Epiny Star

0 - I - The Magician

Potential, Innocence, Power, Construction, Beginnings Quick-thinking, Illusion

II - III -

Intuition, Spiritual Path, Creativity, Maternity, Fertility Clairvoyance, Perceptivity

IV - V -

Institutionalism, Tradition, Authority, Paternity, Structure Education

VI - VII -

Passion, Partnership, Ethical Self-mastery, Control, Victory Quandary


Compassion, Wisdom, Solitude, Courage in Adversity, Introspection, Soul Searching Emotional Resilience

X - Wheel of Fortune XI -

Destiny, Karma, Fate, Justice, Fair outcome, Unexpected Luck Equitable, Legality

Epiny Star Major Arcana - Reversed

0 - The Fool RX I - The Magician RX

Destruction, Vanity, Foolishness, Naivety Untapped Potential, Charlatan

II - The High Priestess RX III - The Empress RX

Secrets, Deceit, Hypocrisy, Self-Neglect, Barren, Aloof Unawareness

IV - The Emperor RX V - The Hierophant RX

Passivity, Loss of Authority, Non-conformity, Unorthodox, Tyrant Existentialist, Individual Path

VI - The Lovers RX VII - The Chariot RX

Temptation, Discord, Riot, Lack of Direction, Incompatibility Scattered Energy

VIII - Strength RX IX - The Hermit RX

Obstinate, Cowardice, Isolation, Loneliness, Insular Fear-Aggression

X - Wheel of Fortune RX XI - Justice RX

Misfortune, Setback, Prejudice, Corruption, Bias, Mischance, Impermanence Chauvinism, Injustice

Epiny Star Major Arcana

XII - The Hanged Man XIII -

Self-sacrifice, Grace, Transformation, Mortality, New perspective, Limbo Renewal, Transition

XIV - XV -

Balance, Relief, Harmony, Vice, Temptation, Addiction, Moderation Bondage


Sudden fall, Ego, Pride, Hope, Inspiration, Catastrophe Self-contentment


Imagination, Speculation, Jubilant, Glory, Vitality, Unconscious, Reflection Confidence

XX - XXI -

Rebirth, Awakening, Spiritual Fulfillment, Masterpiece, Realisation, Epiphany Completion, Magnum Opus

Epiny Star Major Arcana - Reversed

XII - The Hanged Man RX XIII - Death RX

Martyrdom, Persecution, Resistance to Change, Inability to change, Clinging on, Cessation, Stagnation Resolution

XIV - Temperance RX XV - The Devil RX

Release, Withdrawal, Excess, Imbalance, Stress Detachment

XVI - The Tower RX XVII - The Star RX

Violent upheaval, Loss, Disillusionment, Negativity, Suppression Self-Loathing, Illness

XVIII - The Moon RX XIX - The Sun RX

Confusion, Illusion, Risky, Dormant, Pessimism, Uncertainty Unenthusiastic, Burnout

XX - Judgement RX XXI - The World RX

Misinterpretation, Failed plans, Stagnation, Ignoring the call, Unfulfillment Ruled by inner critic

Epiny Star

Minor Arcana - The Wands

Ace of Wands Two of Wands

Aspiration, Accomplishment, Venture, Opportunity Desire for more

Three of Wands

Hard work, Productivity, Milestone, Prosperity, Future plans Familial Bliss, Celebration

Five of Wands

Competition, Discord, Rivalry Victory, Pride, Exalt, Acclaim

Seven of Wands

Challenged authority, Action, Vigor, Acceleration, Resistance, Opposition, Readiness Tenacity

Nine of Wands Ten of Wands

Defensive, Protective, Burdened, Laborious Effort, Battle-weary Exhaustion

Page of Wands of Wands

Energetic, Motivated, Playful, Hot-headed, Competitive, Project news Risk taker

Queen of Wands

Self-assured, Determined, Noble, Honest, Demanding, Passionate, Charismatic Inspiring, Bold

Epiny Star - The Wands Reversed

Ace of Wands RX Two of Wands RX

Procrastination, Delayed Impatience, Rush, progress, Laziness Dissatisfaction

Three of Wands RX Four of Wands RX

Rite of passage, Setbacks, Lack of progress, Inability to relax, Negligence Delayed events

Five of Wands RX Six of Wands RX

Reconciliation, Opportunity, Delays, Postponement, Conflict resolution Frustration

Seven of Wands RX Eight of Wands RX

Vulnerability, Indecision, Rashness, Standstill, Self-doubt Regression

Nine of Wands RX Ten of Wands RX

Exhaustion, Burn-out, Rigidity, Accountability, Delegation, Distrust Reassessment

Page of Wands RX RX

Passive, Closed Mind, Hesitation, Insecurity, Delays Boredom

Queen of Wands RX King of Wands RX

Capitulation, Jealousy, Tyrannical, Domineering, Passivity, Overbearing Disciplinarian

Epiny Star

Minor Arcana - The Cups

Ace of Cups Two of Cups

Affirmation, New Beginnings, New love, New partnership, Abundance Harmony, Cooperation

Three of Cups

Apathy, Introspection, Merriment, Celebration, Fun Meditation

Five of Cups

Nostalgia, Reminiscing, Grief, Loss, Regrets, Mourning Happy Memories, Childhood

Seven of Cups

Temptation, Illusion, Decoys, Advancement, Abandonment, Enticement Detachment, Spiritual Journey

Nine of Cups

Pleasure, Security, Loving family, Harmony, Joy, Wish granted, Happiness Material success

Page of Cups

Sensitive, Dreamer, Chivalrous, Charming, Affable, Personal news Equanimous

Queen of Cups

Intuitive, Nurturing, Tender, Caring, Accepting, Psychic, Empathic Father/Husband, Diplomatic

Epiny Star Minor Arcana - The Cups Reversed

Ace of Cups RX Two of Cups RX

Blocked Energy or Emotions, Discord, Quarrels, Imbalance, Superficiality, Rejection Misunderstanding

Three of Cups RX Four of Cups RX

Hedonist, Indulgent, Emerging, Regeneration, Drowning Sorrows Moving Forward

Five of Cups RX Six of Cups RX

Rose-tinted glasses, Acceptance, Restoration, Clinging to the past, Naivety, Recovery Childish, Childhood Trauma

Seven of Cups RX Eight of Cups RX

Clarity, Purpose revealed, Drifting, Nomadic, Aimless, Decision, Determination Escapist

Nine of Cups RX Ten of Cups RX

Overindulgence, Greed, Unfulfillment, Discord, Materialism Broken family

Page of Cups RX Knight of Cups RX

Emotional instability, Fantasy, Discouragement, Boredom, Unrealistic Awkwardness

Queen of Cups RX King of Cups RX

Petty, Manipulative, Distracted, Anxious, Depressed Disillusioned

Epiny Star

Minor Arcana - The Swords

Ace of Swords

Difficult choice, Stuck, Opportunity, Ideas, Courage Stalemate, Catch-22

Three of Swords

Heartbreak, Grief, Sadness, Convalescence, Recovery, Unforgiving Rest, Respite

Five of Swords

Foul play, Deceit, Cunning Escape, Protected, Fleeing, Unscrupulous, Scheming Journey, Duty

Seven of Swords Eight of Swords

Underhand, Mischief, Trapped, Confined, Impulsiveness, Deception Constrained, Blindsided

Nine of Swords Ten of Swords

Insomnia, Anxiety, Tension, Ending, Treachery, Revenge Inner demons, Haunted

Page of Swords

Communication, Intellectual, Hasty, Sudden, Aggressive Ideas, Ambition

Queen of Swords

Wise, Analytical, Honour, Clarity, Intelligent, Just, Astute Stern, Orderly

Epiny Star Minor Arcana - The Swords Reversed

Ace of Swords RX Two of Swords RX

Disruption, Disorder, Decision, Settlement Uncertainty

Three of Swords RX Four of Swords RX

Caution, Withdrawal, Retreat, Moving on, Hurt, Rejection Unrest

Five of Swords RX Six of Swords RX

Hollow victory, Alienated, Stuck, Obstacles, Trapped, Remorse Yearning escape

Seven of Swords RX Eight of Swords RX

Caught out, Exposed, Release, Escape, Emancipation Reparation

Nine of Swords RX Ten of Swords RX

Recuperation, Healing, Rebirth, Evolution, Endurance Reemerging

Page of Swords RX Knight of Swords RX

Miscommunication, Inhibition, Misguided, Hostile, Badgering Self-conscious

Queen of Swords RX King of Swords RX

Sharp tongue, Dismissive, Cruel, Merciless, Unyielding Elitist, Snobbery, Aloof

Epiny Star

Minor Arcana - The Pentacles

Ace of Pentacles Two of Pentacles

Venture, Enterprise, Multitasking, Diversifying, Investment, Juggling Small financial gain

Three of Pentacles Four of Pentacles

Commerce, Collaboration, Miser, Frugality, Financial Apprenticeship, Recognition Stability

Five of Pentacles Six of Pentacles

Destitute, Poor health, Charity, Material support, Hardship Philanthropy, Benevolence

Seven of Pentacles Eight of Pentacles

Harvest, Growth, Craftsmanship, Mastery, Perseverance, Progress Focus, Diligence

Nine of Pentacles Ten of Pentacles

Wealth, Pampering, Prestige, Family business, Independence, Refinement Legacy, Tradition

Page of Pentacles Knight of Pentacles

Earnest, Practical, Studying, Reliable, Dedicated, Practical, Acquiring Skill, Financial news Methodical

Queen of Pentacles King of Pentacles

Nurturing, Grounded, Established, Powerful, Generous, Affluent Gracious, Enterprising

Epiny Star Minor Arcana - The Pentacles Reversed

Ace of Pentacles RX Two of Pentacles RX

Inadequate Resources, Spread too thin, Overcapacity, Financial disappointment, Need to prioritise Financial Instability

Three of Pentacles RX Four of Pentacles RX

Novice, Inexperienced, Overspending, Big purchase, Mediocrity No control over finances

Five of Pentacles RX Six of Pentacles RX

Rehabilitation, Improvement, Receipt of charity, Financial Assistance hardship, Inequity

Seven of Pentacles RX Eight of Pentacles RX

Stagnation, Procrastination, Dissatisfaction, Idleness, Delays, Anxiety Bare minimum

Nine of Pentacles RX Ten of Pentacles RX

Loneliness, Dissatisfaction, Elitist, Ostracism, Disbanding Empty-nest syndrome

Page of Pentacles RX Knight of Pentacles RX

Tedium, Materialistic, Obsessive, Stubborn, Inertia Superficial

Queen of Pentacles RX King of Pentacles RX

Timid, Overdependent, Greedy, Disdainful, Indebted Pretentious, Stoic