Volume 4, Number 4, Winter 2004

A Journal of the History and Culture of the Ohio Valley and the Upper South, published in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Louisville, , by Cincinnati Museum Center and The Filson Historical Society, Inc. Contents

Political Culture and the Origins of a Party System in the Southern Ohio Valley: The Case of Early National Tennessee, 1796-1812 Kristofer Ray 3

“For the Sake of the Songs of the Men Made Free”: James Speed and the Emancipationists’ Dilemma in Nineteenth-century Kentucky Jennifer Cole 27

The Ties That Bind: James H. Richmond and Murray Teachers College During World War I1 Jennifer Wbitmer 49

Review Essay Cover: Entrance James Holmberg of the Fifty-fifth J. 68 Massachusetts Regiment into Reviews 71 Charleston, an example of USCT The Filson Historical Society Announcements 80

Index 84

WINTER 2004 1 Contributors

KRISTOFERRAY is Assistant Editor at the Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series project at the University of Virginia, where he is also a lecturer. He received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2003. His dissertation was titled “Progress and Popular Democracy on the Southwestern Frontier: Middle Tennessee, 1790-1824.”

JENNIFER COLEis an M.A. candidate in Library and Information Science, specializing in Archives and Records Management, at the University of Pittsburgh.

JENNIFERWHITMER is an M.A. candidate in History at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

JAMESJ. HOLMBERCis Curator of Special Collections at The Filson Historical Society.

2 OHIO VALLEY HISTORY Index to Volume 4


“’Beneath the Golden Stairs’: Gender, Unionization, and Mo- “Review of ‘The Cincinnati Wing: The Story of Art in the bilization in World War I1 West Virginia,” by Kevin Queen City,’ a Permanent Exhibition at the Cincinnati Barksdale, (1)1, 21 Art Museum,” by Paul Breidenbach, (1)1, 64 “’Fairly launched on my voyage of discovery’: Meriwether “right of labor” ideology, (4) 33 Lewis’s Expedition Letters to James Findlay,” edited “right of property” ideology, (4)33 by James J. Holmberg, (3) 1-2, 19 “sex-typing,’’ war and, (1)22 “’For the Sake of the Songs of the Men Made Free’: James “Space and Place on the Early American Frontier: The Ohio Speed and the Emancipationists’ Dilemma in Nine- Valley as a Region, 1790-1850,” by Kim M. Gruen- teenth-Century Kentucky,” by Jennifer Cole, (4) 1, 27 wald, (3) 1-2, 31 “’The Gateway to the South’: Regional Identity and the Lou- “The Art of Survival: Moravian Indians and Economic Ad- isville Civil Rights Movement,” by Tracy K’Meyer, (1) aptation in the Old Northwest, 1767-1808,” by Maia 1,43 Conrad, (3) 1-3 “’This Terrible Conflict of the American People’: The Civil “The Last of the Herd,” by Henry Farny, (1)70 War Letters of Thaddeus Minshall,” by Lisa Brady, “The Ties That Bind: James H. Richmond and Murray (1)123 Teachers College during World War 11,” by Jennifer “Aesthetic Movement,” (1)67-68 Whitmer, (4) 1,49 “Black History Project,” (1)77 “true woman,” (1)4 “Black Laws” (Ohio), (3)41 “Venetian Lace Makers,” by Robert Frederick Blum, (1) “Border Slave State Emancipation Convention,” (4)39 69-71 “Cincinnati Looks West,” (1)70 “Western Country,” (3)31, 35-36,40,42,45 “Corps of Discovery,” (3) 19,22,24-25 331d Ohio Volunteer Infantry, (1)3-20 “Cult of True Womanhood,’’ (1)4-5, (3)50 “gender division of labor,” war and, (1)22 “Great American Desert,” (3) 3011 “Harvest Dance,” by Joseph Henry Sharp, (1)70 A A Citizen-Soldier’s Civil War: The Letters of Brevet Major “Henry Bellows Interviews Hiram Powers,’’ edited by Kelly F. General Alvin C. Voris (2002),edited by Jerome Wright, (3) 1-2,49 Mushkat, (1)79-81 “Kentucky Fugitive Slave Data Base,” (2)65 A Fragile Capital: Identity and the Early Years of Columbus “long hot summers” (1968), (1)54 (2001), by Charles C. Cole, Jr., (2) 63-64 “March to the Sea,” (1)4 A History of Blacks in Kentucky: From Slavery to Segrega- “Mississippi attitudes,” (1)47 “Murder in the Classroom: Privilege, Honor, and Cultural tion, 1760-2892 (2003), by Marion B. Lucas, (1) 77-78 Violence in Antebellum Louisville,” by Ann Hassen- A History of Jonathan Alder: His Captivity and Life with the Pfl% (2)1, 5 Indians (2002),by Henry Clay Alder, (1)74-75 “Old Northwest,” (3)45 “Out of School, Out of Work: Youth, Community, and the A Strike Like No Other Strike: Law & Resistance during the Pittston Strike of 1989-1990 (2002), by Richard National Youth Administration in Ohio, 1935-1943,” Coal by Kevin Bower, (2) 1, 27 A. Brisbin, Jr., (3)90-91 “Political Culture and the Origins of a Party System in the Abolitionist movement, in the Western Country, (3) 40-41 Southern Ohio Valley: The Case of Early National Abrams, Elliot, (4) 72 Tennessee, 1796.1812,” by Kristofer Ray, (4) 1, 3 absenteeism, (1)34 “Renegade Apaches,” by Henry Farny, (1)70 activists, civil rights, (1)46-47, 50-51, 54, African Ameri- “Resistance on the Border: School Desegregation in Western can, (1)46,49, white, (1)46,49, liberal, (1)49, in Kentucky, 1954-1964,” by David L. Wolfford, (2) Louisville, (1)55 1,41 Adams, John Quincy, (3) 57, 62, 64 “Review of ‘Fashion on the Ohio Frontier, 1790-1840,’ an Adams, John, (4) 9 Exhibition at Kent State University Museum,” by Kim Adams, Luther, (3) 90 Address to the Non-Slaveholders of Kentucky, (4) 32-34 Gruenwald, (1)1, 61 African American, (1)14,44-52, (2)41-62, aldermen, (1)

84 OHIO VALLEY HISTORY 44, 55, state representatives, (1)44, voters, (1)44-45, Bardstown, Kentucky, (4) 28 community leaders, (1)47, 50, 58, community, (1) Barkley, Alben, (4)52,57-58 55, activists, (1)46,49-50, 54, artists, (1)65, settlers Barksdale, Kevin, “’Beneath the Golden Stairs’: Gender, on Ohio frontier, (1)62, and slavery in Kentucky, (1) Unionization, and Mobilization in World War I1 West 77-78, women, (2) 31-32, men, (2)32, as freedmen, Virginia,” (1)1,2,21 (2)42, and lynching, (2)42, and education, (2) 43-44, Baroque style, (3)49 and school integration in Kentucky, (2) 47-62, and baseball team, in Louisville, (1)47 apathy on integration, (2)50, and the Underground Beard, James, (1)66 Railroad, (2) 64-65, religious experience of, (2) 72-73, Bellows, Henry W., (3)49 part of Western Country, (3)40-41 Belote, Jack, (4) 57 African Methodist Episcopal Church, (2) 72-73 Benigna, Anna, (3) 8 agriculture, during Civil War, (1)15, plow, (3) 10,13, Euro- Bentley, Anna Briggs, (3) 81 pean system of, (3), 13 Benton, Thomas Hart, (4) 15-17 Akron, Ohio, (2) 35 Bickley, Ancella R., and Lynda Ann Ewen, eds., Memphis Alabama, (1)55 Tennessee Garrison: The Remarkable Story of a Black Albany, New York, (3) 38 Appalachian Woman (2001),(2) 70-71 Albemarle County, Virginia, (3)21 Big Bone Lick, Kentucky, (3)29n Alder, Henry Clay, A History oflonathan Alder: His Captiv- Billings, Dwight B. and Kathleen M. Blee, The Road to ity and Life with the Indians (2002), (1)74-75 Poverty: The Making of Wealth and Hardship in Ap- All-American City Award, (1)53-54 palachia (2000), (1)85-87 Allen, Alfred, (2)23 Bingham, Barry, (1)52 American Federation of Labor (AFL), (1)21,25 Birmingham, Alabama, (1)43,46, 51, and race relations, (1) American Freedman’s Inquiry Commission, (4) 37 43, 51, and housing segregation, (1)54 American Impressionists, (1)67 Bissonette, Anne, 61-63 American Institute of Teachers, (2) 17 Black Patch Wars, (2)42 American landscape, (3) 65 Black Power on Campus: The University of Illinois, 1965-75 American Municipal League, (1)53-54 (2003), by Joy Ann Williamson, (2) 74-75 American Peace Society, (2) 6-7 black suffrage, (4) 43 American Republic, (1)76 Blackmore, George, (4) 9 American Revolution, (1)73-74, (3)32, 37, 45-46 Blackwell, Benjamin Titus, (1)62 American Tobacco Company, (2)42 Bledsoe’s Station (Tennessee), (4)6 American West, (3)25 Blight, David W., (2) 64 Americans, Victorian, (3)49 Bliss, Eugene, (3) 21 An Address to the People of Kentucky on the Subject of Bliss, Josiah, (2)9, 18 Emancipation, (4) 32 Blondin, (1)10-12, 18n Appalachia, and Memphis Tennessee Garrison, (2) 70-71 Blount, William, (4) 6-8, 11 Appalachian Mountains, (1)63 Bluegrass state, (1)73, (2) 56 Appleton’s ]ournal, (3) 51 Blum, Robert Frederick, (1)67, 69-71 Arkansas, (2)6, 15 Board of Aldermen, Louisville, (1)56 Army and Navy “E” Flag, (1)31, 34 Board of Education, Louisville, (1)48-49 Army of the Ohio (later Army of the Cumberland), (2) 65-66 Board of Regents, (4)59 Army Signal Corps, , (4) 54 Board of Trustees and Teachers of the Private and Public Army Specialized Training Program, (4) 57 Schools in Louisville, (2) 11 Aron, Steven, (1) 74 Bond, Julian, (2) 77 Art Academy (Cincinnati), (1) 67 Boone County, Kentucky, (2) 80 art-carving, in Cincinnati, (1)68-69 Boone, Daniel, (1)73 Atlanta & Chattanooga Railroad, (1)13 Boonesborough, (1)73 Atlanta Campaign, (1)1711 Boott, Elizabeth, (1)67 Atlanta, Georgia, (1)46, 51 border city, (1)45,57 border state, (2)60, (4)27, 37, 45 Bower, Kevin, (2) 1-3,27, “Out of School, Out of Work: Youth, Community, and the National Youth Adminis- backcountry, historians of the, (1)63 tration in Ohio, 1935-1943,” (2) 1, 27 Bail, Alec, (1)37 Bowling Green State Street School (Kentucky), (2) 44 Baird, Rebecca J., (1)87 Bowling Green, Kentucky, (1) 1711, (2)42, (2)52,54, 58-59 boycott, in Cincinnati, (1)65 Ballard, Judge Bland, (4)44 Braden, Baltimore, Maryland, (3)35 Anne, (1)49, (2)75-77


Braden, Anne, The Wall Between (1999), (2) 75-77 Chafe, William, (1)22 Brady, Lisa, “’This Terrible Conflict of the American People’: Chandler, Governor Happy, (2) 51, 57, (4) 58 The Civil War Letters of Thaddeus Minshall,” (1)1, Charleston, West Virginia, (1)26, (3) 15 2,3 Chattanooga, Tennessee, (1)4, 1711, (2) 66 Bragg, Confederate General Braxton, (4) 73 Cherokees, (4) 4-5, 8 Branch Rickey in Pittsburgh: Baseball‘s Trailblazing Gen- Chicago, Illinois, and housing segregation, (1)54 eral Manager for the Pirates, 1950-1 955 (2000), by Chickamauga Creek (Georgia), (1)4, 17n, (2) 66 Andrew O’Toole, (4) 78-79 Chickamaugas, (4) 4-5, 8 Breckenridge, John, (2)42 Chidlaw, Paul, (1)71 Breidenbach, Paul, “Review of ‘The Cincinnati Wing: The Chillicothe, Ohio, (1)3-4, 10, 12, 16-19 Story of Art in the Queen City,’ a Permanent Exhibi- China trade, (3) 34 tion at the Cincinnati Art Museum,” (1)1, 2, 64 Chippewas, (3) 10, 14 Brisbin, Richard A., Jr., A Strike Like No Other Strike: Law Christian Century, (1)56 & Resistance during the Pittston Coal Strike of 1989- Christian piety, (3) 49 1990 (2002), (3) 90-91 Christianity, (3) 55, 70 Britania Cups, (1)5 Christmas, (1)5 Brown u. Board of Education (1954),(1) 48, (2) 41,45,59, Cincinnati Art Museum, (1)64-72 (2) 76 Cincinnati Commercial, (2)24 Brown, Curlee, (2) 43,52 Cincinnati Daily Columbian, (2) 13 Buell, (Union) General Don Carlos, (1)6, (4) 73 Cincinnati Gazette, (2) 17 Buffalo Bill Cody’s Wild West Show, (1)70 Cincinnati Heritage Program, (2) 80 Buffalo, New York, (3) 15 Cincinnati Museum Center, (2) 80, (3)92 Bunch-Lyons, Beverly A., (2) 71 Cincinnati Museum Center, Cincinnati Historical Society Burgess, Edith, (1)35 Library, (3) 19-28, 50 Burnett, Gilbert, (1)47 Cincinnati Pottery Club, (1)69 Butler, Noble, (2)7 Cincinnati Recreation Committee, (2) 34-35 Butler, William H. G., (2) 5-26, murder of, (2) 5, background Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame, (2) 68 of, (2) 6-7, ideas on corporal punishment, (2)8,22- Cincinnati Seminar on the City, (3) 92 23, altercation with Matthew F. Ward, (2)9-11, image Cincinnati Wing, (1)64-72 of as teacher, (2) 18-22, deference and, (2) 19-20 Cincinnati, Ohio, (1)5, (2) 9, 33-34, (3)20-22,25, 28n,29n, Byers, Rev. Captain, (1)8 33-34, 37-38,40,43-45, 58-59, 62, (4) 18, and race relations, (1)43, as midwestern city, (1)47, National Youth Administration in, (2) 33-34, and art produc- tion, (1)64-65, wealthy art patrons of, (1)64, civic C pride of, (1)65, as frontier outpost, (1)66, middle Cadet Club, (4) 62 class in, (1)68, German-American heritage of, (2) Cairo, Illinois, and race relations, (1) 43 77-78 Calhoun, John C., (3) 64,67-68 Cincinnati: From River City to Highway Metropolis (2003), California, (3) 65, Gold Rush in (1849), (3)42 by David Stradling, (3) 87-88 Calloway County, Kentucky, (4) 49 Cist, Charles, (1)70 Camp Nelson, Kentucky: A Civil War History (2002), by City Railway Company (Louisville, Kentucky), (4) 44 Richard D. Sears, (4) 74-75 Civil Aeronautics Administration, (4) 57 Campbell, Arthur, (4) 7 Civil Rights Act (1964), (2) 59 Campbell, David, (4) 7, 12 Civil Rights Act, Kentucky (1966), (2) 60 Canada, (3)4, 6, 9, 11, 13-14, 16 civil rights era, (1)43, 46, (2) 41 Canova, Antonio, (3) 67, 78n, his Perseus, (3)67, his Pau- civil rights law, (1)50, 52 line, (3) 67, his Washington, (3) 67 civil rights leaders, (1)50-51, 53 Canton, Ohio, (2) 35 civil rights movement, (1)45, 55 Capitol, of the United States, (3) 72 civil rights ordinances, (1)53, 57 Carmichael, Omer, (1)49 Civil War, (1)3-20,65-66,79-81, (2)65-67,78, (3) 45-46, Carolinas campaign, (1)4 38,40,42, and Kentucky, (1)45, in Columbus, Carrolton, Ohio, (2) 37 (4) Ohio, (2) 64 Cartoon Library and Archives at Ohio State University, Civilian Conservation Corps, (2) 28 (2) 81 Civilian Pilot Training Program, (4)56 Catholic Church, (1)66, in Murray, Kentucky, (4) 63 Clark, Dr. Kenneth, (2) 50 (Louisville), (2) 11 Clark, George Rogers, (1)73 Census, 1950, (1)44 Clark, William, (3)20-21,23, 25, 28n, 2911, 30n, (4) 68 Central State University (Ohio), (2)72

86 OHIO VALLEY HISTORY Clay County, Kentucky, (1)85-87 curators at the Cincinnati Art Museum, (1) 65, 70-72 Cleveland, Ohio, (2)34-35 Cutler, Manasseh, (3)32 Clevenger, Shobal Vail, (3) 64-65, 78n Cuyahoga County Relief Office (Ohio), (2) 34-35 Clinton, Catherine, (2) 64, (3) 82 Cole, Charles C., Jr., A Fragile Capital: Identity and the Early Years of Columbus (2001), (2) 63-64 Cole, George, (2)17 Daily Democrat (Louisville),(2) 11, 18 Cole, Jennifer, (4) 1,2,27 Danneker, Johann Heinrich, (3) 67, 7811 collective bargaining, (1)25 Danville, Kentucky, (4)27 Collins, Floyd, (2)71-72 Dartmouth College, (3) 58 Columbia River, (3) 26 Daughters of Canaan: A Saga of Southern Women (1995), by Columbia University, (2)45 Margaret Ripley Wolfe, (3) 81-83 Columbus, Ohio, (1)62, (2)31-32,38, 63-64, (3) 39, the Davidson County (Tennessee), (4) 6, 8-10, 14-15, 19 Republican Party in, (2) 64 Davis, Maxine, The Lost Generation; A Portrait of American Committee on Military Affairs, (4) 58 Commonwealth, the, (2)41 Youth (1936), (2) 28-29 Day Law, (2) 43 Community Memories: A Glimpse of African American Life Decamp, Joseph, (1)67 in Frankfort, Kentucky (2003), edited by Winona deep South, the, (1)43,46,48, 50-51, 54-56, and race rela- Fletcher, (1)83-85 tions, (1)43 compensated emancipation, (4) 43-44 Defender (Louisville),(1) 47-49, 51, 54-55 compensated labor, (4)34 defense contracts, (1)27,29-33,35 Confederacy, (2) 59-60 deference, (4) 7 Confederate cavalry, (1) 16 Confederate guerillas, (2) 66 Delaware Indian State, (4) 71 Delaware Indians, (3) 3, convert to Moravian Christianity, Confederate sympathies, (2) 42, in Kentucky, (2)41 Confederate volunteers, (2) 42 (3) 3 Democratic National Committee, (4) 52 Confederation Congress, (3) 32, (4) 5 Democratic Party, (1)53, (4) 3,35, in the South, (1)44, and confrontation, racial, (1) 47, 56 Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), (1)21-23, African Americans, (1) 45 26-30, 32, 34-42 Democratic Republican Party, (4) 13,20 Connecticut Western Reserve (Ohio),(1) 61-62, (3) 40 demonstrations, (1) 52-53,55, sit-in, (1)51 Conner, John, (1)25, (3)23-24,28n Dennis, Phillip, (1) 63 Conrad, Maia, “The Art of Survival: Moravian Indians and Department of Education, Kentucky, (2)44,57 Economic Adaptation in the Old Northwest, 1767- Department of Health, Education and Welfare, (2) 60 1808,” (3) 1-3 Department of Labor, U.S., (1)25, 27, 36-37 conservation, (1)5 Department of Labor, West Virginia, (1)26 Contemporary Arts Center (Cincinnati), (1)72 Derby Week, (1)56 Continental Army, (1)73 desegregation, (1)48,5042, school, (1)48, total, (1j 54 contract negotiations, union, (1)25-27,29-30, 32-35, 37 Detroit, (3) 7-11 Corday, Charlotte, (3) 62, 77n Dilts, James D., The Great Road: The Building of the Balti- Cordery, George, (1)48 more & Ohio, the Nation’s First Railroad, 1828-1853 Corinth, Mississippi, (1) 13 (2003), (1)78-79 Corps of Discovery, (4) 68 Dine, Jim, (1)71 Corresponding and Executive Committee on Emancipation, discrimination, sexual, (1) 22, racial, (1) 57 (4) 31, 34-35 Dodd, William E., (2)29 Courier Journal (Louisville), (1)46, 51-53, 55 Dorfeuille, Joseph, (3) 50 court-martial, (1)13 Douglas, Brigadier General John, (1) 61 courtship, propriety of, (1)4 Douglas, Senator Stephen, (1)10, 19 Creeks, (4)4, 8 Dow, Lorenzo, (3) 62-63, 77n, as King of the Cannibal Crisis of the Union, (2)64 Islands, (3) 63 Crittenden, John J., (2) 13-14, 16, 19, (3)45 Draper Manuscripts, (1)74 Cronon, William, (2) 63 Dresser, Laura J., (1j 22 Crumlin, James, (1)49, (2) 49, 56 dresses, open robe-style, (1)61 Crystal Palace, (3)49 Duffy, Paul, (1)51 Cumberland River, (1)13, (4) 23 Dunaway, Wilma, (1)86 Cumberland, Maryland, (1)79 Duncan, Dobbin and Co. (Lexington, Kentucky), (3) 36 Cupid, (1) 14 Duncan, Forsyth and Co. (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), (3) 36 Duncanson, Robert, (1) 65-66


Durham Station, North Carolina, (1)4 Fletcher, Winona, ed., Community Memories: A Glimpse of Duveneck, Elizabeth, (1)67 African American Life in Frankfort, Kentucky (2003), Duveneck, Frank, (1) 67 (1) 83-85 Florence, Italy, (3)49, 51, 54, 66 Florida, (1)47 Foley, William E., Wilderness Journey: The Life of William E Clark (2004), (4) 68-70 Early Republic, (1)62-63 Fones-Wolf, Elizabeth, (3) 91 Early, Dr. D. B., (1)27 Ford, H. Church, (2) 52 easterners, (3) 37 Fordham, Elias, (3) 42 Eaton, Ohio, (2)27, 30-31, 34 Forsyth, Dobbin and Co. (Wheeling, Virginia), (3)36 Echpalawehund, Peter, (3) 8 Fort Donelson (Tennessee),(1) 19n economy, wartime and the, (1)22 Fort Hamilton (Ohio), (3)24,28n,29n Eden Park (Cincinnati, Ohio), (1)64 Fort Harmar Treaty (1788),(3) 12 Edgefield Junction, Tennessee, (1)12 Fort Henry (Tennessee),(1) 8, 19n Edwards, Robert C., (1)36-37 Fort Mandan, (3) 24 Eisenhower, Dwight D., (2) 78 Fort McCook (Tennessee),(1) 14,2011 Elizabethtown, Kentucky, (2) 12-13 Fort Pitt, (3) 5 Elkins, Stanley, (1)77-78 Fort Sumter, (1)6 Elliot, Willie Mae, (2) 54 Fort Wagner (South Carolina), (1)80 Elliott, Charles Winslow, (3) 83 Fort Washington (Cincinnati), (3) 21 Emancipation Proclamation, (2)66, (4) 37-38,40 Fosl, Catherine, Subversive Southerner: Anne Braden and the Emancipationists in Kentucky, (4) 29, 31-32, 35 Struggle for Justice in the Cold War South (2002), (2) Embargo Act (1807), (3)35, (4) 18-19,21 75-77 Emergency Relief Appropriation Act (1939), (2) 36 Foster, Emily, ed., True Grit: A Woman’s Letters from the Emerson, William, (3)42 Ohio Frontier (2002), (3)80-81 England, (1)7 Fourteenth Amendment, (4) 45 Engle, Stephen D., (3) 84 Fox, William F., (1)4 environmentalism, (1)5 Francis, Dr. Martin, (4) 80 Erie Canal, (3)38,40 Frankfort, Kentucky, (4)28,31, 35, African American life in, Erie, Pennsylvania, (1) 25 (1)83-85 Eslinger, Ellen, (4) 4 Free Labor Party, (4) 33-34 Ethridge, Mark, (1)46,52 Freedman’s Bureau, (4)45 Eve Disconsolate, by Hiram Powers, (1)64, (3)51 freedpeople, (4) 37, equality of, (4) 39 Eve Tempted, (3) 51 Freeland, Joseph, (2) 52 evening parade, (1)8 Fremont, John C., (4) 36 Everett, Edward, (3) 56, 68 French engages, (3)27 Friend, Craig Thompson, (1)74-75 frontier, historians of the, (1)63 F Fry, Henry, (1) 68 Fairbanks, Robert B., (3) 88 Ft. Wayne, Indiana, (2) 55 Fallen Timbers, Battle of, (1) 74 Fugitive Slaves and the Underground Railroad in the Ken- Farmington (Speed home), (4)27 tucky Borderland (2002), by J. Elaine Hudson, (2) Farnsley, Charles, (1)44 64-65 Farny, Henry, (1)70 Fun, Cheap, & Easy: My Life in Ohio Politics, 1949-1964 Faulkner, William, (1) 56 (2002),by Frances McGovern, (1)87-89 Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), (2)28,36 Funk, Marshall, (2) 52 Federal Security Agency, (2) 36 fur trade, Moravian Indians and the, (3) 14-15 Federalists, (1)76 Ferguson, Attorney General Jo, (2)51 Fields, Barbara Jeanne, (1)77-78 Fifteenth Amendment, (1)45 G Filson Historical Society, The, (1) 91-92, (2) 5-7, 9, 12-13, Gantt, Wilson, (4) 65 Garner, Margaret, (2)65 17, 82-83, (3)93-94, (4)81-82 Findlay, James, (3) 19-30 General Emancipation Convention, (4)35 Findlay, Jane Irwin, (3) 24,2911 Genevra, by Hiram Powers, (1) 66 gentleman, behavior a, (2)19-21 Fine, Benjamin, (1)49 of Georgetown, Kentucky, (2)6 Georgia, (1)17,47

88 OHIO VALLEY HISTORY German Heritage Guide to the Greater Cincinnati Area (2003), by Don Heinrich Tolzmann, (2) 77-78 H German-Americana Collection at the University of Cincinnati, Half-King, Chief of Wyandots, (3)7 (2)77 Hall, Kermit L., (1)76 Germany, (1)21, Nazi, (2)29 Hammon, Neal O., and Richard Taylor, Virginia’s Western Gerrity, Frank X., ed., The Collected Works of William HOW- War, 1775-1786 (2002), (1)73-74 ard Tuft, Volume VII (2003), (2) 69-70 Hammond, Charles, (1)76 Gertrude Polk Brown Lecture Series, (3) 93 Hancock, General Winfield Scott, (2)67 Gioielli, Rob, (4)77 Hanes, John, (4) 10 Girard, Pennsylvania, (1)25 Hanover College (Indiana), (2) 7 Gleaner andJournal (Kentucky), (2)55, 58 Hardin County Circuit Court (Kentucky),(2) 12 Glendale plant, women workers at, (1)22,24-25, 39, union Hardin, John A., (2)73 organization at, (1)23-24, working conditions at, Harlan County (Kentucky), (2)79 (1)23-25, defense production at, (1)29-31,39, toy Harney, John Hopkins, (2) 11,15 production at, 29, 35, and walkout, (1)32, 38 Harpers Ferry, Virginia, (3) 20,22-23 Glendale, West Virginia, (1)21-22, 24-26, 28-33, 36-37, 39- Harris, D. K., (1)30, 32 42, working conditions in, (1)23-25,28,30, demon- Harrison, William Henry, (3) 79 strations in, (1)26, 32, 36 Harvard University, (2) 5 Glikhikan, Isaac, (3) 8 Hassenpflug, Ann, (2), 1-3, 5, “Murder in the Classroom: Gluck, Sherna Berger, (1)22 Privilege, Honor, and Cultural Violence in Antebellum Gnadenhutten, Moravian Indian village of, (3) 7-8, 12, 15, I,ouisville,” (2) 1, 5 massacre of Indians in, (3)7-8 Hatcher, Richard, (4) 73 God of Battle, (1)8 Haynes, Robert V., (3) 85 Gomez-Jefferson, Annetta L., The Sage of Tawawa: Reverdy Heathen Society of the Moravian Church, (3) 13 Cassius Ransom, 1861-1959 (2002), (2) 72-73 Hebert, Keith S., (4) 75 Goodstein, Anita, (4) 14 Heckewelder, John, (3) 12 Gordon, James and Teresa, (2)46,53,55 Henderson County (Kentucky), (2)46-47 Gothic tradition, (1)68 Herschel, Sir William, (3) 69, 7811 gradual emancipation movement, (4)32-34 Heywood, Rev. John, (2) 11-12, 18,22 Graham, C. M., (4)65 Hiestand, William, (2) 27, 30-31, 39n Grauman, Laurence, Jt, (1)56 High Street High School (Kentucky), (2) 44 Gray, Susan E., (3) 81 Hines, Frank T., (4) 64 Great American Ballpark (Cincinnati), (2) 68 Hinshaw, John, Steel and Steelworkers: Race and Class in Great Depression, (1)39, (2)28,29, 34, (4)49-50, 53, 55 Twentieth-Century Pittsburgh (2002), (3)89-90 Great Falls of the Missouri, (3) 28n Hire, Dr. Charles, (4) 57 Great Lakes Naval Station, (4)60 Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio (HPSO), (3) Great Lakes, (3) 40 20-22 Greek sculpture, (3) 55 Hitler Youth, (2)29 Greek Slave by Hiram Powers, (1)66, (3) 49-51, 74 Hitler, Adolph, (1) 21 Greenberg, Jack, (2) 49, 56 Hoblitzell, Bruce, (1)50, 53 Gregory, Noble, (4) 52 Holian, Timothy J., Over the Barrel: The Brewing History grievances, wartime procedures to file, (1)25, at Glendale and Beer Culture of Cincinnati, Volumes One & Two plant, (1) 28, committees, (1) 28, 31, 33 (2000, 2003), (4) 75-77 Grimsley, Mark, (2) 67 Holmberg, James J., ed., “‘Fairly launched on my voyage of Growing Up Hard in Harlan County (1985,2003), by G. C. discovery’: Meriwether Lewis’s Expedition Letters to Jones, (2)78-79 James Findlay,” (3) 1-2, 19 Gruenwald, Kim M., “Review of ‘Fashion on the Ohio Fron- Holmberg, James, (3)20,23, (4) 70 tier, 1790-1840,’ an Exhibition at Kent State Univer- honor, culture of, (2) 20-21, (4)7, code of, (2) 21 sity Museum,” (1)1,2, 61 Hopkins County (Kentucky), (2) 46-47,49, 51, 53-54, 56-57 Gruenwald, Kim M., “Space and Place on the Early American Hopkins, Harry, (2) 28 Frontier: The Ohio Valley as a Region, 1790-1850,” Horrigan, Monsignor Alfred, (1)55 (3) 1-2, 31 hospital, Civil War, (1) 6 Grupper, Ira, (1) 46 Houdon, Jean-Antoine, (3) 57,7711, his Guentz, Professor, (2)9, 18 George Washington, (3)57, 62, his Bruno, (3)57 gunboats, (1)8 Hudson River, (3) 38 Guschov, Stephen D., The Red Stockings of Cincinnati: Base Hudson, J. Blaine, Fugitive Slaves and the Underground Rail- Ball’s First All-Professional Team (1998), (2)68-69 road in the Kentucky Borderland (2002), (2) 64-65 Guthrie, James, (2) 15


human nature, nineteenth century and, (1)5 Humez, Jean M., (2) 64 Hunt, Robert P., (2) 6 K K’Meyer, Tracy, “’Beneath the Golden Stairs’: Gender, Huntington, West Virginia, (1)25 Unionization, and Mobilization in World War I1 West Virginia,” (1)1,2,43 Kent State University Museum, (1)61-63 Kenton, Simon, (1)73-74 Illinois, (3) 38,41,43, and housing segregation, (1)54, as Kentucky Dam Project, (4)52,55,58 “Suckers”, (3)43 Kentucky General Assembly, (4) 50 Impressionism, (1)71 Kentucky Historical Society, (1)78 in loco parentis, (2) 22 Kentucky justice: Southern Honor, and American Manhood Indian Territory, (4) 14 (2003),by James C. Klotter, (3) 86-87 Indiana University, (2)43 Kentucky Reporter, (3)37 Indiana, (2) 6,24, (3) 78-80, and housing segregation, (1)54 Kentucky State College for Negroes, (2) 43 Indiana: A History (2003,1978), by Howard H. Peckham, Kentucky, (1)45, 48-49, 51, 54, 73-74, (2) 3, 16-17,23, (3)79-80 41-62, (3) 2911,31-32, 34-36, 38,43,45-46, (4) 13, Indianapolis, Indiana, (1)47 17,27-48,49-67, and division of during Civil War, industrial accident, (1)24 (1)4, 13, 15-17,45, slavery in, (1)77-78, House of industrial conversion, World War I1 and, (1)21, 30, 36 Representatives, (2) 6, (4) 28, 30,43, legislature, (2) industrial defense, (1)21,29, contracts, 27,29-31 13, indignation meetings in, (2) 16, school integration industrial reconversion, World War I1 and, (1)21, 35 in, (2)41,45, western, (2) 3,41-43,46, 50, 53-54, Industrial Revolution, (1)67-68 56,58, 60-61, Tennessee border and, (2) 41; Confed- integration, (1)47-50,52, school, (1)48-49, 52, 56, teacher, erate sympathies in, (2)42, African Americans in, (2) (1)49, public accommodations, (1)50, 52-57 42, lynching in, (2)42, legislature, (2) 43, as Garden Irondale, Ohio, (2)35 of Eden, (3) 32, militia in, (3) 12, as border state, (4) Italy, (3)49, 53 27, slave code of, (4) 29, Constitutional Convention, (4)32,35, slaveholders in, (4) 38 Kentucky’s Last Cavalier: General William Preston, 1816- 1887 (2004),by Peter J. Sehlinger, (3) 84-85 J Kern, Kevin, (1)89 Jackman School (Kentucky), burning of, (2) 50 Kessler, John S. and Donald B. Ball, North from the Moun- Jackson Purchase, (2)42-43, 53,56, 60, (4) 49 tains: A Folk History of the Carmel Melungeon Settle- Jackson, Andrew, (3)56,64,68, (4)3-4,6, 11 ment, Highland County, Ohio (2001), (4) 77-78 Jackson, Donald, (3)20 Kincheloe, Jesse W., (2)13-14 Jackson, Isaac, (3) 35 King, Rev. Martin Luther, (1)51, 57, assassination of, (1)57, James, Hulburt, (1)54 (2) 74, 77 Jefferson County Circuit Court (Kentucky), (2) 12 King, Rufus, (1)66 Jefferson, Thomas, (1)75, (3)22,25,28n, 29n, (4) 4, 10, Klotter, James C., Kentucky Justice, Southern Honor, and 13,18 American Manhood (2003), (3) 86-87 Jeffersonian Republicanism, (4) 11 Knights of Pythias Hall (Moundsville, West Virginia), (1)27 Jeffersonian Republicans, (1)76 Knipschild, Robert, (1)71 Jenkins, Kirk C., The Battle Rages Higher: The Union’s Fif- Knoxville Gazette, (4) 5, 12 teenth Kentucky Infantry (2003),(2) 65-66 Knoxville, Tennessee, (4) 15 Jesus Christ, (3) 70-71, 74 Koontz, E. F., (1)26 Jim Crow, (1)45, (2) 56, 60, 70, schools and, (2)44 Kossoudji, Sherri A., (1)22 Johnson Investment Council, (3) 92 Krudener, Baron, (3)56 Johnson, Andrew, (4) 41-42 Ku Klux Klan, (1)56, (2)47-48, 53-54 Johnson, Lyman, (1)46, (2) 43 Johnson, Thomas, (4) 9 Johnston, (Confederate) General Joseph, (1)4 Jones, G. C., Growing Up Hard in Harlan County (1985, L 2003), (2) 78-79 labor activism, wartime and, (1)22-23, 39 Jones, Landon Y., William Clark and the Shaping of the West Labor Day, parade, (1)27 (2004), (4) 68-70 labor historians, (1)22 Jones, Loyal, Minstrel of the Appalachians: The Story of Bas- labor union officials, (1)29-39 com Lamar Lunsford (2002),(1) 82-83 Ladies Academy of Fine Arts, (1) 69 judicial reform, (4)16 land speculators/surveyors, (4) 5, 7,9, 13-14 judicial review, (1)75-76 Lantzer, Jason S., (3) 80

90 OHIO VALLEY HISTORY Lassic, Frank, (1)30, 34, 38 47-49,52,56, and integration, (1)48-49, as model Latrobe, Benjamin H., Jr., (1)79 for desegregation, (1)49,53,55, and businessmen, Lawson, James M., (2) 17 (1)51-53,55, and the All-American City Award, (1) League of Nations, (2) 69-70 53, 55, and civic leaders, (1)55, antebellum, (2)3, Lest We Be Marshall'd: Judicial Powers and Politics in Ohio, 5-26, Unitarian Church in, (2) 11, antebellum news- 1806-1812 (2003), by Donald F. Melhorn, Jr., (1) papers in, (2) 11-13, residents of, (2) 16, social status 75-76 in, (2) 19, and the NAACP, (2)49, the Underground Lewis and Clark Expedition, (3) 19-22, (4) 69 Railroad in, (2) 64 Lewis and Clark Trail, (4)68 Louisville, University of, (1)44, 46, 54, and first African Lewis, Captain Meriwether, (3) 19-30, (4) 68 American student, (1)46 Lewis, John L., (1)21 Lowell, Massachusetts, (1)22 Lewis, William, (4)9 Lucas County (Ohio),(2) 33 Lexington, Kentucky, (2)6, (3) 33-34, 36, 38,40, (4) 28, 51 Lucas, Marion B., A History of Blacks in Kentucky: From Library of Congress, (1)82 Slavery to Segregation, 1760-1891 (2003),(1) 77-78 Licking River (Kentucky), (3) 33 lynching, (1)78, in Kentucky, (2) 42 Life, (2)58 Lincoln High School (Paducah, Kentucky), (2)43-44 Lincoln, Abraham, (4)36-37,39-40 Lindbergh, Charles, (2) 71 M machine age, the, (1)69 Linderman, Gerald, (2) 67 Mackey, Thomas C., (2) 65 lithographs, (1)63 MacSwinford, Judge, (2)50,52 Little Rock, Arkansas, (1)52, (2)58-59 Madison, Indiana, (2) 7 Livermore, Kentucky, (2)42 Madisonville Messenger (Kentucky), (2)55-56 Local 149 (CIO), (1)21,23,25,27-30, 32,34-42 Majewski, John, (1)79 Lodge, Henry Cabot, (2)70 Mangus, Michael, (2) 67 Logan County (Kentucky), (2) 42 manufacturing, chemical, in the Ohio River Valley, (1)23 Logan, Indian Chief, (1)10-12 Many Lamps, One Light: Louisville Presbyterian Theologi- Long-Beard, Miami Chief, (3)24 cal Seminary, A 150"' Anniversary History (2002), by Longworth, Nicholas, (1)65-66, 69, (3)64,78n Rick Nutt, (2)73-74 Look, (1)53 Mapplethorpe fiasco, (1)64 Lost Generation of American Youth, The (1936),by Maxine Marcus, Alan I., (3) 88 Davis, (2) 28-29 Marcus, Arhie B., (1)29, 31-32, 35-38 Louis Marx and Company, (1)21-42, union leadership and, (3)44 (1)25, union organization at, (1)23-24, and manage- Marietta Intelligencer, Marietta, Ohio, (3)32-33, 35-36, 39-40,42, 44-45 ment, (1)30-31, 33-37, and military conversion, (1) 29-30, and loss of military contracts, (1)33, and toy markets, European, (3) 34,37 Marks, John (3)26,29n production, (1)29, 35-36, and walkout, (1)32,38 Louisville & Nashville Railroad, (1) 13, (4) 36 Marshall County (West Virginia), (1)21,23,27, 29-30, 39 Louisville Central High, (2)43 Marshall, Chief Justice John, (1)75-76, (3)64 Louisville Collegiate Institute, (2) 9 Marshall, Thomas F., (2) 19,23 Louisville Daily Commercial, (4) 43 Maryland, school system in, (1)48 Louisville Daily Courier, (2)13, 16-17, 19, 22, 24, (4)30 Mason, James, (1)7 Louisville Daily Democrat, (2) 13, 16-17, 19-20 Mathews, Clarence, (1)51, 54 Louisville High School, (2) 5-9, 11-12, 14-15, and courses Matson, Elizabeth, (1)83 taught, (2)7 Maysville, Kentucky, (3)34 Louisville Home Guard, (4)31, 36 McCandless, Amy Thompson, (3) 83 Louisville Journal, (2) 12,21 McCoy, Captain, (1)5-6, 9 Louisville Municipal College, (1)46 McCurry, Stephanie, (3) 82 Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, (2)73-74 McGovern, Frances, Fun, Cheap, &- Easy: My Life in Ohio Louisville Times, (1)52 Politics, 1949-1964 (2002), (1)87-89 Louisville Urban League, (1)43 McHenry, Louis, (2)57 Louisville, Kentucky, (1)4, 13, 16, 17n, 43-60, (2)41, 75-77, McLaughlin, Maria, (1)69 (3)29n, 33, 36-37, 40,45, 84-85, (4)27, 30, 44, McMechon plant (West Virginia), (1)31-32, 34-36 68, and race relations, (1)43,45-46, and regional McPherson, James, (2) 67 identity, (1)43,49, 51,57-58, as a border city, (1)43, McWilliams, W. Carey, and Frank X. Gerrity, eds., The Col- 45, 57, and manufacturing, (1)44, and the housing lected Works of William Howard Tuft, Volume VI commission, (1)46, and progressive self-image, (1) (2003), (1)81-82 Meanwell, Jack, (1)71


Meeker, Samuel, (3) 34 Morrison, Chester, (1)53 Melhorn, Donald F., Jr., Lest We Be Marshal1’d:Judicial Moscow, Russia, (1)7 Powers and Politics in Ohio, 2806-1812 (2003), (1) Moundsville Daily Echo (West Virginia), (1)32-33, 37, 38 75-76 Moundsville, West Virginia, (1)23, 26-27, 38 Memphis Tennessee Garrison: The Remarkable Story of a Mountain Dance and Folk Festival, (1)82-83 Black Appalachian Woman (2001), edited by Ancella multiculturalism and its influence on art, (1)65 R. Bickley and Lynda Ann Ewen, (2)70-71 Murfreesboro, Tennessee, (1)14-15; Battle of, (1)16 Mercersburg, Pennsylvania, (3)21 Murray Flight School, (4) 58 merchants, on Ohio the frontier, (1)61, Moravian Indians Murray Teachers College (Kentucky), (4)49-67, relation- trade with itinerant, (3) 6, British and American, (3) ship with federal government, (4) 49, Woman’s Club 10, western, (3) 37 House, (4)53, Swann Dormitory, (4)53, 61, enroll- Michaelangelo Buonarotti, (3) 52-54, 67, 7711, his Moses, (3) ment at, (4) 55, correspondence courses at, (4)55, 54, his Christ with the Cross, (3) 54 financial stability of, (4) 65-66 Michigan, as “Wolverines,” (3)43, southern, (3)38 Murray, Philip, (1)38 middle class, the, (1)5 Murray, Robert K. and Roger W. Brucker, Trapped! The Middle Ground, the, (3)4, 16 Story ofFloyd Collins (2003), (2) 71-72 Midwest, the, (1)43,45, 47, 58, and race relations, (1) 43, Mushkat, Jerome, ed., A Citizen-Soldier’s Civil War: The Let- characteristics of, (1)45 ters of Brevet Major General Alvin C. Voris (2002), Milburn, William, (1)53 (1)79-81 militia, (4) 11, elections, (4) 8-10, 12,22 Music Hall, (1)66 Milkman, Ruth, (1)22 Muskingum River, (3) 3 Miller, Angeline (Sally), (1)24-25 Muskingum Work Experience Center, (2) 37 Miller, Glenn, (2) 74 Miller, Marc Scott, (1)22 mining, coal, in the Ohio River Valley, (1)23 Minshall, Captain Thaddeus Armstrong, in Civil War, (1)3- N Napoleon, (3) 37, (4) 18 20, as Chief Justice of Ohio Supreme Court, (1)4 Nash, William G., (4)54-56, 59 Minshall, Julia E. Pearson, (1) 4 Nash, William, (4) 9 Minstrel of the Appalachians: The Story of Bascom Lamar (4) 165 Lunsford (2002), by Loyal Jones, (1)82-83 Nashville Clarion, Mississippi River, (3)23,26, 33-34. 42,45, (4) 68 Nashville, Tennessee, (3)34, (4) 19 Natchez, Mississippi, (3) 34 Mississippi Valley, (3)34-35 Mississippi, (1)51, 55, racism in (1)51, (2)6 National Archives, (1)77, (2) 67 National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Missouri Compromise, (3)41 Missouri River, (3)24-28, 29n, 36 (NAACP), (1)47,49, (2) 41,43-50, 54-57, 62n, 70, Missouri, (4) 36 Paducah branch of the, (2)43 National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC),(1) 49 Missouri, school system in, (1)48, and integration, (1)49-50 Mitchel, (Union) General Ormsby, (1) 13, 1911 National Citizen’s Political Action Committee, (1) 34 Mitchell and Rammelsberg, (1)70 National Education Association (NEA),(2) 28 Mitchell, Reid, (2) 67 National Guard, to aid integration in Kentucky, (2) 51, 57-58 Modern Art Society, (1)72 National Labor Relations Board, (1)25,27, 39 modernism in art, (1)71 National Socialists (Nazis), (1)21, 30 Molock of War, (1)6 National Underground Railroad Freedom Center, (3) 92 monarchists, (1)7 National Union Party, (4) 41 Monroe Doctrine, (1)82, (2) 69-70 National War Labor Board, (1)30-36, 39 Montgomery County, (4) 10 National Youth Administration (NYA), (2) 3,27-40, in Ohio, Monthly Law Reporter, (2) 17 (2)27, 30, 33-35, 38-39, 4011, National Advisory Montreal, Quebec, (3)15 Committee of, (2)27,31, young women and, (2) 31- Moravian Church, (3) 12 32, African American women and, (2) 31-32, in Lucas Moravian Indians, (3) 3-18, mission economy of, (3)3, County, Ohio, (2)33, in Cincinnati, Ohio, (2)33, tradition of generosity of, (3) 6-7, forced journey to camp program, (2)36-37 Detroit, (3) 7, massacre of, (3)7-8, re-creation of National Youth Administration, (4) 52 mission, (3)9, relative prosperity of, (3) 11, plow Native American history, (4) 71 agriculture of, 10, 13, reducing dependence, (3) 13 Native Americans, in portraits, (1)62, at Cincinnati Art Morehead College (Kentucky), (4)65 Museum, (1)70, persistence and adaptation, (1) 70- Morganfield High School, (2) 47 71, and capture of Jonathan Alder, (1)74, Moravian Morris, Wi11iam, (1)68 converts, (3)3-18, Moravian converts travel to Ohio country, (3)3

92 OHIO VALLEY HISTORY nature, at war with man, (1)15, idealizing, (3)55-56,67 Ohio Supreme Court, (1)4 Naval Administration Building, (4)60 Ohio Valley, (1)73, 78-79, 84, (2)3, 5, 63, 73, (3)30n, 31- Naval Officers Reserves, (4)57 32, 34-35,37,39,41,45-46, and diverse cultures, (2) Neely, Governor Matthew, (1)26 5, segregation of Native Americans by tribal group in, Nelson, Larry L., (1)74-75 (3)6 New Deal programs, (2)44, 79 Ohio Valley, (4) 3-4, 9, 18, 36, 68 New Deal, (1)44-45, (2) 3, 29, 38, 40n, (4)49-50, 53-54 Ohio, (1)49-50, 54, 75-76, (2)27, 30, 33-35, (3) 31, 34-35, New England, (3)36, 41, veterans, (3)32, settlers in Ohio 38,43, 46, frontier, (1)61-63,75, and integration, (1) country, (3) 32,43 49, and civil rights law, (1)50, House of Representa- New Jersey, (3)3, 33,43 tives, (1)76, National Youth Administration in, (2) New Orleans, (1)52, (2) 5-6, (3) 34,39,62, (4) 18 27, 30, 33-35, as Buckeye State, (3)43, legislature, New Republic, (1)56 (3)41 New York City College, (2)45 Ohio’s First Peoples (2004), by James H. O’Donnell, (4) New York (city), (2)27, (3) 35, 38 71-72 New York Herald, (2)23 Old South, (2) 41 New York (state), (2)60, 68 Olden, J. C., (1)46 New York Times, (1)49, (2)58 open accommodations, (1)51,53-57 Newman, Simon, (4)3 open housing, ordinance, (1)55-56, conflict, (1)57-58 Newsweek, (1)56 Oregon River, (3) 26 Niagara Falls, (3) 58 Orphan Brigade, (2)66 Nichols, David A., (1)74 Osage River, (3) 26 night riders, (2)42 Over the Barrel: The Brewing History and Beer Culture of Noe, Kenneth W., Perryville: This Grand Havoc of Battle Cincinnati, Volumes One & Two (2000,2003), by (2001),(4) 72-73 Timothy J. Holian, (4) 75-77 Non-Importation Act (1833), (4) 30 Owensboro, Kentucky, (2) 42,57 Nootka Sound, (3)26 North from the Mountains: A Folk History of the Carmel Melungeon Settlement, Highland County, Ohio P (2001),by John S. Kessler and Donald B. Ball, (4) A Pacific Ocean, (3) 22,26 77-78 Paducah Junior College (Kentucky), (2)43, 52 North, the, (1)45, 54, 57-58, characteristics of, (1)45, ante- Paducah, Kentucky, (2) 43,57 bellum, (2)24 Painesville, Ohio, (2) 35 Northwest Fur Company, (3)9 Panic of 1819, (3) 37,41, (4) 23 Northwest Ordinance (1787), (3)36, 41,45, (4) 3, 8,22 Paris Peace Conference (1919),(2) 69 Northwest Passage, (3) 29n paternalism, (4)7-8 Northwest Territory, (1)61, 73, (3) 11, 21 Payne, Charles, (2) 75 Notre Dame University, (2) 43 Peace Democrats, (4) 38 Nourse, Elizabeth, (1)68 Peale, Charles Willson, (3) 19, 33 Nutt, Rick, Many Lamps, One Light: Louisville Presbyterian Pearl Harbor, (4)55 Theological Seminary, A 1 SOth Anniversary History Peckham, Howard, H., Indiana: A History (2003, 1978), (3) (2002), (2)73-74 79-80 Peeples, William, (1)56 Pennsylvania, (1)6, (3)3, 5, 12, western, (3)31, 34, 37, 0 43,46 O’Donnell, James H., Ohio’s First Peoples (2004), (4) 71-72 Pennyroyal, Kentucky, (2)43,56, 60 O’Toole, Andrew, Branch Rickey in Pittsburgh: Baseball’s Perkins, Elizabeth, (1)74, (4)4 Trailblazing General Manager for the Pirates, 1950- Perryville, Kentucky, (1)4, 12, 16-20 1955 (ZOOO), (4) 78-79 Perryville: This Grand Havoc of Battle (2001), by Kenneth Ohio & Erie Canal, (3)39 W. Noe, (4) 72-73 Ohio Company of Associates, (3) 32, 40 Peskin, Allan, Winfield Scott and the Profession of Arms Ohio country, (3)3-18, 21, early trading economy of, (3)4, (2003), (3) 83-84 white settlers in, (3) 12, 15, 16 Peter, Sarah Worthington King, (1)66 Ohio Historical Society, (1)61-63, (2)63-64, 67 Phidias, (3) 55, 72, 7711 Ohio River Valley, (1)5, 7, 21,23, 39 , Pennsylvania, (3) 15,22, 33-35, 37 Ohio River, (1)21,23, (2)57, (3) 12, 31-33, 36,40,44, (4) philanthropists, northern, (2)43-45 3, 68 Phillips, Christopher, (4) 73 Ohio State University, (1)62, (2) 81 Picket line, (1)37

WINTER 2004 93 INDEX TO VOLUME 4 pickets, Civil War, (1)14 Reconstruction, (1)45, 80, (3)45, (4)41,45 Piedfourck, M., (2) 12 Red Cross Fund, (1)28 Pierro, Joseph, (2) 66 Reid, Richard, (3)86-87 Piston, William G., (4) 73 Renaissance art, (3)49 Pitman, Adelaide Nourse, (1)68 Republican Party, (4) 35-36, and African Americans, (1) Pitman, Ben, (1)68 44-45 Pittsburgh Ordnance Department, (1)32 Resig, Claire, (4)63-64 Pittsburgh, Pennsylania, (3)33-36, 39-40, 44 Revolutionary War, American, (3)6, 11, 16 Platte River, (3)26-27 Reynolds, Louise, (1)55 Plessy us. Ferguson (1896),(2) 42 Rhodes, Greg, (2) 68 politicians, (1)10 Rhyne, J. Michael, (4) 78 Polk, James Knox, (4) 3 Richardson, A. D., (2) 17 Pope, Thomas E., The Weary Boys: Colonel]. Warren Keifer Richmond, James H., (4)50-67, as State Democratic Chair- & the IIOfh Ohio Volunteer Infantry (2002),(2) 67 man, (4) 50-51, war bond effort and, (4)54, impor- popular culture, nineteenth century and, (1)5 tance of education and, (4) 56 popular democracy, (4) 7 riots, race, (1)54, 57-58, in Cincinnati, (1)65 popular sovereignty, (4) 8 Roberts, Isaac, (4) 9 Portsmouth, Ohio, (1)16 Robertson, James, (4) 5, 7 Potash, David and Donald F. Anderson, eds, The Collected Rockwell, Colonel Robert L., (4) 56-57 Works of William Howard Tuft, Volume V (2003), (3) Rocky Mountains, (3) 30n,42 88-89 Rococo style, (3)49 Potomac River, (1)79 Rogers, Ruby, (3) 19, 23, 28 Pottery Club of Cincinnati, (1)69 Romanticism and ideas of nature, (1)5 Potthast, Edward, (1)67 Rome, Italy, (3)54, 66 Powell Amendment, (2) 60 Ronda, James, (4) 68 Powell, Adam Clayton, (2) 60 Rookwood pottery, (1)64, 68-69 Powers, Hiram, (1)64-66, (3)49-78 Roosevelt administration, (2)28, (4)53 Pre-Flight Training Program, (4) 57, 59 Roosevelt, Eleanor, (2) 27, 31, 39n Prentice, George, (2) 12-13, 15,21 Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, (1)45, (2)28-29, 36, (4)49-51, preservation, (1)5 53, 58, 63, death of, (4) 58 Preston, Colonel John S., (3) 53, 64, 77n Roosevelt, James, (4)51 prisoners of war, (1)13 Root, Elihu, (2) 70 Probasco, Henry, (1)68 Rosecrans, (Union) General William S., (1) 16,2011 production, mass (1)68; industrial, (1)70 Rosenthal, Lois and Richard, (1)65, 67, 72 Prokopowicz, Gerald J., (1)81 Rosenwald Fund, (2)43-44 pro-slavery Kentuckians, (4) 30 Ross County (Ohio), (2)35 Providence, Rhode Island, (2) 17 Rotary Club, (4)62 public sphere, women and the, (1)22 Rothman, Joshua, (3) 87 Public Works Administration, (4)50 Royster, Charles, (2)67 Puerto Rico, (2) 36 Ruskin, John, (1)68 Purdue University, (2)43 Russelville, Kentucky, (1)13 Puritans, (1)70 Putnam, General Rufus, (3) 32, 34 S Sadosky, Leonard J., (2) 64 R Sattler, Charles J. F., (1)26, 38 Rabb, Maurice, (1)54 Schenck, Rev. Jacob, (2) 12 race relations, (1)43-47, 51, 53, 56, progressive, (1)56 school discipline, (2) 18, 20-23 racial equality, (4)40 Schwanthaler, Ludwig von, (3)72, 78n , (2)42, (4) 41-45 Scioto Valley, (1)7 railroad, construction, (1)78-79; corruption and, (1)79 Sears and Roebuck, (2)43 Ransom, Reverdy Cassius, (2) 72-73 Sears, Richard D., Camp Nelson, Kentucky: A Civil War His- Ratcliffe, Donald, (4) 11, 22 tory (2002), (4) 74-75 Rauch, Christian Daniel, (3) 71-72, 78n Second Party System, (4) 3-4,22-23 Ray, Kristofer, (4) 1-3 segregation, (1)45-46,48, 50, 52, 58, extreme racial, (1)43, Read, Thomas Buchanan, (1)66 51, housing, (1)54,58 rebels in the Civil War, (1)7 segregationists, in Kentucky, (2)48-50,53-54, 58-59, and

94 OHIO VALLEY HISTORY harassment, (2) 54, protests by, 58-59 Stebenne, David, (2) 70 Sehlinger, Peter J., Kentucky’s Last Cavalier: General William Steel and Steelworkers: Race and Class in Twentieth-Century Preston, 1816-1887 (2004),(3) 84-85 Pittsburgh (2002), by John Hinshaw, (3)89-90 Selden, Dixie, (1)71 Stevenson, Adlai, (2)48 Selma, Alabama, and housing segregation, (1)54 Stewart, Roy, (4)65 Seminar on the City (Cincinnati Museum Center), (4)80 Stimson, Henry, (4) 57 separate but equal, (2) 41-42,44,50 Stones River, Tennessee, (1)4, 16, (2) 65-66 Servicemen’s Readjustment Act (G.I. Bill), (4) 63-65 Storer, Maria Longworth Nichols, (1)69 Sevier, John, (4)7, 9, 12, 17, 19-20 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, and Uncle Tom’s Cabin, (3) 31 Sexauer, Cornelia F., (2) 72 Stradling, David, (2) 69, (3)92, Cincinnati: From River City Shapiro, Herbert, (2) 77 to Highway Metropolis (2003),(3) 87-88 Sharp, Joseph Henry, (1)70-72 strike, union, (1)25-28, 39, vote for, (1)36-38 Shawnee raids, (1) 73 Sturgis High School, (2)47-48, 51, 53-54, 58 Shelbourne, Roy, (2) 52 Sturgis News (Kentucky), (2)55 Shepherd, Anne, (3)21 Sturgis (Kentucky),(2) 47, 51, 58 Sherman, (Union) General William Tecumsah, (1)4 Sturgus, Minard, (2) 7-10, 12, 14-15, 18,22 Shirayamandani, Kataro, (1)69 Subversive Southerner: Anne Braden and the Struggle for silhouettes, (1)62 Justice in the Cold War South (2002), by Catherine Sill, Colonel Joshua, (1)8, 19 Fad, (2) 75-77 Slave Emancipation in Kentucky, (4)32-34, 36 Sumner County (Tennessee),(4) 9 slave states, (2) 18 Sumner, Senator Charles, (1)10, 19 slave, importation, (4)29, trade, domestic, (4)29 Supreme Court, United States, (1)47, 75, (2)41,4345, 52, slavery, as “necessary evil,” (4)29, 31, abolition of, (4)39 81-82 slaves, escaping, (2)64-65 Swanger, Martin E., (1)36, 38 Slidell, John, (1)7 Swedenborg, Emmanuel, (3)70, 78n Smith, Daniel, (4) 6 Sword, Wiley, (4) 72 Smith, Early, (4)44 Symmes, John Cleves, (3)33 Snadon, Patrick, (4) 80 Soares, John, (1)82 soldiering, Civil War and, (1)5 Sonntag, William Louis, (1)66 T South African Institute of Race Relations, (1) 49 Taft, William Howard, (1)81-82, (2) 69-70 South Carolina, (1)47 Taylor, Alan, (4) 11 South, antebellum, (2)24 Taylor, E. Leland, (1)47 south, deep, (2)60 Taylor, Leeroy, (4) 9 South, the, (1)45,48, 50,54, 56, 58, in the Civil War, (1) Tenkotte, Paul A., (2)78 7, people of the, (1)15, the condition of the, (1)15, Tennessee Valley Authority, (4) 52 characteristics of, (1)45, (2) 41-42, segregation in, (2) Tennessee, (1)73, (2) 41, (3) 36, (4)4-23, 36, in Civil War, 41, education in, (2)43 (1)4, 14-17, western, (2)42, elite, (4) 7, 11, state- Southern Manifesto, (2)56 hood, (4) 8, Supreme Court, (4) 15-17, economic Southern ports, Civil War and, (1)8 development in, (4)20-21, global economy in, (4) 23 Southern rebellion, (1)7 Terrell Law School (Kentucky), (2)49 specie, (4) 13, 19 Thames River (Canada), (3)3, 9 Speed, James, (4)27-48, enslaved African Americans and, (4) Thanksgiving, (1)14 27-28 The Battle Rages Higher: The Union’s Fifteenth Kentucky Spencer, Lilly Martin, (1)66 Infantry (2003),by Kirk C. Jenkins, (2) 65-66 spies, in Civil War, (1) 13 The Collected Works of William Howard Taft, Volume VI Springer, Reuben, (1)66 (2003),edited by W. Carey McWilliams and Frank X. Springfield, Ohio, and race relations, (1)43 Gerrity, (1)81-82 St. Clair, General Arthur, (3)2811 The Collected Works of William Howard Taft, Volume V11 St. Louis, Missouri, (1)47, 51, 53-55 (2003), edited by Frank X. Gerrity, (2) 69-70 Stampp, Kenneth P., (1)77 The Collected Works of William Howard Taft, Volume V Stanley, Frank, (1)48, 50 (2003),edited by David Potash and Donald F. Ander- Starkweather’s Brigade ( lscWisconsin Volunteer Infantry), (1) son, (3) 88-89 16,20n The College News, (4) 60 state labor commission, (1)27 The Great Road: The Building of the Baltimore & Ohio, the State’s Rights Party, (2)48 Nation’s First Railroad, 1828-1853 (2003), by James D. Dilts, (1)78-79


The Nation, (1)56 United States Army History Institute, (2) 67 The Red Stockings of Cincinnati: Base Ball’s First All-Pro- United Statq Colored Troops, (4) 39 fessional Team (1998), by Stephen D. Guschov, (2) United States Constitution, (4) 21 68-69 United States Information Agency, (1)49 The Reporter, (1)53 United States Naval Flight Preparatory School, (4) 60 The Road to Poverty: The Making of Wealth and Hardship United States Navy, (4) 59-60 in Appalachia (2000), by Dwight B. Billings and Kath- United States, (1)63, 73, (3) 33,49, President of, (3) 56, Sen- leen M. Blee, (1)85-87 ate, (2) 13, 16, settlement with Moravian Church, (3) The Sage of Tawawa: Reverdy Cassius Ransom, 1861-1 959 12, youth in, (2) 29-30, Office of Education, (2) 36 (2002), by Annetta L. Gomez-Jefferson, (2) 72-73 University of Cincinnati Department of History, (3) 92 The Wall Between (1999), by Anne Braden, (2) 75-77 University of Kentucky, (2)43, 58 The Weary Boys: Colonel J. Warren Keifer 6 the 11Oth Ohio , (2)64, (4) 65 Volunteer Infantry (2002), by Thomas E. Pope, (2) 67 Thirteenth Amendment, (1)78, (4)40,45 Thompson, Dr. D. D., (2) 11 Thompson, Hunter, (1)53,57 V V-12 Navy College Training Program, (4) 57,61-62 Three-Fifths Compromise, (3) 42 Van Buren, Martin, (3) 64 Time, (2) 58 Van Dyne, Ray, (1)3 1 Todd, John, (3)26,29n Van Leer, Elizabeth, (2) 55 Toledo, Ohio, (2) 31-32 Van Leer, James, (2)54-56, 58 Tolzmann, Don Heinrich, German Heritage Guide to the Greater Cincinnati Area (2003),(2) 77-78 vandalism, by the South during the Civil War, (1)7 Versailles, Kentucky, (1)15 Tootle, Stephen (3) 89 Torrence Papers, (3) 19,22-23, 28n Veteran’s Guidance Center, (4) 65 Virginia, (1)73-74, (3)34,43, 45-46, as “Tuckahoes”, 43, Torrence, Judge George Paul, (3) 20 western, (3)31-32, 35-37, northern, (3) 35 Trans-Appalachian West, (1)73, (2)63 , (4)28 Virginia’s Western War, 1775-1 786 (2002), by Neal 0. Ham- Trapped! The Story of Floyd Collins (2003),by Robert K. mon and Richard Taylor, (1)73-74 Murray and Roger W. Brucker, (2)71-72 Voris, Alvin C., (1)79-81 travel accounts, frontier, (1)62 Vrataric, Nicholas C., (1)25 Treasury Department, United States, (4)54 Tri-County Industrial Union Council, (1)27 Triplett, Judge Henry, (1)51 W Trollope, Frances, (3)52, 62,77n Waddle, Lieutenant, (1)5 True Grit: A Woman’s Letters from the Ohio Frontier (2002), Wade, Richard C., (2) 63 edited by Emily Foster, (3) 80-81 wage increases, (1)36,38, wartime, (1)28-29, 32-33, 37 Truman, Harry, (4)51 Waldrep, Christopher, (1)78 Tucker, Rev. C. Ewbank , (1)51 Waldstreicher, David, (4) 11 Turner, Frederick Jackson, (1)63 Walker, William, (4) 9 Twachtman, John, (1)67 Waller, Altina, (1)87 Waller, Jerry, (2) 55 Wallerstein, Immanuel, (1)86 U War bonds, (1)30 U.S.S. Benjamin Franklin, (4) 59 War Department, (4) 55-56,59, 61 Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher, (3) 81 War of 1812, (3) 37,58 Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, (3)31 War Production Board, (1)29-30, 32-33, 39, (4) 58 Unconditional Union Party, (4) 39, 40 Ward, Emily Flournoy, (2) 6, 8-9,22 Underground Railroad, (2) 64-65, in Kentucky, (2) 64 Ward, Matthew F., (2) 5-26, background of, (2) 5-6, arrest unemployment compensation, (1)27 of, (2) 11, trial of, (2) 12-17, acquittal of, (2) 16, Union Army, (2) 42 deference and, (2) 19-20 Union County (Kentucky) (2)46-47,5364 Ward, Nahum, (3)42 Union Democratic Party, (4) 39,45 Ward, Robert, (2) 5-26, background of, (2) 5-6, arrest of, (2) Unionism, in Kentucky, (4) 36-38, 44 11, trial of, (2) 12-17, acquittal of, (2) 16 United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), (1)21, (2) 79 Ward, Sallie, (2) 6 United Paper, Novelty, and Toy Workers Union, (1)21,25, Ward, Victor, (2) 9 27-28, 38-39 Ward, William, (2)5-26 United Services Organization (USO), (1)28 Warren County Historical Society, (1)63

96 OHIO VALLEY HISTORY Washington, Booker T., (2)72 Williams, Aubrey, (2)27-28,30-31,35, 3911,4011 Washington, D.C., (1)29-31, (2) 38,49, (3) 22,28n, 64, Williams, Wayne, (4)54 67, (4) 37,40-41,61, and race relations, (1)43, and Williamson, Joy Ann, Black Power on Campus: The Univer- integration, (1)49 sity of Illinois, 1965-75 (2003), (2)74-75 Washington, George, (4) 10 Winchester, James, (4)7 Watauga Association (1772), (4)4 Winfield Scott and the Profession of Arms (2003), by Allan Waterloo, Battle of, (3)37 Peskin, (3) 83-84 Watlington, Patricia, (4) 11 Winslow, Claude T., (4)52 Watterson, Henry, (4)43 Wolfe, Margaret Ripley, Daughters of Canaan: A Saga of Wayne, General Anthony, (3)21 Southern Women (1995), (3)81-83 Webster County (Kentucky), (2) 46-47, 51, 53-54, 59 Wolfe, Nathaniel, (2) 16,23 Webster, Daniel, (3) 68, 76 Wolfford, David L., (2)1-4,41, “Resistance on the Border: Weise, Robert S., (2) 79 School Desegregation in Western Kentucky, 1954- Welapachtschiechen, Israel, (3) 8 1964,” (2) 1,41 Wesselman, Jim, (1)71 Wolfson,Emily, (4) 53, 59 West End Community Council, (I) 57 women, as encouragement for Civil War soldiers, (1)5-6, West Virginia State Industrial Union Councils, (1)27 World War I1 opportunities for, (1)22, unions and, West Virginia, (1)21-42, Department of Labor, (1)26, Un- (I)23,39, working conditions and, (1)24-25, on employment Office, (1)26-27, Governor, (1)26-27, the frontier, (1)61, employment of when young, (2) 39, defense workers, (I)33, and reconversion, (I)36, 31-32 school system in, (I)48-49 Women’s Clubhouse, (4) 62 Western Coal Field (Kentucky), (2) 43, 56, 60 Woods, Ralph, (4)65 Western Country, (4) 6 Woodstock, Vermont, (3)58 Western Herald and Steubenville Gazette, (3)43 working class, in wartime, (1)22, consciousness, (1)28, and Western Kentucky College, (2) 54, (4) 65 civic pride, (I)28, interests, (1)30 Western Kentucky University, (I) 77 Works Progress Administration, (2) 28, (4)50, 52 Western Museum, (3) 51 World Peace Convention, (2) 6-7 Western Reserve Historical Society, (1)61-63 World War 11, (1)21, 35-36,44,46, (2) 27-29,40, (4)49, Western Spy, (3) 43 54-55, 65-66, industrial conversion and, (1)21, 36, Westerners, (3)36-38 industrial re-conversion and, (I)21, 35, Bill of Rights Westmoreland, Carl, (3)92 and, (4) 64-65 Weston, S. Burns, (2)27, 31, 3911 Wright, George C., (2) 42,47-48,53 westward expansion, (I) 63 Wright, Kelly F., “Henry Bellows Interviews Hiram Powers,” Wetherby, Governor (Kentucky), (2)55 (3) 1-2,49 Wethrell, L., (2) 7 Wyandots, (4) 71 raids, (1)73, kidnapping of Moravian Wheeling Industrial Union Council, (1) 29, 39 Indians, (3)4, 7 Wheeling, West Virginia, (1)23, 78, (3) 15 Wyatt, Wilson, (1)44,46 Whig Party, (4)3 Whig/Democratic Party, (4)3 White Citizens Council, (2)48, 53, 55, 60 Y White House, the, (1)49, (4)51 I White River, (3) 24 Yankees, New England, (3)40-41 White, Deborah Gray, (3)82 York, on Lewis and Clark Expedition, (4) 69-70 White, Hugh Lawson, (4)3 Youngstown, Ohio, (2)35 White, John H., (4) 81 youth problem, in America, (2) 27,29-30 Whitmer, Jennifer, (4) 1, 2, 49 Whittredge, Worthington, (1)66 Whorton, Donald, (I)29 Wilberforce University (Ohio),(2) 72 Zanesville, Ohio, (3)36 Wild Boys ofthe Road (1933), (2) 28 Zeisberger, David, (3)3-5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 1711, as chief mission- Wilderness Journey: The Life of William Clark (2004), by ary of Moravian Indians, (3) 3, accused of spying, (3) William E. Foley, (4)68-70 7 Wiley, Commander Charles L., (4)59, 62 Zimbalist, Andrew, (4)79 Wilhoit, Francis, (2),78 Wilkins, Roy, (2) 79 William Clark and the Shaping of the West (2004),by Landon Y. Jones, (4) 68-70

WINTER 2004 97