Economics Letters 105 (2009) 100–102

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A Blotto game with Incomplete Information☆

Tim Adamo, Alexander Matros ⁎

University of Pittsburgh, USA article info abstract

Article history: We consider a Blotto game with Incomplete Information. A pure- symmetric monotonic Bayesian Received 31 July 2008 equilibrium is found and its properties are discussed. Received in revised form 13 June 2009 © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Accepted 22 June 2009 Available online 17 July 2009

Keywords: Blotto game Incomplete Information

JEL classification: C72 D72

1. Introduction the predictions of those papers are always mixed-strategy equilibria and flawless information about opponents, and in particular about oppo- A topic of a particular interest in economics and political science is nents' budgetary constraints, is rarely available.1 the behavior of players facing resource distribution decisions. We A substantial body of literature exists on one- and multi-object consider a Blotto game with Incomplete Information regarding player auctions where bidders are subjected to budgetary constraints during resources where players seek to maximize their expected payoffs. the game (Che and Gale, 1998, 2003; Benoit and Krishna, 2001; Players make allocation decisions simultaneously and whichever Szentes and Rosenthal, 2003a,b). Such models correspond closely to player spends the most on a particular contest wins that contest. The the one that we are analyzing as players are forced to allocate scarce natural set of questions to ask in this situation is: How should players resources over multiple contests. As in the case of the Blotto literature, allocate their private budgets? Will all players compete for all prizes? virtually all analysis of such auctions has been carried out under Should we expect one player to win all the prizes? We find and conditions of . In one of the few models with an characterize a pure-strategy symmetric monotonic Bayesian equili- incomplete information setting analyzed by Che and Gale (1998), brium (SMBE) for this game and answer these key questions. private information enters the picture through player valuations of There are two directions in the literature which are close to the topic one object, not player budgets as in our model. Furthermore, work by of this paper. The first one is different Colonel Blotto games; see Borel Pitchik (1995) in a scenario of incomplete information that extends to (1921), Gross and Wagner (1950), Blackett (1958), Bellman (1969), budget constraints is limited by the imposition of a one-dimensional Young (1978), Laslier and Picard (2002), Roberson (2006), Kvasov bidder “type” which determines both bidder's valuation and budget. (2007),andWeinstein (2006) among others. In its most general case, Although our model does not allow for dynamic investigations of the Blotto game presents two players with the problem of allocating a multi-unit cases such as those conducted by Benoit and Krishna (2001),it finite resource pool over N “fronts” or contests, which are then played has the advantage of being more realistic insofar as bidders' budgets are simultaneously. Each front or contest has its own valuation attached to private information and that this private information is not restricted by it, and this in turn impacts how players choose to distribute their the imposition of a bidder type which also determines bidder valuations. resources. Virtually all Blotto formulations are analyzed in a setting of In this sense, our model represents a case of the general multi-object complete information, where all players have auction; we model a N-object auction with budget constraints, but with regarding their opponents' budget constraints. While analysis carried the caveat that such constraints are private information. All that a bidder out under the assumption of complete information has been insightful, knows about her opponent is the distribution from which her budget was drawn. Also our results can be complimented with results on the so-called Chopsticks auction obtained by Szentes and Rosenthal (2003a,b). Their ☆ We are grateful to an anonymous referee for helpful comments. ⁎ Corresponding author. Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA. Tel.: +1 412 383 8156; fax: +1 412 648 1793. 1 Snyder (1989) and Matros (2007) find pure-strategy equilibria in stochastic E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Matros). versions of Blotto games.

0165-1765/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2009.06.025 T. Adamo, A. Matros / Economics Letters 105 (2009) 100–102 101 model specifically requires three objects in a two-player auction, but each Denote player wants to win a “majority” of objects. ! ! 1 1 1; N ; 1 u x1 ::: xN : Tx1 xN W1G + + WNG 2. The model W1 WN

There are K risk-neutral players. Each player k has her private Since we assume that the private budgets are distributed according k k budget X . We assume that each X is independently and identically to the distribution function F on the interval [0, 1], the maximization distributed on the interval [0,1] according to the increasing distribu- problem (2)–(3) becomes tion function F, where F(0)=0, F(1)=1. There are N prizes. The value of prize i is W N0 for all players and ∑ N W =1. Each player k has to i i =1 i max TxðÞ1; N ;x1 ; k 1 N allocate her budget X across all N prizes. The players are competing 1; N ; 1 x1 xN for all N prizes simultaneously. We assume that player k wins prize i if k N 1 … k − 1 k +1 … K j xi max {xi , , xi , xi , , xi }, where xi is the budget allocation of XN : : 1 : player j for prize i. We will use the upper index for the players and the s t xj = x lower index for the prizes. All players submit their budget allocations j =1 simultaneously. A pure strategy of player k is a N-dimensional vector k k N k k fi (x1, …, xN), such that ∑j =1xj =X . The rst order conditions are Player k obtains the following payoff ! ! ! x1 x1 x1 GV 1 = GV 2 = N = GV N ; ð4Þ k N k ; I1W1 + + INWN W1 W2 WN where or 8 no > k 1 k − 1 k +1 K 1 1 1 > 1; if x N max x ; N ; x ; x ; N ; x ; x x x > i i i i i 1 = 2 = N = N : < no W W W k = ; k 1; N ; K ; 1 2 N Ii = >1 l if xi = max xi xi and there are l such players > no > : ; kb 1; N ; k − 1; k +1; N ; K : Therefore, 0 if xi max xi xi xi xi 1 : xj = Wjx k k k N A strategy for a player k is a function β =(β1, … βN): [0,1]→[0,1] which determines her budget allocation. Of course, In order to finish the proof of the theorem, we have to verify that T (x1, …, x1) is a concave function. Since, by the assumption, function G k k k k k 1 N β x + N + β x ux ð1Þ 1 1 1 N is concave, T (x1, …, xN) must be a concave function as a sum of concave functions.3 □ and The following example illustrates Theorem 1.

2 k ðÞ 3 β z0 for any k =1; N ; K and i =1; N ; N: Example. Suppose that Ft = t , W1 =.75, and W2 =.25. i 2 If K=2, the main condition of the theorem holds: GtðÞ= t3 is concave and there exists a SMBE which is given by the function β*(x)= 2.1. Pure-strategy symmetric monotonic Bayesian equilibrium (.75x,.25x). 4 If K=3, the main condition of the theorem is violated: GtðÞ= t3 is We are looking for a pure-strategy symmetric monotonic Bayesian convex. equilibrium (SMBE) — an equilibrium where all players follow the Suppose that x=.8. Fig. 1 shows the expected payoff of a player as k k k a function of her spending for prize 1, given that her opponents same strategy, (β1, β2, …, βN)=(β1, β2, …, βN) for any k =1, …, K, 2 allocate their budgets according to the rule β*. The red solid (blue and if xNy, then βi (x)Nβi (y) for any prize i=1, …, N. dotted) line corresponds to K=2 (K=3). It is clear from the graph ≡ K − 1 β … 4 Theorem 1. If G F is concave, then * (x)=(W1x, W2x, ,WNx) that β*(x)=(W1x, W2x) does not constitutes a SMBE in K=3 case. constitutes a unique SMBE. 2.2. Properties of the SMBE Proof. Suppose that all players but player 1 follow the symmetric, β … increasing and differentiable strategy *(x)=(W1x, W2x, , WNx). Since the SMBE is described in the previous subsection, we can Suppose that player 1 receives a budget, X1 =x,toallocate.Wewant discuss its properties now. These properties provide answers to the 1 … 1 1 … 1 to determine the optimal allocation (x1, , xN), s.t. x1 + +xN =x. questions we posed in the Introduction section. The next three results Then, player 1 solves the following maximization problem follow from the structure of the SMBE. no 1 N 2; N ; 1 N K ð Þ max W1Pr x1 W1X x1 W1X 2 Corollary 1. All players compete for all prizes in the SMBE. 1; N ; 1 x1 xN no N 1 N 2; N ; 1 N K ; + + WNPr xN WNX xN WNX Corollary 2. Each player spends more on more valuable prizes in the SMBE.

XN : : 1 : ð Þ s t xj = x 3 j =1

3 This is a well-known result that appears in all of the standard optimization theory texts. For example, see p. 519 of Blume and Simon (1994). 4 Note that G″=(K− 1) F K − 3 [Ff′+(K− 2) f 2]. Hence, for any given function F, 2 Our requirement is similar to Noldeke and Samuelson's (2003) “Net Viability” there exists K0 such that G″N0 for any KNK0, or the main condition of the theorem will condition. be violated. 102 T. Adamo, A. Matros / Economics Letters 105 (2009) 100–102

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