Descendants of Meyer Charapp (b. abt. 1848, Neterpince, Austria-Hungary) In this record, persons are numbered consecutively. If they married and are known to have children, there is a plus sign (+) in front of their name, which indicates that additional information about them can be found in the next generation. I am solely responsible for all errors in this record. Corrections and additions are appreciated. Stephen W. Johnson 222 Parkman Ave. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213
[email protected] September 13, 2013 Descendants of Meyer CHARAPP 13 September 2013 First Generation 1. Unknown CHARAPP was born (date unknown). According to numerous documents referenced in the notes of individuals in the Charapp descendancy, the Charapps were from Neterpince. The documents variously describe Neterpince as being in Austria, Austria-Hungary, Poland and Galacia. According to the ShtetlSeeker on, the Jewish community of Neterpin'tse was located at latitude and longitude +49° 43' 59.88", +25° 21' 0.00" (,25.3500+(Neterpin'tse)). This puts the town in today's Ukraine, about 250 miles due east of Krawkow, Poland--100 miles east of the border of Poland. In 1900, the best description for the location of Neterpin'tse was probably Galacia--the full offical name of this Austrian province being: the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria, and the Grand Duchy of Krakau with the Duchies of Auschwitz and Zator. However, the political situation was very fluid at his time. See: Thus, it is no wonder that the Charapp's identified themselves with various nationalities upon coming to the United States.