A Guide to the Identification of Seahorses (Chinese Edition) (PDF)

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A Guide to the Identification of Seahorses (Chinese Edition) (PDF) A Guide to the Identification of Seahorses ঔ੺Ᏸᙊဦᝥ ̚ᛌώ ࣧү۰ċSara A. Lourie, Sarah J. Foster, Ernest W. T. Cooper, and Amanda C. J. Vincent զކᇃߌăౘܖᛌ۰Ĉ (ࡁտ؎ࣶົ(TRAFFIC East Asia-Taipeiٽ෶ۏበ۰ĈέΔ౎Ϡ 2006ѐ12͡ ğۍࡁտ؎ࣶົ(TRAFFIC North America) Ğࡻ͛ٽ෶ۏОҖċঔ੺ࡁտࢍ൪(Project Seahorse)ᄃΔ࡚౎Ϡ ğۍચԊĞ͛̚ڒ āāāҖ߆ੰྺຽ؎ࣶົ ĄົܛᝋٙѣĈ2004 ࡻᛳֲ࣯ࣖͧ̂ጯᄃ͵ࠧҋ൒ૄۍ © ᝋٙѣ۰ࠎ Laurence RichardsonĄۍٙѣᘱဦ̝ © ăᄃ Laurence Richardson(ົܛҋ൒ૄົܛϏགྷΐो̂ࡻᛳֲ࣯ࣖͧ̂ጯ (UBC)ăWWF (͵ࠧҋ൒ૄ А३ࢬТຍĂ༰ͤͽЇң͞ёኑᄦĂΒ߁ᇆОăᐂᄦăχфٕᐼхĂᄃ೸οώ३۞ְ̝ ઼ۏĂCITES (ᘓᓜ඗჌౎Ϡજങ˭ڶ΍఍ଐځЇңొ̶͛фٕဦ̰ͯटĄд୻຾гො ᒉӀϫ۞̝நϤኑᄦώܧࡗ)༊Ԋᄃ৪३఍ΞͽͽેҖර஽࿲̳ࡗăିֈٕ׎΁̳ٽᅫ෶ ΍ҋঔځᝋٙѣ۰ְ̝А३ࢬТຍĄώ३ొЊٕБొ̰ट̝ኑᄦӮᅮොۍ३̰टĂ൑ื ࡁտ؎ࣶົĄٽ෶ۏ੺ࡁտࢍ൪ᄃΔ࡚౎Ϡ ώ३ү۰۞៍ᕇ̙υ൒΃ܑ Project Seahorse (ঔ੺ࡁտࢍ൪)ăࡻᛳֲ࣯ࣖͧ̂ጯĂĂ ࡁտ௡ᖐ)ĂWWF ٕ IUCN (઼ᅫܲֈᓑ༖) ̝ຍ֍Ąٽ෶ۏTRAFFIC (౎Ϡ :઼઼࡚छঔ߶ၱ̂ঈგநԊᄃ઼࡚થຽొ(በཱིٺĂొЊᙒӄֽҋۍώ३۞ᇤᆷᄃ΍ ᛉ̙υ൒΃઼઼ܑ࡚छঔ߶ޙNA03NMF4630332)Ą൒҃ώ३ү۰۞ኢࢗă൴னăඕኢᄃ Ąڱၱ̂ঈგநԊ઼ٕ࡚થຽొ۞࠻ ώ३ֹϡ̝гநડાЩჍᄃ̰टܑࢗĂԆБ՟ѣᇆडঔ੺ࡁտࢍ൪ăTRAFFICăٕߏ׎ ၗ۞ᄮؠĂᄃ׎ᙝٕࠧࠧቢ̝ထ̶ᄮؠĄېЇң઼छăᅳ˿ٕડા̝გᔑٺ͚޺௡ᖐ၆ ᝋᄃොΊથᇾٙѣᝋࠎWWFٙѣĄۍTRAFFICᇾౢ̝ TRAFFICߏWWF ᄃIUCN ̝ܢᛳ፟ၹĄĄ ͛ᚥ͔ϡޙᛉĈ ࡁտ؎ࣶົĄරٽ෶ۏLourie, S. A. et al . 2004. ঔ੺ᏰᙊဦᝥĄঔ੺ࡁտࢍ൪ᄃΔ࡚౎Ϡ Ąົܛૄۏ஽࿲পડĈࡻᛳֲ࣯ࣖͧ̂ጯᄃ͵ࠧ౎Ϡ ᛷĄٮࢬঔ੺࠹ͯࠎ͉π߶ঔ੺Hippocampus ingens ĂϤWolcott Henryދ -࠹ͯࠎ઀ᒌঔ੺జ༊ј็௚۞̚ᘽՄֽమ઴ĄΠᙝ஼̚۞ࠎ႓Ϩ˞۞੼݄ঔ੺H. barغދ bouri Ąνᙝ஼̚۞݋஄ᗔ඾઀ᒌ۞܎ԍঔ੺ H. comes ഌঔ੺ H. spinosissimus Ăˬ೹ঔ ࡁտ؎ࣶົ۞ Ernestٽ෶ۏ੺ H. trimaculatus ᄃ͉π߶ঔ੺ H. ingens Ąᛷᇆ۰ࠎΔ࡚౎Ϡ W. T. CopperĄ Ԕ Ҭ੺ᐝĂЯѩ଀Щć׎ېӚĂܜ۞ې଀̙ည౦۞౦Ąձѣ඾ࣧඌܜঔ੺̙ߏ੺Ă҃ߏ ঔ੺ଂֈ׊ఠ̚ြ̈זฯঔ੺ཛొ۞ֈ׊ఠĂۡٺᓄത͞ёՀপҾĂߏϤᅬঔ੺૟Ӊய Ąۏ΍ĂΞᄲߏ̂ҋ൒̚˘ཏ؈প҃ѣ኷۞જ ᒚధкڼć็௚̚ᘽ૟ঔ੺ˢᘽĂΞͽھᇃޝ˵ˠᙷֹϡঔ੺Ϥֽ̏˳Ăঔ੺۞ϡ౉ ͹ࢋϫ۞г̂ొ̶ߏдֲ߷гડĂּт۞ٽঽăٕઇࠎྃ֗۞ᘽՄć҃Б஧઀ঔ੺෶় ׶ᄂ៉ඈгĄ؂ౙăࢶപăາΐ઼̂̚ ॏᇢᄃകिг۞৔ᗼඈЯ৵Ăঔ੺۞ϠхП፟˵͟ৈᚑࢦćЯѩᘓᓜ඗჌۞ޘ࿅ٺϤ ቙ࡗ઼̂ົ˯Ă఼࿅૟ঔبࡗĞCITESğд2002ѐٙᓝᏱ۞ௐ12̳ٽᅫ෶઼ۏ౎Ϡજങ 2004ѐ5͡15͟ϠٺᐂII۞೩९Ă֭ܢ੺ᛳĞGenus HippocampusğனϠٙѣ჌ЕˢCITES ซҖგநĄٽड़Ăฟؕ၆׎઼ᅫ෶ ۡ˘ֈ൑઼ࠧ۞ჟৠĂܲٺјࠎCITES۞ົ઼ࣶĂҭѣᝦڱԧ઼ᔵЯ઼ᅫгҜপঅĂ൑ ۍ͛̚۞ۍࡁտ؎ࣶົበᛌ΍ٽ෶ۏ჌۞გநćᚶА݈؎ኛέΔ౎Ϡۏ᎕ໂ੨ЪCITES ࠹ТٺඈĂૄ͢ڒݡă̈́ሤ૲هCITESᏰᙊဦᝥրЕ--౧ᙷă៥౦ăᐸᙷăኄኅăࠚᕷࡔ ࠹ᙯಏҜ̝ણ҂ĄعĂ̫ѐপҾበᛌঔ੺Ᏸᙊဦᝥ̚ᛌώĂֻ߆هந۞ ซҖё༊̝გநନ߉ܮ჌Ăࣕۏϫ۞ĂੵΞ೩ֻ࠹ᙯಏҜϒቁᏰᙊঔ੺̝ۍώဦᝥ΍ γĂ˵ԓ୕͔੓ۤົЧࠧ၆ঔ੺ܲֈ̍ү۞ࢦෛćঔ੺ߏঔ߶Ϡၗր̚ໂপঅ҃਑ऴ۞ αࢬᒖঔ۞ᄂ៉ֽᄲĂ׍ѣՀপঅ۞ຍཌྷĄٺ၆ܫ჌Ă߀ାঔ੺ಶߏ߀ାঔ߶Ă࠹ۏ Җ߆ੰྺຽ؎ࣶົ ᖰᙊ ܜચԊ Ԋڒ ࡁտ؎ࣶົ ᖎ̬ٽ෶ۏέΔ౎Ϡ ࡁտ௡ᖐĞTrade Records Analysis of Flora & Fauna in Commerce, ᖎჍٽ෶ۏᅫ౎Ϡ઼ ĂၹјБ஧౎ވ௡ᖐĂϫ݈дБ஧̣̂߷Вѣ˟˩ˬ࣎Ᏹ̳ع߆ܧTRAFFICğࠎ઼ᅫّ ႾീშྮĄ۞ٽ෶ۏϠ TRAFFICࠎ͵ࠧҋ൒ૄܛົĞWorld Wide Fund for NatureĂᖎჍWWFğᄃ઼ᅫҋ൒ܲֈ ᛳ௡ᖐĂЧTRAFFIC̶͚Ᏹ̳ܢᓑ༖ĞThe World Conservation UnionĂᖎჍ IUCNğ۞ ૜̷ЪүĂ͍׎ߏ࢑యර஽࿲̳ࡗĞConvention on Internationalܝ࠹ᙯొع࠰ᄃ༊г߆ވ Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and FloraĂᖎჍ CITESğְચ۞ࡊጯ፟ၹᄃგந გٽ෶ۏϲ౎Ϡޙعӄ߆םξಞă೩ֻܲֈ࠹ᙯ߆ඉᏙྙăٽ෶ۏ፟ၹĂႾീБ஧౎Ϡ ҋٺ၆ົ̙ٽ෶ۏˠ̖ĄTRAFFIC۞јϲϫᇾߏቁܲ౎Ϡڱր௚̈́੊ቚ࠹ᙯેҖᄃેט ਎Ąރ൒ྤ໚۞ܲֈౄј 1991ѐ1͡дέΔјϲĄώົТॡႾീٺࡁտ؎ࣶົĞTRAFFIC Taipeiğٽ෶ۏέΔ౎Ϡ አ̚ᗁᘽࠧВТܲֈᘽϡ౎םĂڶଐ۞ٽӀϡᄃ෶ۏࡁտᄂ៉ᄃ׹ಛֲ߷гડ౎Ϡજങ ໚Ă֭ᄃ࠹ᙯಏҜЪүଯજܲֈ̍үĄྤۏϠ ăᇇ઼ăཌྷ઼ڱĈᆓ፜ăࢶപăέΔă͟ώă઼̂̚ౙăͧӀॡăވTRAFFICЧгᏱ̳ ؃ăܧăݑރӀă༄׏ăܻᘲ೻ăЛͰӀă઼࡚ăΐो̂ăግҘ࣯ă͂ϝкႬă֙͐̂ Ąޘκֲă੺ֽҘֲă෸ݑă፫߷̈́Оإ ̰टϫᐂ ᄫᔁ ii 1.0 ݈֏ 1 1 ڱ͞ 2.0 ጯপّ 3ۏঔ੺۞ܲֈᄃϠ 3.0 3.1 ܲֈ 3 ጯপّ 5ۏϠ 3.2 ঔ੺ԛၗጯᄃᝥؠ 7 4.0 4.1 ԛၗጯ 7 ᝥؠ 7 4.2 ჌۞ೡࢗ 20ۏ 5.0 ણ҂͛ᚥ 88 ჌Ᏸᙊܑ 94ۏᐂ A. ঔ੺ܢ ჌Ᏸᙊᑭរܑ 95ۏᐂ B. тңֹϡܢ ᐂ C. ઀ঔ੺۞ဦည 97ܢ ঔ੺ H. histrix ᄃऱ྿ঔ੺ H. kuda ۞̶ᙷ 103ו .ᐂ Dܢ 104 ڶې჌۞̶οۏᐂ E. Ч઼ঔ੺ܢ ჌۞૾Ғဦּ 109ۏᐂ F. ঔ੺ܢ ဦϫᐂ ঔ੺۞γొԛၗ 9 ..1 ͚ᇣࡦ᜴۞ᒖ 11 ..2 ઀ঔ੺ᇾώ۞ԛၗྤफ़ቑּ 95 ..3 ܑॾϫᐂ ჌౵̂۞វ੼੃ᐂ 13ۏঔ੺ ..1 ࣃ (HL/SnL) 14ͧܜᄃӚܜ჌۞ᐝۏঔ੺ ..2 ჌۞ԍᒖᇴ 15ۏঔ੺ ..3 ჌۞ࡦ᜴᜴୧ᇴ 17ۏঔ੺ ..4 ჌۞਒᜴᜴୧ᇴ 18ۏঔ੺ ..5 ჌۞ᖻ຅ᒖᇴă͚ᇣࡦ᜴̝ᒖᇴᄃԍᒖᇴăᐙഌᄃீഌᇴ 19ۏঔ੺ ..6 ჌ᑭߤܑ 96ۏͽဦ3۞ᇾώࠎּĂԆј۞ ..7 i ࡭ᔁ ĂࢋຏᔁధкˠĄঔ੺ࡁտࢍ൪۞James Hrynyshyn७ࢎ͘Ί̚۞гဦĂۍώ͘Ί଀ͽ΍ ӄĄຏᔁAdriana Suarez Blanch, Maylynnםͷࠎ͘Ίਨቇٙ̚ѣဦּ۞໤౯೩ֻ˞൑ᆊ۞ EnglerᄃAndrew Short७ࢎௐ4.0༼̝̚ᑭ৶ܑĂ֭ീྏ׎ዋϡّĄĄ ຏᔁ Rhema Bjorkland, Sheila Einsweiler, Boris Kwan, Richard Labossiere, Samuel Lee, Stephen Nash, Steven Price, Adrianne Sinclair ׶ Chris Woodsࠎ͘Ί۞ਨቇ೩ֻ׍߽၅˧ͷ ѣϡ۞ຍ֍ĄKimberly Davis, Craig HooverᄃTRAFFIC North America۞Tina Leonard၆ѩ ͘Ί۞ᚯ౯ᄃఢ൪ѣ඾࠹༊̂۞੒ᚥĄ˘ ԆјĄĄڱຏᔁௐ5.0༼̚೩̝̈́ࡁտˠࣶĂࡶ൑΁ࣇٙԆј̝ણ҂ྤफ़Ăௐ5.0༼Ϻ൑ ௐ5.0༼ٙ̚ѣ۞૾Ғဦᄲᄃ͘ᘱဦ൪Ăੵ˞̜κ೻֑˚ঔ੺ H. denise γĂౌߏLaurence ۞༼Richardson۞үݡĄ̜κ೻֑˚ঔ੺ H. denise ۞͘ᘱဦߏϤSara A. Lourie೩ֻĄௐ4.0 ᐂC۞໰ͯ݋ߏϤErnest W. T. CopperᄦүĄܢ͘ᘱဦ൪ᄃ ཌă࡚ۏдώ͘Ί۞ᚯ౯ᄃᄦү࿅඀̚ĂԧࣇপҾຏᔁCITES৪३఍ă઼࡚Ⴂຽၱ౎Ϡજ छঔ߶ၱ̂ঈგநԊ (NOAA) ۞͚޺ᄃခᐽĄ઼઼ ăNOAA ̝ࠞ༁ᒨܲົܛૄ ຏᔁDonner Canadian Foundation ׶ Curtis and Edith Munson Ч࣎ঔ੺ٺֈࢍ൪གྷ෱ֹѩࢍ൪଀ͽ;ኜ၁ҖĄࠎѩဦᝥበᇤٙซҖ۞ࡁտĂགྷ෱ֽҋ ࢍ൪۞ЪүϾҡĂΒ߁John G. Sheddͪ୉ᐡ(઼࡚)ĂGuylianμҹ˧(ͧӀॡ)Ăͽ̈́William ࿴ග Amanda Vincent)Ąώဦᝥٙॲፂ̝ௐ˘ώঔ੺ᝥؠ޽ݑߏϤRufford) ܛDawson ረጯ ܲ۩ăࡻ઼ҋ൒ᒖဩࡁտ؎ࣶົăࡻ઼࠱छጯົᄃࡻ઼ਝົܛૄ ăMaurice Laingົܛૄ ֈ̈௡ٙᙒӄĄ ચԊᙒӄѩᖙᛌࢍ൪Ăͽ̈́ΐो̂ࡻڒώဦᝥ଀ͽОҖĂበ۰ࢋຏᔁҖ߆ੰྺຽ؎ࣶົ кۏ၆ώ३ᖙᛌᄃበᏭ۞͚޺Ą֭ຏᔁ̚δࡁտੰϠົܛᛳֲ࣯ࣖͧ̂ጯ׶͵ࠧҋ൒ૄ ᇃߌ౾̀۞૞ຽᖙᛌᄃ޽ጱĄܖᇹّࡁտ͕̚ ii ᐂ IIܢࡦ౦ϫࡦ౦ϫ౦ϫ#ঔᐷࡊ(Order Gasterosteiformes / Family Syngnathidae) 7=H9Gו 1.0 ݈֏ ቙ࡗ઼̂ົب˟˩ࡗĞCITESğௐ̳ٽᅫ෶઼ۏ2002ѐ11͡3Ҍ15͟Ăᘓᓜ඗჌౎Ϡજങ ܢ჌Еˢ̳ࡗۏдംӀ۞ཐгͰ࣯ᓝҖćົ̚Ըை఼࿅૟ঔ੺ᛳĞĞHippocampusğ۞ٙѣ 2004ѐ5͡15͟Ϡड़Ąٺ჌Ă֭ͷۏᐂII۞ ͹გ༊Ԋᄃ׎΁۞࠹ᙯಏҜĂυืѣਕ˧Ᏸᙊ઼ᅫع჌Ă߆ۏᐂܢࠎѣड़ར၁ଠგCITES ֍۞ঔ੺ĄٙͽপҾበᇤѩ˘ဦᝥĂֻ࠹ᙯˠ̀ણ҂Ą૱̚ٽ෶ ૞ຽˠ̀ણ҂Ą൒ܧ૞ຽᄃۏ჌ᏰᙊԫఙĂ೩ֻගϠۏ૟ϒቁ۞ٺѩ˘ဦᝥ̝ϫ۞д Ă၁׍࠹༊۞߄ጼّĄְٽܧѩϫ۞֭זĂЯࠎధкঔ੺჌ᙷγ៍˩̶࠹ҬĂࢋ྿҃ ߏౄјঔ੺୉ཏٽĄᔵ൒дߙֱડાĂ߿ঔ੺෶ٽΒ߁߿ঔ੺ᄃ઀ঔ੺۞෶ٽঔ੺۞෶ Ğ֍ٽүࠎ็௚ᘽՄ۞઀ঔ੺෶ٺߏᛳٽϠхᑅ˧۞͹ࢋЯ৵ćҭ̂кᇴ۞ঔ੺઼ᅫ෶ ઀ঔ੺Ă˵ಶߏѪ˸ᇾώ۞ᝥؠĄٺğćٙͽѩဦᝥдనࢍ˯඾ࢦ༼3.0 ڱ͞ 2.0 ჌۞ᝥۏĂϤLourie et al ٙ඾̝Ķঔ੺ĈБ஧ۍ჌۞ೡࢗ͹ࢋߏॲፂ1999ѐ΍ۏώဦᝥ၆ फ़Ăࢦາ࣒ࢎăፋநĂ֭ΐˢາ۞̰टĄLourieྤ۞ۍؠᄃܲֈ޽ݑķ2Ąώဦᝥ૟̝݈΍ ϤHorne3ᄃKuiter4, 5, 6ٙซҖ۞ࡁտ̍үĂ݋ߏࠎώ३ܕet al ඾ࢗВೡࢗ˞32჌ঔ੺2Ąາ ჌۞ೡֶࢗፂĄՀஎˢ۞ঔ੺ԛၗᄃ᏷็ࡁտĂੵ˞ਕซ˘Վгቁᄮώဦဦۏ׎΁ঔ੺̚ ჌۞гҜĂТॡĂԧࣇ˵ᄮࠎঔ੺۞̶ᙷវր͟າ͡ளĂঔ੺າ჌۞൴ۏֱ˘ᝥٙЕ۞ ۏۏ჌۞ѣड़გநĂᔘߏѣυࢋ૟ঔ੺۞ۏᐂܢĄӈֹтѩĂࠎར၁CITESޞன˵ߏ޽͟Ξ ჌дѩ୻຾۞ܑЕĄٙͽώဦᝥֶፂ1999ѐঔ੺ࡁտࢍ൪۞ܑЕĂΐˢາᆧ۞̜κ೻֑ ჌Ąۏঔ੺H. denise Ă૟ঔ੺В̶ј33࣎˚ дLourie et al ඾ࢗ۞̶οဦ̚Ϊពϯ̏ቁؠ۞̶οгᕇྤफ़2Ąώဦᝥ࣒ϒ఺̶ֱοဦĂ ჌ٙ΍ன۞઼ۏ჌̂࡭۞̶οቑಛĄՏ˘ঔ੺ۏ˘உᄏٙѣቁؠᄃΞਕ۞̶οĂ൪΍Տ छĂॲፂቁؠ۞ٕΞਕ۞̶ο̶ј׌᛼ೡࢗĄĄ 2ĄͽᎶཛঔ੺Ꮆཛঔ੺ H. abdominalis ׶ۍLourie et al ඾ࢗ̚۞25಼ঔ੺͘ᘱဦдώဦᝥ̚ࢦາГ ΃ࣧώߏҘ፫ঔ੺Ҙ፫ঔ੺ H. angustus ᄃۡϲঔ੺ۡϲঔ੺ H. erectus ۞ဦĂפ੼݄ঔ੺ H. barbouri ۞ဦֽ ࢦາ७ϒ܎ԍঔ੺ H. comes ᄃ୧৳ঔ੺ H. zebra ۞ဦć֭າᆧ˞ฯّዷࡦঔ੺ H. camelopardalis되ّ୧৳ঔ੺ H. zebraဦĄາᆧ33჌ঔ੺۞૾ᘱဦĄٙѣဦ൪۞ᘱᄦ ᄃ࣒ؠౌߏॲፂ̏ѣ۞ঔ੺ᇾώٕঔ੺ࡁտࢍ൪೩ֻ۞࠹ͯٙᄦү҃јĄ ᐂAăBߏॲፂLourie et al 2ĂLourie and Randall 2003 8ٙ೩ֻ۞ྤੈᄃ઀ᒌᇾܢௐ4.0༼ᄃ ॰̚۞ᇴࣃࠎிᇴĞࢍᇴغĄܑ2Ҍ5ពϯՏ˘পᇈࣃീณ۞ቑಛĄโֽ҃ڍώ۞ᑭរඕ 1 ᐂ IIܢࡦ౦ϫࡦ౦ϫ౦ϫ#ঔᐷࡊ(Order Gasterosteiformes / Family Syngnathidae) 7=H9Gו ͧ۞ܜ၆ӚܜĂ౵૱֍۞ᇴࣃğĂּтԍᒖ۞ᇴϫćͽ̈́ീณٙ଀۞πӮࣃĂּтᐝޢ ࣃĞHL/SnLğĄ ጯྤफ़Ăૄώ˯ĂߏֶፂLourie et al 2۞඾ֽࢗՀາĂགྷϤঔ੺ࡁտۏௐ5.0༼̚ঔ੺۞Ϡ г͛ᚥຩವĂͽ̈́ঔᐷࡊࡁտጯ۰ᄃͪ୉ᐡ૞ຽھአĂՀາ۞ྤफ़͹ࢋֽҋᇃםࢍ൪۞ ˠ̀۞੒ᚥĄĄ ᐡă໢࣯රͪ୉ᐡ۞ঔ߶ࡊጯ̚ۏᛷҋᄋপૌMcGill̂ጯ۞Redpath౾ٮᐂC۞࠹ͯߏܢ ٙќะ۞ᇾώĄވᄃTRAFFICΐो̂Ᏹ̳͕ ߏͽᓑЪ઼۞ົ઼ࣶϫᐂࠎֶፂ9ĄڱछЩჍ۞޸઼ Ąޥдώ͛̚ĂH. ۞ᒺᆷߏ޽ঔ੺ᛳ(Hippocampus )۞ຍ 2 ᐂ IIܢࡦ౦ϫࡦ౦ϫ౦ϫ#ঔᐷࡊ(Order Gasterosteiformes / Family Syngnathidae) 7=H9Gו ጯۏঔ੺۞ܲֈᄃϠ 3.0 3.1 ܲֈ ಡ۞ٽௐ˘ώಓ੓઼ᅫมࢦෛ̂ఢሀঔ੺෶ٺᄃܲֈ۞ྤੈĂֽҋٽώဦᝥ۞ధк෶ ොĄܢ10Ą׎΁۞ྤੈֽ໚ኛ֍ٽӘĈঔ੺۞઼ᅫ෶ ٽ჌۞෶ۏ೩̿ঔ੺۞ܲֈᄃგநӮ࠹༊۞ࢦࢋĄѣड़ར၁CITES၆ঔ੺ٺ჌۞ᝥؠ၆ۏ Пचঔ੺۞౎Ϡ୉ཏĂ҃׎јΑᅮࢋົ̙ٽЧCITES቙ࡗ઼Ӆ˧ቁ઼ܲᅫ෶ٺგநĂѣᏥ ჌ᝥؠĄۏᏥϒቁ۞ֶ ਎ރ၆ঔ੺۞ ତ۞ॏ॓Ăͽֹ̈́ϡ൑Ᏼፄّ۞Ⴂ׍ٙౄј۞஄ᒔᄃകۡٺ਎ֽҋރ۞זצঔ੺୉ཏٙ შႢຽ۞஄ᒔ݋ߏٳغг۞৔ᗼĄѣֱ͵ࠧ˯౵ళ቎۞Ⴂ͈ߏͽۡତॏ॓ঔ੺ჯϠĄ҃ შ׍Ϻົ৔ᗼঔ੺۞കिг11ĄԧࣇᅮࢋՀк۞ࡁٳغ౵̂ఱ໚ĂТॡĂ۞ٽঔ੺઼ᅫ෶ տֽෞҤঐε۞ঔ੺കिгĞ͍׎ߏঔਨԖğĂᄃ׎၆ঔ੺౎Ϡ୉ཏ۞኏ᑝĄ మ઴Ă߿۞ঔ੺݋༊ј៍ካणϯݡĄ็௚ᘽֽە઀ᒌ۞ঔ੺జ༊ј็௚ᘽՄăྃݡăࠡ Ąᔵ൒̂ݭ۞ăઐϨ؟Մ (TM)Ă͍׎ߏ็௚̚ᘽՄ(TCM)ᄃ׎ᄦݡĂҫঔ੺ঐ෱۞౵̂ Ăܓᝌצޝ˵ᄃπ໣۞ঔ੺జߙֱˠᄮࠎѣྵ੼۞ᘽड़10ĄҭЯࠎΒ྅మ઴۞̚ᘽᄦ጗۞ ݭ༴᛬ঔ੺10,12Ą̈۞ܓ௚ξಞᝌ็צຽࠧฟؕӀϡࣧώֹ̙ܳ ۏ۞ܕ჌ (ঔ੺ᄃ׎ҕ໚࠹ۏॲፂ̏ѣ۞ᙋፂពϯĂд1995ѐĂВѣ32઼࣎छણᄃঔᐷࡊ 80઼࣎ܕĂЍߏֲ߷гડјϹ۞઀ঔ੺ಶ྿45̳ጟ10Ąซ˘Վ۞ࡁտពϯĂ૟ٽ჌)۞෶ ߷ᄃٛ˚࡚߷۞઼छ11Ąੵѩ̝γĂܧĂΒ߁ధкٽ჌۞෶ۏछд2000ѐ̝݈ѣ࿅ঔᐷࡊ ෹࿅ٽณ̼۞ᙋፂౌពϯдֲ߷гડ۞઀ঔ੺Ϲܧአߤᄃٽफ़ă෶ྤ͞ءֱ˘2000ѐĂ ĂΒ߁ధк̈ঔ੺˵˘੓ซˢ 11ٽ50̳ጟĄ1995ᄃ2000ѐĂ઼ᅫมѣᇴ˩༱੸۞߿ঔ੺෶ ξಞĄĄ ֈ۞ᇆᜩܲ ৔זצঔകिг˵Тॡܕڻ၆ঔ੺୉ཏ۞ᇆᜩߏ࠹༊̂۞Ă͍׎ߏ༊׎਑ऴ۞ٽঔ੺෶ ޺ᜈّ۞ॏڇ჌тңҹۏჟቁҤࢍ౎Ϡঔ੺۞୉ཏณĂͽ̈́˞ྋ࣎ҾڱᗼĄᔵ൒ϫ݈൑ ณ̏ٽ੃ᐂă̂ณ۞ࡁտᄃΞያ۞ੈिពϯĂঔ੺ॏᒔᄃ(ٕ)෶ٽᑅ˧ćҭߏ౅࿅෶॓ ᅮՐณഴ͌Ą೼఼Ҥࢍ̣ѐֽĂٽ෶ܧགྷព඾гഴ͌Ą఺΃ܑ۞ߏ౎Ϡ୉ཏ۞ঐεĂ҃ 50Ʀ11Ą2003ѐĂ઼ᅫܲֈᓑ༖ĞIUCNğࡓϩ३૟˘჌ঔ੺Еזঔ੺୉ཏณࢫҲ˞15Ʀ П჌Ă׎΁۞ঔ੺ౌߏྤफ़̙֖۞჌ᙷĞܑϯᅮࢋՀк۞ࡁտğٽࠎᘓП჌Ă˝჌Еࠎ ۞΄ڱϲ༊г۞ܲֈෞҤր௚ᄃޙঔ੺୉ཏхᜈ۞П፟Ă̏གྷΩҖז13Ąధк઼छវᄮ ఢቑĄ 3 ᐂ IIܢࡦ౦ϫࡦ౦ϫ౦ϫ#ঔᐷࡊ(Order Gasterosteiformes / Family Syngnathidae) 7=H9Gו ঔ੺ᄃCITES Ҍ2004ѐ2͡ࠎͤĂCITESВѣ164࣎቙ࡗ઼14ĄCITES۞͹ࢋϫᇾߏࢋቁؠྭ઼ࠧ۞જă ٽᅫ෶઼זצΞਕٕזצ჌ώ֗۞Ϡхۏڍ჌۞ϠхĄтۏ਎׎୉ཏٕރົ̙ٽ෶ۏങ ჌ֶ׎̙Т۞᜕ܲۏ჌૟ΞਕజৼˢCITES۞გநఢቑĄCITES ૟׎ఢቑ۞ۏ਎Ăѩރ۞ ᐂ̂ࡗՏ˟ѐд቙ࡗ઼̂ົ˯ՀາĂͷ၆ٙѣΐˢ۞቙ܢᐂܑЕĄ఺ֱܢᅮՐ̶јˬ࣎ ਎Ă҃ރ჌۞ۏҖࠎ͔ٙ੓၆ٽఢቑ۞ड़˧ĄCITESۡତ੫၆۞ߏЯ෶΄ڱࡗ઼ֽᄲѣ׎ ĄĄٽͷΪࢨؠ઼ᅫ෶ 2004ѐ5͡Ϡड़Ąٺ჌Ă֭ۏᐂII 1ܢ2002ѐ11͡ĂCITES቙ࡗ઼̂ົՙؠ૟ٙѣঔ੺Еˢ થ۞ᅮՐĂઇ΍ٽॡมĂ੫၆׎Ⴂϔᄃ෶عග቙ࡗ઼߆ٺม18࣎͡۞̳ӘഇĂϡຍд̚ ᄃϒڱĂᅮࢋՀр۞ྤफ़ќะ͞ٽዋ༊гેҖඉரĄࠎਕѣड़გந઀ঔ੺ٕ߿ঔ੺۞෶ फ़Ąྤ۞ژഇΞ̶ֻܜቁͷ ᐂܢ਎۞჌ᙷĄЕˢރٽ෶זצ૟ົٕזצ჌ߏֱ֤౎Ϡ୉ཏ̏ۏᐂII۞ܢCITESٺЕ ߏ̯ధ۞Ăҭߏٽ෶ۏ჌۞ֹϡ͞ёߏϖᜈّ۞ĄજăങۏII۞ϫ۞ߏࢋቁܲ૟ֽ၆ѩ ჌۞Ꮾ΍̙ົП̈́౎Ϡ୉ཏٕ՟ѣ̙Ӏ۞ᇆᜩĄٙᏜ՟ѣ̙Ӏᇆᜩۏ΍˾઼υืቁؠѩ Ķnon-detrimental findingsķߏCITES۞͹ࢋΑਕĄCITES۞΍˾ă̈́ĞٕğГ΍˾ధΞᙋ ώᅮՐĂੵѩ̝γĂѣ઼ֱछΞਕᔘѣՀᚑॾ۞ఢቑĄૄ۞ٽ჌઼ᅫ෶ۏᐂIIܢߏCITES ˾ณΞֹ୉ཏϖᜈ۞ϠхĄٙͽ΍ٽ෶۞ޘĂϤ΍˾઼࢑యෞҤң჌඀ޢᐂIIܢ჌Еˢۏ ჌୉ཏϖᜈϠх۞ϒቁۏफ़ֽቁܲ၆ྤٽጯăႢຽᄃ෶ۏ჌υࢋ۞Ϡۏ଀࠹ᙯפυื઼ ჌۞Ᏸᙊдѩߏ࠹༊ᙯᔣۏ჌՟ѣ̙Ӏ۞ᇆᜩĂٙͽۏ၆ٽෞҤĄܑЕ۞ϫ۞ߏԓ୕෶ Ą۞ Е۞ࢦࢋّܑ ᐂ۞གྷᑻّঔ߶౦჌ĄЯࠎՏѐ۞̂ณܢঔ੺ĂТ ᗯᄃ෪ᕀĂߏௐ˘ԲజЕˢCITES ఢቑგநĂ၆۞ޢᐂ̝ܢјࠎCITESࢦࢋ۞ኝᗟĄར၁ঔ੺ЕˢٽĂ఺ֱ౦჌۞෶ٽϹ ਎ᄃᑅ˧Ă˵ߏ˘࣎υރ۞צ߄ጼĂҭࠎ˞ࢫҲঔ੺୉ཏϠхٙ۞̂ޝCITESֽᄲߏ˘࣎ ࢬ၆ͷΪਕјΑ۞߄ጼĄื ᇆᜩ۞ঔ੺୉ཏ൴ण΍Հр۞ٽ෶צᐂ۞˘ีࢦࢋຍཌྷĂߏԧࣇυืࠎֱ֤ܢঔ੺Еˢ ၗĂυࢋॡυืఢቑېঔ੺ܑЕᇆᜩ۞઼छ˘ؠࢋෞҤ׎ঔ੺୉ཏ۞צĄڱႾീᄃგந͞ ğਕϖᜈхٽତॏᒔٕ஄ᒔ۞ঔ੺ᇴณĄ҃ͷĂࠎቁܲ఺ֱঔ੺۞౎Ϡ୉ཏĞͽ̈́׎෶ۡ കгೇֈĂឰ఺ֱകिгޭೇ΁ࣇᑕ۞˾ګᄃڒдĂ࠹ᙯ઼छυืซҖঔਨăࠞ༁ăࡓፘ Ăͽֹ̈́׎௑Ъϖᜈགྷᒉ۞Ӆ˧Ăޘአፋঔ੺୉ཏ۞Ӏϡ඀ٺѣ۞ϠၗΑਕĄ࠹ᙯ઼छ၆ ᅮࢋ˘րЕ̙Т۞გநඉரᄃ͞९Ă͞ਕ௑Ъ౎Ϡ୉ཏܲֈᄃႢຽᅮՐᗕ͞۞ᅮࢋĄ 4 ᐂ IIܢࡦ౦ϫࡦ౦ϫ౦ϫ#ঔᐷࡊ(Order Gasterosteiformes / Family Syngnathidae) 7=H9Gו ጯপّۏϠ 3.2 ğ̚ۍጯᄃϠၗጯࡁտ͛ᚥаᜪĞFoster and Vincent, ΍ۏҋ౵າ۞ঔ੺Ϡפ༼ͽ˭۞ౢ Ąז15Ăٙѣ۞ࣧؕ͛ᚥౌΞд̰͛̚Ա ̶ᙷጯ ঔ੺ᄃგ౦Ğpipefishesğăგঔ੺౦ĞpipehorsesğᄃঔᐷĞseadragonsğТࠎঔᐷࡊ ĞSyngnathidaeğ۞јࣶ16Ą఺ֱ౦ᄃ੺ᗛ౦Ğcornetfishesğăঔཹ౦Ğpegasidsğă㚂 ᆜ౦Ğsnipefishesğăഌࡦ౦ĞSticklebacksğ׶გ˾౦Ğtrumpetfishesğౌߏдഌࡦ౦ ᖻćԍొ֗ېგ۞ܜညҭߏѣ˘ؼҩј৫҃ޝĞGasterosteiformesğϫ̚ϫ̚17, 18Ąგ౦ᄃঔ੺ ІĄঔᐷѣۏΞሹᖒېĂԍొјଡѡܜԹ೪Ąგঔ੺۞ᐝొரᝈШ֗ᖻĂᖻ຅࣒ٺዋ̙ ۳Ăѣӄձࣇઠᖟдঔਨᕍ̚Ąܢሀᇹ۞ې࣎઎޴҃எ۞֗វĂ҃ͷѣ˘ֱؼणјཧ˘ ჌Ăҭߏซ˘Վ۞̶ᙷࡁտΞਕົ൴னۏώဦᝥϫ݈ቁᄮ˞ঔ੺ᛳĞĞHippocampusğ33࣎ ჌֭՟ѣд౎γజࡁտ࿅Ąۏ჌Ą̂кᇴ۞ঔ੺ۏՀк۞ঔ੺ ̶οᄃዏொ มĄ̂ొЊঔ੺Ϡ߿дޘҌݑቛ50ޘાĂ̂ࡗଂΔቛ50ͪثڻঔ੺̶οд໢૲ᄃሤ૲۞ ኳঔાĂߙڪॲొᄃঔਨ̝มĂҭߏѣֱϠ߿д۩ᘈ۞Ւኳٕڒࠞ༁ă̂ݭᚼᙷăࡓፘ ͷ̙ాᜈ۞Ăˠᙷ߿જٙጱޘሡസĄঔ੺۞̶οкߏҲ୉ཏ૜ٕ˾ګ჌ΞਕϠ߿дۏֱ ͷ߿ޘྕم੼۞കгޝ჌ѣۏᇆᜩঔ੺۞୉ཏĄ̂кᇴ۞ঔ੺ٽ࡭۞കिг৔ᗼপҾट ĂҌ͌дᓄത؞༼ॡтѩĄ̈ޝજቑಛ ҃˧ಶ੺˯ซˢͪဥ̚Ąᔵ൒ρ౦ᖣϤγޢ჌۞ρ౦ߏঙഫّ۞Ăд΍Ϡ̝ۏߙֱঔ੺ ொજ۞ቑಛߏϏۢ۞ĂҭߏѩপّΞਕ೩ֻ˘ֱ୉ཏ̝มૄЯϹ߹۞፟ົĄĄ Ϡх ѐౌѣĂ̙̣זˬ჌۞ۏݭ̂ז჌۞˘ѐνΠۏ၅ٙҤࢍ۞ঔ੺ု׻Ăଂ̈ݭ៍ވ၁រ ۏТϠ߿Ϋล߱۞Ѫ˸தϏۢĄజॏࢴதᑕд༴౦ഇ౵੼ĂΞਕజధк۞౦ᄃ൑ਖഛજ ॏࢴ۰ಈຑ۞൴צ̙˯р۞ᔖᇲં྅׶֗ྵٺॏࢴĄјѐঔ੺۞ॏࢴ۰ᑕྍྵ͌ĂჹЯ ᄃഌĄഅགྷд̂߶ّ۞౦ᙷּтĈᕁ౦ᄃ੿ᐝ˥۞ࡤ̰൴னঔ੺Ă˵ົజᗯ౦ăڕ྿੻ 19,20,21ăЋᗵᄃ׎΁۞ͪ౧4ॏࢴĄ⪘ ᓄത ĂϤฯঔ੺ᘃθြӉĄੵ˞֑͐ͩ˚ঔ੺H.
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