Market Insider Quarterly Bulletin MEDICINAL PLANTS & NATURAL

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Market Insider Quarterly Bulletin MEDICINAL PLANTS & NATURAL Market Insider Quarterly Bulletin MEDICINAL PLANTS & NATURAL INGREDIENTS MARKET INSIDER September 2014 Disclaimer The ITC Market Insider is placed at the disposal of users for information only. It is not designed to replace the appropriate professional advice in any way. The pricing data is based on ITC sources and can change at any time. Although the International Trade Centre strives to keep the data current and accurate, errors can occur. ITC does not bear any liability for any inaccuracy, error, discrepancies in prices or related information. Mention of company names, commercial products and brand names does not imply endorsement by the International Trade Centre. For further information, please refer to the ITC Terms and Conditions, section 2.0 Disclaimers. Contact: Market Insider International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Tel: +4122 730 01 11 Fax: +4122 730 05 72 Email: Twitter: @ITCMktInsider Web: Market Insider for Medicinal Plants is prepared by: Josef A. Brinckmann ITC Consultant Cover Picture: California poppy (Eschscholzia californica Cham.; Papaveraceae), Sebastopol, California ©2009 Josef A. Brinckmann. 1 Contents About the Market Insider for Medicinal Plants & Natural Ingredients .......................................................... 3 Some Useful Terminology .................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Industry News and Trends .......................................................................................................................... 5 1.1. Medicinal plants feature at International Conference on Industrial Crops in Greece ........................... 5 1.2. Albania’s wild medicinal and aromatic plants and oils trade ................................................................ 5 1.3. Italy’s four year plan to increase medicinal plant production ............................................................... 6 1.4. SAGARPA plans to develop Mexican medicinal plants sector ............................................................ 7 1.5. Medicinal plants among main exports of Afghanistan .......................................................................... 9 1.6. What does ADM acquiring WILD have to do with the American herbal trade? ................................ 10 1.7. Legalizing it - finally some good news for kava-kava farmers? ......................................................... 11 1.8. European Medicines Agency calling for data on Peru Balsam ........................................................... 13 1.9. Alleged smuggling of Peruvian maca planting stock to China ........................................................... 14 1.10. California poppy: a traditional herbal medicinal product in Europe ............................................... 15 1.11. Growing and marketing ginseng and other woodland medicinals .................................................. 17 2. Markets for African Medicinal Plants and Extracts .............................................................................. 18 2.1. African medicinal tree bark Yohimbe remains a top-seller in the U.S. ............................................... 18 2.2. Canada, a new market for medicinal African wild mango seeds? ....................................................... 19 2.3. The big (unsustainable) export trade of wild pygeum bark from Cameroon ...................................... 21 2.4. South African rooibos cooperative wins 2014 Equator Prize ............................................................. 23 2.5. Joint Venture for international distribution of South African indigenous plant extracts ..................... 24 3. Sustainable use of Biodiversity News ....................................................................................................... 25 3.1. New rules for trading FairWild Certified herbs .................................................................................. 25 3.2. Ginseng conservation, democracy, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers ................................................... 26 3.3. AHPA calls on producers and traders to contribute to its eighth tonnage survey of wild harvested medicinal plants ............................................................................................................................................... 27 4. Currency Rates of Exchange .................................................................................................................... 29 5. Indicative Prices for Selected Medicinal Botanical Ingredients ............................................................ 29 6. Selected Events ........................................................................................................................................... 35 7. Herb Profile: Ajowan fruit ........................................................................................................................ 43 8. Company Profile: Heiveld Co-operative Ltd., South Africa .................................................................. 47 9. Medicinal Plants & Natural Ingredients Sector Organizations ............................................................. 48 2 About the Market Insider for Medicinal Plants & Natural Ingredients The Market Insider for medicinal plants & natural ingredients provides market intelligence on the production and international trade of selected botanical raw materials and value-added forms such as extracts and oils. Market insights are presented for key developments on medicinal plants and botanical nutritional ingredients including analysis of international trade data, market trends, indicative market prices for selected botanical ingredients, trade specifications, market size and growth, target markets, business opportunities, legislation affecting the sector, technology, trade events, producer and product profiles. New sources of information, news that subscribers and readers might have on their specific products or areas are welcome. See more at: insider/medicinal-plants/ Some Useful Terminology API: Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India AYUSH: Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homoeopathy CBD: Convention on Biodiversity CCC: Standard Classification of Commodities of the Republic of China CCCCS: Commodity Classification for China Customs Statistics cfu/g: Colony-forming units per gram C&F: Cost & Freight; means the price includes cost and freight charges CFR: Seller has the same responsibilities as when shipping FOB, but shipping costs are prepaid by the seller CIF: Cost Insurance Freight; means the price includes cost, freight and insurance CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora & Fauna CL: Container load C/S: Cut and sifted COMTRADE: Commodity Trade Statistics Database EDQM: European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines EMA: European Medicines Agency Essential Oils: Odorous product, usually of complex composition, obtained from a botanically defined plant raw material by steam distillation, dry distillation, or a suitable mechanical process without heating Extracts: Preparations of liquid (liquid extracts and tinctures), semi-solid (soft extracts and oleoresins) or solid (dry extracts) consistency obtained from Herbal Drugs or animal matter prepared by suitable methods using ethanol or other suitable solvents EXW: Ex works - Buyer arranges for pick-up of goods at the seller's location. Seller is responsible for packing, labelling, and preparing goods for shipment on a specified date or time frame Farm Gate Price: Refers to the dollar value of agricultural products that you receive from direct farm sales or the value of primary products used for processing FAS: Free alongside ship - Buyer arranges for ocean transport. Seller is responsible for packing, labelling, preparing goods for shipment and delivering the goods to the dock FAS Value: Value of exports at the seaport, airport, or border port of exportation, based on the transaction price including inland freight, insurance, and other 3 charges incurred in placing the merchandise alongside the carrier at the port of export FCA: Free carrier: seller is responsible for costs until the buyer's named freight carrier takes charge FCL: Full container load FLO: Fairtrade International FOB: Free On Board - means that the price only includes the cost of the item. Seller arranges for transport of the goods, preparing goods for shipment, and loading the goods onto the vessel FOR & FOT: Free On Rail or Free on Truck; both refer to goods being carried by rail and should only be used when the goods are carried by rail. The risk of loss or damage is transferred when the goods are loaded onto the rail FTA: Free Trade Agreement GACP: Good Agricultural and Collection Practice GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice ha: Hectare Herbal Drug Preparations: Obtained by subjecting Herbal Drugs to treatments such as extraction, distillation, expression, fractionation, purification, concentration or fermentation. These include comminuted or powdered herbal drugs, tinctures, extracts, essential oils, expressed juices and processed exudates Herbal Drugs: Whole, fragmented, or cut plants, parts of plants, algae, fungi or lichen, in an unprocessed state, usually in dried form but sometimes fresh. Certain exudates that have not been subjected to a specific treatment are
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