REGISTER VOLUME 8 1 9 3 4 NUMBER 126 ^ ^ A flT E O ^ Washington, Saturday, June 26, 1943 The President poses aforesaid, he shall forthwith, by CONTENTS proclamation, command such insurgents to disperse and retire peacefully to their THE PRESIDENT PROCLAMATION 2588 respective homes within a limited time; Proclamation : Page NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. Michigan, law observance_____ 8733 [Law Observance in S tate op M ichigan] ROOSEVELT, President of the United States of America, do hereby make REGULATIONS AND NOTICES BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES proclamation and I do hereby command OP AMERICA all persons engaged in said unlawful and Alien P roperty Custodian; A PROCLAMATION insurrectionary proceedings to disperse Vesting orders: and retire peacefully to their respective Appelt, Rudolph___________ 8769 WHEREAS, the Governor of the State abodes immediately, and hereafter Berger, Adolph____________ 8762 of Michigan has represented that do­ abandon said combinations and submit French National Railroads__ 8768 mestic violence exists in said State which themselves to the laws and constituted Heienbrock, Antjelina_______ 8762 the authorities of said State are unable authorities of said State; Nickelsen, Richard C______ 8763 to suppress; and And I invoke the aid and cooperation Reiser, Rosa______________ 8763 WHEREAS, it is provided in the Con­ of all good citizens thereof to uphold Resch, Martin____________ 8764 stitution of the United States that the the laws and preserve the public peace. Ride, Antonio_____________ 8764 United States shall protect each State IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have here­ Sacco, Thomas____________ 8764 in this Union, on application of the Leg­ unto set my hand and caused the seal of Safe Deposit and Trust Co. islature, or of the Executive, when the the United States of America to be of Baltimore________ 8766 Legislature cannot be convened, against affixed. Schmidt, Thomas_________ 8765 domestic violence; and DONE at the City of Washington this Scott, Julius_____________ 8765 WHEREAS, by the law of the United twenty-first day of June, in the year of Seip, Katharine Birney_____ 8766 States in pursuance of the above, it is Sonnen, John P___________ 8766 provided that in all cases of insurrec­ our Lord, nineteen hundred and [ s e a l ] forty-three, and of the Inde­ Taylor, William F____ ______ 8767 tion in any State or of obstruction of pendence of the United States Trost, George Michael______ 8767 the laws thereof, it shall be lawful for of America the one hundred and sixty- Vercelli, Joseph___________ 8767 the President of the United States, on seventh. Whitney, James S_______•__ 8768 application of the Legislature of such Bituminous Coal Division; State, or of the Executive, when the F ranklin D R oosevelt Industrial Coal Sales Co., hear­ Legislature cannot be convened, to call By the President: ing------------- 8760 forth the militia of any other State or Cordell H ull, Minimum price s c h e d u le s States and to employ such part of the Secretary of State. amended:' land and naval forces of the United District 1 (2 documents) _ 8736,8737 States as shall be judged necessary for [F. R. Doc. 43-10210; Filed, June 25, 1943; 11:48 a. m.] District 2________________ 8738 the purpose of suppressing such insur­ District 7________________ 8739 rection and causing the laws to be duly District 8 (2 documents). 8740,8742 executed; and District 10________________ 8743 WHEREAS, the Legislature of the Regulations District 17________________ 8743 State of Michigan is not now in ses­ Farm CreditAdministration: sion and cannot be convened in time Deputy ^governors, functions to meet the present emergency, and the TITLE 6—AGRICULTURAL CREDIT aprd duties*.-____________ 8733 Executive of said State under Section Chapter I—Farm Credit Administration F ederal T rade Commission: IV of Article IV of the Constitution of the Bdrtz & Co., et al., hearing____ 8761 United States, and the laws passed in P art 3—F unctions of Administrative General Land Office:" pursuance thereof, has made due appli­ Officers Idaho, revocation of land with­ cation to me in the premises for such part drawal --¿C_____________ 8761 of the military forces of the United States FUNCTIONS AND DUTIES OF DEPUTY A k GOVERNORS j A Immigration ¿¡Snd Naturalization as may be necessary and adequate to Servic^ t protect the State of Michigan and the Section 3.3 of Part 3 Title 6, Code of Departmental organization and citizens thereof against domestic vio­ Federal Regulations (7 F.R. ¿574), is authority---------------------- 8735 lence and to enforce the due execution hereby revoked. J g m k of the laws; and I ndian Arts and Crafts Board: WHEREAS, it is required that when­ [seal] A. G. Black, .Genuine handicrafts, certifi- ever it may be necessary, in the judg­ Governor, /' cates to be attached to ment of the President, to use the military [F. R. Doc. 43-10199; Filed, June 25, 1943^ trade-marks____________ 8736 forces of the United States for the pur­ 9:51 a. m.} (Continued on next page) 8733 8734 FEDERAL REGISTER, Saturday, June 26, 1943 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued Office of P rice Administration— War Production Boari>—Con. Pa§e Continued. Pa8® Industrial machinery (L-83, Int. FEDERAL^pEGISTER Pulpwood, certain New England 3) ______ 8748 states (MPR 361, Am. 1)__ 8755 Naval equipment, arrangement Regional office orders: for production (Certificate Bituminous coal: 85) ____________ •_______ 8776 Salmon, Idaho, area______ 8770 Rubber: Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Teller County, Colo---------- 8769 Chlorinated (M-46, revoca- and days following legal holidays, by the Potato barrels, new stave; ^ tion)___ ____ ____ ii----- 8747 Division of the Federal Register, The National Aroostook County, < Synthetic (M-13, revoca­ Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Maine_______________ 8770 tion) --------- 8746 in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Rubber drug sundries, manufac­ Rubber, balata, etc.: 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., turers' prices (MPR 300, (M-15-b, revocation)_______ 8746 ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the (M-15-b-l, revocation)_____ 8746 Administrative Committee, approved by the Am. 8)________ 8754 President. Distribution is made only by the Solid fuels, sold and delivered (M-15-d, revocation)_______ 8746 Superintendent of Documents, Government by dealers (Rev. MPR 122, (M-15-e, revocation)_____ 8746 Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Am.' 8)______________— 8754 (M-15-f, revocation)_______ 8746 The regulatory material appearing herein is Tires and tubes, original equip­ (M-15-g, revocation)_____ _ 8746 keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, ment (MPR 119, inch Am. (M-15-h, revocation)_______ 8747 which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant 4)_____________ - _______ 8751 Shipways construction, material to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Securities and Exchange Commis­ and equipment: amended June 19,1937. (P-14-a, revocation)_______ 8747 The Federal Register will be furnished by sion: mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Filing of current reports--------- 8735 (P-14-b, revocation) _______ 8747 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Form________ 8735 Stop construction order------- 8776 vance. Hie charge for individual copies .Hearings, etc: Wool (M-73)_______________ 8747 (minimum 15tf) varies in proportion to the International Utilities Corp. size of the issue. Remit check or money (2 documents)_____ 8772,8775 order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, directly, to the Government Interstate Power Co____ .— 8771 TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Printing Office, Washington, D. C. Interstate Power Co. and There are no restrictions on the republica­ Eastern Iowa Electric Co_ 8771 Chapter VIII—War Food Administration Maloney, William T., and tion of material appearing in the F ederal P art 302—Sugar Determinations Register. John L. McDaniel__ ____ 8775 New Bedford Gas and Edison FAIR AND REASONABLE PRICES FOR 1 9 4 3 CROP Light Co_____________ 8773 OF HAWAIIAN SUGARCANE North American Light & Power CONTENTS—Continued Pursuant to the provisions of sub­ Co. Holding - Company section (d) of section 301 of the Sugar I nterior Department (see also System, et al_____ 7____ 8772 Act of 1937, as amended, and Executive component agencies) : Pase Northern Natural Gas Co___ 8772 Order 9322, issued March 26, 1943, as Coal mines, orders taking pos­ Tonopah Mining Co. of Ne­ amended by Executive Order 9334, is­ session: vada ________________ 8771 sued April 19, 1943, the following deter­ Antharcite coal— —---------- 8761 Utilities Employees Securities mination is hereby issued: Co., et al____—_______ 8773 Bituminous coal------------ ---- 8761 § 802.32f Fair and reasonable prices I nterstate Commerce Commission : Solid F uels Administration for Reicing of fruits and vegetables War: for the 1943 crop of Hawaiian sugarcane. Coal supply distribution, sus­ Fair and reasonable prices for the 1943 in refrigerator cars---------- 8757 crop of Hawaiian sugarcane shall be not Office of Defense T ransportation : pension of order_____'____ 8743 Motor ’equipment conservation, T reasury Department: less than those provided for in the agree­ local cartage service (Gen. Savings Bonds: ments, verbal or written, pursuant to Cumulative amendment____ 8744 which the 1942 crop was purchased: Order ODT 6A)_________ 8757 Provided, however, That the processor Office of P rice Administration : Series F and G____________ 8760 Adjustments, exceptions, etc.: War Savings Bonds, Series E__ 8760 shall not be deemed to have met the re­ 40-Fathom Fish, Inc------ !---- 8755 War Department: quirements of this determination if, Sparks Withington Co--------- 8754 Appointment of commissioned through any subterfuge or device what­ Artichoke hearts in wine vine­ officers, warrant officers, soever, the returns from the 1943 crop gar (Rev. SR 1, Am. 15) — 8754 and chaplains; classifica­ of Hawaiian sugarcane to the producer Containers, Western wooden tions___ ____ 8735 are reduced below those determined agricultural (Rev. MPR186, Danger zone regulations, firing above. Am. 5, Corr.)------------------ 8751 sectors between New River (Sec.
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