Elected Members Appointed Members H J Alston Broadland D C * L E Baugh Mrs J Copplestone * J Burton * G Nurden * R Buxton F O’Neil H G Cator OBE V Tapp * J W Chapman D Ward S G Daniels * G D Gay D C * M Harris * Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett K Hart * Mrs P Grove-Jones I Robinson * N Pearce D Roll * R C Price * F Sharman * P Rice M Smart R Stevens T P Strudwick Mrs L Walker * J G Tallowin Vacancy * E Wharton * S D Wright Vacancy Great Yarmouth B C * M Bird * Mrs M Coleman Mrs M Fairhead ` N Galer * B Lawn * H Thirtle

* Present (51%)

Mr R Buxton in the Chair

In attendance:

Mr P Camamile (Chief Executive), Mr G Bloomfield (Catchment Engineer), Mr G Brown (Flood and Water Manager), Mr P George (Operations Engineer), Mr A Goose (Operations Manager), Ms C Laburn (Environmental Manager), Mr M Philpot (Project Engineer), Mrs C Cocks and Mrs M Creasy (minutes)

ID Broads (2006) IDB, Minute Action


01/19/01 Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Messrs H ID Broads (2006) IDB, Minute Action

Alston, H G Cator, S G Daniels, K Hart, D Roll, R Stevens, V Tapp, Mrs J Coppletsone and Mrs M Fairhead.


02/19/01 The Chairman reported that Mr Brian Lawn had been appointed by the Great Yarmouth Borough Council as the replacement for Mr Graham Carpenter.


03/19/01 The Chairman led Members in standing for a moment’s silence in remembrance of Mr W Northam, appointed Member for North Norfolk District Council, who had passed away in October 2018 and would be greatly missed by members and officers.


04/19/01 Mr A Goose declared an interest in respect of the payment recorded in the Schedule of Paid Accounts made to Account ID GO0742 due to his family relationship with the account holder. RESOLVED that this be noted.

04/19/02 Mr F Sharman declared an interest in the report included within the Operations Report concerning Repps Pumping Station bridge refurbishment, due to his involvement as pump attendant for Repps Pumping Station. RESOLVED that this be noted.

04/19/03 Mr R Buxton declared an interest in respect of the Operations Report update on works at Horsey Mill, due to his ownership of land here. RESOLVED that this be noted.

04/19/04 Mr J Chapman declared an interest in respect of all matters pertaining to the Somerton Water Level Management Plan (WLMP) review, due to his connections with the Burnley Hall Estate. RESOLVED that this be noted.

04/19/05 Mr J Chapman declared an interest in respect of the Operations Report update on Martham Boat Dyke Culvert, due to his land ownership in the area. RESOLVED that this be noted.


05/19/01 The minutes of the last Board meeting held on 15 November 2018 were approved and signed as a true record. Arising therefrom:

05/19//02 Broadland Environmental Services Limited (BESL) Maintenance of Flood Defences Contract Expiry 2021 ID Broads (2006) IDB, Minute Action


The Project Engineer reported that both he and the Catchment MP/GB Engineer were attending a meeting with the new EA Broads Asset Team later in the afternoon to discuss maintenance options for the flood defence banks beyond expiry of the BESL contract. RESOLVED that this be noted.

05/19/03 Pumping Stations (71/18/02)

Members were informed that the two additional mobile pumps had been purchased, one of which would be used at Martham. RESOLVED that this be noted.

05/19/04 Update on 18_00404_F: Report of Flooding – Upper Staithe Road, Stalham (73/18/03)

The Catchment Engineer reported that discussions are being held GB/GBr/ with the Highways Authority. RESOLVED that this be noted. MP


06/19/01 The Operations Report, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book), was considered in detail and approved. Arising therefrom:

06/19/02 Repps Pumping Station Bridge Refurbishment (64/17/04)

It was reported that help is now being received with Water Voles. Work is being planned for March 2019. RESOLVED that this be noted.

06/19/03 Major Incident Horsey Mill (5.1)

Work would finish in March/April 2019 with regard to the Horsey Mill incident. RESOLVED that this be noted.

06/19/04 Martham Boat Dyke Culvert (5.2)

£100k of IDB precept monies has been made available and can now commit to Option 3. The Operations Engineer will lead on the project.

Mr J Chapman voiced concern about potential land loss and would be meeting with the Chairman to discuss the matter on 11 February 2019. The Chairman and Catchment Engineer stated it would be beneficial for an Engineer to be present and suggested that the Operations Manager attend; an email would be sent to Mr MEC H G Cator. The business case had been approved by the Environment Agency (EA). Mr Chapman raised the issue that he felt that Board members were not fully apprised of the work and this was discussed at length. The Catchment Engineer reported that the least risk option was to go up and around but would be ID Broads (2006) IDB, Minute Action

able to give a more detailed report at the next Board meeting after reviewing all the options.

06/19/05 Halvergate

The high level carrier is now connected and the project would be officially launched in due course.

06/19/06 KLAWA Eel Pass Trial at Tunstall Pump

Members were apprised that the IDB is currently in the process of CL installing an Eel pass at Tunstall; the first in the UK, which has been funded with an EA grant. Successful trials had been carried out by the University of Kassel in Germany. The capital project and budget is for £60k. The Government has paid for this as part of the trial. The pass is due for commissioning in early February 2019 and will be monitored by Mr Adam Piper from the Zoological Society of London. The Environmental Manager also advised that the Eel Regulations are currently being reviewed nationally.

06/19/07 Main River Maintenance Work

Work had ceased as the EA had withdrawn support.

06/19/08 Health and Safety (7)

The pump attendant role was being reviewed and a meeting is being planned to discuss possible changes to the role, moving forward.


07/19/01 The Planning Report, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book), was considered in detail and approved. Arising therefrom:

07/19/02 The Planning Manager reported that the team are currently awaiting further information on two consents.

07/19/03 20181601 Hybrid application: Outline Application for Erection GBr of up to 235 Dwellings and Full Application for the Erection of 315 Dwellings (4.1)

Members were apprised that this application is to discharge into the main river and a watching brief is being kept on developments.

The planning application has been received, which the team are commenting on. It is a retrospective application and we are awaiting further information from the Planning Authority.

07/19/04 Byelaw Policy GBr

Members were informed that the new draft Planning and Byelaw ID Broads (2006) IDB, Minute Action

Strategy was out to consultation with the Local Planning Authorities to obtain their views on our regulatory functions; the consultation would close on 22 March 2019. The responses received so far have been positive. There have been some queries regarding how the IDB intended to resource its ambition. The Planning and Byelaw Strategy will be brought back to the next Board meeting for review and comment. It was confirmed that the Broads Authority was consulted on this document. Mr L Baugh, a member of the Broads Authority reported that they were recently asked to look at Government funding and boundaries.


08/19/01 The Environmental Report, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book), was considered in detail and approved. Arising therefrom:

08/19/02 Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring at Pumping Stations (1.3)

Pumps will continue to be monitored to avoid any fish kill due to oxygenation during the coming months. RESOLVED that this be noted.

08/19/03 Somerton Water Level Management Review and Habitats Regulation Assessment (1.2)

The Somerton Water Level Management Plan (WLMP) review included in the meeting paperwork had not been looked at by Members of the Board and therefore the vote was postponed to the next meeting. Members requested that another link be MEC/CC included on the agenda, so that it could be considered at the next Board meeting.

08/19/04 Broads Standard Maintenance Operations Document (1.3)

Members had not viewed the Board’s Standard Maintenance Operations Document link included in the meeting paperwork and therefore the vote was postponed to the next meeting. They requested that the Environmental Manager also provide a CL synopsis of the changes and email it to the Board.

08/19/05 Muckfleet Project – Update (1.5)

Due to a large number of water voles a bespoke water vole licence needed to be obtained from the Environment Agency. The plan was to commence work n the middle of February 2019.

08/19/06 Somerton Hundred Drain Desilt Update (1.6)

(i) Mr J Chapman commented that there had been very little consultation with the Burnley Estate and wanted to know who the contact was at the Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT). He said he was ID Broads (2006) IDB, Minute Action

in receipt of an email from the Operations Engineer but a meeting had not taken place. Mr Chapman complained that communication between landowners and some IDB Officers is very poor.

(ii) Considered discussions took place regarding land ownership between the NWT and the IDB. The Chief Executive advised that he had not seen any evidence that the Board can register the land in question. Mr J Chapman informed the Members that he has a letter from 1937 and kindly agreed to provide a copy to the Board. Mr Chapman requested that if anyone had any other paperwork purporting to show that the Board owned land, could they please provide the evidence to the Board in order for an application to be filed with the Land Registry to register the land. GB/MP/ (iii) Mr L Baugh requested that the perception of non-communication PG/GBr by officers be rectified.

08/19/07 Biodiversity Action Plan Reporting 2018-2019 (1.8)

The Biodiversity Action Plan was reviewed in 2018. Many actions have been overtaken this year by normal maintenance procedures and capital schemes or working in partnership with other bodies. The Norfolk Mink project is ongoing and the Board has continued to contribute £2,500 to the Norfolk Mink Project during 2018. The project continues to go from strength to strength.

08/19/08 Non-Compliance (4)

The Environmental Manager apprised members of an issue of unconsented maintenance on a non-IDB drain and overzealous nature of the flailing work in November 2018. This had been dealt with via the IDB’s internal quality management system and a Learning Event Report has been produced. A training day has been scheduled for operatives.


09/19/01 The Schedule of Paid Accounts for the period 1 October 2018 to 31 December 2018 totalling £776,250.25, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book), was considered in detail and approved. Matters arising therefrom:

09/19/02 Mr G Gay declared an interest with regard to the payment made to Account MA0005.

10/19 RATE ESTIMATES FOR 2019/20

10/19/01 The detailed estimates for 2019/20 were considered in detail and approved, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book). Arising therefrom: ID Broads (2006) IDB, Minute Action

10/19/02 Capital Programme 2019/20

The Capital Works Estimate for 2019/20 prepared by the Catchment and Project Engineers, totalling £1,436,888 was considered in detail and approved. Arising therefrom:

10/19/03 With regard to SCH50 Parrots Feather Eradication, Mrs P Grove- JM/CL Jones requested that she be sent an illustration of what the plant looked like.

10/19/04 Maintenance Programme 2019/20

The Maintenance Works Estimate for 2019/20 prepared by the Project Engineer and Operations Manager, totalling £730,061 was considered in detail and approved. Arising therefrom:

10/19/05 Mr G Gay advised there was a probable out-turn of an additional £50,000 due to a wet Spring last year and some corrosion of pipes and therefore, a possibility of having to cut back on certain works, moving forward.

10/19/06 Consortium Charges 2019/20

The Administration and Technical Support budget for 2019/20 as recommended by the Consortium Management Committee on 7 December 2018 was considered in detail and approved. Arising therefrom:

10/19/07 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to approve the net Administrative Support Consortium Charge of -£91,868 (£172,405 less other income of £264,273), and include the same in the Board’s Rate Estimates for 2019/20.

10/19/08 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to approve the Technical Support Consortium Charge of £417,536 and include the same in the Board’s Rate Estimates for 2019/20.


11/19/01 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to approve the net requirement of £1,040,405 for 2019/20 as presented (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book). Arising therefrom:

11/19/02 Annual Values

It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to approve the aggregate annual values as at 31 December 2018, used for the purposes of raising and apportioning expenses from drainage rates and special levies for 2019/20.

ID Broads (2006) IDB, Minute Action

11/19/03 Members considered the proposal to increase the rate and special levies by 3.3% for 2019/20, compared to the actual requirement of 13.28% and the previous year’s indicative requirement of 3%. Arising therefrom:

11/19/04 Mr J Chapman raised concerns that the Board was dipping into PJC/AG the reserves and some work was not being carried out. He cited the main drain on Somerton Level as an example. The Chief Executive agreed to speak with the Operations Manager.

11/19/05 It was proposed by Mr L Baugh, seconded by Mr S Wright and carried with 16 in favour and 1 abstained, to approve Option 3, which equated to a Drainage Rate increase of 3.3% at 26.059p in the pound:

Option 3

Drainage Rate in the Pound: 26.059p

Financed by:

Agricultural Drainage Rates £287,154 Broadland District Council £169,239 Great Yarmouth Borough Council £191,397 North Norfolk District Council £298,273 South Norfolk District Council £2,639 Reserves £91,703 £1,040,405


12/19/01 The indicative five year forecast was considered in detail and approved, (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book). There were no matters arising.

13/19 OBJECTIVES 2018/19

13/19/01 Members considered the review of the Board’s objectives for 2018/19, which had substantially been achieved (a copy of which is filed in the Report Book). Arising therefrom:

13/19/02 Members considered the EA Precept charge for 2019/20 which PJC had again increased by 5% without consultation and without knowing where all the money was being spent and how this benefitted the Board’s area. It was unanimously agreed and thereby RESOLVED to appeal the precept for 2019/20.

14/19 OBJECTIVES 2019/20

14/19/01 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to approve the objectives ID Broads (2006) IDB, Minute Action

for 2019/20 as presented and agreed by members:

1. To ensure that expenditure does not exceed the net expenditure budget for 2019/20 and plan for subsequent years’ rate increases to equate to no more than an inflationary rise.

2. To ensure that the EA’s annual precept charge on the Board is fair and that it is spent on work that benefits the Internal Draining Board.

3. To help partners to develop a plan to maintain the river banks after the BESL project finishes in 2021.

4. To be financially and hydrologically independent from the Environment Agency within a 5 year period.

14/19/02 Mr G Gay enquired who decides on river maintenance projects MP between the Broads’ Authority and Agencies. He was advised to speak with the Project Engineer.

14/19/03 Discussions took place regarding catching silt in the upland catchment with the aim of trying to control it up stream and SUDS. Mr L Baugh commented on historical issues with waste regulations requiring full environmental consent now, which has put the cost up phenomenally. The authority plans to move 50k m3 every year, in excess of £35/m3.


15/19/01 Members considered the risk register for those risks with a risk assessment matrix score of ≥ 6. There were no matters arising.


16/19/01 The Chief Executive apprised members that there was a vacant elected member’s position on the Board in the Stallham Electoral Division. It was suggested that Sutton Staithe landowners be asked if they were interested in joining the Board.

16/19/02 The other alternative was to reconstitute to reduce the number of Board members from 39. Defra recommended that no Board should have more than 21 members and for Boards the size of Broads IDB, the number of members should not exceed 13. The Chief Executive advised members that the attendance for the last Board meeting was 49% and is of a similar percentage for today’s meeting. The Chairman suggested that if Members had anything to raise regarding the reconstitution, it is brought to the next meeting.

ID Broads (2006) IDB, Minute Action


17/19/01 ADA Governance Workshops 2019

The Chief Executive reminded Members of the ADA Good Governance Workshops and encouraged Members to book their places by following the link included on the face of the agenda. He informed Members that the Good Governance Guide was available on both the ADA and WMA websites and could be sent electronically to members if requested. The Workshops’ dates are 19 March 2019 in King’s Lynn and 28 March 2019 in Peterborough.


18/19/01 The next meeting would take place on 20 May 2019 at 10 am at Hickling Barn.


19/19/01 DRS Online

Members were apprised that an online portal had been developed PJC which would enable drainage ratepayers to manage their own accounts online. Elected members were encouraged to use this new system and the Chief Executive confirmed that details together with instructions on how to register online and manage accounts would be circulated to all ratepayers with the annual Rate Demands for 2019/20.

19/19/02 WMA Email Accounts

The Chief Executive advised that a corporate email address was being set up for the elected members to use, to avoid any possible compromise of their personal email accounts following any FoI request. Instructions on how to set up the corporate email address on personal PCs would be circulated in due course. Appointed Council Members should already have the use of their councils’ corporate email system.


20/19/01 There were no members of the public present.


21/19/01 The unconfirmed minutes of the last Consortium Management ID Broads (2006) IDB, Minute Action

Committee meeting held on 7 December 2018 were considered in detail and approved. There were no matters arising.

21/19/02 WMA Schedule of Paid Accounts

The WMA Schedule of Paid Accounts for the period 1 August 2018 to 30 November 2018 totalling £425,995.08 as approved at the Consortium Management Committee meeting on 7 December 2018, was considered in detail and adopted by the Board. There were no matters arising.

21/19/03 WMA Estimates 2019/20 plus Projected Out-turn for 2018/19

The detailed Consortium Budget and Basis of Apportionment for the financial year 2019/20, as approved at the Consortium Management Committee meeting on 7 December 2018, together with the projected out-turn for year ending 31 March 2019 was considered in detail and approved by the Board. There were no matters arising.

21/19/04 To mandate the Board Representatives

There were no items raised for discussion at the next Consortium Management Committee meeting on 29 March 2018. Should members wish any item to be raised at the next meeting on 29 March 2019, they should raise it with the Board’s representatives:

Mr R Buxton Mr H G Cator Mr S G Daniels

21/19/05 The Chief Executive reminded members that Mary Creasy would be retiring after 11 years of service at the end of March 2019 and her work, support and dedication was acknowledged by the Chief Executive and all Board Members present. Mary will be greatly missed by all and was wished a long and happy retirement.


22/19/01 It was agreed and thereby RESOLVED to exclude the public from the next part of the meeting due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, in accordance with Section 2 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.



Works have been undertaken on Board main drains in these catchments:

Somerton South & Auxillory Damgate Martham to Martham Ferry Heigham Holmes Potter Heigham Horse Fen Ludham Ludham North & South Horning Irstead South Walsham

Emergency culvert works at Hickling.


All C1 and C2 electrical work has now been completed. Engineers are working through the remainder of the issues that have arisen from the routine servicing.


1. Brograve: (3 No. Pumps)

No major problems reported.

2. Horsey: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

3. Somerton South: (2 No. Pumps)

No major problems reported.

4. Somerton North: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

5. Somerton Auxiliary: (1 No. Submersible)

No major problems reported.



1. Tunstall Pump: (2 No. Pumps)

Eel Pass works underway

2. Five Mile Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

3. Ashtree Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

4. Breydon Pumping Station: (2 No. Pumps)

No major problems reported.

5. Berney Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

6. Seven Mile Pumping Station: (2 No. Pumps)

No major problems reported.

7. Stracey Arms Freshwater Intake Works: (Automatic inlet penstock)

No major problems reported.


1. Buckenham Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

2. Postwick Pumping Station; (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.


1. Cantley Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported. Pump station refurbishment of roof and guttering complete.


1. The Doles Pumping Station: (3 No. Pumps)

Pump 3 has been refurbished & will be installed in the next quarter.

2. Hermitage Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.


1. Stokesby Pumping Station: (2 No. Pumps - Archimedes Screw Pumps)

No major problems reported.

2. Mautby Pumping Station: (2 No. Pumps - Archimedes Screw Pumps)

No major problems reported.


1. Martham Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

2. Repps Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

3. Thurne Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.


1. Hickling

Stubb Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

Eastfield Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

Catfield Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

Martham Heigham Holmes Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.


Potter Heigham Pumping Station: (2 No. Pumps)

No major problems reported.

Horsefen Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

Ludham Bridge North Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

Ludham Bridge South Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

St Benet’s Pumping Station. (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

Horning Grove Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

Irstead Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

Sutton Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

Chapelfield Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

Wayford Bridge Pumping Station: (1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.

East Ruston: (Tonnage Bridge Pumping Station – 1 No. Pump)

No major problems reported.



We have offered to assist with the project and await a response from NCC.

14 4. PLANT

No update this period.



Works at Horsey are complete with the new pipe in place and drains connected.

BESL will be returning in the spring to undertake seeding and making good tracks and general areas.


Outline Business Case has been approved by the Environment Agency (EA) to a total project value of £1,174,000.

However EA are currently unable to fully fund this project due to full planned programme. To assist us with managing the emergency and enable us to proceed to detailed designs, £100k of IDB precept monies has been made available. EA are also putting forward an over-programme for 2019/20 to EA National which includes £600,000 of Grant in Aid. Discounting the Risk Contingency (£271,000) and IDB contribution in managing the incident (£25,000); there is a further unconfirmed funding need of £178,000. It is anticipated this can be covered by further Precept, Local Levy and/or in year underspend on other projects when the scheme delivery is underway late summer.


Earthworks at the Filby end of the works have ceased for the winter months, new drainage dykes have been connected to existing dykes & water levels lowered to winter levels. The site team are carrying out tree clearance works at Stokesby to enable the bank strengthening earthworks to re-commence in the spring. Works continue to be delivered on time & within the allocated budget.

Tree Clearance Works Ongoing


The High Level Carrier is now connected allowing for water levels to be raised and the system to be tested this January.

Four automatic over-spill water control structure will be installed starting February to allow a feed of fresh water to the adjacent habitats and drains.

Mitigation works will start in February to allow the final 250m of the embankment to be completed.

Plans are being developed in partnership with the RSPB to deliver a high profile launch event in early June.


High Level Carrier connected at the western end.

High Level Carrier connected south of Fleet Farm via a water control structure.

Options for a phase three are being considered and appraised with the RSPB as a partnership funded scheme in order to extend the carrier eastwards towards Great Yarmouth. Not only will this deliver environmental enhancement on RSPB owned land but it would also help provide a reliable supply of fresh water to the Ashtree Catchment. Once initial options have been produced local landowners and stakeholders will be fully consulted.


No update this period. Early data analysis will take place this quarter with initial findings to be reported.

5.6 KLAWA Eel Pass Trial at Tunstall Pump

We are in the process of installing an Eel pass at Tunstall to allow field tests to be carried out. The pass has been successfully trialled under laboratory conditions by the University of Kassel in Germany. It uses the principals of an airlift pump (compressed air) to move eels through pipes without passing them directly through a pump.

KLAWA Eel pass design

The pass is due to be commissioned in early February and its performance will be monitored by Adam Piper from the Zoological Society of London. As part of the works on site, a new kiosk and control panels will be installed for the existing pumps and the eel pass.

Temporary water control structures have been installed to allow for dewatering of the site for monitoring and adjustment of the eel pass as part of the trial.


Zig-zag pipe and holding chamber element of eel pass


Nothing to report this period.


Nothing to report this period.


Proposals to complete a targeted desilt of the Hundred Stream at Somerton North Pump in February 2019 have been submitted to the Environment Agency and Natural England to secure the necessary permits. The work, funded under the Integrated Main River Maintenance Programme, will remove silt from 5 upstream bays to establish a baseline bed level from which a monitoring and long term management plan can be developed to allow the silt deposition rates to be established.


6.1 Interreg & WEG Bids

The Interreg bid to address long term sustainable use of fresh water within coastal flood areas FRESH4C’s, a €6m proposal is expected to be determined January 2019.

UK lead is Suffolk County Council, with East Suffolk IDB, Environment Agency, Sustainable Water Solutions, & Cranfield University as UK Partners. UK commitment is to deliver the Felixstowe water transfer scheme as test site for shared learning. UK has requested a c£2m grant to help support the delivery.

EA Funding for Water Environment Grants (WEG) bids have been shortlisted and further clarification sort from EA/NE/RPA regarding procurement strategies and costs. We have provided this information by required deadlines and are awaiting final determinations. Decisions expected February 2019.

19 6.2 Lowestoft Barriers- Emergency Response

Near Miss -High surge tides forecast Tuesday 8 January 2019 resulted in telecom of Flood Advisory Service and meeting with representatives of all Category 1 responders with IDB represented by Catchment Engineer. These conferences were held Saturday, 5 January 2019 and Sunday, 6 January 2019 evening (18:30) after MET office model runs. Fortunately the c.1.4m surge developed out of phase with the forecast highwater and arrived at c.low water at Lowestoft resulting in improved outlook. Workforce stood down Monday Morning.


Sky Guard, an improved 24hour/365 day remote monitoring Lone Worker system, has been deployed throughout WMA Eastern group over this period. It is a simple, robust, standalone system that is a significant improvement on current arrangements. The system allows for the user to contact emergency services at any time and also plots their location regularly for locating.

A new Hand Arm Vibration monitoring system has been deployed throughout WMA Eastern Group area to monitor the exposure to vibration from hand tools to ensure workforce are kept monitored for their vibration exposure. This is important for the board and its operatives to comply with the Hand Arm Vibration Regulations.


Nothing to report this period.

9. HYDROLOGY – UK Overview (extracts from http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/summaries/2018)

September began settled and warm with plenty of sunshine for most eastern and central parts, but there was a long spell of predominantly westerly winds and unsettled weather starting in the second week and lasting until the 23rd, and it was often very windy between the 18th and 21st. The rest of the month was more settled with some notably cool nights especially for the south.

October began with a week of mainly fine weather over the south but it was generally more changeable in the north. Southerly winds brought unseasonably warm weather in the second week, and it was very wet and windy for most of the country around the 12th. After a quieter spell of weather with plenty of sunshine at times, it turned very cold from the 26th onwards with northerly and north- easterly winds, and showers turned wintry even at low levels on the 27th.

November began quite cold but otherwise the first half was changeable and mild with mainly southerly winds. It turned more settled from the 15th to 18th due to a large Scandinavian high, then easterly winds prevailed from the 19th to 26th, bringing cold weather with frequent showers in the east and in the south-west, but snow was mostly confined to high ground. Mild, wet and windy weather returned to all parts from the 27th onwards.

20 The first third of December was generally mild, wet and windy. It turned more settled and briefly colder around midmonth due to a Scandinavian blocking high, and widespread freezing rain in central and northern counties caused disruption on the 15th, but mild wet weather returned from the 17th to 23rd. From the 24th onwards it was somewhat quieter with high pressure dominant. A mild westerly flow maintained generally mild cloudy weather during this period, but it was often sunny to the east of the Pennines.


East Anglia East Lexham Buxton SevenMile Buxton 1981-2010 Anglia Estate observed Halvergate 1971-2000 Average mm Actual mm Actual mm mm** Actual mm Actual mm** JAN 53.4 54.1 47.9 52 57.8 FEB 37.2 40.3 56.9 62 55.6 38 MAR 44.8 70.9 75.9 78.3 49.6 49 APR 45.3 66.7 75.9 95.1 53.6 45.8 MAY 44.8 38.4 31.2 11.5 19.4 41.4 JUN 54.3 6.5 19.6 4 12.2 55.2 JUL 46 21.1 31.2 12.5 15.6 51.6 AUG 50.1 64.3 36.9 50.4 56 53.2 SEP 55.6 30.7 31.5 30.9 22.4 57.8 OCT 59 55.7 42.9 72.8 14 64.3 NOV 58.5 50.2 54.6 52.2 0 66.1 DEC 56.8 62.7 83.1 77.7 0 59.5

* http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/summaries/2018 ** http://www.buxton-weather.co.uk/weather.htm#daily



Sky guard lone worker system training 30 November 2018 All operatives

Havs monitoring system training 03 December 2018 M&E Team

18th Edition electrical compliance training 14 – 18 January 2019 MEICA operatives



1.1 This planning report covers the reporting period 5 October 2018 to 17 January 2019. There are currently 2 consent applications being processed. The most common types of consent that the Board receive and determine in its regulatory capacity are set out in the table below alongside the current breakdown of cases.

Application Type Number Byelaw 3 (B3) – Discharge of Treated Foul Water (TFW): 0 Byelaw 3 (B3) – Discharge of Surface Water (SW): 0 Byelaw 4 (B4) / Section 23 (S23), LDA 1991 – Alteration of 1 watercourse Byelaw 10 (B10)– Works within 9 m of a Board’s maintained 1 watercourse: Total: 2

1.2 The current status of these applications are;

B3 - B3 - Application Type B4/S23 B10 Total TFW SW Awaiting further information from the 0 0 1 1 2 applicant: Awaiting applicants acceptance of 0 0 0 0 0 conditions: Being processed by officers: 0 0 0 0 0 To be determined by the Board in this 0 0 0 0 0 report: Total: 0 0 1 1 2


2.1 During this reporting period, the following 2 consents under the Land Drainage Act 1991 and Board's Byelaws have been determined by Officers in accordance with their delegated authority.

Application Type Number Byelaw 3 (B3) – Discharge of Treated Foul Water (TFW): 0 Byelaw 3 (B3) – Discharge of Surface Water (SW): 0 Byelaw 4 (B4) / Section 23 (S23), LDA 1991 – Alteration of 1 watercourse Byelaw 10 (B10)– Works within 9 m of a Board’s maintained 1 watercourse: Total: 2

23 2.2 The consents determined are listed in the table below in more detail.

Description of Case File Location / Case. Ref. Parish Application or Determination Sub-type Site Name Proposal Replacement of Exemption from South South Overhead lines Board’s Byelaws 18_00635_E Byelaw 10 Walsham Walsham with underground approved and Marshes cables conditioned

Proposal to Consent Stubb Section 23, culvert remainder approved under 18_00832_C Hickling Road, LDA 1991 of open delegated Hickling watercourse authority


3.1 There have been 9 enquires received during the reporting period, outlined below;

Case File Sub- Case. Ref. Parish Description type

About Enquiry regarding drainage around a 18_00448_Q Hickling Infrastructure property

About South Enquiry regarding replacement of 18_00635_Q Regulation Walsham overhead lines with underground cables

Great 18_00724_Q About Planning Consultation on Local Plan Yarmouth

About Enquiry regarding proposed residential 18_00981_Q Acle Regulation development

About Enquiry regarding replacement of 18_00986_Q Ingham Regulation collapsing bridge

Enquiry regarding proposed residential 18_00987_P About Planning Hemsby development

Enquiry regarding stakeholder 18_01027_Q About Works Halvergate engagement

18_01087_Q About Works Ludham Enquiry regarding growth in watercourse

About 18_01088_Q Acle Enquiry regarding watercourse blockage Regulation


4.1 Officers have provided comments on 7 applications that are either in or could impact on the Boards Internal Drainage District;

Planning App. Location / Site Stage of Parish Description Ref. Name Planning

Land adjoining New House, Off Outline, Residential development of 13 06/18/0436/O Fleggburgh Rollesby Road, Major dwellings Fleggburgh

Hybrid application: Outline Land South of Application for Erection of up to Postwick Hybrid, 20181601 Smee Lane, 235 Dwellings and Full With Witton Major Postwick Application for the Erection of 315 Dwellings

External refurbishment and Ludham Bridge, Full, BA/2018/0222/FUL Ludham extension of existing buildings, Ludham Minor and installation of four huts

Staithe Road Full, 5 new dwellings: 4 terraced BA/2018/0417/FUL Stalham Stalham Minor houses and detached bungalow

Damgate Lane, Full, Three bungalows and garages 06/18/0601/F Martham Martham Minor and parking spaces

Land East Of Brograve Mill, BA/2018/0463/FUL Full Retain Scrape and Waxham Coast Road, Waxham Reserved The Green (rear Residential development of 2 06/18/0668/D Martham Matters, of), Martham dwellings Minor


5.1 There have been no fees invoiced or paid during the reporting period.


6.1 The external works (including the installation of a new treatment plant for foul water) are now complete. Officers are in the process of seeking planning permission from the Local Planning Authority to install a temporary welfare unit for existing employees. The welfare unit is required to continue to meet the Board’s statutory requirements as an

25 employer. The proposed unit is a two storey pre-fabricated mobile unit which will provide two additional toilets (which will connect to the recently installed private foul water drainage system), a shower room, a changing room and mess facilities.


7.1 The member Internal Drainage Boards (“IDBs”) of the Water Management Alliance (“WMA”) have been guided in their application of statutory regulatory powers under the Land Drainage Act 1991 and each Board’s Byelaws by a Planning and Byelaw Policy document adopted in April 2012.

7.2 Following the inception of the new Planning Team within the WMA, officers have continued to be guided by this document. In light of their experiences using the document, and also in response to wider Government legislative and policy changes, officers have initiated a review of its approach.

7.3 As such a draft Planning and Byelaw Strategy has been produced and was considered by the WMA Consortia Management Committee (“CMC”) on the 7 December 2018. At this meeting CMC supported a recommendation to undertake a limited 4 week consultation with Local Planning Authorities and Risk Management Authorities prior to amendment and submission to each WMA member Board for comment, approval and adoption.



The Environmental Team continues to facilitate maintenance and capital projects undertaken throughout the Broads (2006) IDB area. The following information pertains to environmental work carried out for the Broads IDB involving the Environmental Manager (EM) and/or the Environmental Officers (EOs), from the 05 October 2018 – 10 January 2019.

1 Information for the Board

1.1 Somerton Habitats Regulation Assessment The Somerton Habitats Regulation Assessment undertaken by OHES, has been assented by Natural England, following its adoption by the Broads IDB at the last IDB meeting.

1.2 Somerton Water Level Management Plan Review The Somerton Water Level Management Plan (WLMP) Review has been completed by OHES and the Final document can be viewed at: https://www.wlma.org.uk/uploads/agendas/ OHES Somerton WLMP Jan 2019 Amendment.pdf

The document summarises the agreed water levels ratified by the Broads IDB at the last Board Meeting of October 2018.

Recommendation to the Board: The Broads IDB adopts the Somerton WLMP as the finalised document for the Somerton catchment.

1.3 Broads Standard Maintenance Operations Document The Broads Standard Maintenance Operations Document has been reviewed and completed for consideration by the Broads IDB. The document has been reviewed in line with the WFD and alterations to the water vole licencing arrangements. The document was considered in liason with the Boards Engineer, the Environment Team and officers from the Environment Agency and Natural England. The reviewed document can be viewed at : https://www.wlma.org.uk/uploads/agendas/Broads SMO review 2.0 FINAL.PDF

Recommendation to the Board: The Broads IDB adopts the Broads Standard Maintenance Operations (SMO) Document.

1.4 Five Year Natural England Assent for Maintenance within Broadland SSSIs A five year assent has been agreed with Natural England and the Operations Manager, following the review of the Broads Standard Maintenance Operations. This assent allows maintenance to continue within the Broadland SSSIs, SPAs, SACs and RAMSAR sites in accordance with appropriate timings and procedures.

1.5 Muckfleet Project – Update Mollusc surveys have been undertaken during this period and a report produced to inform the mitigation requirements for the 2019 works. A Natural England licence is needed for a protected snail (Anisus vorticulus) during works to some of the soke dykes. Mitigation measures to minimise impact will be developed before earthworks commence. A site specific water vole licence has been prepared by Mill House Ecology consultant, Helen Booth. This was submitted to Natural England before Christmas and is expected to be granted for Spring 2019.

27 Consultation with landowners has been undertaken to discuss the felling of trees in the vicinity of New Road, Stokesby. This work has now commenced and is expected to be finished by the end of January. However, 5 trees will remain until a Natural England licence is obtained due to the presence of bat roosts.

Tree clearance underway on the Muckfleet Work will continue during the spring on vegetation clearance, water vole enhancements and water vole mitigation during the WMA licence mitigation period of 15 February 2019 to 15 April 2019. Mitigated dykes will be maintained as not suitable habitat until they are filled in. Earthworks will recommence once weather and ground conditions are suitable in late spring / early summer.

1.6 Somerton Hundred Drain desilt Update A project has been developed in response to worries about the ability of water discharged from the Somerton North Pump to drain away. This will involve de-silting some of the upstream “bays” that were previously created within the Somerton Hundred Drain channel to remove accumulated silt. This system will then continue to function as a sediment trap to remove silt and minimise the effects of poor water quality of the River Thurne and connecting Martham Broad, which is an important and designated freshwater site.

Meetings have been held with the Norfolk Wildlife Trust and landowner liaison is on- going. Before Christmas, applications for a Flood Risk Activity Permit (EPR) was submitted to the EA and a Habitats Regulations Assessment was submitted to NE for their assent. Subject to the consents, work will start in February.

1.7 Horsey Culvert Works on this project have now been completed. The site team is currently clearing and restoring the site, which will be completed when ground conditions are drier. All footpath have been reinstated and re-opened.

1.8 Biodiversity Action Plan Reporting 2018-2019 The Boards Biodiversity Action Plans were reviewed and completed by April 2018. Various action have been undertaken since then by the Board, mostly via the day to day running of the Boards Maintenance and Capital Scheme Delivery programmes. Some actions however, are delivered via other organisations on behalf of the Board, where they receive funding from the Board to facilitate projects.

A summary of the progress made thus far in 2018-19 is shown as Appendix 1.

2 Site Visits and Pre-Work Assessments 28

October – November 2018 Various site visits have been made to the Muckfleet project site by EO Jamie Manners. This was for the purpose of monitoring the current works, provdidng water vole mitigation, planning future phases of work, and undertaking water vole monitoring surveys.

08 October 2018 EO Jamie Manners and Operations Manager Phil Semmence, met with the landowner and their representatives to consult and reach agreement on the tree clearance works required near Stokesby New Road.

15 October 2018 The EM carried out water vole surveys in relation to the water vole mitigation requirements for the installation of the KLAWA eel pass at Tunstall Pump.

16 October 2018 AM EO Helen Mandley carried out an SMO maintenance audit with Alan Goose on a drain at Brograve which had recently been desilted.

EO Helen Mandley carried out water vole vegetation and activity surveys on 3 sites (Hickling sluice, Hickling wall culvert, Somerton concrete bridge) over a series of days ready for works to start (16 23, 30 October 2018, 6, 14, November 2018). These sites were flailed and scraped to remove vegetation to ensure water voles had been mitigated before works on these sites begin.

18 October 2018 EO Helen Mandley and Jamie Manners carried out water vole destructive search on 2 burrows at Halvergate. This was completed after mitigation had been successful.

24 October 2018 EO Helen Mandley assessed the site to see if water vole destructive searches could be carried out safely at Tunstall before bunds and a water control structure were installed. It was decided after discussions with Paul George, Operations Engineer that it was not safe to carry out destructive searches as this would disturb the banks structurally.

29 October 2018 EO Helen Mandley carried out a water vole watching brief while work to install a water control structure at Tunstall.

29 November 2018 EO Jamie Manners made a scoping site visit to Somerton Hundred Drain to determine the best options for minimising environmental impact during the proposed de-silting works and associated depositing of silt on the bank.

03 December 2018 EO Jamie Manners visited the Muckfleet site at the start of the tree clearance works to provide a briefing to the arboricultural sub-contractors regarding environmental constraints, including bat issues. Further monitoring visits have been made throughout December and January.

03 December 2018 EO Helen Mandley and Alan Goose attended a meeting together to discuss and confirm drains within the BIDB and the maintenance program to support the 5 year maintenance Natural England assent.

06 December 2018 EO Helen Mandley carried out water vole destructive search on one burrow at Hickling wall culvert after assessing the environmental conditions and water vole activity, to ensure it was completed appropriately under the IDB class licence. The work to replace the culvert was then undertaken. 29

08 December 2018 EO Jamie Manners and Operations Manager Phil Semmence met with the Trinity Broads Warden, Eilish Rothney, to scope the Burgh Common SSSI area, where our project is planning to provide enhancement to the designated site through the extension of a scrape and removal of spoil to be used in the nearby floodbank construction.

13 December 2018 EO Jamie Manners and Operations Engineer Tom Jones met Norfolk Wildlife Trust Officer on site at Somerton Hundred Drain, to discuss the proposed desilting operation. The proposed works were discussed and agreements made about timings and working methods.

20 December 2018 EO Helen Mandley attended a scoping visit with the Land Agent for Cantley marshes. The visit was carried out to assess which drains could be maintained without disturbing wintering birds on the nearby marshes. It was decided that the drains within the woodland could be maintained successfully at the end of January / beginning of February 2019.

3 Meetings and Training Attended

Environmental Team held meetings between environmental staff were held on: 03 October 2018, 15 November 2018 and 17 December 2018.

03 October 2018 The EO Jamie Manners attended the evening Lowestoft Barrier practice training to put the barrier up.

04 October 2018 EO Helen Mandley and EM attended the Lowestoft Barrier Practice Training; taking down the barrier.

05 October 2018 The EO Helen Mandley attended the Norfolk mink meeting at the Broads Authority, Yare House. The Broads IDB continue to contribute to this project and there is an overall decline in mink kills across Norfolk.

10 October 2018 EO Jamie Manners attended a meeting of the Trinity Broads Partnership Consultation Group at Filby. An update on the progress and programme for the Muckfleet project was given. The project was generally well received.

08 November 2018 The EO, Jamie Manners and the EM attended 4x4 training at the Explore 4x4 training facility at Elvedon, Thetford. The training is required to demonstrate competency in off-road driving, which may be needed for future Capital Schemes in East Suffolk and other Boards. Operations Engineer Tom Jones and Operations Manager Phil Semmence also received training.

30 November 2018 The Environmental Team attended a Bat Survey Training Course at Horham, Suffolk with a view to broadening the team’s understanding of bat ecology, survey and legislation with regard to bats in woodlands or utilising trees. This furthered their knowledge of where to look for bats in woodland, the commuting and foraging behaviour of bats, legislation protecting bats and the use of an endoscope in looking for bats whilst undertaking woodland management. This training will enable the environmental team to carry out scoping and secondary assessment of trees for bat roost potential. 30 04 December 2018 The EM carried out an Environmental non-compliance site visit to Martham (See below)

12 December 2018 EO Helen Mandley attended the Broads Biodiversity Strategy Meeting at the Broads Authority Office, Yare House.

4 Non- Compliances An Environmental non-compliance was reported to IDB officers in November 2018, in relation to over-zealous tree flailing and unconsented maintenence on a non-IDB drain at Damgate Marshes, Martham and the Somerton Auxiliary Drain, West Somerton.

The Environmental Manager carried out an inspection of the trees and the drain and produced a Learning Event Report on the maintenance work. This has subsequently been dealt with via the IDB internal quality management system. Managers have been made aware of the over-zealous nature of the flailing work and maintenance which has been fed back to the operators.

This learning event will also be discussed again with Operatives at the the SMO and Health & Safety Awareness day, scheduled for April 2019.

A copy of the report is available to members upon request.

31 5 Assents Granted and/or Applied for:

License / Assent / Habitat Regulations Applied Granted Assessment Brograve drain desilt SMO Audit 16 October N/A 2018 Waste Carrier Licence (BIDB Higher Tier) 23 November N/A 2018 Natural England Habitats Regulation Assessment and 10 December 03 January assent for 5 year BIDB maintenance plan. 2018 2019 Somerton Hundred Drain de-silt – EPR application to 18 December TBC the EA. 2018 Somerton Hundred Drain de-silt – Submission of HRA 18 December to NE for assent. 2018 Cantley 10 January N/A Water Framework Directive Assessments on proposed 2019 desilt

Caroline Laburn – Environmental Manager, WMA Helen Mandley – Environmental Officer, WMA (Eastern) Jamie Manners - Environmental Officer, WMA (Eastern)


Appendix I: Habitats and Species Action Plan Outcomes 2018-19



1. Continue to work in partnership with stakeholders to look for opportunities, to enhance grazing Norfolk Wildlife Trust Ongoing marshes by appropriate water level management practice. (NWT), Natural England (NE), Environment Agency (EA) Landowners, RSPB,National Trust (NT)

Working in partnership with the RSPB and landowners in the construction of the Halvergate Higher NWT, NE, EA Landowners, Ongoing Level Carrier Scheme. RSPB, NT Drought conditions experienced in 2018 but water levels maintained to the best of our ability throughout the Broads catchment area


5. Participate within the Broads Biodiversity Partnership Broads Authority (BA) 2018-23

Environmental Officer attends the Broads Partnership meeting with Broads Authority and partner BA 2018-23 organisations working in Broadland


8. Participate within the Broads Biodiversity Partnership BA 2018

Environmental Officer attends the Broads Partnership meeting with Broads Authority. BA 2018


14. Continue to contribute to funding the Prymnesium research project in partnership with the John John Innes Centre 2018 - 23 Innes Centre. ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT APPENDIX 1 BROADS IDB – BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN


The IDB provided £2000 for Research into Prymnesiium during 2018. Report by Rob Field to be John Innes Centre 2018 - 23 provided in due course. Officer attends the Research Project update and partnership meetings on an annual basis.

15. Work in partnership with the EA to maintain a flow from the pumps on the Upper Thurne during EA, Local Angling Clubs As required times of high saline flows up the Thurne River.

As required and ongoing. EA fisheries talk directly to the Mechanical and Engineering team to EA, Local Angling Clubs As required coordinate this.

16. Install a pile to monitor future peat shrinkage on agreed catchments on the Upper Thurne. NE and Landowners 2018

The OHES contractor has recommended where to put the pile in the Somerton North catchment. NE and Landowners 2018 Installation of this pile will take place prior to April 2019.

17. Review water levels at pumping stations and ensure they are calibrated via GIS verification and 2018-19 recorded.

A list of water levels at pumping stations has started to be compiled during 2018 by the 2018-19 Environmental Officer and Operations Manager So far 6 pumps have been looked at for a range of WLMP parameters. The telemetry is available to review at pumping stations. GIS verification has not yet been achieved at all sites. GIS verification has been achieved at Somerton North and South sites.

18. Produce a prioritised list of WLMP review requirements from pumping stations within the Upper Thurne 2018-19 system.

A Somerton Water Level Management Review has been undertaken during 2018, an HRA was 2018-19 produced and assented by NE and the finalised WLMP document produced as a public facing document Priorities for further WLMP review will be considered prior to April 2018. ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT APPENDIX 1 BROADS IDB – BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN



19. Ensure compliance with the IDB SMO by auditing an identified number of maintenance works jobs 2018-23 annually, to ensure they are being carried out sensitively and to an agreed standard across the Board.

SMO audits are completed twice a year to assess the maintenance work against the SMO 2018-23 document.

20. Send Water Vole survey records to the Norfolk Biodiversity Records Centre. NBIS Ongoing

Water vole data from water vole surveys in 2018, will be collated and sent to NBIS by April 2019. NBIS Ongoing

IDB looking into purchasing GPS data collection boxes to give to operation’s staff for a quick and ready indication of catchments with Water vole presence.

21. Continue to work in partnership on the Norfolk Mink Control Project. NNNSI Ongoing

Norfolk Mink Control meetings are attended by the Environmental officer on a quarterly basis. NNNSI Ongoing

The BIDB continues to provide £2500 funding to the Norfolk Mink Project during 2018. The Project continues to go from strength to strength. Annual newsletter will be available for 2018 catches in April 2019. Other Newsletters from previous years illustrate the success of the project. https://thenorfolkminkproject.org.uk/newsletters/

22. Take opportunities to enhance Water Vole habitat where appropriate during Capital or NE, EA, Landowners, NWT Ongoing river/wetland restoration schemes.

Water vole habitat was designed into the Halvergate Higher Level carrier Scheme. We will have a NE, EA, Landowners, NWT Ongoing quantitative estimate of extra habitat availability by Summer 2019.

Water Vole Habitat restoration has been designed into the Muckfleet Scheme. The quantitative estimate will be available prior to April 2020. ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT APPENDIX 1 BROADS IDB – BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN



24. Work in Partnership with the Environment Agency to identify barriers to migration in the Board’s EA,ZSL Ongoing Area and assess options for overcoming these.

Tunstall KLAWA eel pass currently being installed to act as a test site. Installation will be complete EA, ZSL Ongoing by February 2019.

Adam Piper from the Zoological Society London (ZSL) will undertake trials and tests of this eel pass during the Summer 2019, with a view to assessing the success of the pass during the Silver Eel run in winter 2019-20. A report will be produced thereafter.

Adam Piper (ZSL)) has been conducting research into improving eel passage from the Stokesby Pump during 2018. He has produced an interim report on his findings. The Interim report can be found at this link:

https://www.wlma.org.uk/uploads/agendas/ Stokesby_stoplog_interim_report_13_1_19.pdf

Further work on elver movements from Stokesby Pump, will be conducted during 2019.


25. Continue to contribute to the maintenance and monitoring of nest boxes within the Broads IDB area WCP Ongoing via the Wildlife Conservation Partnership (WCP).

The Broads IDB contribute £1667 toward barn own conservation within the area for which we also WCP Ongoing receive barn owl box replacement, monitoring and reporting by, Colin Shawyer (WCP).

26. Continue to maintain sward height during bankside maintenance mowing of 150mm. Staff, Contractors Ongoing

Broads SMO reviewed and watercourses being flailed to 100-150mm in accordance to the SMO. Staff, Contractors Ongoing



27. Continue to contribute to the maintenance and annual monitoring of nest boxes within the Broads WCP Ongoing IDB area via the Wildlife Conservation Partnership.

The Broads IDB contribute £1667 toward barn own conservation within the area for which we also WCP Ongoing receive barn owl box replacement, monitoring and reporting by, Colin Shawyer (WCP). Barn owl and Kestrel have very similar nesting and habitat requirements, therefore we are gaining Kestrel data from the same funding.

28. Continue to maintain sward height during bankside maintenance mowing of 150mm. Staff, Contractors Ongoing

Broads SMO reviewed and watercourses being flailed to 100-150mm in accordance to the SMO. Staff, Contractors Ongoing


Undertake capital improvement to improve freshwater availability to the Halvergate SSSI. 30. RSPB, BA, NWT 2018-20

The requirement for spoil for the improved bunds of the Halvergate Higher Level Carrier project has RSPB, BA, NWT 2018-20 resulted in the creation of scrapes that hold water for breeding waders. Will look to RSPB to provide data on breeding wader data on these scrapes, prior to April 2019.

Where funding opportunities arise, prioritise and undertake a review of WLMP in Broads IDB SSSI’s 31. RSPB, BA, NWT 2018-23 over 5 years. Somerton WLMP review has been undertaken in 2018. RSPB, BA, NWT 2018-23

Look for opportunities to create scrapes on wetland SSSI’s. One per year. 32. RSPB, BA, NWT 2018-23

The IDB created 2 permanent scrapes at Halvergate in 2018. RSPB, BA, NWT 2018-23


33. Continue annual monitoring of the species in South Walsham and Upton Marshes. BESL, NWT, J.Halls & Ongoing Landowners ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT APPENDIX 1 BROADS IDB – BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN


Jeremy Halls, Consultant Ecologist carried out surveys on South Walsjham and Upton during summer BESL, NWT, J.Halls & Ongoing 2018. Landowners

We await the report prior to April 2019.

34. Continue management timings and practices as they currently stand for the species. Staff & NWT Ongoing

Maintenance of P. compressus continues in the same way, and in Winter as it did with the previous Staff & NWT Ongoing Operator.

Turion (small vegetatively produced plants) are collected on the bank by hand in places where invasive Elodea candensis dominates within the South Walsham marshes. This occurred following the machine. This took place in January 2019. The small plants were counted and returned to the watercourse. 4 plants were returned in January 2019.


36. Write a management plan for the species NE, J.Halls & Landowners 2018-19

Jeremy Halls, Consultant Ecologist is producing a draft Management Plan by April 2019. NE, J.Halls & Landowners 2018-19


41. Continue the annual monitoring programme for the species in the Cess Road area. NE Ongoing

Jeremy Halls, Consultant Ecologist is producing a survey report by April 2019. NE Ongoing


43. Continue to contribute to and work in Partnership with the Norfolk Non-Native Invasive on Invasive NNNSI Ongoing control projects. ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT APPENDIX 1 BROADS IDB – BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN


The Environmental Team continue to work with the Norfolk Non Native Species Initiative; attending NNNSI Ongoing quarterly meetings. The Broads IDB contributes £2000 funding to the NNNSI partnership to continue to contribute toward Non-Native Species Control in in Broadland during 2018-19.

47. Regularly review and ensure robust biosecurity measures are being maintained across the Board. Staff, Contractors Ongoing

The board’s biosecurity policy has been reviewed and accepted. Staff, Contractors Ongoing Broads (2006) IDB Schedule of Paid Accounts

Payment Date From : 01/10/2018 Payment Date To : 31/12/2018 Amount Paid -4,962.00 Account ID Name Details This Period -106.93 AB0001 Abrehart Ecology Ltd Ecology Surveys 4,962.00 -37.80 AC0002 Acle Garden Machinery Centre Strimmer parts/Chainsaw Boots & 106.93 -583.63 Trouser/Stihl File Kit AG0001 Agroco Trailers Trailers 37.80 -16,199.15 AL0001 Allpipe Stoppers Rodding reels 583.63 -210.00 AM0002 AMB Plant Ltd Utility upgrade works 16,199.15 -92,534.21 AN0004 Dave Andrews Surveying 210.00 -51.96 AN0120 Anglia Farmers Ltd Electricity/Materials 92,534.21 -55,888.80 BA0005 Banner Stationary 51.96 -1,499.41 BA0201 Banham Farms Ltd Materials 55,888.80 -234.00 BE0001 BEAVER84 Construction equipment 1,499.41 -866.75 BL0002 Blakes Self Loading Vehicles Hire of Hiab lorry 234.00 -9,586.49 BT0001 BT Payment Services Telephone/Broadband 866.75 -14,070.00 CI0001 City Electrical Factors Spares & Repairs 9,586.49 -8,244.00 CO0003 SJ Cobbold Digger Operators 14,070.00 -1,914.47 CO0006 David Cook External Labour 8,244.00 -1,914.42 CU0001 A & W Cushion Ltd Materials 1,914.47 -1,000.00 DI0005 DIY Tool Hire Ltd DIY Tool Hire 1,914.42 -32.37 DV0001 DVLA Vehicle Tax 1,000.00 -82,546.50 EE0001 EE Telephone 32.37 -454.80 EN0501 Environment Agency Precept 82,546.50 -812.85 EN0520 Engineering & Hire Ltd Maintenance Equipment 454.80 -1,042.25 EO0550 E.On UK PLC Electricity 812.85 -3,401.40 FA0002 Farmbits Direct Ltd Materials 1,042.25 -224.16 FA0601 Mr M Falcon Property Solutions Consultancy 3,401.40 -20,906.40 FI0001 1st Class Fire Protection Fire Extinguisher 224.16 -23,465.47 FL0003 Floating Pontoon Hire Floating Pontoon Hire 20,906.40 -13,410.00 GA0001 Garic Ltd Accommodation 23,465.47 -696.18 GO0742 B J Goose Digger Hire Ltd Drain Maintenance/Labour Capital 13,410.00 -1,425.00 Schemes GS0001 G & S Stores Ltd Small Tools 696.18 -78.72 GYBC01 Great Yarmouth Borough Council Rates 1,425.00 -141,168.00 HA0007 Hayward United Farmer Ltd Repairs/Maintenance 78.72 -960.60 HC0001 HC Watercontrol Manufactures of water flow control 141,168.00 -824.86 structures HE0001 Heather Wallis Shallam Scheme 960.60 -431.66 HU0001 Hubble Small Tools 824.86 -28,460.92 IN0002 Independent Lifting Services Hardware 431.66 -7,351.20 IN0950 Inland Revenue Paye & NIC 28,460.92 -2,174.64 JKH001 J.K.H Drainage Units Ltd Groundwork 7,351.20 -2,000.00 JO0002 Roger Jones Pump Attendant 2,174.64 -624.00 JO0003 John Innes Centre Contribution to Investigate 2,000.00 -15,091.78 Prymnesium LA0001 W Lanham & Son Ltd Lowloader Move 624.00 -719.98 LA0002 Mervyn Lambert Plant Service/Small Plant Hire 15,091.78 LU1290 Ludham Garage Ltd Plant and Truck Repair & Service 719.98

33 Broads (2006) IDB Schedule of Paid Accounts

Payment Date From : 01/10/2018 Payment Date To : 31/12/2018 Amount Paid -12,326.00 Account ID Name Details This Period -201.60 MA0005 Mautby Farms Ltd Brick Rubble 12,326.00 -107.80 MA0008 Maverick Engineering Ltd Fish pass deflector plates 201.60 -446.22 MA0009 Mastenbroek Environmental Ltd Flail parts 107.80 -1,507.67 MI0003 Mibau Stema Granite 446.22 -3,000.00 NA0001 Natural England Professional Advice Service 1,507.67 -1,749.60 NA0002 National Tracked Dumpers Ltd Plant Hire 3,000.00 -2,454.00 NG0001 Norwich Gas Electrical Oil & Water Utility training and assessment 1,749.60 -4,593.49 Ltd Centre NI0001 J Nicholls Labour 2,454.00 -425.40 NI1450 Nicholsons Hardware/Fuel 4,593.49 -4,500.00 NI1451 J H & P E Nicholson Ltd Pump Attendance 425.40 -312.00 NO0002 Norfolk County Council Mink Control 4,500.00 -24,632.15 NO0008 Norvic Training (UK) Ltd First Aid Training 312.00 -7,177.16 NO1470 Norfolk Pension Fund Pension Contributions 24,632.15 -10,560.00 NO1475 Norfolk Rivers IDB Rechargeable Work 7,177.16 -517.20 OHES01 OHES Environmental Somerton WLMP Review 10,560.00 -450.27 OTT001 OTT Hydromet Ltd Capital Works 517.20 -150.00 PA0003 Parker Hydraulics and Pneumatics Small Tools 450.27 -518.40 Ltd PA0004 Palmer Building (East Anglia) Ltd Kitchen Martham Office 150.00 -240.00 PE0001 Peoplesafe Lone Worker Unit 518.40 -137.40 PL0002 K G Playford & Sons Tanker Hire 240.00 -3,558.08 RE0002 Reedman Services Ltd Dipper Arm Extension 137.40 -1,703.64 RE0004 Rexel UK Ltd Telemetry Upgrade 3,558.08 -428.30 RE0005 Reactec Ltd Health & Safety Hand-Arm 1,703.64 -6,562.11 Vibration RO0002 Rollesby Primary School Childcare Vouchers 428.30 -352.00 SE0001 Selwood Ltd Small Plant Hire/Purchase Fuel 6,562.11 -3,702.00 Bowser SH0003 Sheila Smith Childcare costs 352.00 -19.20 SJ0001 SJL Consultancy Macrophyte Survey 3,702.00 -2,556.00 SSAF01 SSAF Window Films Ltd Signs/Number Plates 19.20 -147.40 ST0004 Strickland MFG Ltd JCB SLG GRAB 2,556.00 -1,487.40 TO0003 Towergate Insurance 147.40 -1,743.88 TR2010 Mr P Travis Pump Attendant 1,487.40 -46,496.82 VO0001 Vodafone Mobile Phones 1,743.88 -5,608.93 WA0001 Water Management Alliance Rechargeable Work 46,496.82 -4,374.21 WA0003 Watson Fuels Gas Oil 5,608.93 -6,552.00 WA0004 Watson Fuelcards D/D Fuel 4,374.21 -521.13 WA0006 AP Wakeham Hire Ltd Plant Hire 6,552.00 -12,028.43 WI0003 Witham Oil and Paint (Lowestoft) Oil/Parts 521.13 -44,194.60 YA0001 YarmouthLtd Rewinds Ltd Breydon Pumping Control 12,028.43 ZO0001 Zoological Society Of London Eel Bypass Studies 44,194.60

Please note that the amounts shown above include Vat £ 776,250.25

34 Broads (2006) Internal Drainage Board Objectives 2018/19 – Performance Review

Objective Responsible Officer Status

1. Ensure total expenditure does not exceed the expenditure budget for Chief Executive/ Budget Holders: Achieved. 2018/19 and plan for subsequent year’s rate increases to equate to no Catchment Eng., Project Eng., more than an inflationary rise. Operations Manager

2. Ensure the EA’s annual precept charge on the Board is fair and is Chief Executive/Board In agreement with the EA, the spent on work that benefits the Internal Drainage District. Board's Officers prepared in 2017 a 3-year programme of works to EA main river that would benefit the IDB system and for delivery by the IDB, to be funded by the Board’s precept/RFCC Local Levy payment. The IDB continues to be prevented from delivering these works due to these locations allegedly already being maintained by either EA or BESL. However, the EA has proposed to use precept monies to part fund the Martham Boat Dyke Box Culvert works.

3. Complete the refurbishment of the Martham Depot to provide a fully Flood and Water Manager Works virtually complete. Awaiting functional and cost effective base from which to service and maintain planning permission for erection of the Board’s fixed plant. porta cabins on site.

4. Assist EA and partners to develop a plan to maintain the river banks Catchment Engineer/Project Ongoing. after the BESL project finishes in 2021. Engineer

5. Continue to work with EA, NNDC, NCC, NE, BA and other partners to Chief Executive/ Catchment Work in progress. introduce a sustainable investment programme for the sea defences Engineer/ Project Engineer that protect the Board’s area that are considered by the EA to be ‘uneconomic’.

21 January 2019

P J CAMAMILE CHIEF EXECUTIVE 42 Broads Internal Drainage Board Draft Objectives for 2019/20

1. To ensure that expenditure does not exceed the net expenditure budget for 2019/20 and plan for subsequent years’ rate increases to equate to no more than an inflationary rise.

2. To ensure that the EA’s annual precept charge on the Board is fair and that it is spent on work that benefits the Internal Drainage District.

3. To help partners to develop a plan to maintain the river banks after the BESL project finishes in 2021.

4. To be financially and hydraulically independent from the Environment Agency within a 3 year period.

43 Distributed to: Broads (2006) IDB Members Alston H J Baugh L E Bird M Burton J Buxton R Cator H G Chapman J W Coleman M Mrs Copplestone J K Mrs Daniels S G Fairhead M Ms Fitch-Tillett A M Mrs Galer N Gay G D Grove-Jones P Mrs Harris M Hart K Lawn B Nurden G O'Neill F Pearce N Price R C Rice P Robinson I Roll D Sharman F Smart M Stevens R Strudwick T P Tallowin J G Tapp V Thirtle H Walker L Mrs Ward D C Wharton E Wright S D

Officers Bloomfield G Brown G Camamile P J George P Goose A Jeffrey Miss S Laburn Ms C Philpot M

Broads (2006) IDB Meeting 28 January 2019