews has with us into glory. I have seen love in Rose- seen the abundant fruits of her ministry. We mary and John’s lives in so many ways. The could each add so much more, and I’m sure we gracious hospitality, the non-judgmental atti- will have that opportunity at the party later on. tudes, the warm welcomes, looking for the When I arrived in Seven Kings John was organ- positives in every situation, seeing the best in ist and choir leader, with his gentle laid back, others. Perhaps most of all we see love when and irreverent, sense of humour. John was we are hurting. I remember the loving way always an encouragement to me and to many. Rosemary coped with those who turned their It was a joy to see John’s increasing sense of backs on her after the vote to ordain women, call towards ordination, his growing confidence seeking only to understand the pain that they in his gifts of communication and sensitivity in felt, as she, and many other women, had pastoral care. known that pain themselves for so many years. John has always seen Christian ministry as The love John has shown to so many families lived out in every area of his life, particularly whose children were in Gt Ormond St, resulting through his work. John’s dedication to his work in John becoming an honorary family member, in helping disadvantaged young people find one who shared their pain and was there for work and careers was recognised with the them. All of us here have shared in the love of award of an MBE. John brought this same Christ with Rosemary and John, and experi- attitude to his call to ordination, serving as MSE enced God’s love through their lives, and we (Minister in secular employment), and then in know God’s love will go with them as they chaplaincy work, especially at the YMCA and move on. Great Ormond St Hospital. Many people have The reading from Luke is Jesus’ manifesto, set found themselves surprised that John was out in Nazareth at the beginning of his ministry. ordained! Not because his behaviour was un- It is the gospel, the Good News that Jesus becoming! Rather because John was so came to bring. Jesus sets out his mission as to normal, unstuffy, and down to earth! ( Which bring good news to the poor, freedom to cap- doesn’t say much for the impression many tives and the oppressed, sight to the blind, to people have of ‘vicars’! ) John has always been proclaim God’s salvation. These illustrate that able to get alongside others in a gentle, caring another way of thinking of love is to become way, using his great wisdom in such a humble like Jesus . Again it is St John who says that our fashion. destiny and calling is to become like him . Jesus Rosemary and John are both very special peo- Christ is fully in heaven, fully human and fully ple to all of us here, and we will miss them in divine, and as we are conformed more and the Barking Episcopal area. But our loss is more to his likeness then we also will be fully someone else’s gain, and we know that minis- eternal. I guess that all of us are here today try simply changes yet again in retirement. It because we have seen something of Christ in certainly does not come to an end, but moves Rosemary and John. Those listening skills that house and home! Many in Exeter will come to help set us free, that concern for the poor, the value and benefit from the gifts and energy that new life in Christ that many have found through Rosemary and John will bring to the area, and their ministries, the light and love of Christ seen as we give thanks to God for them, we pray in their lives. God’s richest blessing on them as they move So, love, and becoming like Jesus, are the on. goals of all our lives. Together, we can grow in these day by day, and we thank Rosemary and John for reminding us of these things today. The two readings Rosemary and John have To finish, John used to have a couple of Celtic chosen are interesting ones, as I think they friends, called Ebb and Flo, I am not sure how illustrate what they have discovered in life and well he has kept in touch with them over the ministry, that as you get older and more experi- (Continued on page 3) ST ANDREW’S CHURCH PARISH MAGAZINE & INTERREGNUM NEWS Page 3 (Continued from page 2) God bless you both, and thank you. years, but they sent this message for John and Rosemary, borrowing words from old Bill Shakespeare: Gordon Tarry ‘There is a tide in the affairs of men (and wom- en), Preached at Rosemary and John’s Service of Celebration of their ministry on Saturday 16th Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; January 2010. Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures .’ Life will still be an adventure, and I am sure that you will ride the currents of retirement, amidst all that relaxing that you have planned. Whether it will lead to ‘fortune’, I do not know, but it will surely lead to love. Page 4 ST ANDREW’S CHURCH PARISH MAGAZINE & INTERREGNUM NEWS ST ANDREW’S FAMINE FUND UPDATE As announced in our morning service on Sunday 24th January, Ben Isaac, after many years conscientious service is resigning from the position of treasurer. Unfortunately, his resignation coincides with Ben’s sustaining a very serious injury in the icy weather just before Christmas. At the time of writing this report, he is still confined to bed and is receiving treatment at the Stoke Mandeville Hospital which specialises in spinal injuries. We are praying that Ben will soon recover the full use of his limbs and will be able to rejoin us again at St Andrew’s. Roger Norwood, despite being heavily involved in other church duties, has volunteered to act as our new STAFF Treasurer.