WANDS - Fire element - energy - action - drive - passion - movement The Painted - sophiemckayknight.com/tarot

Ace of Wands - burst of enthusiasm - new opportunities - potential - energy - starting something new.

A c e o f Wa n d s

I I Two of Wands - turning potential into action - making plans - expanding your vision - making a clear plan - weighing up your options - feeling excited about the future.

I II - expansion - surveying the future - high vantage point - overseas links - travel - dreaming big - broadening your horizons.


Four of Wands - links to the home - coming ‘home’ - stability - celebration - reaching a milestone - feeling proud of achievements - sharing fun with others.


Five of Wands - conflict - disagreements - not listening to others - tension - competition - welcome change. V I - success - public recognition - feeling proud - victory - self confidence - hold your head up high - support from others.

V I I - stand up for yourself - competitive spirit - fending off others - opposition - in action - fighting for what you believe in.

V I II - things happening quickly - movement and action - being very busy but enjoying it - out of the blue - unexpected travel.

I X - feeling defensive - perseverance - not enjoying work - plodding on despite setbacks - establishing boundaries - having a lot of responsibilities, working very hard.

X Ten of Wands - feeling weighed down - extra responsibility - burn out - taking on too much - end of a cycle - unable or unwilling to share the burden with others.

Page of Wands - creative spark - enthusiastic young person - feeling curious - excitement about a new project - being open to new experiences.

P a g e o f Wa n d s - new adventures - going after your dreams - passion - action - burst of energy and enthusiasm - rushing into something - courage and

K n ig h t o f Wa n d s confidence in any situation.

Queen of Wands - inspired and vibrant female energy - courage and passion - strong female archetype - positive attitude - getting things done.

Q u e e n o f Wa n d s

King of Wands - strong masculine energy - feeling self assured and in control - realising projects - being or seeking a leader - passion, energy, drive and enthusiasm in their most powerful forms. K I N G o f Wa n d s