University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 2-4-1993 Central Florida Future, Vol. 25 No. 37, February 4, 1993 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 25 No. 37, February 4, 1993" (1993). Central Florida Future. 1181. • entra uture • Serving The University of Central Florida Since 1968 Rape awareness: It's not just -for women Juan Manlnez source center, reports one out of every six males has The presentation will include a mini-mock trial CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE suffered or will suffer a form of sexual assault, and similar to the mock rape trial presented on campus Rape Awareness Week, designed to increase for females, the national statistic is one out of every during the fall semester. The mock trial will be awareness of sexual assault on campus, will expand four. presented by Sex Respect's Peer Educators at the it's scope this year to include the prevention of Such statistics have led· to a variety of presenta Naval Training Center's Theater. sexual harassment and sexual assault on men.