PARISH AUDIO/VISUAL RESOURCES St. Thomas Aquinas Parish St. John Church & Student Center Parish Audio/Visual Resources (DVD’s, VHS, & CD’s) are kept in the Catholic Formation Offices at St. Thomas Aquinas Church. Parishioners are welcome to borrow & sing-out up to three AV items at a time. We are happy to email you this list of available AV resources – simply email your request to Al Weilbaecher at
[email protected]. We also welcome suggestions for future acquisitions Key: Normal Text -- DVD Italicized Text -- Video (VHS) (CD Resources are listed at end of listing) FAMILY MINISTRY -Introduction to Natural Family Planning (55 min) -Parenting by Heart: 1. How to Really Love Your Child 2. The Key to Discipline 3. Power Struggles 4. A Lasting Legacy -A Place Prepared: Helping Children Understand Death & Heaven (40 min) -Preparing for Christmas - An Advent Program for the Family -Preparing for Christmas II - An Advent Program for the Family -Raising a Faith filled Child in a Consumer Society -Raising Children in a Violent World -Raising Children of Divorce (30 min) RELATIONSHIPS -Catholic Marriages and Annulments -Coping (Clayton Barbeau): 1) Coping with Self 2) Coping with Others 3) Coping with Loss 4) Coping with Feelings -Fireproof (119 minutes) -A Look at Christian Marriage (Larry Delaney) -Money & Marriage -Please Understand Me: Character & Temperament Types (DVD & VHS) -The Rich Gift of Love: To Whom Will I Entrust Myself? (Course 1 of 6) -Sexual Common Sense -Surviving Series (Clayton Barbeau): 1) Depression 2) Broken Relationships