The malacologicalsocietymalacological society ofJapanof Japan

fire VENUS Jour. Malac.) VoL 44, No. 4(Jap.(1985):239-248

]ii2iEi 7・ ]i?2f Fki iZti suS rb i6t51fi g 2Lk7 .=l=)b'-d'N-U.

P7 7. ij 7-7V

Report on Murieidae ()Reeently Dredged in the South-Western Indian Oeean-II.

List of Species with Remarks and Illustrations*


(St. Jobsstraat, 8, B-3330 Landen (Ezemaal) Belgium; Seientific Collaborator

at the Institut Royal des Scienees Naturelles de Belgique)

Part I is dealing with the deseription of eight new speeies (Ven7ts, 44(3) : 159-171) ineluded in 3 different subfamilies: , and

Typhinae. This second and last part is t・he cornplete listing ef collected species

areund the islands of Madagasear, R6union, Mauritius and the Seychelles,

except the 8 new species previously deserihed. Introduetion, material studied and ucknowledgements are included in the first paTt.

Family Rafinesque, 1815 Subfamily Muricinae Rafinesque, 1815

Murex () brevisptna Lamarck, 1822

Materia・l: Tu16ar St. 889, Southern passage Tulear lageon, inner slope of Grand

R6eif, 10-13m, lspm.

Mitrerc (M-uTex) peeten Lightfoot, 1786

Material: MD32 St. FA39, 21021'S, 55e28'E, 70 m, 1spm.

Mu,rex (M'urex) trapa R6ding, 1798

Material: Tu16ar, St.658, dredging outer Grand Recif slope, 112m; St.697,

"Pointe Grand R6cif, S. SerpenV', inner reef flat, 8spms.; St.820, S. passage

Tul5ar lagoon, inner slope of Grand Recif, 10-13 m, 1 spm.; Reves 2, St. 9, 04056'S,

55034'E, 48 m, 1sh; St. 37, 04e35'S, 55012'E, 65 m, 2spms.

M・errex (Murex) sp.

Material: MD32 St. CP43, 21e21'S, r,5027'E, 73-77 m, 1sh; St. DC54, 21006'S,

55a13'E, 80-83 m, 1 sh; St. DC56, 21005'S, 55e13'E, 170-225 m, 1 sh.

* Accepted:July 15, 1985

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240 VENUS: Vol. 44, No.4(1985)

Only 3 dead specimens were dredged. Apparented to Murex kiiensis Kira, 1969,

known from Japan to the Philippines, it differs mainly by its different proto-

coneh. This shell was also illustrated by D'Attilio (1981: figs. 1,2,3). Ponder

and Vokes are preparing a monograph of the Murex s.s. in which this

form will be named.

Murex () hausteU・um Linnaeus, 1758

Materiat: Tul・ear, St,330, outer slope Grand Reeif, Antseteky region, 55-61 m. 2 spms; St. 737, S. passage Tulear lagoon, 12 m, 1 spm ; St. 820, S. passage Tulear lagoon, inner slope Grand R6cif, 10-13 m, 1 spm.

Chicoret{s () banksii (Sowerby, 1841)

Materiat: Reves 2, St. 4, 05008'S, 56"35'E, 32 m,1spm; St. 16, 05036'S, 56056'E,

55m; St.20, 05e36'S, 56019'E, 35m, 1spm; St.27, 04e56'S, 54e58'E, 52rn;

St. 37, 04035'S, 55012tE ,65 m.

Chicore・zts (Chicoreus) groschi Vokes, 1978

"Pointe Material: Tu16ar, Grand R6eif, Serpent", inner reef flat, 1spm.

ChicoTeus (Chicoreus) Tamosus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Materiat: Tul6ar, St,497, R/6cif Songoritelo, reef flat, lspm; St.687, Grand

`tGrande Reeif, near Vasque", reef flat, 1spm; St.842, Grand R6cif, reef fiat,

"Pointe 1 spm; St. 890, Grand Recif Serpent'', inner reef fiat, 1 spm; St. 901 bis, Northern Grand R6cif, reef flat, 1 spm.

Chicoreus (Chicoreus) saulii (Sowerby, 1841)

Material: Benthedi, St. 113R, 12022'S, 46D27'E, Bane du Geyser, 5-35 m, 1spm,

Chicoreus (ChieomuTex) laciniatus (Sowerby, 1841)

Masteriat: Reves 2, St.17, 05043'S, 56039'E, 58m, 2spms; St.23, 05016'S,

55041'E, 45m; St.24, 05[)09'S, 55025tE, 35m; St.31, 04e36'S, 54e20tE, 38m, 1spm; St,37, 04035'S, 55012tE, 65m, 3spms; St.47, 04e03tS, 55a59'E, 50m,

1 spm; MD32, St. DC56, 21005tS, 55e12'E, 170-335 m, 2 spms; St. DC176, 21e02'S,

55Dll'E, 165-195 m, 1 spm. This species has never been recorded from the SW Indian Ocean. Cernohorsky

(1967:119) eited it from the Fiji Islands to the Philippines and Japan. Fair

"Indo-Pacifid' (1976:53) and Vokes (1971:63) both indieate but with no further indieations; while Radwin and D'Attilio (1976 : 90) gives the Philippines to Northern Queensland (Australia) as geographical distribution. The latter

authors incorrectly synonymised Murex 2'iekelii Tapparone-Canefri, 1875, a

Naquetia frem the Red Sea.

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Houart: Muricids in SW Indian Ocean-[, 241

Pterynottts () albobrunneus Bertsch and D'Attilio, 1980

(Fig. 1)

Material: Reves 2, St.11, 05U05'S, 55053'E, 55 m, 1spm.

The type loeality of this recently named speeies is the Laccadives Islands

(approximately 11030'N, 73000'E). The present locality is not unexpeeted,

although P. albobrunnetts has never before been recorded from the Seychelles.

This species is distributed in the Western Indian Ocean: North Mozambique

[Vokes, 1978: 397, pl. 6, fig. 3 as Pterynotus (P.) sp. cf. pell・ucidus (Reeve)] the Seyehelles, the Laceadives (type locality) and eoast of Oman (Besch and Bosch, 1982: 89).

Pterynotus (PteTynotus) loebbecleei (Kobelt, 1879)

Material: MD32, St. CP172, 20e52'S, 55e38'E, 105-120 m, 1sp.

Aspella platytaevis Radwin and D'Attilio, 1976

(Fig. 3)

Material: MD32, St.FA39, 21021'S, 55028'E, 70m, lsh; St.DC41, 21e2VS,

55e27'E, 75m, lsh; St.DR47, 21e23'S, 55037'E, 205-215m, lsh; Tu16ear,

St. 238, Grand R6cif, outer reef slope, Ankaradanva region, 12m, 1 sh.

This is a range extension for this recently deseribed species, only known till

now from the Palau Islands, Western Caroline Islands and Western Australia

(type loeality). Radwin and D'Attilio (1976: 224) gave a maximum length of

14 mm. The speeimen from St. FA39 measures 17 × 7.1 mm.

Aspella vekesiana HouaTt, 1983

(Fig. 4)

Material: Tulear, Grand R6eif, outer reef slope, 36 m, 1spm (holotype).

This recently named speeies differs from all other members of Aspelea, mainly

by its different intritaealx and appressed suture.

Dermomurex (Dermom2trex) sp. (Fig.5)

MateTial: Benthedi, St. 8, 11e29'S, 47e18'E, W. Iles Glorieuses, dredge, 250m,

1 spm.

No Der7zaomurex s.s. has ever been reported from the West Indian Ocean and the shell seems different from other related species. As there is a single juvenile specimen, only illustration of this specimen is shown here at this time.

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242 VENUS: VoL 44, No. 4 (1985)

Subfamily Muricopsinae Radwin and D'Attilio, 1971 (Favartia) crouchi (Sowerby, 1894)

(Figs. 11-12)

Material: Benthedi, St.5, 12"32'S, 47e40'E, W. Bane of Leven, dredge, 35-

150m, 1spm; Tulear, St.156, Grand R6cif, euter reef slope, northern seetor,

5 m, 1 sh.

After reading the original deseriptions and examination of photograph of both

types, I consider here P. gztamensis Emerson and D'Attilio, 1979 as a possible

junior synonym of F'avaTtia erouehi (Sowerby, 1894). One cannot be absolutely

sure of this synonymy until specimens of both species could be seriously eom-

pared; F. c・reTtchi is a slighUy larger shell and study of its protoconch would be necessary. Unfortunately none was preserved. Originally described from

Mauritius, F. cTo・uchi has a wide Indo-Pacific distribution: it is also known from

Guam (type loeality of F. gi.tamensis) and Tahiti (Anonymous, 1979: 6, erTone-

ously illustrated as Fainrtin ?peasei).

fiiavartia (Favartia) garrett・ii (Pease, 1868)

(Figs. 6, 6B)

Materiat: MD32, St. DR47, 21e23'S, 55037'E, 205-215 m, 1 sh; St. DC'56, 21005'S,

55e12'E, 6 shs; St. DC85, 21000'S, 55015'E, 58-70 m, 37 shs; St. DC178, 21002'S,

55ell'E, 165-195 m, 1 sh.

AIthough IFT. gaTTettii was originally described from Hawaii, I could not separate

the Indian Ocean shells from typical Hawaiian specimens; this means a eonsid-

erable range extension. Another related species which eould be the same is Favartia・ nata・tensis (Smith, 1906) but this needs further studies,

i7'a.vaTtia・ (Favartia) o'tLclithae D'Attilio and Bertseh, 1980

(Fig. 9)

Material: Reeves 2, St.11, 05005'S, 55053'E, 55 m, 1spm; Tu16ar, outer reef

slope, 27 m, 1 spm; 28 m, 1 spm.

A geographical range extension. The type and so far only known locality of this

Figs.1-13.SW Indian Ocean Muricidae. 1. Pterynotus albobr"nneus, Seycherles, 23 × 12.4 mm. 2-2A. Ilygmaepterys fttnof"tiensis, Tulear, 5 × 2.8mm [.2A, × 301 3. Aspella piatylaevis. R6union, 11.7× 5.9mm. 4. Aspella veleesiana. Tul6ar, holotype, 14 × 6. Imm. 5. Dermomurex sp., N. Mozambique Channel, 11 × 5,9mm. 6-6B. F2ivartia garrettii, R6union, 8.5X5,lmm (6A-6B, X25). 7. havartia salmonea, Tu16ar, Madagascar, 16,5X10mm. 8. Murex salmoneus. Syntype BMNH 1899.2. 23.24. 12 X7.1rnm. 9. Eavartia iudithae, Seychelles, 18.8X13mm, le-10A. Trophenopsis polycyma, N. Mozambique Channel, 8, 9 × 4. 9mm [10A, X30). 11. Favartia crouchi, N, Mozambique Channel, 9,2X5.2mrn. 12. Murex crouchi. s.yntype BMNH 86, 2.10.32, 15X8.3mm [lphotograph courtesy Dr. Vokes). 13-13A. Trophonopsis ziciac. N. Mozambique Channel, 7 × 3.2rnm (13A, × 30].

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HouarttMuricids in SW IndianOcean- ll . 243



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244 VENUS: Vol, 44, No. 4 (1985)




10A :],1:13A


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Houart: Muricids -II. in SW Indian Ocean- 245

species being the Philippine Islands.


?PygmaepteTys f・u.nafutiensis (Hedley, 1899) (Figs. 2, 2A) Material: Tu16ar, St.156, Grand Recif, outer reef slope, Northern transect, 5m, 1sh; "Grande St. 220, Ifaty reef, Passe", 22 m, 1sh; St. 240, Grand Recif,

outer slope, Northern transect, 36 m, 1 sh. Originally described as a M2LTex, this species was assigned to the subgenus Pa2inot'ecs Vokes, 1970 (Muricinae) by E.H. Vokes (1971: 51) and by Fair (1976: 44) Radwin ; and D'Attilio (1976: 148) ineluded it in the genus I7'avart・ia (Murieopsinae). The subgenus Pyg7naepterys was created by Vokes (1978: 398) species (Type by O.D.: Murex alfredensis Bartsch, 1915) and was origi- nally considered to be a subgenus of Pterynotus Swainson, 1833 (Murieinae). Vokes and D'Attilio (1980) in their description ef some very similar speeies from the Western Atlantic, proved, by studying the shell and radular charae- ters of one speeies, ?P. geTmainae, that placement in the subfamily Muricopsinae was indieated. However, some minor differences in the shell structure exist between 2 "groups" formed, on one hand by P. alfTedensis (Bartsch, 1915), P. maraisi Vokes, 1978 and I'. pratulum Vokes and D'Attilio, 1980 (fossil) and on the other hand, by ?P. funafutiensis (Hedley, 1899), ?P. ger"zainae Vokes and D'Attilio, 1980, and ?P. drezi Vokes and D'Attilio, 1980 (fossil). Until soft of P', parts atfredensis (type-species) ean be studied, we cannot be absolutely certain of the placement of this genus in the Muricopsinae. If it is that P. alfredensi.s proved is murieinae, then another genus must be erected for the three species for which the species is preceded by a query, including M2tre:: funaftttiensis.

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1985 246 VENUS : Vol。44 , No .4 ( )

?1) .ノuna プutiensis was originally described from the Funafuti Atoll, Ellice

Islands. Other specimens have been reported from Pokai Bay , Oahu , Hawaii , ’ 1980 . The dredged at 185 m in coralline algae and sand (Vokes and D Attilio, )

report of specimens at Madagascar represen 七s a very important range extenslon . ・ レ M . α utzensis as a In a recent paper (1985 : 9) D At 七ilio and Myers include fun f

real PtJgm α ept θrΨ 5 .

Cossmann 1903 Subfamily Trophonninae , Trophonopsis polyctym α 1くuroda ,1953 (Figs .10 ,10A )

° ’ ° ’ − m : 12 32 S 45 02 E 300 350 , 2spms ; M α teriαt; Mayotte Benthedi , St.72DS , , ,

° ’ ° ’ − 七 22 17 S 43 03 E 600 605 m 1sh . Crosnier, Madagascar , rawl 92 , , , ,

with This species so far only known from Japan , was originally compared , ’ which has ε Kuroda and A . Adams , Trophonopsis tα ntilt us (A .Adams , 1852 ) , 嗣 − avery short and recurved canaL T . potyeym α has a straight . Un

fortunately it seems that 七he type of T . tα ntilt us・ is lost (餌 ε KWay in litt.);

the shell was not originally illustrated and the name will remain a nomen

− ・ specimens that I do not dubiu m , T .po 妙6 翌ma is so near the recently dredged ,

hesi七ate to give 七hem this name . It represents a very large range extension .

α c Tiba 1981 Trophonopsis 颪 og , Figs 13 13A ( . , )

° ’ ° ! − α : : 42 . R6cif Sud 13 05 S 45 08 E 400 520 m , Materi 1 Mayotte Benthedi,St. , S , , , lspm .

of type and only known Another extension the geographical distribution , the − Kushimoto Kii Peninsula Honshu Japan , 200 250 m . locality being off , , ,

要 約

の よ て イ ソ ド か れ た ア キ ツ ガ イ 科 の 種 第 1 報 に 8 新 種 を記 載 し た が ,同 様 材 料 に っ 洋 南 西 部 ら 得 ら 名 を 報 告 す る 。

〔ア ツ キ ガ イ 亜 科 Subfamily Muricinae 〕

ア ラ フ ラ :ソ フ リ ボ ラ 1234567890Murex (Mu rex )brevispina Lamarck , 1822 。

ホ ガ M .(M .)pecten Lightfoot ,1786 ネ イ 。 ー コ ア ガ イ M .(M .) traPa R6ding ,1798 ッ キ D

・ 々 ツ ラ る 。 M .(M .) sp .キ イ ブ リ ボ に 似 た 種 で , Ponder Vokes に よ り近 命 名 され 予定

ツ マ ツ ブ リ M .(H /a ” stellum ) haustellum Linnaeus .1758 サ ボ ラ 。

パ ン ク ス ガ ソ ゼ ボ ラ Chicoreus (Chicoreus) banksii (Sowerby .1841 ) キ 。

C .(C .)groschi Vokes ,1978。

C .(C .) ramosus Linnaeus,1758 テ ソ グ ガ イ 。

バ ロ C .(C ,) saulii (Sowerby ,1841) ラ イ セ ン ジ ュ ガ イ 。 1 C .()taciniatzas(Sowerby ,1841) オ ト ヒ メ ガ ン ゼ キ ボ ラ 。イ ソ ド洋 で 確 認 さ れ た

の は こ れ が 初 め て 。

一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service The malaoologioalmalacological societysooiety of Japan

Houart : Muricids in SW Indian Ocean 一 且 . 247

’ ’ 11.Pterynotus Pterynotus aibobrunneus Bertsch ロ バ ( ) & D Attilio 1980 フ タ イ シ ョ , ウ ガ イ 。 (Fig .1)

12 P P loebbeckei バ ロ バ 、 .( .) (Kobelt 1879) ラ イ シ ョ ウ ガ イ ヒ ラ セ チ ヂ ミ バ シ ガ , ( ョ ウ イ )。 ’ 13.Aspellα platytaevis Radwin & D Attilio,1976 (Fig.3)

14 A vohesiana Houart . . , 1983 (Fig.4)

15.Dermomurex (Dermomurex ) sp . イ ン ド洋 か ら 木 属 は 初 め て で あ る が 未 成 殻 な の で ,図 を 示 す に 留 め る 。(Fig .5)

〔ヨ ウ ラ ク ガ イ 亜 科 Subfamily Muricopsinae 〕 16 Favartia ’ . (Favartia ) crouchi (Sowerby ,1894 ) Emerson & D Attilio (1979) の 記 載 に か か る F − .9uamensis は 恐 ら く異名 。 (Figs.11 12)

17.F . F . Pease ハ ワ イ か か こ ( )garrettii( ,1868 )。 ら し 知 ら れ な か っ た q と に よ る と F .natalensis

(Smith , 1906) は 同 種 。 (Fig.6,6B ) ’ 18.F .〔F .) 加 4π 加 8 D Attilio & Bertsch 1980 こ れ の Fig . . も分 布記 録 拡大 。 ( 9)

19.F .(F .) salmonea Melvill & 1899 ニ ク ロ ヨ ク ( Standen, ) イ ウ ラ ガ イ 。 Murex macutatus ’ Reeve .1845 が IE し い 名 と 思 わ れ る 。 ま た ,丑 dorothyae Emerson & D Attilio,1979 は 本 種 の 色

の お オ ース 彩 変 異 そ れ が あ る 。 ト ラ リ ア 西 岸 か ら 種 に さ る Figs − 本 査定 れ 種 は 研 究 を 要 す る 。 ( .7 8)

20.Pptgmaepterpts funafutiensis(Hedley 1899 に し て は , )属 位 関 疑 問 が あ る 。 (Figs.2 ,2A ) L ツ ノ オ リ イ レ ガ イ 氈 科 Subfamily Trophoninae 〕

21.Trophonopsis 1953 カ ゲ ロ ツ ノ オ レ polycyma Kuroda , ウ リ イ ガ イ 。 分 布 の 拡.大 。 (Figs .10, 10A )

22 .T . ziczac Tiba ,1981 同上 。(Figs .13,13A ) References

Anonymous , “ ” ・ ,1979 . Range extension for Guam s Endemic 刀4u , ex . H α waiia n・ Shell

News 27 (3 ): 6 .

, Bertsch , H . and D Attilio, A .1980 . New species of Muricidae (Gastropoda ) from the

Indian Ocean The Philippines − , and Brasi1, Venus 39 (3): 131 138. Bosch D .and , Bosch , E .1982 . Se α shells o Om α n K Smy 七he Edit 238 プ , ,,London , pp . Cernohorsky W ,0 .1967 . The , Muricidae of Fiji , Part I. Muricinae & Tritonaliinae , ’ The Veligei : 111 −32 .14− 10 (2 ) , pls 15. ・ Cernohorsky W ,0 . . ropical α c 皿 . , 1978 T P 肋 姻 π θ Sh elZs . Sydney ,352 pp .68 pls. D ,Attilio A , .1981. Observations on two problem species from the Indo −Pacific . T んe 13 − Festivus , (1 ): 2 6.

’ D Attili ・・A ・・nd H ・ rt ・eh H ・1980・ F ・ u ・ . , species ・f Pt ・ ・yn ・ tus and Pavarti α (M 。 1

lu・・ a ・ G ・ ・t・・ ・ d ・ ・ Mu ・ i・ id P ・・ ) f・・m th ・ PhilipPin ・・ 1・land ・ . Tra n− ・ . S 。 n Dieg 。 >a t {8 ‘ − Soo,1 .,H ., 19 (12 ): 169 79 .

, D Attilio, A . and Myers B . W llew species , .1985 . A of Pygm α epterys Vokes from the

Westem Paci 且e (Gastrepoda : Muricidae , The N 鰡 撫 8 − > , 99 (1 ): 9 13 . Emerson K , , . W . and D Attilio , A .1979。 Six new living species of Muricacean Gastro −

. The αzatiZ7Ls 93 1 − poda N , ( ): 1 10.

・ ・ ’ F i ・R ・H ・1976 ・ Th ・ 枷 ・ ・x B ・ ・ k ・ 厄 伽 ・ tra・t・d ・ t , , ・ ・ 1・y ・te 。 プ R 。 。 。撹 伽 。i。翫 。 『 Mu ・ ieina ・ 伽 ・ ・ ( ・ 吻 融 ・ ,0 ・・励 ・ 觀 α . H ・ n ・ lulu 138 の , ,PP ., 23 pls. K ・ i・her S・D ・1973 − − ・ 78 79・ C 翻 σ ・ t吻 lt・ ・ ノ w ・ ・ 鰤 翩 ・h ・・・・・・1 ll M i id 。 , , III and IV . . Florida St Petersburg , .

一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan

248 VENUS: Vol 44, No.4(1985)

Keen, A.M. and Campbell, G.B. 1964. Ten New Species of Typhinae (Gastropoda;

Muricidae). The Vetiger 7(1): 46-57, pls. 8-11.

"Trophon'1 Kuroda, T. 1953. 0n the Japanese species of Venus 17(4): 186-202,

Radwin, G. E. and D'Attilio, A. 1976. Mzarex shelts of the WoTlcl, an Illustrated Guide

to the Murieidae. Stanford, 284 pp., 32 pls.

Schepman, M.M. 1911. The Prosobranehs of the Siboga Expedition. Pt. 4, Livr. 58,

Leiden: 338-352,

Shuto, T. 1969. Neogene Gastropods from Panay Island, the Philippines. Mem. Fae,

Sci. Kyushu Univ. (D) 19(1): 250pp., 24 pls.

Sowerby, G.B. 1834-41. The Conehologieal Illustrations: Murex, pls. 58-67 <1834):

pls. 187-99 and catalogue, pp. 1-9 (1841), London.

Vokes, E.H, 1971. Catalegue of the genus MuTex Linn6 (: GastTopoda).

Muricinae, Oeenebrinae. BuU. Am. Pateont. 61(268) : 1-141.

Vokes, E.H. 1978. Muricidae fTom the Eastern Coast of Africa. Ann. IVatal Mz{s.

23(2): 375-418, pls. 1-8.

Vokes, E.H. and D'Attilio, A. 1980. Pygama・epterys, a newly described taxon of

Murieidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda), with description of three new species from the Cenozoie of the Western Atlantie. Tulane Stzadies Geol. and Pa,leont. 16(2) :

45-54, pls. 1-2.

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