Major Arcana
Epiny Star Major Arcana 0 - The Fool I - The Magician Potential, Innocence, Power, Construction, Beginnings Quick-thinking, Illusion II - The High Priestess III - The Empress Intuition, Spiritual Path, Creativity, Maternity, Fertility Clairvoyance, Perceptivity IV - The Emperor V - The Hierophant Institutionalism, Tradition, Authority, Paternity, Structure Education VI - The Lovers VII - The Chariot Passion, Partnership, Ethical Self-mastery, Control, Victory Quandary VIII - Strength IX - The Hermit Compassion, Wisdom, Solitude, Courage in Adversity, Introspection, Soul Searching Emotional Resilience X - Wheel of Fortune XI - Justice Destiny, Karma, Fate, Justice, Fair outcome, Unexpected Luck Equitable, Legality Epiny Star Major Arcana - Reversed 0 - The Fool RX I - The Magician RX Destruction, Vanity, Foolishness, Naivety Untapped Potential, Charlatan II - The High Priestess RX III - The Empress RX Secrets, Deceit, Hypocrisy, Self-Neglect, Barren, Aloof Unawareness IV - The Emperor RX V - The Hierophant RX Passivity, Loss of Authority, Non-conformity, Unorthodox, Tyrant Existentialist, Individual Path VI - The Lovers RX VII - The Chariot RX Temptation, Discord, Riot, Lack of Direction, Incompatibility Scattered Energy VIII - Strength RX IX - The Hermit RX Obstinate, Cowardice, Isolation, Loneliness, Insular Fear-Aggression X - Wheel of Fortune RX XI - Justice RX Misfortune, Setback, Prejudice, Corruption, Bias, Mischance, Impermanence Chauvinism, Injustice Epiny Star Major Arcana XII - The Hanged Man XIII - Death Self-sacrifice, Grace,
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