

by The MysteriesGyspy of theEntertainment





Written by: Dark Soul Gypsy The Secret Mysteries of Tarot

I thought I would start off with the Minor Arcana these are things we have influence over on a day to day basis. The word arcana means “secret mysteries” and “minor” is a lesser degree of sorts. SoCopy In this chapter, we are exploring the meanings of Lesser Secret Mysteries of the Tarot.

To simplify your readings lets briefly discuss the importance of the numbers in the Minor Arcana Suits. Right Aces: An Ace will always be an indicator that this is the beginning of some sort. In the case of the Ace of Wands, we are taking the first step toward an action that will require action.

Two’s: Two’s are a balanceby or a need of said balance

Three’s: Growth and expansionGyspy of learned lessons

Four’s: A stable balance, a security, order, and an alliance

Five’s: A true need for change Entertainment

Six’s: A relief after strife and struggle (these cards can also indicate travel depending on the suit that is present)

Seven’s: An evolution of the creative process.

Eight’s: The boundaries, situational limitations, and actions to take to see the fruition of labor and desire. dba Nine’s: Making connections

Ten’s: Completing the cycle Dark

This concludes the numbered suits. The next phase of the suits is the face cards. Just like a normal playing deck there resides, King, Queen, and (or Jack), howeverSoul in tarot we have Pages as well.

Page’s: A messenger card or a card to represent a child either male or female. Gypsy

Knight's or Jack’s: An action taken or a young male

Queen’s: A female or someone with highly feminine attributes. Feminine qualities of a situation such as intuition, creativity, and growth.

Kings: A man generally older and wiser than the Knight this card can also represent a very masculine female as well. A stable force. Now we will move onto the suits of the tarot starting with Wands, move to Cups, next Pentacles and finally Swords. The reason I have chosen to interpret the suits in this fashion is strictly to assist with the correlation of the appearance of each suit. The Suit of Wands

Wands are energy and deal with all aspects of energy and the flow of it. Copy This suit also will represent those who are born under the Fire Signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Wands canRight also be referred to as the following names but are not limited to them, Clubs (this is the common symbol when using playing cards in divination), Rods, Staves, Spears, Baton, Scepter, Caduceus, Twigs, and Flames in some Asian decks this suit is represented by the Tortoise because the Tortoise symbolizes protection and strengthens energy.

Wands also describe bya particular appearance of someone. These people are usually blonde or have light hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. Mostly these people have straight hair. It will be up to you to know your cards andGyspy go by your own intuition as to whether or not the card is speaking of a person or an energy or action.

Let’s begin with the interpretations. Also, take note that we are starting with the beginnings and working our way through the suit throughEntertainment the natural progression of the lessons learned in each card. (Pay close attention to the symbolism on your deck, they are there for a reason I will let you explore that on your own for now and will more than likely follow up on the symbolism of tarot in another book).

Ace of Wands: Exciting new possibilities. A new job, or career change, a fresh start, the first step towards a manifestation.

Revered: Cultivate Patience, rushing or being impulsive coulddba cause the things you want to be delayed. Focus and pace yourself. There are no short cuts to success.

Two of Wands: Pay attention to details and always use tact. Keep yourDark perseverance up and you will be rewarded.

Reversed: Ask questions, get clarification before taking another step. Don’tSoul allow yourself to be intimidated especially if you are cultivating a manifestation. If you haven’t planned out your map to success and don’t put sufficient effort into planning you will not succeed. Gypsy : Be ready to act and be open to additional resources. This is a fortunate cycle for you at the moment and could mean a promotion due to the hard work you have put the energy into.

Reversed: Collect your thoughts, being scattered in your energy will only create chaos and you will only be walking into pipe dreams. Create a solid foundation to proceed.

Four of Wands: Reaping the reward of your efforts but this is not the final step. Be ready for the next step, and feel the peace of mind that you are making it happen. Reversed: Make sure you don’t overlook those who have assisted you and appreciate their contributions. It’s ok to let yourself been vulnerable. Let those around you know how you are feeling. Share your thoughts.

Five of Wands: Be decisive and make the decisions to follow through. Give this time your all. Make this happen.

Reversed:Copy Reflection of the steps you have taken to reach this point is critical. You should feel a force of harmony knowing that you are at a good place and efforts are vigorously feeding your vitality.

Six of Wands:Right Communication in your relationships will improve but you must put forth the effort to do so. Continue to pursue your goals you will be successful.

Reversed: Don’t panic. Just re-evaluate the situation and be willing to re-invent yourself (no matter how many timesby you have done so). Get rid of unnecessary tension and animosity it will only create havoc and destruction. Do not run from your problems, you cannot escape yourself. Gyspy : Stay focused and continue to put one step in front of the other. Even though you can feel energy putting pressure on you, you need to do what you need to do in order to get things done. Do not get too relaxed at this moment it’s a critical time for you. Things are about to change completely. Entertainment Reversed: You are so much stronger than you see yourself. Believe in yourself no more than anything. Do not be indecisive and above all do not be intimidated.

Eight of Wands: Be prepared to travel. Lines of communication must remain open especially activity relating to work or business. Acknowledgment of efforts is at hand.

Reversed: There is a need to set time aside to do some meditation and think things out calmly and clearly. Be cautious of emotional outbursts that could causedba more friction and upheaval in your surroundings.

Nine of Wands: Contemplate your upcoming venture it may be just Darkwhat you are looking for and the added leverage you need. The path you are on is about to expand. Maintain control no matter how confident you feel in your plans. Soul Reversed: The foundation is weak and you need to analyze the weak spots of your plan. There is further research needed before neglect sets in.

Ten of Wands: You have taken on way too much and need to lighten your load of responsibilityGypsy it’s causing too much stress on your system. Set what your priorities are and have the comfort you are on the brink of true success.

Reversed: Stop! You are neglecting or misusing your gifts and abilities. Start again. Being Selfish. Look inside yourself and understand what you are throwing away if you continue to continue in this fashion.

This concludes the numbers of the suit of Wands. : You will be given interesting news, Keep lines of communication open this could be to your advantage. This news could be some sort of letter or a phone call.

Reversed: You have the feeling you are being ignored and you are not very happy with how things are being handled. Decide what your next step should be according to the attitude around you.

Knight of Wands: A start or a conclusion of a phase of life that has been actively interesting regardingCopy the home or business. Actions that create change can motivate new possibilities into play. A young man ready to act.

Reversed: Turn the page already. Stop being indecisive and allowing emotional frustrations to interfere withRight the life you are trying to create. Quit living in the past. A young man who acts before thinking.

Queen of Wands: Be open to negotiations, be practical and leave no stone unturned. Peacemaker. You will catch more beesby with honey.

Reversed: Holding a grudgeGyspy because of past emotional experiences. This will hinder your point of view and make things harder for you to grow. Difficulty letting things go.

King of Wands: Solid business-minded individual. A future business meeting will need to be carefully reviewed make sure you areEntertainment happy with the pending outcome.

Reversed: This time rely on your feelings. If you are not happy it’s pointless to continue. If something doesn’t feel right then withdraw, it’s ok to protect yourself.

The Suit of Cups

The suit of Cups deals with emotions, love and some family relations.

This suit can also be referred to but not limited to the followingdba names; Hearts (this is the common symbol when using playing cards in divination), Chalices, Stein, Vessel, Goblet, Grail and in some Asian decks Cups are referred to as Phoenix which is the symbol of yin and yang the feminine and masculine aspects. Dark

The suit of Cups also refers to all waters signs such as Cancer, Scorpio, and Pieces. Soul The Physical attributes of this suit have red, auburn or brown hair with reddish undertones, eyes are usually green or hazel and the only suit that indicates curly wavy hair. As well as fair complexion. Gypsy

Ace of Cups: Possible new relationship, Old constraints are falling by the waist side and you can initiate new ideas. Expect good things for you and your family to come.

Reversed: Let go of grudges that are holding you back. You are unable to grow holding onto that baggage. Mind your own business rather than being too pre-occupied by those around you. Change your outlook on things and let it go.

Two of Cups: Surprises are on the way. The meeting of two souls with a special connection. Joyful quickening. Reversed: Make the first move or things may not go the way you envisioned it. If you allow contention and discord to go unchecked the more difficult it will be to make amends and clear the air.

Three of Cups: Good things are happening, Celebrations, joy

Reversed:Copy Allow yourself to heal. Self-pity does not look good on you and it’s definitely not the answer to any solution. You don’t have time for it. Don’t lose control and try not to overindulge.

Four of Cups: No time to procrastinate, life wants you to participate. Look at all the new choices you have Rightin front of you.

Reversed: Your life path is changing and there is plenty of activity supporting it. Keep up your persistence and life will reward you. by Five of Cups: Possible regrets isolate you from the things that matter in finding a solution. In need of an attitude adjustment. DecideGyspy what direction you want to take and follow through. Reversed: Time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and roll on. This difficult time is ending now would be a good time to figure out what you want to do. Entertainment : Expect things to be different from the normal pattern. There is a stirring of emotions that are building up. This card can indicate travel by water or fleeing from emotions.

Reversed: Be on guard as to what yet not happened. There are far better prospects out there for you. Life is testing you on all levels.

Seven of Cups: Keep reality in check. Know that one situation can improve another and it’s time for action. A rather pleasant turn of events are occurring. dba Reversed: Take a good look around, recognize that all your trials have been worth it and this should be the time you see it clearly. You need to give yourself some credit where credit is due. Dark : Meditate and unlock your inner thoughts. Your soul is stirring to explore life and its hidden facets. Ready to rock. Soul Reversed: Changing just because you want to change may not be the answer. Before you go any further make sure your plans are solid.

Nine of Cups: This card is also known as the “Wish Card” depending on the rest of theGypsy cards in the reading, this card should indicate the seeker will get their wish. This card is a fortunate card and is good luck.

Reversed: The seeker will not get their wish. No matter how you look at it, something is blocking you from success. It’s time to draw up another battle plan and take it from a different angle.

Ten of Cups: Life is good and there is much to look forward to. This is a very good phase of life and you are content. Reversed: Feeling a loss, depressed state of mind. Interactions with others may be negative at the moment. Possible break down of communication and a loss of a loved one.

This concludes the numbers of the suit of Cups.

Page of Cups: A message of love or affection. An unexpected change of plans. Be ready to set things in motion. Reversed:Copy Don’t get caught unprepared. Soon you will be on the go again. : Definition: There is a karmic bond between you and someone. Make sure you explain things in detail. You will overcome an emotional challenge. Right Reversed: Don’t sign anything until you have someone else take another look at the contract. Make sure you get the whole story and get informed.

Queen of Cups: A mother,by absorbing both sides of the story. Sensitivity and fairness. Someone who will seek out . Gyspy Reversed: Deception only creates chaos and havoc. Unyielding and unwilling to bend. The lack of empathy is implied. Giving an unwanted opinion.

King of Cups: Be ready to act accordingly.Entertainment Trustworthy and intuitive. Be direct. Listen carefully, it’s important.

Reversed: Keep your opinion to yourself and disagreements only fuel the situation even further. If you continue you could actually jeopardize your position. The Suit of Pentacles

The Suit of Pentacles is connected with all things earthly and materialism. However, the Pentacles are also connected to family matters as well as the Suit of Cups.dba

The Suit of Pentacles are assigned to the earth elements of the zodiac such as Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Dark

Also Pentacles can be known as Coins, Disks, Diamonds (this is the common symbol when using playing cards in divination) and in some Asian tarot decks the Pentacles areSoul symbolized by the Dragon because the Dragon have control over earthly elements).

Ace of Pentacles: Definition: Important information is on its way to you. There is a newGypsy driving force that is motivating you. Possible new business adventure or career change.

Reversed: Exercise caution, it may be better that you do an about-face and halt any further proceedings. Don’t rush into things. Think it through.

Two of Pentacles: Juggling life and finances life is trying to force your hand into a direction. You will get the support you are needing. Find balance in your spending.

Reversed: Be firm with yourself, get organized and rearrange your life for success. Three of Pentacles: Establish your skill and knowledge. Time to put your money where your mouth is and prove up and the things you know. You will achieve success.

Reversed: You need to put in more effort in order to succeed. There isn’t a short cut to climbing the ladder. You have to focus on each step to reach the top.

Four of Pentacles: The card of a leader, someone who flourishes in the task of taking on responsibilities.Copy A hard worker who is dedicated. Go the extra mile.

Reversed: Don’t overspend. Be patient, you will overcome your obstacles. Stick to a budget.

Five of PentaclesRight: Give yourself the makeover you deserve. It’s time to increase your spirituality, your mental awareness, and physical health. Your goals are achievable and much closer than you anticipated.

Reversed: Your ego needsby to take a backseat. You are at a crossroads. Proceed with caution.

Six of Pentacles: CultivatingGyspy your efforts will bring about the fruits of your labor in abundance. This is a very fortunate cycle for you.

Reversed: You have the feeling you are being ignored or passed up for someone else. Consider what you can do to improve your positionEntertainment or situation.

Seven of Pentacles: Making wise choices and following through will repeat a beneficial reward. Your finances are improving and life is starting to show the fruit of your labor.

Reversed: Don’t allow anxiety to cloud your vision. Slow down, pace yourself. Good time to smell the roses and contemplate, “Is this what you really want”?

Eight of Pentacles: The Apprentice Card. Learning a new trade or skill, going back to school, taking an interest in a project. Don’t lose sight of your goals. dba

Reversed: To make decisions out of desperation and haste could prove to be costly at best. Breathe and slow down, think things out thoroughly. Dark

Nine of Pentacles: Time to step out of your comfort zone and explore the boundaries past your security level. Branch out. Soul

Reversed: Hone in your sensitivity, Cultivate your compassion and go about and beyond the call of duty. Gypsy Ten of Pentacles: Things will start to come together. You should see the fruits of your labor taking place and be happy with the results. This card also suggests a happy loving family.

Reversed: Don’t get involved in things that do not pertain to you. Mind your own business and quit being so nosey. The answers are already known inside you. Use your intuition to bring them out.

This concludes the numbers of the suit of Pentacles.

Page of Pentacles: Good news, more than likely regarding finances and a change for the better. Reversed: Your opinion is unwanted and not appreciated. Do not cast your pearls before swine. Now, is the time for you not to over react especially when you are being criticized.

Knight of Pentacles: A person who is solid and doesn’t like to try new things in life but is always protecting the weaker. Trustworthy, loyal and reliable.

Reversed:Copy in serious need to develop patience. Constantly seeking new things to do because boredom sets in quickly and projects become unfinished and stay that way. Someone who needs to be continually motivated.

Queen of RightPentacles: Hardworking and creative. Prefers to create by themselves. Create the right ambiance to encourage your creativity.

Reversed: Untrusting and suspicious of everyone including oneself. Insecurity. Someone who is looking for support fromby others because they are insecure in their own choices. King of Pentacles: ResponsibilityGyspy takes the forefront of everything. It is their duty to take care of everyone. Business-minded. Able to see the whole picture and follow through.

Reversed: Can be easily angered (Bad-tempered). Irresponsible and ignores details and signs. Insensitive to others and completely nEntertainmenton- empathetic.

The suit of Swords represents conflicts and strife. Swords are also a good indicator of cutting ties.

The suit of Swords are also assigned to the Air elements of the zodiac. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius

The physical characteristics of the Swords are dark eye, darkerdba complexion black straight hair or very dark hair.

Ace of Swords: Success, and triumph over conflicts. Dark

Reversed: Make sure you know the risk versus the reward. Re-evaluate how you are going about things and solidify a better plan of action. Soul

Two of Swords: Always doing things your way. Listen to your intuition. There is a need to separate the emotional side with the logical side. Gypsy

Reversed: Complete the things you have already started. You are moving too fast to see the whole picture correctly. Lack of balance.

Three of Swords: Heartache with conflict. Disagreement. You need to get a grip before you lose what you love.

Reversed: Don’t allow yourself to make the situation worse. Let go of your hurt and work towards repairing miscommunication. There is hope but you must take that step to obtain it. : Allow yourself time to stand back and take in the whole picture (scenario). This is not the time for action but the time to observe.

Reversed: Tread carefully and softly. Use caution, things will be made clear to you. You will reclaim yourself whether or not it be your “old self” or someone new altogether.

Five of Swords: It’s best, to be honest, and direct. Speak your mind but have tact at doing so. ThereCopy are a lot of different energies being thrown at you all at once. Be considerate of the feelings of others.

Reversed: To get involved will only cause you heartache and chaos. There is a strong need to correct anyRight misunderstandings.

Six of Swords: Let go of the past, it doesn’t serve you to hold onto grudges. If you want to grow, then let go of the things that prohibit you from growing. A warning of traveling through tears or water). by Reversed: Positive and beneficialGyspy cycle is present. A growth of spirituality has taken place. Do not give in to negativity you are above that.

Seven of Swords: This card can be a warning to guard against being robbed or having something stolen from you. There is deceit. YouEntertainment may need another opinion on the matter. Reversed: Know what your pain triggers are and grow from them. Apologize when you are wrong. You will need help from another.

Eight of Swords: Only you can free yourself from your bonds. Even though you have anxiety about the situation, you are the one that has the keys to set yourself free and walk away. Your prison is in your own mind because you refuse to let go of your remorse.

Reversed: Be ready to try new things. Don’t overburden yourselfdba with things that complicate life. : Depression, anxiety, loneliness, and isolation. Feeling overburdened with the pressures of life. You have a block that needs to be removed beforeDark you can go further.

Reversed: Truly believe things will work out and they will. Have faith and stand tall. Be patient. Soul Ten of Swords: The only card that the swords pierce the entire body. The pain of being hurt is just overbearing at times but there is no 11th sword. This is the end of the pain, you made it to this point and it will soon pass. Hang in there. Life will turn around. Gypsy Reversed: Whether it be karma or life was trying to teach you something you made it through it and it’s time to let go. Allow yourself to heal and to move forward. The trial is over and new possibilities are waiting for you.

This concludes the numbers of the suit of Swords.

Page of Swords: A message of conflict. Now, just isn’t the right time. You don’t have the whole story and jumping to conclusions would not be beneficial for you at this time. Getting frustrated at the slightest change will not solve anything, the matter of fact it could make things worse. Reversed: Take another look at things, you may have overlooked something important. Someone is vamping your energy. : A powerful force of energy. Someone who moves quickly into action. You can expect to receive help. Reversed: Wait for the right time. Stop. Your foundation is cracked and you need to fix it before building on it. Copy : A woman who has lost (possible miscarriage). Life has many lessons and you need to have a sense of humor about it. Do what you have to do and don’t cry over it. Reversed:Right Avoid sharing information that is secret because it will no longer be secret. You will be the subject of gossip. You are easily misunderstood. : A reliable disciple man. Patient. Avoid cutting corners though, it won’t work. by Reversed: Being held back. Feeling helpless. There are very limited choices available. Could mean imprisonment or beingGyspy imprisoned. The Entertainment In this chapter, we are exploring the meanings of the Significant Secret Mysteries of the Tarot.

The Major Arcana consists of 22 cards numbered from 0 to 21. Each card signifies a stage of a journey and progression of life’s lessons. These cards represent Higher Energies speaking and have a deeper meaning that should be revered and not taken lightly.

The beginning of the journey starts with and Ends with .

0 The Fool dba

Definition: A beginning of a journey. Approaching a crossroads. MakeDark a choice and take the path you feel is right for you. If it improves your situation, then have comfort that you made a wise decision. Soul Reversed: Unwise choices can cause you unnecessary pain and discomfort. Don’t allow yourself to feel overwhelmed at the situation. Create a plan and work through it. Just because someone doesn’t agree with your vision doesn’t make it a valid reason to give up. Gypsy 1 The Magician

Definition: You have already had a seed of an idea planted, now cultivate it and grow it to fruition. Allow yourself to be creative and enjoy the benefits of it. Have determination and you will succeed.

Reversed: Taking the easy way is sometimes the longest way. Look deeper at what is taking place. Don’t abuse your position or talent. Take another look at a different angle you may be surprised at what you really see


Definition: Follow your intuition to success. Feminine spirituality. A highly spiritual woman. Instinct.

Reversed: A woman with loose morals. Reinvent yourself. Laziness. There is a need to be self- reliant.

3 Copy Definition: Caretaker. Fertility, growth. Prayers are being answered. Joy, prosperity. Celebration.

Reversed: Seek sound advice to turn things around. Depressing circumstances cause your vision to be clouded.Right Financial struggles make things harder for you to endure day to day tasks. It’s been one thing after another.

4 by Definition: Enjoy the rewards. Past success has been a guide to your patience and diligence. Don’t settle. Plan every detail.Gyspy

Reversed: Feeling overburdened. Insure feelings. Too much responsibility for one person. Share the load. Question those who want what you have. Someone is throwing envious eyes your way. Entertainment 5 The Priest of

Definition: Very orthodox views of life. Ridged thinking. Before forging ahead, look at alternative methods to achieve the same goal. Frustration prohibits creativity. Highly religious.

Reversed: Your creativity will be noticed. A sense of freedom. Someone will take an interest in your ideas. You are not held back by dogmatic views.

6 dba

Definition: Don’t do things out of the norm. Be firm in your resolutions. Do not change careers. You have a foundation to build upon. Choices are available. Dark

Reversed: Unable to make decisions. Building resentment. Personal relationships are under stress. Consider the consequences of your actions. Separation or divorce. LackSoul of involvement causes friction.

7 Gypsy Definition: Remain in control. Learn from past experiences. If you want change then make it happen.

Reversed: Do what you have to do to improve yourself. Life appears to be uphill. You have a sense of a much-needed complete change.


Definition: Avoid getting caught in the middle, it will cause hostility. Lift above the emotional hurt and separate from life’s turmoils. It’s a good time to reach deep into your inner self and rely on your own resources of knowledge.

Reversed: Clear the air before more hurt occurs. End disputes. Try not to be too defensive. Don’t giveCopy in to negativity.


Definition:Right Answers are available if you are willing to seek them out. You are approaching new levels of success in your career or spirituality. Have a Plan and make it happen.

Reversed: If you refuse good advice is could prevent others from being interested in what you have to offer. Overcomeby your pride. Be forthright. Don’t hide from the world. You are being selfish.

10 The Wheel of Fortune Gyspy

Definition: Reap what you sew. Look for new opportunities to expand your experiences. It could be just what you need. Don’t hold on to old beliefs. Entertainment Reversed: Allow yourself time to heal. You need a new beginning that will allow you to let go of the situation that is causing so much distress in your life. Let the Law of Karma take action. There is no need for you to be judge and jury.

11 Justice

Definition: Positive vibrations will create new opportunities for you. You will receive the justice you deserve. Be fair in all doings. Try and always see the bigger picture. dba Reversed: Your hands are tied and feel frustrated with anxiety. Let it go and direct your energies elsewhere. Someone has taken advantage of you. Dark 12 The Hanged Man

Definition: Get ready for a change of pace. If you are looking for something newSoul or a change now is the time to act upon it. Surprises are coming. Meditation will allow you to see clearer.

Reversed: Take time to check things out. Pace yourself. Something may be amiss and you will need to check out what you are missing. This is the time you can take time and observeGypsy things around you and create a path that you would like to walk on. Bucket list check off time.

13 or Transition

Definition: A rebirth. Take a deep breath in and exhale. You have had a lot of challenges but you have made it through. Don’t look back. You are entering a positive cycle in your life of prosperity.

Reversed: Not quite out of the woods yet, but there is a light at the end of the path. Use this time to think ahead and plan your next move. Complete projects left unfinished.


Definition: Keep an even keel. Be patient and diligent. No need to rush things. Try and keep things remaining at this pace.

Reversed: Your judgment is impaired. Mend bridges. Self-imposed deadlines cause undue stress and heartache. Lack of organization creates havoc in your daily life. Copy 15 or Materialism

Definition: You are way off course. Turn around. Stop. You have created an almost impossible task for yourself.Right See how you can recover from this cycle and make appropriate changes. Material objects may have you blinded to what is really going on.

Reversed: Dig deep into your spiritual self. Don’t feel sorry for yourself you don’t have time for that. If you lean on othersby you may become vulnerable. Don’t be scared off. 16 Gyspy Definition: Life is changing. Life is rearranging things to make room for the things you wish to manifest. It may not be pretty but the universe is working to make things happen. Entertainment Reversed: Be realistic and let things go. Let it roll off your back. Follow your instincts. You are free to go about your business now. No strings are holding you back.


Definition: The promise of success. Illuminate yourself and create the joy you are wanting for you and your loved ones. Be the Star and shine bright.

Reversed: This has been a difficult time for you. You have experienceddba a sense of loss or possibly sick. Use good judgment and things will work out. Dark 18

Definition: Trust your own feelings, you could be right. Good intuition and spiritualSoul connections. Beginning to be more in tune with your inner self.

Reversed: Don’t change anything at the moment. Stay as is. Speaking out could damage your relationship. Wait for the right time, you will know when that is. Expect an unexpectedGypsy turn of events.


Definition: Bright blessing are in the works. Finances are on the rise. Life is flowing as it should be. There is an essence of happiness and joy around you.

Reversed: Don’t sign anything at this time unless you are fully aware of the consequences of an agreement. Life has taught you lessons of sorrow, loss, and disappointment. Take a more realistic view of life and things will get better. 20 Judgment or Karma

Definition: Take a fresh look at your life and move into your future. You no longer have the obstacles in your way even though you may not be able to see they have been removed.

Reversed:Copy Feeling sorry for yourself. Feeling like something is amiss. Let go of past mistakes, punishing yourself is not making any progress.

21 The World Right Definition: You have triumphed over your trials and should be proud of the person who has emerged. You own your responsibility. Always be mindful and grateful for the experiences that have brought you to this place in your life. by Reversed: Unable to explore and go beyond your horizons. Unwilling to grow. Perfectly content to live as you are. Fear of change.Gyspy Delay. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.





Gypsy About the Author

Hi, my name is Dark Soul Gypsy and I have been reading tarot for most of my life. I first heard the calling of reading cards when I was 12 year old and have been studying them, caring for them and cultivating my knowledge of them for roughly 38 years.

I Copyam most often asked what is the best way to learn to read tarot and my advice is to get a journal for your tarot and on a daily basis pull a daily card, write it down, write the meaning of it down and then at the end of the day write down how that card pertained to your experienceRight through the day. I will also note, that should there be a day that you do not feel you should pull a card this is perfectly acceptable as well as if you are not feeling well I would not suggest you pull or read cards while under the weather.

I haven’t included anbyy tarot spreads in this booklet because I feel getting to know the cards first is far more important than knowing any spread. That will be another book. Gyspy I hope this booklet will be of service to you and I am available for any questions that may arise.

I can be reached by email:Entertainment [email protected] , on Instagram @darksoulgypsy, Pinterest Dark Soul Gypsy, Facebook / darksoulgypsy

Thank you so much for your support. Blessed Be. Much success to you and yours.


Dark Soul Gypsy 12/14/2019 dba


