Detailed Poster Program Thursday, March 27 08:00 Posters
Detailed Poster Program Thursday, March 27 08:00 Posters Th1-09 Labels can Override Perceptual Categories 08:00 –09:50 THURSDAY POSTER SESSION 1 in Early Infancy: A Computational Model Valentina Gliozzi1 Julien Mayor2 Kim Plunkett2 AttENTION, MEMORY AND LEARNING 1. Dipartimento di Informatica. Universita’ di To- rino., Torino, Italy; 2. Department of Experimental Th1-01 Face-Voice Synchrony Directs Selective Psychology. University of Oxford, Oxford, UK Listening in Four-Month-Old Infants Lorraine Bahrick, Melissa Shuman, Irina Th1-10 Looking and Listening Patterns in Castellanos 4- and 8-Month-Old Infants: Florida International University, Miami, USA Megan McIlreavy1 Robin Panneton2 1. Department of Psychology, University of Georgia, Th1-02 Long-Term Recall of an Arbitrary Association Athens, USA; 2. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA in Young Infants’ Deferred Imitation Amy Bullman, Carolyn Rovee-Collier Th1-11 Computational Analysis of Motionese: What Rutgers University, New Brunswick, USA can Infants Learn from Parental Actions? Yukie Nagai, Katharina Rohlfing Th1-03 The Temporal Parameters of Visual Bielefeld University, Bielefeld, Germany Proprioceptive Perception in Infancy Stephanie Collins, Chris Moore Th1-12 The Role of Temporal Information for 12-Month- Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada Olds’ Processing of Self-Produced Actions Bianca Jovanovic, Gudrun Schwarzer Th1-04 Learning Two Parameters Acting on University of Giessen, Giessen, Germany One Item: Evidence from Response to Novelty in an Eye Tracking Paradigm Th1-13 Long-Term
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