Coitiinissioner of Motor Vehicles
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You Are Viewing an Archived Report from the New Jersey State Library TWENT'Y~FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CoITIInissioner of Motor Vehicles TO THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STA TE OF NEW JERSEY For the Year One Thousr~d Nine Hundred and Twenty-Nine MacCrellish & Quigley Co Printers ~ Trenton, New Jersey 1930 You Are Viewing an Archived Report from the New Jersey State Library l'l REPORT To the Leg·islature of the State of New Jersey: GENTLEMEN-Herewith is presented the Twenty-fourth An nual Report of the Commissioner of Motor Vehicles of the State of New Jersey, for the calendar year ending December 31, 1929. This report is respectfully submitte<l pursuant to the provisions of Section 4, Chapter 208, P. L. 1921, as amended by Chapter 148, P. L. 1926, which requires the Commissioner to report to each Legislature the operations of his office for the year ending on the last preceding thirty-first day of December. REPORTS OF DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, CHIEF CLERK, AUDITORS, BOOKKEEPERS, ETC. The Auditing and Finance Department is in absolute charge and under the supervision of Deputy Commissioner Honorable Arthur W. Magee. His report, together with reports made to him by the Chief Clerk, the Auditors, Bookkeepers, Statistical Bookkeepers, Journal Bookkeepers, and Fine Clerk, follows: December 31, 1929. Hon. William L. Dill. Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, Trenton, New Jersey: MY DEAR COMMISSIONER-I can now report the complet•ion of the Depart ment of Finance and Auditing records for the year 1929. Statements have been obtained from William J. Dearden, Chief Clerk of the Auditing Department, and his assistants, Charles J. Irwin, William J. Bren nan, E. W. Padderatz, James E. D' Arey, George H. Suozzi, John A. Schwarz walder, William C. Brennan, Joseph P. Martin, Frank C. Nixon, James Hene han, W. E. Knott, and Francis H. Schnorbus. Mr. Dearden reports the audit ing and closing of all the agents' accounts, and his assistants report that correct records have been made of all agents' reports and deposits. I have examined the agents' records and the financial statements submitted herewith for your Annual Report to the Legislature, the examination disclos ing that the accounts are in balance and a complete and accurate record has been made of all business transacted by the Department for the year 1929, and 3 j:,; 4 You Are Viewing an Archived Report from the New Jersey State Library 5 that all money that has been received by the Department has been paid over December 31, 1929. in the proper manner to the Treasurer of the State of New Jersey. Hon. Arthur W. Magee, Deputy Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, Trenton, A return has been made to the State Prison of all registration plates not used, New Jersey: and the registration certificates and drivers' licenses not used have been DEAR COMMISSIONER-We, the undersigned, respectfully report that we have, returned to the Purchasing Department. during the year 1929, made a correct record of all reports received from agents and all supplies se1lt to them. I regret that we have not received for publication a copy of the Report of All deposits, which have been reported by post card, have been properly the Audit of this Department made during the year by the National Institute entered in the bank account and all drafts against these accounts properly of Business Administration. credited. With this, my last, Annual Report to you as Commissioner .of Motor Vehicles, Bank statements have been received at the end of each month and checked may I not express my gratefulness to you for haV'ing appointed me as your against each respective account. Wherever any discrepancies were found they Deputy and also express my appreciation for the wonderful experience which have been immediately adjusted with the bank and the agent. it has been for me to have ·been associakd with you. Supplies returned by the agent at the end of the year unissued have ·been Respectfully submitted, checked both against the agents' record of return supplies and by actual count and entered in the agents' ledger account. AR'fHUR w. MAGEE, Deputy Commissioner. Respectfully submitted, CHARLES J. !Rwrn, December 31, 1929. WILLIAM J. BRENNAN, Hon. Arthur W. Magee,. Deputy Commissioner of Motor Vehicles, Trenton, GEORGE H. Suozzi, New Jersey: · J oHN A. ScnwARZW ALDER, DEAR COMMISSIONER-I beg to report that all agents' accounts for the year WM. c. BRENNAN, 1929 have been audited and closed. All supplies sent to the agent for issuance JOSEPH MARTIN, have been balanced and accounted for. Supplies tmissued have been returned FRANK c. NIXON, and credited to the agents' account. JAMES HENEHAN, w. E. KNOTT, At various intervals during the year, with the assistance of Mr. Bernard E. w. PADDERATZ, O'Keef e, I have personally visited and audited all agencies. I have also ]AMES E. D'ARCY. checked up the methods and conditions of the agencies. These visits showed all agencies to be in very good condition and properly equipped to handle the work. In making our audits, whenever there was any question as to the proper FINANCIAL STATEMENT fee, the matters have been adjusted in the favor of the State. Slight differences in these accounts were found and immediately adjusted when audit was com COLLEC'I'ION ACCOUNTS pleted so that the agents' accounts were brought into balance. Paid State Treasurer, 1929 Account .......... $14,511,032 66 In the year 1929 the National Instituti;- of Business Administration made a Paid State Treasurer, 1930 Account . 231,841 00 thorough audit of our accounts from July 1, 1928, to June 30, 1929. While On Deposit December 31, 1929, on account of we have received no report of this audit, we are given to understand that our 1930 collections . 4,015,389 64 accounts were in perfect condition. Fines remitted to Counties imposed prior to March 19, 1928 .......................... 2,258 00 I am also submitting, herewith, statement of all clerks and auditors, who 289,724 96 are employed in the accounting department, in whkh they certify that they Commissions paid to Agents ................ 3,059,683 33 have properly entered and checked the work assigned to them. Due from banks, account 1930 collections .... Agents' Bank Balances ..................... $3,059,683 33 Respectfully submitted, Collections November 15, 1928, to December 31, 1929 ..................................... 14,803,015 62 VlrLLIAM J. DEARDEN, ~ ! Collections November 15, 1929, to December 31, Chief Clerk and Accountant. 1929, account 1930 business .............•.. 4,247,230 64 $22,109,929 59 $22,109,929 59 6 You Are Viewing an Archived Report from the New Jersey State Library 7 Excess DETAIL AND CHARACTER OF COLLECTIONS FOR THE YEAR ENDING Duplicate tags, omnibus ............. 245 00 DECEMBER 31, 1929 Duplicate tags, trailers .............. 77 00 By Agencies Amount H.P. Items Duplicate tags, motorcycle ........... 126 00 Passenger registrations, first class, full Auto drivers' licenses ............... 2,895,726 00. 965,242 Motorcycle drivers' licenses ......... 5,993 oo- 5,993 rate ................. -_ ............. $5,599,934 40 7,997,506 600,233 Passenger registrations, first c1,ass, half Learners' permits (auto) ............ 165,995 00· - 331,990 Learners' permits (M. C.) ........... 2,285 00. 4,570 rate . .. .. .. .. 223,334 20 637,621. 47,905 Passenger registrations, second class, full Interest on deposits (agents) 9,022 51 rate . 625,531 50 157,983 36,436 Passenger registrations, second class half $14,559,994 76 Allowances for 1928 licenses 18 15 rate .............................. 23,527 00 12,028 2,736 Passenger registrations, no fee Sl $14,559,976 61 M. Lbs. By Central Office Commercial registrations, full rate 3,824,525 00 941,894 123,566 Interest on deposits (Central Office) $13,103 43 Commercial registrations, half rate 138,714 00 66,728 9,577 Fines for violations of law ......... 221,596 08 Undertaker registrations, full rate 14,603 00 3,174 575 Certified copies .................... 1,946 25 Undertaken registrations, half rate ... 145 50 64 11 Dealers' duplicate tags ...... : ...... 173 00 Pass. Intransit tags ...................... 869 00 Omnibus registrations, "taxi" full rate 51,900 00 18,440.0 3,346 *Miscellaneous collections ........... 1,226 60 Omnibus registrations, "taxi" half rate 583 75 407.5 76 Miscellaneous receipts, list privilege .. 4,000 00 Omnibus registrations, "livery" full rate 29,562 50 12,462.5 1,710 Miscellaneous receipts, look-ups 124 65 Omnibus registrations, "livery" half rate 861 25 712.5 101 Omnibus registrations, "bus" full rate 266,668 50 174,865.S 4,997 $14,803,015 62 Omnibus registrations, "bus" half rate. 7,034 00 9,089.0 364 Omnibus registrations, "U-drive" full rate .............................. 6,557 50 2,187.S 437 *MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS Omnibus registrations, "U-drive" half rate .............................. 240 00 160.0 32 Correction of registration fees ........................ , ...... $42 70 Refund of telegraph charges .................................. 1 74 M.Lbs. Refund of telephone calls ..................................... 2 38 Trailers (Commercial), full rate .... 77,862 00 20,273 2,023 Returned postage ........... ·.................................. 1 00 Trailers (Commercial), half rate .... 4,910 00 2,356 364 Return of fine of Louis Eckstein ............................... 200 00 Trailers (Special) .................. 5,550 00 37 Sale of impounded car ........................................ 55 24 Tractors (Agricultural) ............. 690 00 230 \ Sale of junk tires, old rubber ................................... 8 00 --Motorcycles ........................ 13,062 00 6,531 Refund of expressage ............ ; ............................ 904 52 Dealers, 5 sets, auto ................ 84,925 00 3,397 Refund of premium on bonds ................................... 11 02 Dealers, 3 sets, M. C. ............. 315 00 21 $1,226 60 Excess Transfers ........................... 414,805 35 219,197.35 195,608 Exchanges, passenger to commercial and omnibus, etc. .................... 29,804 80 25,728.80 4,076 Duplicate certificates ................ 24,052 00 24,052 Duplicate tags ..................... 11,275 00 Duplicate tags, passenger ............ 6,472 00 Duplicate tags, commercial .........