
A Description of Methapor found in ’s




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This study entitled ‘A Description of Metaphor in Bon Jovi’s Album Cross Road’ is an attempt to identify kinds of metaphor and to analyze the meaning of metaphor in the song lyrics. Metaphor is part of figurative language that compares one thing to another. Metaphor helps speakers or writer to describe about two different things. Mtaphor is not only found in a poem but also in a song. The method used in this research is descriptive method. In collecting the data, the writer uses theory of Lakoff and Johnson (1980) about metaphor conceptual theory to identify kinds of metaphor.Then the writer analized the meaning to determine target and source based on theory of Lakoff and Johnson (1980). The results of this study show that there are 18 Structural metaphor, 5 Orientational metaphor and 11 Ontological metaphor. The meaning of lyrics are various. Every word is transferred from abstract to concrete meaning and each lyric refers to certain object of target and source. Keywords : Metaphoric Meaning, Songs by Bon Jovi, Conceptual metaphor, Orientational metaphor, Ontological metaphor.




Tugas Akhir ini berjudul ; „A Description of Metaphor in Bon Jovi’s album Cross Road’ yang bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan jenis jenis metafora dan analisis dari makna yang ada didalam lagu.Metafora merupakan bagian dari gaya bahasa yang membandingkan suatu hal ke hal lainnya. Metafora membantu pembicara dan penulis untuk mendeskripsikan tentang perbedaan dua hal. Metafora tak hanya ditemukan dalam puisi tetapi ditemukan juga dalam lagu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Metode Deskriptif. Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan teori dari Lakoff & Johnson (1980) tentang metafora konseptual untuk menggolongkan jenis-jenis metafora. Kemudian penulis menganalisa arti berdasarkan sasaran dan sumber berdasarkan teori Lakoff dan Johnson (1980). Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ada 18 metafora struktural, 5 metafora orientasional dan 11 metafora ontologi. Makna dari setiap lirik berbeda beda. Setiap kata dirubah dari bentuk abstrak ke bentuk yang jelas dan setiap lirik merujuk pada objek target dan sumber tertentu .Kata kunci: Makna metafor, Lagu-lagu Bon Jovi, Metafora konseptual, Metafora orientasi, Metafora ontologi.




First, I would like to express my gratitude to God Almighty Allah SWT who gives me health, time, love and strength in my life to finish this paper in order to fulfill one of the requirements to finish my study at English Department,

University of Sumatera Utara..

Then, I would like to express a deep gratitude, love and appreciation:

1. To Dr. Budi Agustono, M.S as the dean of the Faculty of Cultural

Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

2. To Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum as the head of English

Department program and as my supervisor for her time in giving and

suggesting for this paper.

3. To Dra. Diah Rahayu Pratama, M.Pd.and Riko Andika Rahmat Pohan, S.S.,

M.Hum, as my examiners for their time guiding and giving suggestion and

support to improve this paper.

4. To all Lecturers in English Department Program for giving me instruction,

tuition and knowledge.

5. To my parents Matrejo and Istiqomah who have patiently given their

moral values, financial support, advice, love, and prayers for me. To my

beloved sister, Rizky Aulia Isma. Thank you for the material and

emotional support. You all know how much I love you and I present this

paper for you.



6. To my dearest one, Sonya Misrani thank you for your support wether

morally or mentally, giving me advice and suggestion, the one that care

me so much, the only people that always stand by my since I knew her.

Much gratitude for your effort so I can compile and finish this paper.

7. Last but not least thank you for my friends, Sastrawan Pelawi, Muhammad

Fauzi Ardilla, Yusnaini Yusda, Sonya Pangaribuan.


Medan, December 28th 2018

M. Adi Prasetyo





AUTHOR’S DECLARATION ...... i COPYRIGHT DECLARATION ...... ii ABSTRACT ...... iii ABSTRAK ...... iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...... v TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... vii 1. INTRODUCTION...... 1 1.1 Background of the study ...... 1 1.2 Problem of Study ...... 4 1.3 Objective of Study ...... 5 1.4 Scope of Study ...... 5 1.5 Significance of Study ...... 5 1.6 Method of Research ...... 5 2. REVIEW OF RELATED STUDIES ...... 6 2..1 Poetry ...... 6 2.2 Metaphor ...... 9 3. ANALYSIS ...... 12 3.1 Structural Metaphor ...... 12 3.1.1 Someday I‟ll be Saturday Night ...... 12 3.1.2 ...... 17

3.1.3 Bad Medicine ...... 22 3.2 Oreintational Metaphor ...... 25 3.2.1 Someday I‟ll be Saturday Night ...... 25 3.2.2 You Give Love a Bad Name ...... 27

3.2.3 Bad Medicine ...... 28 3.3 Ontology Metaphor ...... 29 3.3.1 Someday I‟ll Be Saturday Night ...... 29 3.3.2 You Give Love a Bad Name ...... 33

3.3.3 Bad Medicine ...... 35



4. Conclusion and Suggestions...... 38 4.1 Conclusion ...... 38 4.2 Suggestion ...... 38 REFERENCES ...... 40 APPENDIXES ...... 41




1.1. Background of the Study

Literature has been widely known by many people and experts. The word

„literature‟ is derived from the word „littera‟ in Latin which means letter. It refers to the written or printed words. However, now, the term „literature‟ is more focused and restricted to merely imaginative works, which comes up from the imaginative mind of the story writers. Klarer (2004:1) says that in most cases, literature is referred to as the entirety of written expression, with the restriction that not every written document can be categorized as literature in the more exact sense of the word. The definitions, there are, usually include additional adjectives such as aesthetic or artistic to distinguish literary works from texts such as newspapers, scientific textbooks, magazines, legal documents, brochures, and so on. Literature then, can be said as a creative writing by an author with aesthetic values which makes literature regarded as an art.

Literature as a writing form differentiates its form from other art products, and its aesthetic or artistic values make it different from other writings. Wellek and Warren (1963:22) also state that the term literature seems best if we limit it to the art of literature, that is, to imaginative literature. Literature is also produced by imagination of the author. Literature is not just a document of facts, it is not just the collection of real events though it may happen in the real life. Literature can create its own world as a product of the unlimited imagination.

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Literature has three general genres, they are Drama, Poetry, and Prose. The word „drama‟ is derived from the Greek word „dran‟ means „to do‟ or „to act‟.

Poetry is created in various forms and the classification is based either on technique of writing or content. According to Jan van Luxemburg (1989) says that

Poetry text includes not only literary genre, but also an expression maxim, advertising messages, political slogan, poetic pop songs, and prayers.

Language is an instrument of communication. People use language to interact to each other and express their feeling, message, knowledge and desire toward anyone. Language is interesting to learn, because it is closed with human‟s life. We use language and respond to it all the time but in many different ways.

We can do many activities by language. Such as, reading. We can read a poem and listen to a poem because language make us understand it. We can also use language to communicate with others.

Communication can be built if there is an understanding between speaker and listener to delivering something or ideas, we called as meaning. Meaning is important in this case. If the listener can not understand the meaning of the speaker, of course the meaning will not be delivered clearly. Meaning divided into two classes: literal and non literal meaning. Literal meaning denotes the speaker mean according to dictionary usage, while non-literal meaning connotes additional layers of meaning. There are a few ways people delivering a meaning.

Some of them are through the use of idiom and figurative language.

Saeed (2003:3) says that semantic is the study of meanings of words and sentences. In semantics, meaning can be divided into two parts. They are literal



and non literal meaning. Literal meaning means what exactly someone says based on real meaning. Non literal meaning has different meaning from the litteral one.

Non literal uses of language are traditionally called figurative and are described by a host of rethorical terms including metaphor, simile, metnymy, scynecdoche, hyperbole, litotes and personification.

Non-literal meaning (figurative expression) means that they are different from the actual meaning of the word. Non-literal meaning includes figure of speech or figurative expression. Beckson & Ganz (1957: 80) says that figurative language is language used as technique for comparing dissimiliar object, to achieve effects beyond the range of literal language. As explained in the beginning that meaning of words are divided into two parts that to denote and to connote meaning. In this case, figurative expression is an object that the writer will analyze. It is because in figurative expression (non-literal meaning), the listener often feels confused and hard to understand what the speaker means from his words, because the figurative expressions hides behind the literal meaning.

When a listener listens to something different from the literal meaning this is said figurative expression (non-literal meaning).

Metaphor is an implicit comparison in which two unlike object are compared by identification or substitution of one for the other to suggest common quality shared by the two. It is an implied analogy in which a word or phrase is applied to a person, object, idea or concept to which it is literally or semantically inapplicable. The word metaphor was derivied from Greek word metaphora meaning „transfer, carry over‟. It is derivation from meta meaning „over,across‟ and pherein meaning „to carry‟.



A song is a mixture of musical elements, Including kinds of rhythms and melodies, and also the element of lyrics. (Awe, 2007: 40). Therefore, a song lyric has a strong connection to the music that constructed it. Lyric and music has a strong relationship, supporting each other. Their connection could create a specific atmosphere about the idea written by its creator.

In this paper, the writer choose this topic because non literal meaning is quite interesting. After reading and collecting some information, the writer assumed that there are a lot of metaphors existed in Cross Road album which are interesting to be discussed. Non literal meaning is often found in poem, novel and lyric of song.

1.2. Problem of Study

Based on explanation above, problems which are discussed in this paper are:

1. What types of metaphor found in Cross Road ?

2. What is the literal meaning in Cross Road selected lyrics ?

1.3. Objective of Study

1. To identify what types of metaphor found in Cross Road album.

2. To find out the literal meaning found in Cross Road album selected lyrics.

1.4. Scope of Study

The writer wants to describe the three types of metaphor by Lakoff and

Johnson found in three of ten songs of the album. They are ; Someday I’ll be

Saturday Night, You Give Love a Bad Name and Bad Medicine.



1.5. Significance of Study

Theoritically, it is used to develop literature study especially poetry by using metaphor as one of figurative language. Practically, it is used as references to help the next relevant research.

1.6. Method of Study

The writer uses library research method in this study. The writer gets source data from Bon Jovi’s album. The writer gets some information from other related books and internet articles.

The writer describes the data by using descriptive qualitative method.

First, the writer listens to all songs in Cross Road album. Then the writer looks for the lyrics. There are three song lyrics selected from Bon Jovi‟s album as the data.

Then, the data will be regrouping according to the types of metaphor. And last, the writes will describe the meaning of metaphor. The information which is accumulated is about ; its type and its definition.




2.1. Poetry

Poetry is a form of literature that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language—such as phonaesthetics, sound symbolism, and metre—to evoke meanings in addition to, or in place of, the prosaic ostensible meaning.Poetry uses forms and conventions to suggest differential interpretation to words, or to evoke emotive responses. Devices such as assonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia and rhythm are sometimes used to achieve musical or incantatory effects. The use of ambiguity, symbolism, irony and other stylistic elements of poetic diction often leaves a poem open to multiple interpretations. Similarly figures of speech such as metaphor, simile and metonymy create a resonance between otherwise disparate images—a layering of meanings, forming connections previously not perceived.

Kindred forms of resonance may exist, between individual verses, in their patterns of rhyme or rhythm.

The formal patterns of meter used in Modern English verse to create rhythm no longer dominate contemporary English poetry. In the case of free verse, rhythm is often organized based on looser units of cadence rather than a regular meter. Robinson Jeffers, Marianne Moore, and William Carlos Williams are three notable poets who reject the idea that regular accentual meter is critical to English poetry.

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Rhyme, alliteration, assonance and consonance are ways of creating repetitive patterns of sound. They may be used as an independent structural element in a poem, to reinforce rhythmic patterns, or as an ornamental element. They can also carry a meaning separate from the repetitive sound patterns created. For example,

Chaucer used heavy alliteration to mock Old English verse and to paint a character as archaic.

Rhyme consists of identical ("hard-rhyme") or similar ("soft-rhyme") sounds placed at the ends of lines or at predictable locations within lines ("internal rhyme"). Languages vary in the richness of their rhyming structures; Italian, for example, has a rich rhyming structure permitting maintenance of a limited set of rhymes throughout a lengthy poem. The richness results from word endings that follow regular forms. English, with its irregular word endings adopted from other languages, is less rich in rhyme. The degree of richness of a language's rhyming structures plays a substantial role in determining what poetic forms are commonly used in that language.

Alliteration is the repetition of letters or letter-sounds at the beginning of two or more words immediately succeeding each other, or at short intervals; or the recurrence of the same letter in accented parts of words. Alliteration and assonance played a key role in structuring early Germanic, Norse and Old English forms of poetry. The alliterative patterns of early Germanic poetry interweave meter and alliteration as a key part of their structure, so that the metrical pattern determines when the listener expects instances of alliteration to occur. This can be compared to an ornamental use of alliteration in most Modern European poetry,



where alliterative patterns are not formal or carried through full stanzas.

Alliteration is particularly useful in languages with less rich rhyming structures.

Assonance, where the use of similar vowel sounds within a word rather than similar sounds at the beginning or end of a word, was widely used in skaldic poetry, but goes back to the Homeric epic. Because verbs carry much of the pitch in the English language, assonance can loosely evoke the tonal elements of

Chinese poetry and so is useful in translating Chinese poetry. Consonance occurs where a consonant sound is repeated throughout a sentence without putting the sound only at the front of a word. Consonance provokes a more subtle effect than alliteration and so is less useful as a structural element.

Poetic diction treats the manner in which language is used, and refers not only to the sound but also to the underlying meaning and its interaction with sound and form. Many languages and poetic forms have very specific poetic dictions, to the point where distinct grammars and dialects are used specifically for poetry. Poetic diction can include rhetorical devices such as simile and metaphor, as well as tones of voice, such as irony. Aristotle wrote in the Poetics that "the greatest thing by far is to be a master of metaphor." Since the rise of Modernism, some poets have opted for a poetic diction that de-emphasizes rhetorical devices, attempting instead the direct presentation of things and experiences and the exploration of tone.



2.2. Metaphor

The very systematicity that allows us to comprehend one aspect of a concept in terms of another (e.g., comprehend-ing an aspect of arguing in terms of battle) will necessarily hide other aspects of the concept. In allowing us to focus on one aspect of a concept (e.g., the battling aspects of arguing), a metaphorical concept can keep us from focusing on other aspects of the concept that are inconsistent with that metaphor. For example, in the midst of a heated argument, when we are intent on attacking our opponent's position and defending our own, we may lose sight of the cooperative aspects of arguing. Someone who is arguing with you can be viewed as giving you his time, a valuable commodity, in an effort at mutual understanding. But when we are preoccupied with the battle aspects, we often lose sight of the cooperative aspects.

Lakoff and Johnson classified metaphor into three types : structural metaphor, orientasional metaphor and ontologycal metaphor.

1. A structural metaphor is a metaphorical system in which one complex concept (typically abstract) is presented in terms of some other (usually more concrete) concept. Structural metaphor is one of the three overlapping categories of conceptual metaphors identified by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in Metaphors We Live By (1980). (The other two categories are orientational metaphor and ontological metaphor.) "Each individual structural metaphor is internally consistent," say Lakoff and Johnson, and it "imposes a consistent structure on the concept it structures."



Example : "ARGUMENT IS WAR is an example of a structural metaphor.

According to Lakoff and Johnson, structural metaphors are 'cases where one concept is metaphorically structured in terms of another' (1980/ 2003:14). Source domains provide frameworks for target domains: these determine the ways in which we think and talk about the entities and activities to which the target domains refer, and even the ways in which we behave or carry out activities, as in the case ofargument."

(M. Knowles and R. Moon, Introducing Metaphor. Routledge, 2006)

2. An orientational metaphor is a metaphor (or figurative comparison) that involves spatial relationships (such as UP-DOWN, IN-OUT, ON-OFF, and

FRONT-BACK). Orientational metaphor (a figure that "organizes a whole system of concepts with respect to one another") is one of the three overlapping categories of conceptual metaphors identified by George Lakoff and Mark

Johnson in Metaphors We Live By (1980). The other two categories are structural metaphor and ontological metaphor.


I'm on top of the situation. He is under my control.

HAPPY IS UP; SAD IS DOWN: I'm feeling up today. He's really low these days.

3. An ontological metaphor is a type of metaphor (or figurative comparison) in which something abstract is projected onto something concrete.Ontological metaphor (a figure that provides "ways of viewing events, activities, emotions, ideas, etc., as entities and substances") is one of the three overlapping categories



of conceptual metaphors identified by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in Metaphors We Live By (1980). Ontological metaphors "are so natural and persuasive in our thought," say Lakoff and Johnson, "that they are usually taken as self-evident, direct descriptions of mental phenomena." Indeed, they say, ontological metaphors "are among the most basic devices we have for comprehending our experience."

Example : Life has cheated me.

Inflation is eating up our profits.




3.1. Structural Metaphor

A structural metaphor is a metaphorical system in which one complex concept (typically abstract) is presented in terms of some other

(usually more concrete) concept. According to Lakoff and Johnson, structural metaphors are 'cases where one concept is metaphorically structured in terms of another' (2003:14).

3.1.1 Someday I’ll Be Saturday Night

"Someday I'll Be Saturday Night" is a single by American rock band Bon Jovi. It is taken from their Cross Road and reached number seven on the UK Singles Chart. "Someday I'll Be

Saturday Night" was the first single of Hugh McDonald with the band after entering the late of 1994. It was released in 2000 and written by Bon


There are 7 Structural Metaphors found in Someday I’ll be

Saturday Night song, here is the identified metaphor from the song :

1. Someday I'll be Saturday night

(Someday I'll be Saturday night, intro, line 2)

Target : I

Source : Saturday night

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Saturday Night is a situation which is happened in a weekend of that

seven days. It is a day when people hang out and get together with their

family or friends. On the other side, “I” means a living noun who will

spend those situation every week.

Meaning : As the situation which has no physical view, Saturday Night only a kind of thing who can be felt by human. But the situation itself can describe human. Saturday night is a situation of relaxation, fun and spending qualiy time with family, friends and human itself. Then “I” who has been living in bustle has a hope to live same as Saturday night situation. Happiness of spending his own quality time.

2. All the good shit is gone

(Someday I’ll Be Saturday Night : verse 1, line 2)

Target : good shit

Source : gone

„Good shit‟ being target because it is something abstract that usually remains in our heart. „Gone‟ is word that refers to missing a thing, it is a contradiction that the good memory will be gone from someone‟s heart.

Meaning : The meaning of this line is, whole of his fortune is taken away from his life. Then bad thing happened.



3. My love was bought and sold

(Someday I’ll Be Saturday Night : verse 1, line 5)

Target : love

Source : bought and sold

„Love‟ is an abstract thing about human feeling‟s, the word „bought and sold‟ usually for a thing that can be trade. So, her „love‟ was „bought and sold‟ is metaphorically.

Meaning : The meaning of „love‟ refers to something precious of the girl which has been lost. Love is not something that can be purchased. But for some reason, her precious thing has been sold by her father. Something precious is a virginity of the girl.

4. I'm feelin' like a Monday

(Someday I’ll Be Saturday Night : chorus 1, line 5)

Target : I

Source : Monday

Monday is a day of seven days in a week. In the other case. On the other

side, “I” means human or a person who lived in that seven days.

Meaning : Monday as a noun can not be compared directly with „I‟ as a

living things. But the characteristic of Monday itself can describe the



similarity between Monday and “I”. As we know Monday is a busiest day among all days in a week. It happens because every activity of human in a week will be started on Monday. Then, those facts bring an idea of “I” to describe himself as a busy human which has no spirit or passion in his own life.

5. My life's a bargain basement

(Someday I’ll Be Saturday Night : verse 1, line 2)

Target : My life

Source : bargain basement

Life can not be compared as a bargain basement. It is something precious which can not be purchased in low cost.

Meaning : He is telling that his life is not worth anymore as he comparing his life against a bargain basement. Life is a very priceless god‟s gift to human being that can not be traded by any goods. This bargain basement described as the man desperate of what happened on his life.

6. I‟m takin' each day and night at a time

(Someday I’ll Be Saturday Night : chorus 1, line 1)

Target : I‟ m taking

Source : day and night at a time



Day and night is transition of time which day the sun comes up and night the moon comes up while the sun disappear. It is a progress of a day.

Meaning : This line is describing about how hard is his life. Taking day and night at once, means that he has a lot of stuff to do on his life to keep him alive. He is struggling in this state.

7. I blow myself away

(Someday I’ll Be Saturday Night : verse 2, line 2)

Target : I

Source : blow myself away

The word „blow myself away‟ is methaporic, it is impossible that we can blow ourself away. We can not separate our soul just like we want.

Meaning : He is so desperated of his life. A heavy burden that he can not hold it anymore, thus he wish to disappear his life away so he can be free from his burden.



3.1.2 You Give Love A Bad Name

“You Give Love a Bad Name” is a song by American rock band

Bon Jovi, released 1986. Written by , and

Desmond Child about a woman who has jilted her lover.

There are 7 Strutural Metaphors found in this song :

1. Shot through the heart

(You Give Love A Bad Name : intro , line 1)

Source : Shot

Target : the heart

It is metaphorical, as the heart is a common figure in love, which is the focus of the song. The word „shot‟ here is not litteral. Instead of using a gun as weapon, she flatters him by sweet promises.

Meaning : The girl flatter him easyly that could make him falling in love.



2. You give love a bad name

(You Give Love A Bad Name : intro , line 3)

Taget : give love

Source : bad name

Love is the most powerful emotion a human being can experience. An expression that known as something good, something that colour human‟s life, something possitive. But the girl which mentioned by the writer spoil the love with doing something bad. Spoiling the meaning of love which defienitely pure.

Meaning : The girl which the writer love is cheating on him.

3. An angel's smile is what you sell

(You Give Love A Bad Name : verse 1 , line 1)

Source : angel‟s smile

Target : sell

„Angel‟s smile‟ is an abstract expression, „sell‟ is an activity that require an object to be transacted. It is something that can not be sold.

Meaning : The girl is using „angel‟s smile‟ which means an enchanted smile to attract people, especially man. It is like her secret weapon to conquer man. The man is enchanted by her smile and fall onto her traps.



4. When passions a prison

(You Give Love A Bad Name : verse 1 , line 4)

Target : passions

Source : prison

Passions is an activity that could make us happy when we do that activity.

Something that we love to do without pressure. While prison means chamber or place that restrain us from the outside world. It is a place that everything is scheduled, a place that hold us from doing something we want. So, it is a contradiction when an activity that we love being a prison for us.

Meaning : The writer saying that passion is self binding, and that you can‟t break out of love because you subconsciously want to be there no matter how much it hurts.

5. You're a loaded gun

(You Give Love A Bad Name : verse 1 , line 6)

Target : you

Source : loaded gun

„Loaded gun‟ is a gun which has ammunition in the firing chamber or magazine. On the other side, „You‟ is a subject of living thing. Loaded gun



acts an action that is always happened in human war activity. This situation then bring „You‟ can be compared because they has the same process. Meaning : The character of „you‟ is a dangerous, she can explode anytime she wants.

6. Paint your smile on your lips

(You Give Love A Bad Name : verse 2 , line 1)

Target : paint

Source : your lips

Usually painting is an act that we do to describe our imagination onto a canvas. But here, the object is not from our imagination, it is a smile. As we know, smile is a result of our sincerity. Paint a smile, it is more like a forced smile.

Meaning : The smile on her lips is not from her heart but, she is faking her smile to attract people attention.



7. Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye

(You Give Love A Bad Name : verse 2 , line 4)

Target : very first kiss

Source : first kiss goodbye

„Your very first kiss‟ , how can it be as it is a first time they kiss as a goodbye kissing. It is a contradiction as the writer say it is a first kiss but it will be their last. There is no feelings in her kiss, it is like a worthless kiss.

Meaning : When she kissed him for the first time, she already knew that she was going to leave him.



3.1.3 Bad Medicine

“Bad Medicine” is a single by American rock band Bon Jovi. It was written by Jon Bon Jovi, Richie Sambora and . It was released in September 1988 as the lead single from the band‟s album

New Jersey.

There 4 Structural Metaphors found in this song :

1. Your love is like bad medicine

(Bad Medicine : intro , line 1)

Target : love

Source : bad medicine

„Love‟ is an abstract thing that could heal someone‟s heart. The word „bad medicine‟ in this line it is like a bad effect of the love itself instead of curing.

Meaning : In this lyric, it is explained that the man is addicted to the love of the girl which he said it is „bad medicine‟, because her love being a permanent desease for him. Love is something that can heal people, but also has the bad effect to people who fall in love.



2. There ain't no doctor that can cure my disease

(Bad Medicine : intro , line 4)

Target : ain‟t no doctor

Source : my disease

The writer exaggerate the disease as something that can not be healed by a doctor. In this era, almost of disease has the antidote. The disease here is refers to something about feelings, which is love. That is why no doctor that can cure it. Because love is something that can not be healed and there is no medicine for it.

Meaning : The writer is suffering because of her love. He analogize the love as a disease that can not be cured.

3. Take more than a shot to get this poison out

(Bad Medicine : verse 1 , line 4)

Target : more than a shot

Source : poison



This line describe that the poison has spreaded into his body that is why it requires more than a shot to get it out. The poison itself is love. It needs a lot effort to heal his body, that is the litteral meaning of „Take more than a shot to get this poison out‟.

Meaning : The writer loves the girls so much that he can not forget her easyly.

4. You got the potion that can cure my disease

(Bad Medicine : end 1 , line 3)

Targer : potion

Source : cure my disease

The girl own the potion that the writer need to cure the disease. A disease that can not be cured by any doctor, but it can be cured by a girl. This line emphasize that the disease is love. That is why the potion is analogized as the girl.

Meaning : All he wants is only the girl. He really needs the girl to be with him.



3.2. Orientational Metaphor

An orientational metaphor is a metaphor (or figurative comparison) that involves spatial relationships (such as UP-DOWN, IN-OUT, ON-

OFF, and FRONT-BACK). Orientational metaphor (a figure that

"organizes a whole system of concepts with respect to one another") is one of the three overlapping categories of conceptual metaphors identified by

George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in Metaphors We Live By (1980).

3.2.1 Someday I’ll be Saturday Night

There are 3 Orientational Metaphors found in this song.

1. I'm only sixteen, I feel a hundred years old

(Someday I’ll be Saturday Night, verse 1, line 6)

Target : sixteen

Source : hundred years old

The word „hundred years old‟ refers to someone who lived for a long time meanwhile the character described as a teenager.

Meaning : She assumed that she already experienced so many things through her life, it is illustrated by „hundred years old‟. And that problem made her tired and had enough of his own life. But the reality she is still sixteen years old.



2. I'm down, but I know I'll get by

(Someday I’ll be Saturday Night, chorus 1, line 2)

Target : down

Source : get by

The context of „down‟ here refers to his condition, his worse condition. He said that „I‟ll get by‟ which represent his optimism.

Meaning : He is explaining about his state, down state. Eventough he is in down condition, „get by‟ means that he has a willing to get through his condition. He wants to change his own condition whatever it took.

3. I ain't goin' down, gonna find a way

(Someday I’ll be Saturday Night, chorus 2, line 10)

Target : Going down

Source : find a way

He is explaning about his down state. About his heay burden of his life that he can not deal with. Instead of giving up, he still fight in his life‟s problem.

Meaning : He is optimistic, He‟s never giving up! He‟ll find a solution for his problems.



3.2.2 You Give Love a Bad Name

There is only 1 Orientational Metaphor found in this song.

1. You promise me heaven, then put me through hell

(You Give Love a Bad Name, verse 1, line 2)

Target : promise me heaven

Source : put me through hell

She promise him a heaven, a place full of joy and good things. Otherwise she gave him a hell, unwanted things.

Meaning : „You promise me heaven, then put me through hell‟. It represents that she promised the man something good, instead of pleasure, all he got is the opposite of what she had promised, a betrayal.



3.2.3 Bad Medicine

There is only 1 Orientational Metaphor found in this song.

1. I got a dirty down addiction

(Bad Medicine, verse 2, line 3)

Target : dirty

Source : down addiction

It is classified as orientational because it uses „down‟ as the specific identity. Addiction usually used to describe addicted to some bad things.

Such as drugs or alcohol. In this line, the writer describes he is addicted to the girl‟s love.

Meaning : He is addicted to the medicine, which the medicine is the girl itself.



3.3. Ontology Metaphor

An ontological metaphor is a type of metaphor (or figurative comparison) in which something abstract is projected onto something concrete.Ontological metaphor (a figure that provides "ways of viewing events, activities, emotions, ideas, etc., as entities and substances") is one of the three overlapping categories of conceptual metaphors identified by

George Lakoff and Mark Johnson in Metaphors We Live By (1980).

3.3.1 Someday I’ll be Saturday Night

There are 5 Ontogycal Metaphors found in this song.

1. I am feeling like a Monday

(Someday I’ll be Saturday Night, intro, line 2)

Target : I

Source : Monday

Monday is a day of seven days in a week. In the other case. On the other

side, “I” means human or a person who lived in that seven days.

Meaning : Monday as a noun can not be compared directly with „I‟ as a

living things. But the characteristic of Monday itself can describe the

similarity between Monday and “I”. As we know Monday is a busiest

day among all days in a week. It happens because every activity of

human in a week will be started on Monday. Then, those facts bring an

idea of “I” to describe himself as a busy human which has no spirit or

passion in his own life.



2. Someday I'll be Saturday night

(Someday I'll be Saturday night, intro, line 2)

Target : I

Source : Saturday night

Saturday Night is a situation which is happened in a weekend of that

seven days. It is a day when people hang out and get together with their

family or friends. On the other side, “I” means a living noun who will

spend those situation every week.

Meaning : As the situation which has no physical view, Saturday Night

only a kind of thing who can be felt by human. But the situation itself can

describe human. Saturday night is a situation of relaxation, fun and

spending qualiy time with family, friends and human itself. Then “I” who

has been living in bustle has a hope to lived same as Saturday night

situation. Happiness of spending his own quality time.



3. My dreams move on

(Someday I’ll be Saturday Night, verse 1, line 4)

Target : My dreams

Source : move on

The dreams is an abstract thing that the writer described into something concrete, something that has physical form that can move as a living thing.

It describes that his dream has gone since he uses „move on‟.

Meaning : It intents the pessimistic of the writer. He is struggling over his life and feels desperated.

4. And Tuesday just might go my way

(Someday I’ll be Saturday Night, verse 1, line 9)

Target : Tuesday

Source : might go my way

As the metaphorical Week of Life progresses, Jim/BJ is going through the ups and downs of life. They remain optimistic about it though, knowing that they‟ll eventually reach the weekend and be able to relax.

Meaning : Tuesday is a day after the busiest day, Monday. Which means there is almost no difference between these day, but the writer is tough enough to survive.



5. Thursdays, Fridays ain't been kind

(Someday I’ll be Saturday Night, verse 1, line 11)

Target : Thursday and Friday

Source : is not been kind

Usually these day represent about quiet day since it is almost been weekend. The writer said „been kind‟ because it will eventually reach the

Saturday night as they can relax on that day.

Meaning : The writer is tough enough to survive until these day since he has heavy burden, he is still optimist to reach the joy, Saturday night.



3.3.2 You Give Love a Bad Name

There are 2 Ontologycal Metaphors found in this song.

1. Chains of love got a hold on me

(You Give Love A Bad Name, verse 1, line 3)

Target : Chains of love

Source : hold on me

„Chains of love‟ is an abstract thing but it is defined as something concrete that can hold on him. His love hold him to go from the girl even she has hurt him for several times. He is still fighting for his love over the torture of the girl.

Meaning : The only thing that hold him from the girl, is his love itself.

2. You're a loaded gun

(You Give Love a Bad Name, verse 1 line 6)

Target : you

Source : loaded gun

„Loaded gun‟ is a gun which has ammunition in the firing chamber or magazine. On the other side, „You‟ is a subject of living thing.



Meaning : Loaded gun acts an action that is always happened in human war activity. This situatin then bring „You‟ can be compared because they has the same process. „You‟ as the „loaded gun‟ means that he or she is dangerous, he can shoot anytime he wants.



3.3.3 Bad Medicine

There are 4 Ontology Metaphors found in this song.

1. Bad medicine is what I need

(Bad Medicine, chorus , line 2)

Target : Bad medicine

Source : what I need

The „bad medicine‟ refers to the love of the girl which the writer needs.

She has the potion that can cure the disease. He labelled the medicine as something bad because it makes him addicted.

Meaning : All he need is the love from the girl.

2. I ain't got a fever, got a permanent disease

(Bad Medicine, verse 1, line 1)

Target : got a fever

Source : permanent disease

Fever is a disease, but usually it is temporary. It is not a chronical disease which is not too dangerous. „Permanent disease‟ refers to something chronic that can not be healed easyly. The disease here is love itself. It can not be removed easyly, that is why it is described as a „permanent disease‟



Meaning : He consider the love as a disease since it can not be healed.

3. Your kiss is the drug

(Bad Medicine, verse 1, line 10)

Targer : your kiss

Source : drug

The metaphor here implied her kiss as the drug. Drug usually refers to medicine. But here, he analogized her kiss as something that makes him addicted.

Meaning : He is addicted to her kiss. Maybe there is something good when she kissed him. Something that makes him wanted more and more.



4. You're an all night generator

(Bad Medicine, verse 3, line 4)

Target : „you‟

Source : „night generator‟

„Night generator‟ is an equipment to produce electricity that is operated in the night. Then “you” refers to human which use the generator all night.

Meaning : Based on that description, night generator is very needed and usefull for human to do their night life activty especially for the light, because night is identic with darkness. Then „You‟ here has the same function with the generator. For real, it might be concluded as someone who has power to change and light someone‟s life.



4. Conclusion and Suggestion

4.1. Conclusion

1. The result of the identification in the selected song is, there are 18

Structural Metaphors, 7 Orientational Metaphors and 5 Ontology


2. The intrepretation of Someday I‟ll be Saturday Night song is about

optimism in the face of adversity. The song;s first verse introduces the

characters Jim who struggles to find employment and is forced to sleep in

his car and Billie Jean who was abused by her foster father and has turned

to prostitution at the age of sixteen, mourning the loss her childhood.

The intrepretation of You Give love a Bad Name song is about an innocent

man who felt in love with an experienced lover. She tricked him with her

sweet promises and he felt onto it traps. The sweetness of love is not like

the man imagined as he betrayed by the girl.

The intrepretation of Bad Medicine song is about a man which addicted so

much to her lover‟s love. He needs the love so much to keep alive.

4.2. Suggestion

Metaphor has been part of daily conversation to help conveying messages.

Using metaphor, ideas can be expressed clearly in economical use of words.

Therefore the writer would like to suggest those who are insterested in communication skill to apply metaphor as one of their wat to get their ideas over to their audience.

38 38


The writer would also like to suggest to other students to analyze metaphor in other song lyrics. Literary works can also be found in song lyrcis hich shwos that song writer are also great in expressing their ideas through words of their lyrics, not only the music the play.

The writer hopes that this paper will be usefull for next research. The readers can also use this paper as a reference to another research.




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Someday I’ll be Saturday Night

Hey, man I'm alive I'm takin' each day and night at a time

I'm feelin' like a Monday but someday I'll be Saturday night

Hey, my name is Jim, where did I go wrong

My life's a bargain basement, all the good shit's gone

I just can't hold a job, where do I belong

I'm sleeping in my car, my dreams move on

My name is Billy Jean, my love was bought and sold

I'm only sixteen, I feel a hundred years old

My foster daddy went, took my innocence away

The street life ain't much better, but at least I get paid

And Tuesday just might go my way

It can't get worse than yesterday

Thursdays, Fridays ain't been kind

But somehow I'll survive

Hey man I'm alive I'm takin' each day and night at a time

Yeah I'm down, but I know I'll get by

Hey hey…



You Give Love a Bad Name

Shot through the heart And you're to blame Darlin', you give love a bad name An angel's smile is what you sell You promise me heaven, then put me through hell Chains of love got a hold on me When passion's a prison, you can't break free Oh, you're a loaded gun, yeah Oh, there's nowhere to run No one can save me The damage is done Shot through the heart And you're to blame You give love a bad name (bad name) I play my part and you play your game You give love a bad name (bad name) You give love, a bad name Paint your smile on your lips Blood red nails on your fingertips A school boy's dream, you act so shy Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye Whoa, you're a loaded gun Whoa, there's nowhere to run No one can save me The damage is done Shot through the heart And you're to blame You give love a bad name (bad name) I play my part and you play your game



You give love a bad name (bad name) You give love, oh Oh, shot through the heart And you're to blame You give love a bad name I play my part and you play your game You give love a bad name (bad name) Shot through the heart And you're to blame You give love a bad name (bad name) I play my part and you play your game You give love a bad name (bad name) You give love You give love (bad name) You give love You give love (bad name) You give love



Bad Medicine

Your love is like bad medicine Bad medicine is what I need, whoa Shake it up just like bad medicine There ain't no doctor that can cure my disease Bad medicine I ain't got a fever, got a permanent disease And it'll take more than a doctor to prescribe a remedy I got lots of money but it isn't what I need Gonna take more than a shot to get this poison out of me And I got all the symptoms count 'em 1, 2,3 First you need, then you bleed, and when you're on your knees (That's what you get for falling in love You get a little but it's never enough That what you get for falling in love) Now, this boy's addicted 'cause your kiss is the drug, whoa Your love is like bad medicine, bad medicine is what I need, whoa Shake it up just like bad medicine There ain't no doctor that can cure my disease Bad, bad medicine I don't need no needle to be givin' me a thrill And I don't need no anesthesia or a nurse to bring a pill I got a dirty down addiction that doesn't leave a track I got a jones for your affection like a monkey on my back There ain't no paramedic gonna save this heart attack When you need, then you bleed, on you knees (That's what you get for falling in love You get a little but it's never enough That what get for falling in love) This boy's addicted 'cause your kiss is the drug, whoa



Your love is like bad medicine, bad medicine is what I need, whoa Shake it up just like bad medicine So let's play doctor, baby Bad medicine It's what I want. Bad, bad medicine Ow, it's what I need I need a respirator 'cause I'm running out of breath You're an all night generator wrapped in stockings and a dress When you find your medicine you take what you can get 'Cause if there's something better baby well they hav'n't found it yet