Washington, Saturday, June 26, 1943
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REGISTER VOLUME 8 1 9 3 4 NUMBER 126 ^ ^ A flT E O ^ Washington, Saturday, June 26, 1943 The President poses aforesaid, he shall forthwith, by CONTENTS proclamation, command such insurgents to disperse and retire peacefully to their THE PRESIDENT PROCLAMATION 2588 respective homes within a limited time; Proclamation : Page NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. Michigan, law observance_____ 8733 [Law Observance in S tate op M ichigan] ROOSEVELT, President of the United States of America, do hereby make REGULATIONS AND NOTICES BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES proclamation and I do hereby command OP AMERICA all persons engaged in said unlawful and Alien P roperty Custodian; A PROCLAMATION insurrectionary proceedings to disperse Vesting orders: and retire peacefully to their respective Appelt, Rudolph___________ 8769 WHEREAS, the Governor of the State abodes immediately, and hereafter Berger, Adolph____________ 8762 of Michigan has represented that do abandon said combinations and submit French National Railroads__ 8768 mestic violence exists in said State which themselves to the laws and constituted Heienbrock, Antjelina_______ 8762 the authorities of said State are unable authorities of said State; Nickelsen, Richard C______ 8763 to suppress; and And I invoke the aid and cooperation Reiser, Rosa______________ 8763 WHEREAS, it is provided in the Con of all good citizens thereof to uphold Resch, Martin____________ 8764 stitution of the United States that the the laws and preserve the public peace. Ride, Antonio_____________ 8764 United States shall protect each State IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here Sacco, Thomas____________ 8764 in this Union, on application of the Leg unto set my hand and caused the seal of Safe Deposit and Trust Co. islature, or of the Executive, when the the United States of America to be of Baltimore________ 8766 Legislature cannot be convened, against affixed. Schmidt, Thomas_________ 8765 domestic violence; and DONE at the City of Washington this Scott, Julius_____________ 8765 WHEREAS, by the law of the United twenty-first day of June, in the year of Seip, Katharine Birney_____ 8766 States in pursuance of the above, it is Sonnen, John P___________ 8766 provided that in all cases of insurrec our Lord, nineteen hundred and [ s e a l ] forty-three, and of the Inde Taylor, William F____ ______ 8767 tion in any State or of obstruction of pendence of the United States Trost, George Michael______ 8767 the laws thereof, it shall be lawful for of America the one hundred and sixty- Vercelli, Joseph___________ 8767 the President of the United States, on seventh. Whitney, James S_______•__ 8768 application of the Legislature of such Bituminous Coal Division; State, or of the Executive, when the F ranklin D R oosevelt Industrial Coal Sales Co., hear Legislature cannot be convened, to call By the President: ing------------- 8760 forth the militia of any other State or Cordell H ull, Minimum price s c h e d u le s States and to employ such part of the Secretary of State. amended:' land and naval forces of the United District 1 (2 documents) _ 8736,8737 States as shall be judged necessary for [F. R. Doc. 43-10210; Filed, June 25, 1943; 11:48 a. m.] District 2________________ 8738 the purpose of suppressing such insur District 7________________ 8739 rection and causing the laws to be duly District 8 (2 documents). 8740,8742 executed; and District 10________________ 8743 WHEREAS, the Legislature of the Regulations District 17________________ 8743 State of Michigan is not now in ses Farm CreditAdministration: sion and cannot be convened in time Deputy ^governors, functions to meet the present emergency, and the TITLE 6—AGRICULTURAL CREDIT aprd duties*.-____________ 8733 Executive of said State under Section Chapter I—Farm Credit Administration F ederal T rade Commission: IV of Article IV of the Constitution of the Bdrtz & Co., et al., hearing____ 8761 United States, and the laws passed in P art 3—F unctions of Administrative General Land Office:" pursuance thereof, has made due appli Officers Idaho, revocation of land with cation to me in the premises for such part drawal --¿C_____________ 8761 of the military forces of the United States FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES OF DEPUTY A k GOVERNORS j A Immigration ¿¡Snd Naturalization as may be necessary and adequate to Servic^ t protect the State of Michigan and the Section 3.3 of Part 3 Title 6, Code of Departmental organization and citizens thereof against domestic vio Federal Regulations (7 F.R. ¿574), is authority---------------------- 8735 lence and to enforce the due execution hereby revoked. J g m k of the laws; and I ndian Arts and Crafts Board: WHEREAS, it is required that when [seal] A. G. Black, .Genuine handicrafts, certifi- ever it may be necessary, in the judg Governor, /' cates to be attached to ment of the President, to use the military [F. R. Doc. 43-10199; Filed, June 25, 1943^ trade-marks____________ 8736 forces of the United States for the pur 9:51 a. m.} (Continued on next page) 8733 8734 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, June 26, 1943 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of P rice Administration— War Production Boari>—Con. Pa§e Continued. Pa8® Industrial machinery (L-83, Int. FEDERAL^pEGISTER Pulpwood, certain New England 3) ______ 8748 states (MPR 361, Am. 1)__ 8755 Naval equipment, arrangement Regional office orders: for production (Certificate Bituminous coal: 85) ____________ •_______ 8776 Salmon, Idaho, area______ 8770 Rubber: Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Teller County, Colo---------- 8769 Chlorinated (M-46, revoca- and days following legal holidays, by the Potato barrels, new stave; ^ tion)___ ____ ____ ii----- 8747 Division of the Federal Register, The National Aroostook County, < Synthetic (M-13, revoca Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Maine_______________ 8770 tion) --------- 8746 in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Rubber drug sundries, manufac Rubber, balata, etc.: 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., turers' prices (MPR 300, (M-15-b, revocation)_______ 8746 ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the (M-15-b-l, revocation)_____ 8746 Administrative Committee, approved by the Am. 8)________ 8754 President. Distribution is made only by the Solid fuels, sold and delivered (M-15-d, revocation)_______ 8746 Superintendent of Documents, Government by dealers (Rev. MPR 122, (M-15-e, revocation)_____ 8746 Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Am.' 8)______________— 8754 (M-15-f, revocation)_______ 8746 The regulatory material appearing herein is Tires and tubes, original equip (M-15-g, revocation)_____ _ 8746 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, ment (MPR 119, inch Am. (M-15-h, revocation)_______ 8747 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant 4)_____________ - _______ 8751 Shipways construction, material to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Securities and Exchange Commis and equipment: amended June 19,1937. (P-14-a, revocation)_______ 8747 The Federal Register will be furnished by sion: mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Filing of current reports--------- 8735 (P-14-b, revocation) _______ 8747 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad Form________ 8735 Stop construction order------- 8776 vance. Hie charge for individual copies .Hearings, etc: Wool (M-73)_______________ 8747 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the International Utilities Corp. size of the issue. Remit check or money (2 documents)_____ 8772,8775 order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, directly, to the Government Interstate Power Co____ .— 8771 TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Interstate Power Co. and There are no restrictions on the republica Eastern Iowa Electric Co_ 8771 Chapter VIII—War Food Administration Maloney, William T., and tion of material appearing in the F ederal P art 302—Sugar Determinations Register. John L. McDaniel__ ____ 8775 New Bedford Gas and Edison FAIR AND REASONABLE PRICES FOR 1 9 4 3 CROP Light Co_____________ 8773 OF HAWAIIAN SUGARCANE North American Light & Power CONTENTS—Continued Pursuant to the provisions of sub Co. Holding - Company section (d) of section 301 of the Sugar I nterior Department (see also System, et al_____ 7____ 8772 Act of 1937, as amended, and Executive component agencies) : Pase Northern Natural Gas Co___ 8772 Order 9322, issued March 26, 1943, as Coal mines, orders taking pos Tonopah Mining Co. of Ne amended by Executive Order 9334, is session: vada ________________ 8771 sued April 19, 1943, the following deter Antharcite coal— —---------- 8761 Utilities Employees Securities mination is hereby issued: Co., et al____—_______ 8773 Bituminous coal------------ ---- 8761 § 802.32f Fair and reasonable prices I nterstate Commerce Commission : Solid F uels Administration for Reicing of fruits and vegetables War: for the 1943 crop of Hawaiian sugarcane. Coal supply distribution, sus Fair and reasonable prices for the 1943 in refrigerator cars---------- 8757 crop of Hawaiian sugarcane shall be not Office of Defense T ransportation : pension of order_____'____ 8743 Motor ’equipment conservation, T reasury Department: less than those provided for in the agree local cartage service (Gen. Savings Bonds: ments, verbal or written, pursuant to Cumulative amendment____ 8744 which the 1942 crop was purchased: Order ODT 6A)_________ 8757 Provided, however, That the processor Office of P rice Administration : Series F and G____________ 8760 Adjustments, exceptions, etc.: War Savings Bonds, Series E__ 8760 shall not be deemed to have met the re 40-Fathom Fish, Inc------ !---- 8755 War Department: quirements of this determination if, Sparks Withington Co--------- 8754 Appointment of commissioned through any subterfuge or device what Artichoke hearts in wine vine officers, warrant officers, soever, the returns from the 1943 crop gar (Rev. SR 1, Am. 15) — 8754 and chaplains; classifica of Hawaiian sugarcane to the producer Containers, Western wooden tions___ ____ 8735 are reduced below those determined agricultural (Rev. MPR186, Danger zone regulations, firing above. Am. 5, Corr.)------------------ 8751 sectors between New River (Sec.