, Telephone, Commonwealth 6-1492 !


-. - • Boston Symphony Orchestra -

CHARLES MUNCH, Music Director

Richard Burgin, Associate Conductor

with historical and descriptive notes by

John N. Burk


The TRUSTEES of the


Henry B. Cabot Presiden t Vice-President Jacob J. Kaplan Richard C. Paine Treasurer "

Talcott M. Banks, Jr. E. Morton Jennings, Jr. Theodore P. Ferris Michael T. Kelleher

Alvan T. Fuller Palfrey Perkins . Francis W. Hatch Charles H. Stockton Harold D. Hodgkinson Edward A. Taft C. D. Jackson Raymond S. Wilkins Oliver Wolcott

TRUSTEES EMERITUS . • Phi ui> R. Allen M. A. DeWolfe Howe N. Penrose Hallowell Lewis Perry '

Thomas D. Perry, Jr., Manager Rector AssistantAssis Brosnahan, Assistant Treasurer G. W. I J. J.

N. S. Shirk j Man agers Rosario Mazzeo, Personnel Manager

1201 [ ] 1 \


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The National Shawmut Bank 1 - h of Boston \m§--life

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[ 1202] • • : .


SYMPHONIANA Mendelssohn and "The Greatest of Christian Works"


In the year 1829, two young musicians in Berlin, Felix Mendelssohn, aged 20, and his friend the singer and actor Eduard Devrient became aware that a great work of Bach lay at hand of which the world knew nothing. "Old Bach" was then considered old-fashioned, and was less regarded as a composer than his son Philip Emanuel. Few musicians

would have been interested if the fact had been brought to their attention that Johann Sebastian Bach, a hundred years before, had composed Passions to the four gospels and led them at the St. Thomas Church in Leipzig at the Good Friday services. Yet Carl Friedrich Zelter, the aging director of the Singakademie, had ac- quired the music of his Passion Accord- ing to St. Matthew and tried out parts of it with his chorus. His young pupil Felix Mendelssohn and Devrient with him were at once interested as the score was sampled, and on further investigation the fine choruses, the quiet and wonderfully expressive part of Jesus excited them. Devrient talked Mendels- sohn into approaching Zelter and get- ting his permission for a public perform- ance. Although Mendelssohn, knowing Zelter's cautious and unenterprising endowed with the dual ability ways, hesitated to anger his teacher, to look beautifully gracious at the two at last extracted from him a reluctant consent. home, or pack to a traveling

The forces of the Singakademie were minimum . . . silk and rayon accordingly mustered for the double blend in gold or navy with chorus, an orchestra brought together. white dots . . . sizes 10 to 20. Mendelssohn, it was decided, would con- duct, Devrient would sing the part of Christ. Their next step was to find the other solo singers. 416 BOYLST0N ST., BOSTON KE 6-6238 As the two musicians set out to make 54 CENTRAL ST., WELLESLEY WE 5-3430 their calls they were filled with a sud-

[1203] den elation, a sense that an important V musical revelation was at hand. Devrient describes this moment in his Recollec- tions of Felix Mendelssohn: "We were speaking of the strange chance that, just a hundred years after

the work could have been last heard, it should now again see the light. 'And to think,' said Felix triumphantly, standing still in the middle of the Opern Platz, 'that it should be an actor and a Jew who give back to the people the greatest of Christian works.' "Felix was quite carried away by his joyful mood; on other occasions he avoided all reference to his Jewish descent." They had no trouble in persuading the four best singers in the opera to join in their venture. "Their participation in the rehearsals, and the greater finish these now as- sumed, gave a fresh impetus to our work. Musicians and amateurs all thronged to

the rehearsals, anxious to understand it better and better. All were amazed, not only at its architectonic grandeur ) of structure, but at its abundance of melody, its wealth of expression and of passion, at its quaint and affecting dec- lamation, and at its dramatic power. No one had ever suspected old Bach of all

this. "But Felix's share in making the splendid properties of this work felt and

is as as the undertak- Two part harmony . . . known memorable ing itself. His perfect mastery of all our silk dress with its own its details was only half his merit. His matching orlon cardi- energy, perseverance, tact, and clever tones gan, in ice cream calculation of the resources at hand,

for only 35.00 . . . made this masterpiece modern, intelli- a wonderful way to gible, and lifelike once more. Those who did not witness this, his first and live this summer, greatest achievement in conductorship, in town or can scarcely realize or appreciate the country. magnificent powers of this youth of twenty. The revered presence of Zelter

gave still greater importance to the orchestral rehearsals. Until these took place, Felix had both to accompany and to conduct, a difficult matter with the (Continued on page 1235)

[1204] —


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[1205] \


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[ 1206] • •


Twenty-third Program

Kg I

THURSDAY AFTERNOON, April 18, at 2:15 o'clock I

SATURDAY EVENING, April 20, at 8:30 o'clock


Bach The Passion According to St. Matthew (Opening Chorus and Part II)

Soprano: Adele Addison Contralto: Florence Kopleff Tenor: John McCollum Bass: Mack Harrell Bass: James Joyce


Harpsichord: Daniel Pinkham Organ: Alfred Nash Patterson Viola da Gamba: Alfred Zighera

There will be an intermission after the Chorale "O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden" (First verse)


[1207] \


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[1208] • - .


Born in Eisenach, March 21, 1685; died in Leipzig, July 28, 1750

Bach's Passionsmusik nach dem Evangelisten Matthaus (composed 1728-1729) was first performed on Good Friday (April 15) 1729, at the Thomaskirche in Leipzig. The text, incorporating passages from the 26th and 27th chapters of the Gospel according to St. Matthew, had been prepared by Picander (Christian Friedrich Henrici). Bach later revised and expanded the text and the music. The St. Matthew Passion, unnoticed when first performed, repeated subsequently at Leipzig as a matter of routine, was unknown elsewhere until Mendelssohn brought it to light a century later at the Singakademie in Berlin on Good Friday, 1829, thereby starting a general awakening to the greatness of Bach.* But the St. Matthew Passion, owing to its unperformable length, made its way slowly. Excerpts 3BMMr were heard in Paris in 1840, the full work in London in 1854, under Sterndale Bennett. The Handel and Haydn Society in Boston, having performed excerpts in 1871, gave on May 8, 1874 what was recorded as "the first performance in this country of the larger portion" of the work. There was a performance by the Boston Symphony Orchestra in conjunction with the Cecilia Society, under Max Fiedler, on April 14, 1911. The full work was performed at a special concert of this Orchestra on March 26, 1918 (repeated I April 2) . Ernst Schmidt conducted both performances, which Dr. Karl Muck had prepared. The "Boston Symphony" Chorus had been trained by Stephen Townsend. There were two performances at Pension Fund concerts April 26 and 27, 1936, &:.<• the Harvard and Radcliffe choruses assisting. Serge Koussevitzky conducted, and I repeated the work at a Pension Fund Concert March 26, 1937. This performance was recorded. Charles Munch conducted it on March 23-24, 1951, when the 5fc£ Harvard and Radcliffe choruses assisted and the soloists were: Adele Addison,


Every wife should have a Will I of her own. More than that, it

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[1209] Martha Lipton, David Lloyd, Marko Rothmuller, and Grant Garnell. There were performances on April 3-4, 1953, with the Harvard and Radcliffe choruses, Mariquita Moll, Florence Kopleff, Herbert Handt, Gerard Souzay, and Paul Matthen. The orchestra, divided in two parts, consists of 2 flutes, 2 oboes, violins, violas, organ, and continuo (in which the harpsichord, bassoons, cellos and basses are included). There are obbligato parts for oboi d'amore, flutes, violins, and viola da gamba.

1. Double Chorus (with Soprano)

Kommt, ihr Tochter, helft mir klagen, Come, ye Daughters, share my anguish. Sehet; Wen? Den Brautigam; See Him! Whom? The Bridegroom see; Seht ihn; Wie? Als wie ein Lamm; See Him! How? So like a lamb; Sehet; Was? Seht die Geduld. See it? What? His love untold! Seht; Wohin? Auf uns're Schuld. Look! Look where? On our offense! Sehet ihn aus Lieb und Huld, Look on Him, betrayed and sold, Holz zum Kreuze selber tragen. On the cruel cross to languish.

Chorale (with chorus above) O Lamm Gottes unschuldig, O Lamb of God most holy, Am Stamm des Kreuzes geschlachtet, Who on the cross did languish; Allzeit erfund'n geduldig, O Saviour, meek and lowly, Wiewohl du warest verachtet, Who suffered bitter anguish, All' Siind' hast du getragen, The sins of man Thou bearest, Sonst mussten wir verzagen; Our ev'ry grief Thou sharest, Erbarm' dich unser, o Jesu! Have mercy on us, O Jesu.

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[ 12io] " " : • ' - ' •

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. . . that Igor Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms, completed in 1930, carried this notation: "composed for the glory of God and dedicated to the Boston Symphony on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of its existence". . . that the world premiere of the Symphony, originally scheduled for Boston, was deferred because of an illness of Serge Koussevitzky's . . . that this delay caused the premiere to be given in Brussels, six days before the work was finally performed at Symphony Hall? mf

did you know that jazz — perhaps this country's most suc- cessful musical export to Europe — has not always received a cordial trans- atlantic welcome . . . that, for example, the people of Mohall, Eire, held an anti-jazz parade in 1933, with banners inscribed, "Down with jazz and m paganism!". . . that the enraged citizens also denounced the Irish Finance

Minister for his tolerance of jazz in the programs of the state radio ? i

DID YOU know that the American composer Roy Harris, when faced with the problem of a blank side in the recording of his Symphony, immediately wrote a piece entitled Four Minutes and Twenty Seconds, designed expressly to fill the extra side?

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[1211] PART TWO

36. Aria (Alto) with Chorus

Ach, nun ist mein Jesus hint Ahl now is my Saviour gone! 1st es moglich, kann ich schauen? Whither went He? Can I behold it? Ach, mein Lamm in Tigerklauen! Ah! my Lamb in tiger's clutches! Ach, wo ist mein Jesus hin? Ah! where is my Saviour gone? Ach, was soil ich der Seele sagen, Ah! what shall I say to my soul, Wenn sie mien wird angstlich fragen? Ah! where is my Saviour gone?

Chorus (with above) Wo ist denn dein Freund hingegangen, Whither has thy Friend departed? O du Schonste unter den Weibern? O thou fairest of all women, Wo hat sich dein Freund hingewandt? Whither is thy Beloved turned aside? So wollen wir mit dir ihn suchen. O! would we knew the way to find Him.

37. Recitative (Tenor) Evangelist: Die aber Jesum gegriffen Evangelist And they that had laid hatten, fuhreten ihn zu dem Hohen- hold on Jesus led Him away to the high priester Caiphas, dahin die Schriftge- priest called Caiaphas, with whom all the lehrten und Altesten sich versammlet scribes and the elders were assembled. hatten. Petrus aber folgete ihm nach But Peter followed Him afar off unto von feme, bis in den Palast des Hohen- the high priest's palace, and went in, priesters; und ging herein, und setzte and sat with the servants to see the end. sich bei den Knechten, auf dass er sehe And then the high priests and the elders wo es hinauswollte. Die Hohenpriester and the council all sought to find false aber und Altesten, und der ganze Rat witness against Jesus, that so they might suchten falsches Zeugnis wider Jesum, take His life; yet found they none. auf dass sie ihn toteten; und fanden keines.

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[ 121 3] \ 38. Chorale Mir hat die Welt truglich gericht't The world, with treachery replete, Mit Liigen und mit falschem G'dicht, With lies and fraud and false deceit, Viel Netz' und heimlich Strichen. Would tangle and ensnare me. Herr, nimm mein wahr in dieser G'fahr, Lord, keep Thou me from danger free; B'hiit mich vor falschen Tucken. From evil malice spare me.

39. Recitative (Tenor, Bass, and Chorus) Evangelist: Und wiewohl viel falsche Evangelist: Yea, though many false Zeugen herzutraten, fanden sie doch witnesses came forward, yet found they keins. Zuletzt traten herzu zween falsche none. At last there came two false wit- Zeugen, und sprachen: nesses, and said: Witnesses (Chorus)

Zeugen (Chorus) : Er hat gesagt: Ich This fellow said: I am able to destroy kann den Tempel Gottes abbrechen und God's temple, and in three more days too in dreien Tagen denselben bauen. I can rebuild it. Evangelist: Und der Hohepriester stand Evangelist: And the high priest arose, auf und sprach zu ihm: and said to Him:

Hoherpriester: Antwortest du nichts zu Priests: What answer makest thou to dem, das diese wider dich zeugen? what they witness against Thee? Evangelist: Aber Jesus schwieg stille. Evangelist: But Jesus was silent.

40. Recitattve (Tenor) Mein Jesus schweigt zu falschen Liigen He will not speak; he heareth, and is stille, um uns damit zu zeigen, dass sein silent. How clearly thus He showeth, erbarmensvoller Wille vor uns zum that in His infinite compassion He is Leiden sei geneigt, und dass wir in resolved for us to die. O may we, in the dergleichen Pein ihm sollen ahnlich like distress, Him our example make, sein, und in Verfolgung stille schweigen. and persecution bear in silence.

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[1214] Fiduciary Trust Company 10 POST OFFICE SQUARE BOSTON

OFFICERS Francis C. Gray President

Edward F. MocNichol Robert H. Gardiner Vice President & Chairman Executive Vice President of the Trust Committee Edward H. Osgood Ralph B. Williams Vice President & Trust Officer Vice President & Trust Officer

James O. Bangs Robert M. P. Kennard Vice President, Secretary & Vice President & Trust Officer Treasurer Ik DIRECTORS Ksi The above named Officers and

James Barr Ames David H. Howie Ropes, Gray, Best, Trustee Cool idge & Rugg Ronald T. Lyman, Jr. William H. Best Scudder, Stevens & Clark Ropes, Gray, Best, Richard C. Paine Coolidge & Rugg • Treasurer, State Street Samuel Cabot, Jr. Investment Corporation Treasurer, Samuel Cabot, Inc. William A. Parker Winthrop H. Churchill Chairman of the Board, Investment Counsel Incorporated Investors

Charles K. Cobb Malcolm D. Perkins Scudder, Stevens & Clark Herrick, Smith, Donald, Farley & Ketchum Carl J. Gilbert President, Gillette Company Philip H. Theopold Minot, DeBlois & Maddison Henry R. Guild Herrick, Smith, Donald, James N. White Farley & Ketchum Scudder, Stevens & Clark Robert G. Wiese Scudder, Stevens & Clark

We act as Trustee, Executor, Agent and Custodian

[!215] 4i. Aria (Tenor) Geduld, Be calm tho' the serpent's tongue Wenn mich falsche Zungen stechen. Shall sting Thee. Leid ich, wider meine Schuld. Patient, ever bear thy lot. Leid ich Schimpf und Spott Bear thou shame and scorn; Ei, so mag der liebe Gott If with patience they be borne, Meines Herzens Unschuld rachen! Rich reward from God will bring Thee!

42. Recitative (Tenor and Bass) Evangelist: Und der Hohepriester ant- Evangelist: And the high priest an- wortete, und sprach zu ihm: swered and said unto Him: Hoherpriester: Ich beschwore dich bei Caiaphas: I adjure Thee by the living dem lebendigen Gott, dass du uns sagest, God that Thou do tell us, whether Thou the Son of God. ob du seiest Christus, der Sohn Gottes. be the Christ Evangelist: Jesus sprach zu ihm: Evangelist: Jesus said unto him: hast said. Yet I say unto Jesus: Du sagest's. Doch sage ich euch: Jesus: Thou Von nun an wird's geschehen, dass ihr you: Hereafter shall ve see the Son of sehen werdet des Menschen Sohn sitzen Man sitting on the right hand of power, zur Rechten der Kraft, und kommen in and coming in the clouds of heaven. den Wolken des Himmels. Priest rent Evangelist: Da zerriss der Hohepriester Evangelist: Then the High seine Kleider, und sprach: his garments and said: Hoherpriester: Er hat Gott gelastert; Caiaphas: He hath spoken blasphemy; Look was diirfen wir weiter Zeugnis? Siehe, what need we of further witnesses? utter blas- jetzt habt ihr seine Gotteslasterung ye, now ye have heard him gehoret. Was dunket euch? phemy before us. What think ye now? Evangelist: Sie antworteten, und Evangelist: They answered him, and sprachen: said:

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Contributions and bequests are earnestly requested. President Charles E. Cotting Vice President Treasurer Francis B. Lothrop David W. Lewis Clerk Assistant Treasurer John H. Gardiner Philip Dean

[1216] .


to make use of any of the various banking

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Head Office: 111 Franklin Street State Street Office and Trust Department: State and Congress Sts. Union Trust Office: 24 Federal St. Copley Square Office: 587 Boylston St. Statler Office: Arlington and Providence Sts. Mass. Ave. Office: Mass. Ave. and Boylston St. Member: Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

[1217] \ Chorus

Er ist des Todes schuldigl Scribes and Elders: He is guilty of death!

43. Recitative (Tenor) Evangelist: Da speieten sie aus in sein Evangelist: And then did they spit in Angesicht, und schlugen ihn mit His face, and then buffeted Him. Others Fausten. Etliche aber schlugen ihn ins smote Him with the palms of their Angesicht, und sprachen: hands, and said: Chorus

Weissage uns, Christe, wer ist's, der dich Captors of Jesus: Now tell us, Thou schlug? Christ, by whom Thou art struck?

44. Chorale Wer hat dich so geschlagen, O Lord, who dares to smite Thee, Mein Heil, und dich mit Plagen, And falsely to indict Thee? So libel zugericht? Deride and mock Thee so? Du bist ja nicht ein Sunder, Thou canst not need confession. Wie wir und unsre Kinder; Who knowest not trangression, Von Missethaten weisst du nicht. As we and all our children know.

45. Recitative (Soprano, Tenor and Bass) Evangelist: Petrus aber sass draussen Evangelist: Peter was sitting without im Palast; und es trat zu ihm eine Magd, in the court; and there came to him a und sprach: maid, and said: Erste Magd: Und du warest auch mit Maid: And thou too wast also with dem Jesu aus Galilaa. Jesus of Galilee. Evangelist: Er leugnete aber vor ihnen Evangelist: But he denied it before alien, und sprach: them all, and said: Petrus: Ich weiss nicht, was du sagest. Peter: I know not what thou sayest.



/ / f

[1218] : . -


the *




[1219] \ Evangelist: Als er aber zur Tur hinaus Evangelist: And when he was in the ging, sahe ihn eine andere, und sprach porch, he was seen by another maid, zu denen, die da waren: who said to them that were there: Zweite Magd: Dieser war auch mit dem Second Maid: This one also was with Jesu von Nazareth. Jesus of Nazareth. Evangelist: Und er leugnete abermal, Evangelist: And again he denied with und schwur dazu: an oath. Petrus: Ich kenne des Menschen nicht. Peter: I do not know the man. Evangelist: Und iiber eine kleine Weile Evangelist: And after a little while traten hinzu, die da standen, und came they that were standing about sprachen zu Petro: there, and said unto Peter:

Chorus Wahrlich, du bist auch einer von denen; Bystanders: Surely thou also art one of denn deine Sprache verrat dich. them, for thy speech doth betray thee.

46. Recitative (Tenor and Bass) Evangelist: Da hub er an sich zu ver- Evangelist: And Peter then began to fluchen und zu schworen: curse and to swear: Petrus: Ich kenne des Menschen nicht. Peter: I do not know the man. Evangelist: Und alsbald krahete der Evangelist: And immediately the cock Hahn. Da dachte Petrus an die Worte crew. Then Peter thought upon the word Jesu, da er zu ihm sagte: Ehe der Hahn of Jesus which said unto him: Before the krahen wird, wirst du mich dreimal cock croweth thou shalt thrice deny Me. verleugnen. Und ging heraus, und Then went he out, and wept bitterly. weinete bitterlich.



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[ 1221 ] \ 47. Aria (Alto) Erbarme dich, mein Gott pardon me, my God, Um meiner Zahren willen; And on my tears have pity. Schaue hier, Look on me Herz und Auge weint vor dir Heart and eyes do weep to Thee Bitterlich. To Thee bitterly. Have mercy, Lord, on me.

48. Chorale Bin ich gleich von dir gewichen, Tho' from Thee temptation lured me, Stell' ich, mich doch wieder ein. Lord, to Thee I come again. Hat uns doch dein Sohn verglichen Thy forgiveness is assured me Durch sein Angst und Todespein. Thru Thy Son's despair and pain. Ich verleugne nicht die Schuld, 1 do not deny my guilt, Aber deine Gnad' und Huld But Thy mercy, if Thou wilt, 1st viel grosser als die Siinde, Far exceedeth my transgression, Die ich stets in mir befinde. Of which I must make confession.

49. Recitative (Ten or, Bass and Chorus) Evangelist: Des Morgens aber hielten Evangelist: When the morning was alle Hohenpriester und die Altesten des come, all the chief priests and elders of Volks einen Rat iiber Jesum, dass sie ihn the people took counsel against Jesus to toteten. Und banden ihn, fiihreten ihn put Him to death: And when they had hin, und uberantworteten ihn dem bound Him, they led Him away, and de- Landpfleger Pontio Pilato. Da das sahe livered Him to Pontius Pilate the gover- Judas, der ihn verraten hatte, dass er nor. Then Judas, which had betrayed verdammt war zum Tode, gereuete es Him, when he saw that He was con- ihn, und brachte herwieder die dreissig demned, repented himself, and brought Silberlinge den Hohenpriestern und again the thirty pieces of silver to the Altesten, und sprach: chief priests and elders. Saying, )

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[ 1222] fo^(/H^d




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[1223] \ Judas: Ich habe iibel getan, dass ich Judas: I have sinned in that I have unschuldig Blut verraten habe. betrayed the innocent blood. Evangelist: Sie sprachen: Evangelist: And they said, Chorus: Was gehet uns das an? Chorus: What is that to us?

50. Recitative (Tenor and Chorus)

Evangelist: Und er warf die Silberlinge Evangelist: And he cast down the pieces in den Tempel, hub sich davon, ging of silver in the temple, and departed, hin, und erhangete sich selbst. Aber die and went and hanged himself. And the Hohenpriester nahmen die Silberlinge chief priests took the silver pieces and und sprachen: said: Priester: Es taugt nicht, dass wir sie in Priests: It is not lawful for us to put den Gotteskasten legen, denn es ist them into the treasury, because it is the Blutgeld. price of blood.

5 1 - Aria (Bass) with Violin Solo Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder! Give me back my Lord, I pray ye! Seht, das Geld, den Morderlohn, See, he flings it at your feet,

Wirf t euch der verlorne Sohn Flings the price of his deceit, Zu den Fiissen nieder. He who did betray Thee.

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[1224] KXr

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[1225] \ 52. Recitative (Tenor and Bass) Evangelist: Jesus aber stand vor dem Evangelist: Then did Jesus stand be- Landpfleger; und der Landpfleger fore the governor; and the governor fragte inn, und sprach: asked Him, and said: Pilatus: Bist du der Juden Konig? Pilate: Art Thou the King of the Jews? Evangelist: Jesus aber sprach zu ihm: Evangelist: Jesus said unto him: Jesus: Du sagest's. Jesus: Thou sayestl Evangelist: Und da er verklagt ward Evangelist: And when He was accused von den Hohenpriestern und Altesten, of the chief priests and the elders, He antwortete er nichts. Da sprach Pilatus answered nothing. Then said Pilate zu ihm: unto Him: Pilatus: Horest du nicht wie hart sie Pilate: Hearest Thou not how many dich verklagen? things they witness against Thee? Evangelist: Und er antwortete ihm Evangelist: And He answered him to nicht auf ein Wort, also; dass sich auch never a word; insomuch that the gov- der Handpfleger sehr verwunderte. ernor marveled greatly.

53. Chorale Befiehl du deine Wege Commit thy ways, O pilgrim, Und was dein Herze krankt On time's dark, stormy seas, Der aller treusten Pflege To Him who all things orders, Dess, der den Himmel lenkt; Thro' sweet eternities. Der Wolken, Luft und Winden Who measures out their courses, Gibt Wege, Lauf und Bahn, To clouds and winds below, Der wird auch Wege finden, He too will find a pathway, Da dein Fuss gehen kann. Wherein thy feet may go.


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[1227] 54* Recitative (Tenor and Bass) Evangelist: Auf das Fest aber hatte der Evangelist: Now upon the feast, the Landpfleger Gewohnheit, dem Volk governor was wont to release unto the einen Gefangenen loszugeben, welchen people one prisoner, whom they would. sie wollten. Er hatte aber zu der Zeit And at that time, there was among the einen Gefangenen, einen sonderlichen prisoners a notable one called Barabbas. vor andern, der hiess Barabbas. Und da And when they were come together, sie versammelt waren, sprach Pilatus zu Pilate said unto them: ihnen: Pilatus: Welchen wollet ihr dass ich Pilate: Whom will ye that I release unto euch losgeben? Barabbam oder Jesum, you, Barabbas or Jesus which is called von dem gesaget wird, er sei Christus? Christ? Evangelist: Denn er wusste wohl, dass Evangelist: For he knew that for envy sie ihn aus Neid iiberantwortet hatten. they had delivered Him. When he was Und da er auf dem Richtstuhl sass, set down on the judgment seat, his wife schickete sein Weib zu ihm und liess sent unto him, saying: ihm sagen: Pilati Weib: Habe du nichts zu schaffen Pilate's Wife: Have thou nothing to do mit diesem Gerechten; ich habe heute with that just man; for I dreamed be- viel erlitten im Traum von seinetwegen. cause of Him. Evangelist: Aber die Hohenpriester und Evangelist: But the chief priests and die Altesten uberredeten das Volk, dass elders persuaded the multitude that sie um Barabbam bitten sollten, und they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesum umbrachten. Da antwortete nun Jesus. Then answered the governor and der Landpfleger, und sprach zu ihnen: said to them:


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[1228] -

,.:•-.• •• : .

Pilatus: Welchen wollt ihr unter diesen Pilate: Now whether of the twain here zweien, den ich euch soil losgeben? will ye that I release to you? Evangelist: Sie sprachen: Evangelist: They answer'd:

Chorus Barrabam! Mob: Barabbas! Evangelist: Pilatus sprach zu ihnen: Evangelist: And Pilate said unto them: Pilatus: Was soil ich denn machen mit Pilate: And what shall I do now with Jesu, von dem gesagt wird, er sei Jesus, of whom they say that he is Christus? Christ? kffl Evangelist: Sie sprachen alle: Evangelist: They all said: J9£S Chorus

Lass ihn kreuzigen. Mob: Let Him be crucified I

55. Chorale Wie wunderbarlich ist doch How strange, how wondrous strange Diese Strafe! This crucifixion; Der gute Hirte leidet fur The Shepherd for His sheep must bear Die Schafe! Affliction, Die Schuld bezahlt der Herre, The good King pays His subjects' Der Gerechte, fiir seine Knechtel Obligation, despite His station!

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[1229] \ 56. Recitative (Tenor and Bass) Evangelist: Der Landpfleger sagte: Evangelist: The governor answered: Pilatus: Was hat er denn ttbels getan? Pilate: Why, what evil hath He done?

57- Recitative (Soprano) Er hat uns alien wohl getan. He hath done only good to all. Den Blinden gab er das Gesicht, The blind have back their sight through Die Lahmen macht' er gehend; Him. Er sag't uns seines Vaters Wort, The lame again are walking; Er trieb die Teufel fort; He told us of His Father's word, Betriibte hat er aufgericht't; He driveth devils forth; Er nahm die Sunder auf und an; The mourners hath He comforted; Sonst hat mein Jesus nichts getan. In Him a friend the sinner found. Beside, my Jesu nought hath done.

58. Aria (Soprano) Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben, From love unbounded, yes all from love Von einer Siinde weisst er nichts, my Saviour dieth, Dass das ewige Verderben und die Strafe For sin and guilt He now hath none. des Gerichts Lest the eternal doom that lieth over all Nicht auf meiner Seele bliebe. beneath the sun Be against my soul accounted.

59. Recitative (Tenor) Evangelist: Sie schrieen aber noch mehr, Evangelist: Then cried they out all the und sprachen: more, and said: Chorus Lass ihn kreuzigen. Mob: Let Him be crucified!


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[1230] . - ' .

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[1231] \ Recitative (Tenor and Bass) Evangeust: Da aber Pilatus sahe, dass Evangelist: And when Pilate saw that er nichts schaffete, sondern dass ein viel all did avail him nothing, but that rather grosser Getummel ward, nahm er Wasser, a tumult was arising, he took water, and und wusch die Hande vor dem Volk, und washed his hands before the crowd, and sprach: said: Pilatus: Ich bin unschuldig an dem Pilate: I am innocent of the blood of Blut dieses Gerechten, sehet ihr zu. this just man; be it your care. Evangelist: Da antwortete das ganze Evangeust: Then answered all the Volk, und sprach: people, and said: Chorus Sein Blut komme iiber uns und unsre Mob: His blood be on us and on our Kinder. children! Evangelist: Da gab er ihnen Barabbam Evangelist: Then he released Barabbas los; aber Jesum Hess er geisseln, und unto them, and when he had scourged uberantwortete ihn, dass er gekreuziget Jesus, forthwith he delivered Him, that wurde. they might crucify Him.

60. Recitative (Alto) Erbarm es Gott! Hier steht der Heiland O gracious Lord, behold the Saviour angebunden. O Geisselung, o Schlag, standeth. Now scourge they Him, and o Wundenl Ihr Henker, haltet einl smite and wound Him! Tormentors, Erweichet euch der Seelen Schmerz, der stay your hands! Are not your hearts Anblick solches Jammers nicht? Ach ja, with pity moved, to see such anguish ihr habt ein Herz, das muss der Marter- meekly borne? Ah, no! Your hearts saule gleich, und noch viel harter sein. are hard, and must be like the rock it- Erbarmt euch, haltet einl self; nay, more unyielding still. Have pity! Stay your hands.


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[1232] ;

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[1233] .

\ 61. Aria (Alto) Konnen Tranen meiner Wangen If my weeping may not reach Thee, Nichts erlangen I beseech Thee, O, so nehmt mein Herz hinein! Take this heart from me! Aber lasst es bei den Fluten, Then, tho' vain my tears and pleading, Wenn die Wunden milde bluten, It may, when Thy wounds are bleeding, Auch die Opferschale sein. Like an altar chalice be.

62 Recitative (Tenor) Evangelist: Da nahmen die Kriegs- Evangelist: Then straightway the sol- knechte des Landpflegers Jesum zu sich diers of the governor took Jesus into the in das Richthaus, und sammleten iiber common hall, and gathered unto Him ihn die ganze Schar; und zogen ihn aus, the whole band of soldiers and stripped und legeten ihm einer Purpurmantel Him, and put on Him a scarlet robe; an; und flochten eine Dornenkrone, und and, plaiting a crown of thorns, they put setzten sie auf sein Haupt, und ein Rohr it upon His head, and a reed in His in seine rechte Hand, und beugeten die right hand, and so they bow'd the knee Knie vor ihm, und spotteten ihn, und before Him, and mocked Him, and said: sprachen: Chorus Gegrusset seist du, Judenkonig! Soldiers: We hail Thee, King of the Evangelist: Und speieten ihn an, und Jews! nahmen das Rohr, und schlugen damit And then they spat on Him, and with sein Haupt. the reed they smote Him on the head.



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[1234] (Continued from page 1204) rapid alternations of chorus and solos in ever-changing rhythms: here he used to play the accompaniment with the left hand, and conduct with the right. . . . "this educational, en- "Nothing less than the absolute suc- tertaining disk. One cess of the first resuscitation of Bach's of the best hi-fi dem- onstration records ever masterpiece, on the 11th of March, 1829, produced. Fascinat- initiated the subsequent could have ing." Billboard study of this master by the leading musicians of modern times, and on

this account the performance is mem-

orable. . . . The famous solo timpanisf and Head of the of the New York Philhar- "Never have I known any performance percussion section monic-Symphony discusses, demonstrates and so consecrated by one united sympathy. plays percussion instruments of the orchestra. heard "Our concert made an extraordinary "Certainly, nothing like this was ever Plain Dealer in concert hall!" Cleveland sensation in the educated circles of (multiple-track In the "Danse Macabre" Berlin. This re-popularising of a half- recording) Saul Goodman himself plays 14 chimes, celesta, timpani, vibra- forgotten master was felt to be of preg- instruments: phone, Glockenspiel, woodblocks, cymbals, snare nant import. A second performance was triangle, bass drum, marimba, gong, drum . . . called for, which took place on the 21st "There's a strange new star in records, Saul Y. World-Telegram of March, and was crowded like the first. Goodman." N. One 12" record • Angel 35269 There was yet one more, under Zelter, after Felix's departure, on Good Friday, the 17th of April, in lieu of the usual 'Tod Jesu of Graun. SHouytk "All who are interested in music know how the sensation made by these per- -rWin- 1^ formances caused other towns to make this best-selling record similar attempts; how the other 'Pas- — a shining tribute to sions' of Bach were taken in hand, es- Mozart for many Mozart Years to come. pecially that according to St. John; how attention was also turned upon the DENNIS BRAIN instrumental productions of the old MOZART 4 HORN CONCERTOS master, published, how they were , and The greatest living horn player recorded performed at concerts, etc. The wor- irresistible music with the magnificent Phil- harmonia Orchestra of London (of which he Karajan. shippers of Bach, however, must not is solo horn) under Herbert von forget that the great light dawned upon "A quadruple 'bravo' for this disk. All four concertos played superbly. them from the 11th of March, 1829, and of Mozart's horn N. Y. Herald-Tribune that it was Felix Mendelssohn who gave "Would surely win applause from Mozart new vitality to the most profound of himself." Washington, D. C. Star

composers. It is one of the dearest "Each concerto is more fun than the last. One of the world's masters on the French treasures of my life, the remembrance horn ripples them off, both elegantly and Times Magazine that I helped to spur on this great buoyantly." 12" • Angel 35092 event." One record

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[1235] \ 63. Chorale O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden, O Thou with hate surrounded, Voll Schmerz und voller Hohn! Enduring shame and scorn, O Haupt, zu Spott gebunden, Whose sacred head is wounded, Mit einer Dornenkron'I And crown 'd with cruel thorn, O Haupt, sonst schon gezieret, Though praise and adoration Mit hochster Ehr' und Zier, Be now denied to Thee, Jetzt aber hoch schimpfieret: And Thine but execration, Gegriisset seist du mir! Accept them, Lord, from me.


64. Recitative (Tenor) Evangelist: Und da sie ihn verspottet Evangelist: And after that they had hatten, zogen sie ihm den Mantel aus, mocked Him, they took the robe off und zogen ihm seine Kleider an, und from Him, and put His own raiment on fiihreten ihn hin, dass sie ihn kreuzigten. Him, and led Him away to crucify Him. Und indem sie hinausgingen, fanden sie And as they came out, they found a man einen Menschen von Kyrene, mit Namen of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they Simon; den zwangen sie, dass er ihm compelled to bear his cross. sein Kreuz trug.

65. Recitative (Bass) with Viola da Gamba

Ja! freilich will in uns das Fleisch Yea, truly flesh and blood is loath Und Blut zum Kreuz gezwungen sein; To bear the Cross unless compelled; Je mehr es unsrer Seele gut, And that for which we most should Je herber geht es ein. Care in least esteem is held.

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[1236] .


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[1237] 1 66. Aria (Bass) with Viola da Gamba Komm, susses Kreuz, so will ich sagen, Come blessed Cross, with Thee I share it, Mein Jesu, gib es immer her! My Jesus, share it Thou with me! mir Wird mein Leiden einst zu schwer, I look to Thee for help to bear it. So hilf du mir es selber tragen. And if too great the burden be,

67. Recitative (Tenor) Evangelist: Und da sie an die Statte Evangelist: And when they were come kamen, mit Namen Golgotha, dass ist unto a place called Golgotha, that is to verdeutschet Schadelstatt, gaben sie ihm say a place of a skull, they gave Him Essen zu trinken, mit Gallen vermischet; vinegar to drink, mingled with gall; and und da er es schmeckete, wollte er nicht when He had tasted thereof He would trinken. Da sie ihn aber gekreutzt not drink. And they crucified Him, and hatten, teilte sie seine Kleider, und parted His garments, casting lots; that wurfe das Los darum; auf dass it might be fulfilled which was spoken erfiillet wurde, das gesagt ist durch den by the prophet: They parted my gar- Propheten: "Sie haben meine Kleider ments among them, and upon my ves- unter sich geteilet, und iiber mein ture did they cast lots. Gewand haben sie das Los geworfen." And sitting down they watched Him Und sie sassen allda und huteten sein. there; and set over His head His Und oben zu seinem Haupte hefteten accusation, written: This is Jesus, the sie die Ursach seines Todes beschrieben, King of the Jews. And with Him two namlich: "Dies ist Jesus, der Juden thieves were crucified, one on the right Konig." Und da wurden zween Morder hand, and one on the left. And they mit ihm gekreuziget, einer zur Rechten, that passed by, reviled Him, wagging und einer zur Linken. Die aber voriiber their heads, and saying: gingen, lasterten ihn, und schuttelten ihre Kopfe, und sprachen: THE MERCHANTS CO-OPERATIVE )

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[1238] Chorus

Der du den Tempel Gottes zerbrichst, Thou that destroyest the temple of und bauest ihn in dreien Tagen, hilf God, and buildest it in three days, save dir selber. Bist du Gottes Sohn, so steig Thyself. Art Thou the Son of God, herab vom Kreuz. come down now from the cross. Evangelist: Desgleichen auch die Evangelist: And likewise also the chief Hohenpriester spotteten sein, sammt den priests mocking Him, with the scribes Schriftgelehrten und Altesten, und and the elders said: sprachen:

Chorus Andern hat er geholfen, und kann sich He saved others, Himself He cannot selber nicht helfen. 1st er der Konig save. If He be King of Israel, let Him Israels, so steige er nun vom Kreuz, so come down now from the cross, and then wollen wir ihm glauben. Er hat Gott we will believe Him. He in God hath vertrauet, der erlose ihn nun, lustet's trusted: let Him deliver Him now, if ihn; denn er hat gesagt: Ich bin Gottes He will, for He hath said: I am the Son Sohn. of God.

68. Recitative (Tenor)

Evangelist: Desgleichen schmaheten ihn Evangelist: He was reviled also by the auch die Morder, die mit ihm gekreuz- robbers, who were crucified with Him. iget wurden.



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[*239] 69. Recitative (Alto) Ach Golgatha, unsel'ges Golgatha! Der Ah, Golgotha! Unhappy Golgotha! Herr der Herrlichkeit muss schimpflich The Lord of glory here mid shame and hier verderben, der Segen und das Heil scorn must perish. The blessed Saviour der Welt wird als ein Fluch an's Kreuz of the world upon the accursed tree now gestellt. Der Schopfer Himmels und der hangs. The Lord who heaven and earth Erden soil Erd' und Luft entzogen created, of life and light is now bereft. werden; die Unschuld muss hier schuldig The sinless here for sin must perish. sterben: Das gehet meiner Seele nah: Ah! how this grief doth pierce my soul! ach Golgatha, unsel'ges Golgatha! Ah, Golgotha! Unhappy Golgotha!

71. Recitative (Tenor and Bass) Evangelist: Und von der sechsten Evangelist: And from the sixth hour Stunde an ward eine Finsternis iiber there was a darkness over all the land, das ganze Land, bis zu der neunten until the ninth hour. And about the Stunde. Und um die neunte Stunde ninth hour Jesus cried aloud and said: schriee Jesus laut, und sprach: Jesus: Eli, Eli, lama, lama sabachthani? Jesus: Eli, Eli, lama sabachthanil

Evangelist: Das ist: Mein Gott, mein Evangelist: That is, My God, My God, Gott, warum hast du mich verlassen? O why hast Thou forsaken Me! Some Etliche aber, die da standen, da sie das of them that stood there heard Jesus cry horeten, sprachen sie: aloud, and they said:

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[1240] • -

Chorus Der rufet den Elias. Mob: He calleth for Elias. Evangelist: Und bald lief einer unter Evangelist: And straightway one of ihnen, nahm einen Schwamm, und them ran, and took a sponge, and filled fullete inn mit Essig, und steckete ihn it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, auf ein Rohr, und trankete ihn. Die and gave Him to drink. The others said, andern aber sprachen: however: Chorus Halt, halt, lass sehen, ob Elias komme, Mob: Wait, let's see if indeed Elias und ihm helfe? come to save Him. Evangelist: Aber Jesus schriee abermal Evangelist: And again Jesus cried aloud, laut, und verschied. and departed. 72. Chorale Wenn ich einmal soil scheiden, When I too am departing, So scheide nicht von mirl Then part Thou not from me. Wenn ich den Tod soil leiden, On death's lone journey starting, So tritt du dann herfiir! My soul will feel for Thee! Wenn mir am allerbangsten When near my end I languish, Wird um das Herze sein, All other comfort vain, So reiss mich aus den Angsten Then draw me out of anguish, Kraft deiner Angst und Pein! By Thine own woe and pain.

73. Recitative (Tenor and Chorus) Evangelist: Und siehe da, der Vorhang Evangelist: And then, behold! the veil im Tempel zerriss in zwei Stuck, von of the temple was rent in twain, from oben an bis unten aus. Und die Erde the top unto the bottom. And the earth erbebete, und die Felsen zerrissen, und die did quake, and the rocks were rent. And

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[1241] Graber taten sich auf, und standen auf the tombs gave up their dead, and there \ viel Leiber der Heiligen, die da schliefen; arose many bodies of the dead, and came und gingen aus den Grabern nach seiner out of the graves after His resurrection, Auferstehung, und kamen in die heilige and went into the holy city, and ap- Stadt, und erschienen vielen. Aber der peared unto many. Now the centurion Hauptmann, und die bei ihm waren, and they that were with him, and were und bewahreten Jesum, da sie sahen watching Jesus, when they saw the das Erdbeben, und was da geschah, earthquake, and those things that were erschraken sie sehr, und sprachen: done, they feared greatly, and said: (Chorus) Wahrlich, dieser ist Gottes The Watchers: Truly, this was the Sohn gewesen. Son of God.

Evangelist: Und es waren viel Weiber Evangelist: And many women were da, die von feme zusahen, die da waren there beholding afar off, which followed nachte folget zus Galilaa, und hatten Jesus from Galilee, ministering unto ihm gedienet; unter welchen war Maria Him: among which was Mary Magdalene, Magdalena, und Maria, die Mutter and Mary the mother of James and Joses, Jacobi und Joses, und die Mutter der and the mother of Zebedee's children. Kinder Zebedaei. Am Abend aber kam At eventide there came a rich man of ein reicher Mann von Arimathia, der Arimathea, called Joseph, who himself hiess Joseph, welcher auch ein Jiinger was a disciple of Jesus. He went to Jesu war. Der ging zu Pilato, und bat Pilate, and begged of him the body of ihn um den Leichnam Jesu. Da befahl Jesus. Then Pilate commanded the body Pilatus, man sollte ihm ihn geben. to be delivered.

74. Recitative (Bass) Am Abend da es kiihle war, ward Adams At eventide, cool hour of rest, Was Fallen offenbar. Am Abend driicket ihn Adam's fall made manifest. So now at der Heiland nieder. Am Abend kam die eve our foe doth Christ subdue; At eve Taube wieder, und trug ein Olblatt in the dove returning flew, And in its





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[!242] .

dem Munde. O schone Zeitl O mouth the olive bore. O lovely time! O Abendstunde! Der Friedensschluss ist evening hour! The covenant of peace nun mit Gott gemacht, denn Jesus hat with God is seal'd, For Jesus hath His sein Kreuz vollbracht. Sein Leichnam cross fulfilled. His body sinks to rest. Ah! kommt zur Ruh. Ach! Hebe Seele, bitte go, my soul, beg thou His corpse. Go! du, geh, lasse dir den toten Jesum shall the dear remains neglected perish? schenken, o heilsames, o kostlich's O precious boon, for heart and soul to Angedenken! cherish!

75. Aria (Bass) Mache dich, mein Herze, rein, Let my heart be pure as Thine. Ich will Jesum selbst begraben, There is a precious grave I make Thee, Denn er soil nunmehr in mir, Dwell Thou there, whom I adore, ever Und fur seine siisse Ruhe haben more, Welt, geh aus, lass Jesum ein! There to sweetest rest betake Thee. World away, come Jesus mine! 76. Recitative (Tenor, Bass and Chorus) Evangelist: Und Joseph nahm den Leib, Evangelist: And Joseph took the body, und wickelte ihn in ein* rein' Leinwand, and wrapped it in a clean cloth of linen, und legte ihn in sein eigen neu Grab, and laid it in his own new tomb, which welches er hatte lassen in einen Fels he had hewn out in the rock; and hav- hauen; und walzete einen grossen Stein ing rolled a great stone to the door of vor die Tiir des Grabes, und ging davon. the tomb, he went away.

Es war aber allda Maria Magdalena, und Evangelist: And there was Mary Magda- die andere Maria, die setzten sich gegen lene, and the other Mary, sitting over das Grab. Des andern Tages, der da against the sepulchre. Now the next folget nach dem Riisttage, kamen die day, that followed the day of the prep- Hohenpriester und Pharisaer samtlich zu aration, the chief priests and Pharisees Pilato, und sprachen: came together unto Pilate. Saying, SINCE 1880 'everywhere VMovim anywhere . ^/packing V'SMPPING v sfORtm TELEPHONE CO 5-4400


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We are one minute from Symphony Hall

[1243] V Chorus: Herr, wir haben gedacht, dass Priests: Sir, we remember that that dieser Verfuhrer sprach, da er noch deceiver said, while He was yet alive, lebete: Ich will nach dreien Tagen after three days I will rise again. Com- wieder auferstehen. Darum befiehl, dass mand therefore that the sepulchre be man das Grab verwahre bis an den made sure until the third day, lest His dritten Tag, auf dass nicht seine Jiinger disciples come by night, and steal Him kommen, und stehlen ihn, und sagen zu away, and say unto the people, He is dem Volk: Er ist auferstanden von den risen from the dead: so the last error Toten und werde der letzte Betrug arger shall be worse than the first. denn der erste.

Evangelist: Pilatus sprach zu ihnen; Evangelist: Pilate said unto them,

Pilate: Da habt ihr die Hiiter; gehet Pilate: Ye have a watch: go your way, hin, und verwahret's, wie ihr wisset. make it as sure as ye can.

Evangelist: Sie gingen hin, und ver- Evangelist: So they went, and made the wahreten das Grab mit Hiitern, und sepulchre sure, sealing the stone, and versiegelten den Stein. setting a watch.

77. Recitative (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) with Chorus Bass: Nun ist der Herr zur Ruh gebracht. Bass: The Lord hath lain Him down to rest. Tenor: Die Miih' ist aus, die unsre Tenor: The pains are o'er, He for our Sunden ihm gemacht. sins so meekly bore.

Alto: O selige Gebeine, seht, wie ich Alto: O weary broken body! See! how euch mit Buss und Reu beweine, dass my tears of fond remorse bedew Thee, euch mein Fall in solche Not gebracht. that in my fall such bitter woes were Thine. Soprano: Habt lebenslang vor euer Sopranos: My soul shall bless Thee Leiden tausend Dank, dass ihr mein all my days with thousand thanks, that Seelenheil so wert geacht't. Thou hast deem'd it worth the sacrifice. ) Chorus (with above) Mein Jesu, gute Nacht! Lord Jesu, rest in peace!

78. Chorus

Wir setzen uns mit Tranen nieder, In tears of grief here sit we weeping, Und rufen dir im Grabe zu: Hearts turned to Thee, O Saviour blest: Ruhe sanfte, sanfte ruh'! Rest Thee softly, softly rest. Ruh't, ihr ausgesognen Glieder, Long, ye weary limbs, lie sleeping. Euer Grab und Leichenstein This cold stone above Thy head, Soil dem angstlichen Gewissen Shall to many a careworn conscience Ein bequemes Ruhekissen Be a sweet refreshing pillow; Und der Seelen Ruhstatt sein. Here the soul finds peaceful bed. Hochst vergniigt, Closed in bliss divine Schlummern da die Augen ein. Slumber now the weary eyes.

The M.I.T. Choral Society presents the complete (uncut) original version of

J. S. Bach: THE PASSION ACCORDING TO ST. JOHN for chorus, orchestra, organ and soloists conducted by Klaus Liepmann


Tuesday, 30 April 1957, 8 P.M. Kresge Auditorium, M.I.T.

Tickets : J. 00 (unreserved) by mail from Room 14-N236, M.I.T., Cambridge 39. Checks payable to M.I.T.

[1244] ENTR'ACTE THE CHORALES IN THE ST. MATTHEW PASSION By Archibald T. Davison When the Boston Symphony Orchestra recorded the Passion accord- ing to St. Matthew at a performance on Good Friday, March 26, 193J, • Dr. Davison contributed an illuminating description of the work which was distributed with the records. It is here quoted in part. Bach was born just in time to glorify the rising fortunes of Protestant music, for in the 17 th century the music of Roman Catholic Germany had measurably declined, due, in the main, to the use of Italian musical method, a method beguiling but not susceptible of healthy transplanta- tion, and it was in Protestant hands, especially in those of Bach, that the Passion was to be notably developed. Schiitz's Passions, for example, which are the forerunners of Bach's, are typical examples of the devout German approach to the Passion story. Protestantism, centering as it did on the non-mediatory character of man's contact with God, was emphasizing in 17th century Germany the more intimate features of this idea everywhere expressed in text, accompanied, of f

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[1245] course, by music of which Hammerschmidt's (1612-1675) "Dialogues between God and a Believing Soul" is an excellent instance. Early in the 18th century this quality of introspection, of meditation, makes its appearance in the Passion where it interrupts the narrative by passages that are purely reflective. Thus, in the St. Matthew Passion, Bach divides the narrative of the thieves' reviling and the description of the darkness by two solos, one of which is philosophical and the other exhortatory, neither serving in any way to advance the progress of the story. Such a method must have presented stern difficulties to the composer, for he was dealing simultaneously with two quite opposed aspects of expression, the dramatic and the commentary, the first of which by its very nature demands unbroken continuity. The contrast between these two styles is most marked when Bach breaks off the drama to introduce a chorale; for these intimate and meditative frag- ments are even more static than the interpolated solos. They are self- sufficient. Golgotha, the climax of the story, must wait while all reflect upon its meaning. The chorale lay at the very centre of German Protestant musical thought; and for the congregation it had an appeal which was rooted,


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[1246] in part, in the origins o£ the form itself. Arising from the need of a representative Protestant hymn, the chorale was destined to bear some- what the same relation to Protestant music that plainsong had borne to the musical art of the Roman Catholic church. Poets of the new religion were quick to write their hymns, but the music was a more difficult matter. In the end, Luther was forced to draw on three sources for material to supplement the melodies supplied by contem- porary composers. These three sources were plainsong, altered to suit the requirements of the Protestant hymn; German folksong; and the melodies of madrigals or other part-music. The last two were forced to undergo many changes particularly of a rhythmic nature in order to bring them into conformity with the chorale type, and also to purge them of their secular associations. Thus it will be seen that in many instances the substance of a chorale was essentially popular; and its congregational appeal, therefore, inevitable. Not all tunes, of course, were equally amenable to sanctification, and when it appeared that some chorale was too firmly bound to the world by ties of association, it was withdrawn from sacred use.


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[1247] \ Of all the great body of melodies that grew up in the service of the church, two, in particular, have achieved double popularity in their constant use by congregations and their employment by musicians as the basis of divers compositions: "Em' Feste Burg ist unser Gott" and the Passion Chorale "O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden." The melody of the latter appeared as the soprano part of a madrigal by Hassler (1564-1612) entitled "My Peace of Mind Is Shattered by the Charms of a Tender Maiden"; and with practically no alteration save the equalization of the rhythm, it became a devout and faithful hand- maid of Protestant worship. Of this chorale Bach was particularly fond and it appears again and again in his vocal and instrumental works. In the St. Matthew Passion it is almost a leit-motif, for it occurs no less than five times.* Not Bach alone, but all Protestant German composers, found in the chorale form a relatively new and vital force for the integration of Protestant music. In their hands its manipulation was marvellously varied and its formal possibilities expanded to include works as distant from one another as the fugue and the stately dance. It is characteristic of Bach's artistic integrity that throughout the Passion his treatment of the chorale is, with few exceptions, strictly unadorned; and it is typical of his genius that in these brief meditations, so simple and so touching, he should have turned deliberately from his almost inevitable contrapuntal way to seek impressiveness in plain harmony. He does not permit himself even the instrumental interludes with which he so often varies his treatment of the form. It is as though he would say "I cannot entrust this sentiment to a single voice; its implications are universal ) and everyone must share in them. Nor is art the first consideration here; what all humanity must feel may only be expressed in the simplest terms." In every case the harmonization emphasizes the mean- ing of the text and transforms the melody into an eloquent com- mentator. An excellent example of the truth of this is offered by a comparison of No. 16 (" 'Tis I, My Sins Betray Thee") and No. 31 ("Now May The Will Of God Be Done"). In the first case the harmonization and the treatment of the voices make self-reproach almost graphic, while in the second instance the music seems scarcely less self-assured than the words. Most remarkable of all, however, is the last appearance of the Passion Chorale (No. 72). At this point Bach is facing in a particularly acute form the problem of bringing his work to an impressive close, for the chief dramatic incident, — the death of Jesus, — has just been announced with complete lack of dramatic preparation. For an opera composer of Bach's time, dealing with a secular text and under similar circumstances, there would have been no difficulty, for the ending of his drama would have been a happy one and would have necessitated only the addition of a concerted finale. Beethoven was forever straining emotion to the breaking-point so that to continue without creating an anti-climax seems all but impossible; but those situations were invariably of his own making and he dealt successfully with them in his own way by violently "chang-

* The melody of the Passion Chorale is used in numbers 21, 23, 53, 63, and 72. Bach was no doubt aware of the contribution to the unity of the work made by the repetition of this melody, for he invoked the principle again in the case of the chorales "Herzliebster Jesu" (Nos. 3, 25 and 55) and "O Welt, sieh' hier dein Leben" (Nos. 16 and 44).

[1248] ing the subject," so to speak. The problem of how to continue or how to conclude was, after all, comparatively simple both for the 18th century opera composer and for Beethoven. The first had only to follow tradition, the other to execute a complete emotional "about face." Bach's only resource, however, was his own genius. He is dealing with the most sacred of texts; he may neither add nor subtract; the panoply of a great dramatic climax is forbidden him; he is left with the simple and unutterably poignant pronouncement "But once more Jesus cried aloud and departed." Surely anyone hearing the St. Matthew Passion for the first time must have questioned even Bach's ability to speak appropriately the next musical word. But with what miraculous insight is the answer given, for at this moment the chorus softly enters with yet another and a final statement of the Passion Chorale in a harmonization so full of eloquence and pathos that it jO.'-'* has come to be ranked first among Bach's vocal settings of chorale melodies. To hear it is to realize how inevitably right it is in the circumstances; and in the face of such music all questions of dramatic unity are relegated to the sphere of the academic. In the St. Matthew Passion, despite such obvious difficulties as have just been mentioned, never for a moment does the continuity lapse. The chorales are congregational hymns and nothing else; the recita- tives and certain of the choruses are dramatic; and there are the solos which are soliloquies. Yet notwithstanding the constant mixing of these contrasting elements, the Passion story is never forgotten. The same persistence of idea, the same inevitability that characterizes the Brandenburg concertos and the organ Passacaglia are here, albeit much more subtly conveyed. Within this work there is, too, a considerable diversity of musical style. Arias such as "Gladly Will I, All Resigning" are pure 18th century; "At Eventide, Cool Hour of Rest" is so supremely lyric that Schubert might have written it; "Only Bleed, Thou Dearest Heart" and "O Pardon Me, My God" are Bach and only Bach; while the music which accompanies the words "Truly this was

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[1250] -

• •-:: •


Twenty-fourth ^Program

FRIDAY AFTERNOON, April 26, at 2:15 o'clock

SATURDAY EVENING, April 27, at 8:30 o'clock

Barraud Te Deum, in Memory of Serge Koussevitzky, for Chorus and Orchestra (First performance in the United States)

Beethoven Symphony No. 9 in D minor, with final chorus on Schiller's Ode to Joy, Op. 125

I. Allegro, ma non troppo, un poco maestoso

II. Molto vivace: Presto

III. Adagio molto e cantabile IV. Presto: Allegro Allegro assai Presto Baritone Recitative Quartet and Chorus: Allegro assai Tenor Solo and Chorus: Allegro assai vivace, alia marcia Chorus: Andante maestoso Adagio, ma non troppo, ma divoto Allegro energico, sempre ben marcato Quartet and Chorus: Allegro ma non tanto Chorus: Prestissimo CHORUS PRO MUSICA

: Alfred Nash Patterson, Conductor

SOLOISTS Mariquita Moll, Soprano John McCollum, Tenor Martha Lipton, Alto Mack Harrell, Bass

There will be an extra Open Rehearsal in preparation of thisj Program on Thursday Evening, April 25 at 7:30. These concerts will end about 3:35 o'clock on Friday afternoon; • 9:50 o'clock on Saturday evening. Performances by this orchestra are broadcast each week on Monday evenings from 8:05 to 9:00 P.M. on the NBC Radio Network (nearest . local station WJAR, Providence). The Friday and Saturday concerts are broadcast direct each week by Station WGBH-FM. . Scores and information about music on this program may be seen in the Music Room of the Boston Public Library.


[!251] the Son of God" and "Bliss divine, Slumber now the weary eyes" reject classification. In the whole field of music they are lonely examples of an almost unimaginable beauty. Whether or not Bach was conscious of the problem which confronted him in assimilating such widely disparate elements as the dramatic and the reflective, — a problem which was not present in the com- position of his other major choral work, the B minor Mass — he unquestionably sought and achieved unity at every point. Even the instrumentation ministers to this. The scoring is never objectively brilliant as it is, for example, in the "Cum Sancto Spiritu" of the Mass, nor does it represent the categorical arrangement of instruments which so often accompanied the cantatas. In the Passion the instru- mentation is invariably apposite and never fails to point and color the text it partners. "Although My Heart in Tears Does Swim" and "From Love Unbounded" are especially conspicuous in this respect. To object to the great length of the arias — a length that was tradi- tional in the 18th century — or to complain of Bach's indifference to vocal frailty, is to quibble. As Hadow said of the criticism of a techni- cal feature in Beethoven's Missa Solennis: "The judgment is wholly true and wholly irrelevant." So it is with the Passion: it is a forest, not trees. One often feels that Beethoven defeats himself by asking more of singers than it is humanly possible to give. Bach's music sometimes suffers from unsympathetic or indifferent interpretation; but in rev- erent and skillful hands it never fails to reflect the flame that gave it life, the flame of genius born but once. } Excellence For 84 Years

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To the — '

Friends of the Boston Symphony Orchestra

The Trustees have asked me to express to all of you their gratitude for your generous support of the Orchestra whose eminence as a musical organization is made possible by your loyalty. The list of your names, as of April 2, is bound into this program book as a permanent record.

The annual contributions from the Friends make it possible to provide the best of orchestral music to the greatest number of listeners. All who would like to share in this generous purpose are invited to enroll as Friends. There is no minimum fee.

Checks made out to Boston Symphony Orchestra

and forwarded to Symphony Hall, Boston, consti-

tute enrollment without further formality.

Palfrey Perkins Chairman, Friends of Boston Symphony Orchestra

[1253] \ Friends of the Boston Symphony Orchestra List of Members for the Season 1956-1957

Massachusetts Members

Mr. Edwin I. Abbot Mr. Roger Amory Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Moseley Abbot Mrs. William Amory Courtlandt W. Babcock Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Abbott Mr. Theodore Anastos Mr. and Mrs. Henry Babcock Mr. and Mrs. Miss Cornelia M. Anderson Miss Margaret L. Babcock James D. Abbott Miss Helen Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Dr. John A. Abbott Mr. Lawrence B. Anderson Philip H. Babcock Mrs. Robert Abel Mrs. Lloyd D. H. Anderson Mrs. Francis M. Babson Mr. and Mrs. Miss Margaret Anderson Mrs. Paul T. Babson A. Howard Abell Miss Marion A. Anderson Mrs. Robert B. Bachman Mrs. Pennell N. Aborn Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. O. Kelley Anderson Theodore L. Badger Arnold L. Abrams Mr. William G. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Baer Mr. Charles Francis Adams Miss Elizabeth H. Andrews Mrs. Edward A. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Adams John E. Andrews Sherwood E. Bain Mrs. Winslow H. Adams Mrs. John C. Andus Mrs. Bart W. Baird Mrs. Winthrop C. Adams In Memory of Mrs. Mrs. Donald V. Baker Mrs. James Thayer Addison Charles Francis Angell Mrs. Hamilton W. Baker Mr. Albert Adelman Mrs. Harold Ansin Dr. Henry M. Baker Mr. Jack Adelson Miss Leona L. Applebaum Mrs. Hyman S. Baker Miss Dora L. Adler Mr. B. Earle Appleton Miss Mary C. Baker Mr. Herman Adler Mrs. Frances S. Appleton Mrs. Roland M. Baker Miss Erika Aertel Miss Helen Appleton Mrs. Talbot Baker Mrs. George R. Agassiz Mrs. W. Cornell Appleton Dr. Franklin G. Balch Mrs. Maximilian Agassiz Mrs. Robert E. Apthorp Dr. Franklin G. Balch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. R. S. Archer Mrs. E. Atkins Baldwin ) Herbert M. Agoos Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Otto A. Alcaide W. C. Archibald Miss Fannie E. Ball Mrs. Stephen P. Alden Mrs. Lewis A. Armistead Professor and Mrs. Mrs. Talbot Aldrich Mrs. Robert W. Armstrong Edward Ballantine Mrs. William T. Aldrich Mrs. Harold Greene Arnold Mrs. Joseph Thorpe Ballard Mrs. Peter P. Alexander Miss Margaret F. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Balos Mr. Nathaniel Alford Miss Elizabeth Arntzen Mr. Talcott M. Banks, Jr. Mrs. Norman Buckner Allard Mrs. Jesse M. Aronson Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Arthur W. Allen Mrs. Harold D. Ashe Richard H. Barbour Miss Eleanor W. Allen Mr. Holt Ashley Mr. and Mrs. John Barker, Jr. Miss Elizabeth Allen Miss Lydia A. Ashmead Miss Phyllis F. Barker Mrs. Frank G. Allen Miss Lillian F. Ashworth Mr. Charles L. Barlow Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Robert Aspden Miss Analied Barmakian G. Howard Allen Mr. Aaron Astrin Mrs. Napoleon Barmakian Mrs. Harold A. Allen Miss Ethel Atkins Mrs. John Barnard Miss Hildegarde Allen Mr. John B. Atkinson Dr. Benjamin A. Barnes Mrs. Jessie E. Allen Mrs. Jonathan H. Atkinson Miss Christine Barnes Miss Mary Norton Allen Mrs. Henry L. Atwell Miss Evelyn H. Barnes Mrs. Paul Hastings Allen Mrs. David E. Atwood Mrs. Joel M. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Allen Miss Harriet W. Atwood Mrs. Winchester Barnes Miss Ruth Allen Miss Marguerite Atwood Mrs. Howard J. Barnet Mrs. Thomas E. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Mr. John S. Barnet Mrs. George R. Alley Philip G. Atwood Mrs. Lucius J. Barnet Mrs. Charles Almy Miss Elaine Mr. S. J. Barnet Miss Helen J. Almy Plishker Auchmoody In Memory of Mrs. Henry B. Alvord Mr. Alan S. Axelrod Sara Herman Barnet

Mrs. John S. Ames Mrs. Charles F. Ayer Dr. J. Dellinger Barney Mrs. Oakes I. Ames Mrs. Frederick Ayer Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Baron Mrs. Stephen B. Ames Mrs. James B. Ayer Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Barr Mrs. Theodore G. Ames Mrs. John P. Ayer Mrs. W. Emerson Barrett Mrs. William H. Ames Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Elmer W. Barron Mrs. Copley Amory William H. Ayer Mrs. William A. Barron

[1254] •


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Mrs. Harold H. Blanchard Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. C. Bennett Ralph S. Barrow Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. P. H. Barrows Robert E. Bennett Allen D. Bliss Mrs. John Sedgwick Barss Mrs. Arthur S. Bennink Mrs. Clarence R. Bliss Mrs. Fraser Barstow Miss Sylvia P. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Carl Barth Mrs. William Bentinck-Smith Henry M. Bliss Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Priscilla Somes Bentley Mrs. Robert E. Blood Arthur L. Bartlett Mr. Richard A. Berenson Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charles W. Bartlett Miss Eleanor Berg David H. Bloom Miss Elizabeth M. P. Bartlett Mr. Walter George Bergman Mrs. Wilfred Bloomberg Mrs. Frederick O. Bartlett Mr. Harry Bergson, Jr. Mr. Daniel Bloomfield Miss Grace E. Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charles H. Boardman Miss Harriet M. Bartlett Bernard W. Berkowitch Mrs. S. G. Bocholtz Mrs. Matthew Bartlett Mrs. Gerald A. Berlin Mrs. D. Boden Mrs. E. F. W. Bartol Mrs. Anna C. Berman Mrs. Ronald V. C. Bodley In Memory of William Mr. Jeremiah M. G. Berman Dr. Jan Boeke Manning Bassett Mr. George T. Bernard Mrs, Helga Boes Mrs. George L. Mr. Patrick T. Bernard Miss Pauline Bohn Batchelder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bernat Mr. and Mrs. John E. Boit Mrs. Henry B. Batchelor Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Robert A. Bolduc Miss Eleanor Bates Harold E. Bernkopf Miss Catherine M. Bolster Mrs. Oric Bates Mrs. David W. Bernstein Mrs. Stanley M. Bolster Mrs. Roy Elliott Bates Mr. and Mrs. Miss Rhoda C. Bonville Borden Mrs. James Marvin Baty Maurice J. Bernstein Miss Leah A. Mrs. Meredith Bauer Miss Tessie S. Bernstein Mrs. John Bordman Mrs. Walter Bauer Professor and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Helen Wood Bauman C. Harold Berry Bernard Bornstein Mrs. Jesse B. Baxter Mr. George W. Berry Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bortman Mrs. Boylston A. Beal Mr. Maurice A. Berry Miss Gertrude M. Bosien RS* Miss Gertrude E. Beal Mr. Aaron Beshansky Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Beal Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bethell Publishing Company Mrs. William DeFord Beal Mrs. Myron Beylick Boston Herald-Traveler Miss Ann B. Beale Dr. Grete L. Bibring Corporation Mrs. Arthur M. Beale Mrs. Barry Bigelow Mrs. John T. Bottomley Mrs. Harry C. Beaman Mrs. Henry B. Bigelow Rev. Clarence R. Boucher Mrs. A. T. Beatey Mrs. Mildred B. Bigelow Mr. James G. Bournazos Mrs. Ralph Beatley Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bigelow Miss Mary E. Bou telle Mr. Richard Beatty Mrs. Robert P. Bigelow Mrs. Herbert L. Bowden Mr. Charles Bechhoefer Mrs. V. Stoddard Bigelow Miss Mary O. Bowditch Mr. Paul Beck Mrs. Alexander H. Bill Dr. Edward L. Bowles Miss Winifred M. Beck Miss Pauline Bill Mrs. Bion A. Bowman Mrs. G. W. Becker Dr. and Mrs. Saul Biller Mr. Ralph G. Boyd Mr. L. M. Beckwith Mrs. Elsie H. Billings Mr. Charles Boyden Mrs. Lawrence Beebe Mr. Edwin Binney, III Miss Ruth T. Boyden Miss Sylenda Beebe Miss Emily V. Binney Miss Helen M. Boyer Mrs. Robert Jenks Beede Mrs. Horace Binney Miss Dorothy Bozigian Mrs. George E. Beggs Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. F. E. Begreen Charles Sumner Bird Gerald W. Brace Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Francis W. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Behringer Mr. Harold S. Bird Robert F. Bradford

Mr. Ernest H. Belanger Mrs. Paul H. Birdsall Mrs. Frederick J. Bradlee Mrs. C. A. Belash Miss Ernestine Birnbaum Mrs. Henry G. Bradlee Miss Gertrude C. Belcher Mrs. Maurice B. Biscoe Mr. and Mrs.

Dr. J. Frank Belin Miss Mildred E. Bixby Henry G. Bradlee, Jr. Mrs. Robert E. Belknap Mr. Everett H. Black Mrs. Malcolm Bradlee Mrs. Arthur W. Bell Mrs. S. Bruce Black Mrs. Reginald Bradlee Mrs. A. Farwell Bemis Mrs. Taylor Black Mrs. Sargent Bradlee Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Bemis Dr. and Mrs. Leo A. Blacklow Mrs. Ralph Bradley Mrs. Harry H. Bemis Mrs. Florence B. Blair Mrs. Walter H. Bradley Mrs. George Benedek Mrs. Arthur Blake Mrs. George R. Bragdon Mrs. George W. Benedict, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Blake Dr. and Mrs. Miss Frances Z. T. Benner Mr. and Mrs. Harley T. Blake Ernest A. Bragg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Benfield Miss Maud D. Blake Miss Lena E. Bragg Miss Beatrice Bennett Mrs. Archibald Blanchard Mrs. William C. Bramhall [1255] FRIENDS OF THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (Continued)

\ Mrs. Garl Brandt Mrs. John Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Cabot Mrs. Anthony Brayton Mr. Daniel B. Brzezenski Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Cabot Miss Charlotte Brayton Mrs. Earle Buckingham Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brech Mrs. Walter S. Bucklin Thomas D. Cabot Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Breck Miss Alice E. Buff Mrs. Walter M. Cabot Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ellen T. Bullard Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Cahan Robert G. Breed Dr. John C. Bullard Miss Elizabeth Cahill Mr. William M. Breed Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. J. Lewis Bremer John M. Bullard Norman L. Cahners Miss Sarah F. Bremer Mr. and Mrs. John M. Bullitt Calculating & Clerical Mrs. Theodore G. Bremer Mrs. Austin T. Bunker Service, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Miss Helen S. Callahan Herbert Bremner John P. Bunker Mr. Charles Callos Mr. Allen W. Brennan Mrs. Philip E. Bunker Mrs. Donald F. Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Philip H. Bunker Mrs. Richard M. Cameron Donald G. Brennan Mrs. Benjamin Bunshaft In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Agnes Brennion Karl Burack J. H. Campbell Mrs. Alden C. Brett Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mildred E. Campbell E. Mr. Benjamin J. Brettler John Burchard Mrs. Wallace M. Campbell Mrs. Richard Brettman Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. George Mrs. Basil Brewer E. Burdick John J. Canavan Mrs. Charles Brewer Mr. Rowland Burdon-Muller Mrs. C. A. Canham Mr. George F. Brewer Mrs. Herbert R. Burgess Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Cannon John D. Brewer, Jr. C. Rodgers Burgin Miss Edith R. Canterbury Mr. and Mrs. Mr. John N. Burk Mrs. John F. Capron George W. W. Brewster Miss Martha J. Burke Mrs. Thomas B. Card Mrs. Roger M. Burke Mr. Ralph F. Carey Mrs. J. F. F. Brewster Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Beatrice Carlson William E. Brewster Arthur Burkhard Mr. and Mrs. Miss Rhoda C. Brickett Mrs. Russell Burnett Raymond S. Carman Mr. David Bridgham Mrs. W. A. Burnham Mr. George W. Carmichael ) Mrs. George Wright Briggs Mr. Stephen S. Burns Mrs. Charles Roslyn Carney Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Briggs Mr. Hugh Burr Mr. Arthur W. Can- Mrs. Dwight S. Brigham Miss Linda F. Burr Mrs. Charles L. Can- Mrs. Frank L. Brigham Miss Phyllis Burr Miss Cornelia P. Can Mr. and Mrs. Miss Elizabeth Burrage Mrs. Houghton Can Lewis A. Brigham Mrs. George D. Burrage Mr. Houghton Can, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Jean Burrage Mrs. John P. Can Virgil C. Brink Mr. H. F. Burroughs Miss Ellen S. Canoll Mr. Bartol Brinkler Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Henry G. Carroll Mrs. Godfrey M. Brinley Warren H. Burroughs Mr. Joseph Carson, Jr. Mr. Abraham Brooks Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Albert P. Carter Mrs. Arthur B. Brooks Belton A. Burrows Miss Alice Carter Mrs. Edward Brooks Mr. Sol Burstein Mrs. Hubert Lazeli Carter The Honorable Mrs. Ethel M. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Brooks Mrs. Jessie F. Burton Lyndall F. Carter Mr. Walter D. Brooks Mrs. George A. Bushee Mrs. Roscoe A. Carter Mr. Charles N. Brower Mrs. F. Wadsworth Busk Miss Ruth N. Carter Mrs. Daniel C. Brown Miss Marion E. Buswell Mrs. Fred S. Carver Miss Dorothy A. Brown The Charles Butcher Mr. Whitney G. Case, II Mrs. Edwin P. Brown Foundation Mr. Charles F. Cashman Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Morgan Butler Mr. and Mrs. George R. Brown Dr. and Mrs. Paul DeWitt Caskey Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Brown Douglas E. Butman Dr. Walter H. Caskey Castignani Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Stedman Buttrick, Jr. Mrs. Laura G. Castle Lester P. Brown Mrs. Randolph K. Byers Miss Catherine E. Miss Sheila Alice Brown Mrs. Henry G. Byng Mrs. Robert D. Castle Catheron Miss Sylvia Brown Mrs. Allison F. Caverly Mrs. A. Page Browne Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Charles Miss Katherine L. Bruce Charles C. Cabot Mr. Alfred Cavileer, Jr. Mrs. Norman H. Bruce Mrs. Chilton R. Cabot Mr. Robert P. Cavileer Mrs. Mrs. L. G. Bruggerman Godfrey L. Cabot Mr. and Cerier Miss Flora Allen Bryant Charitable Trust Melvin M.

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Mrs. Herbert P. Chadbourne Mr. and Mrs. Miss Elizabeth W. Colwell Miss Doris H. Chadwick Nathaniel D. Clapp Mrs. H. Nelson Conant Professor and Mrs. Mr. Philip F. Clapp Miss Susan Conant Z. Chafee, Jr. Mrs. Raymond L. Clapp Miss Louise Condit Mrs. Harry Chaimson Mr. Roger E. Clapp Mr. Daniel F. Condon Mr. Bruce Chalmers Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Clapp Mrs. Harrison F. Condon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ethel Damon Clark Miss Frances Congdon Richard S. Chamberlain Mrs. Frank M. Clark Mr. William L. Congleton Mrs. William E. Chamberlain Mr. and Mrs. Miss Dorothy G. Conklin Mr. and Mrs. Frederic S. Clark, Jr. Miss Margaret Conklin

Cary J. Chamberlin Mrs. Glenmore F. Clark Mrs. A. W. Contratto ' i Miss Mary H. Chamberlin Miss Gladys Clark Mr. Parker Converse . Miss Florence Chandler Dr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Cook Mr. and Mrs. John Alden Clark Mrs. Charles Sydney Cook, Jr. H. Daland Chandler Mrs. Lincoln Clark Mrs. Fred C. Cook Mr. H. Raymond Chandler Mrs. Paul F. Clark Miss Gretchen Cook Mrs. Henry M. Channing Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Clark Mrs. James O. Cook Mrs. E. Barton Chapin Mrs. Theodore Clark Mrs. John S. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. In Memory of Mrs. Marian Harold C. Chapin Edward B. Clarke Goldthwaite Cook

Miss Marion L. Chapin Mrs. Elizabeth J. Clarke Miss Mildred E. Cook Miss Nancy Orne Chapin Miss Emilie Ellen Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Walter G. Chard Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrence Cook Mrs. Arthur I. Charron James R. Clarke, Jr. Mrs. John W. Cooke Mr. Alfred E. Chase Mr. David R. Claxton Mrs. A. Sprague Coolidge Miss Alice P. Chase Mr. C. Comstock Clayton Mrs. John G. Coolidge Mrs. Barbara S. Chase Miss Eleanor Clebnik Mrs. John T. Coolidge Mr. E. Sherman Chase Miss Esther M. Clement Mrs. Julian L. Coolidge Miss Helen B. Chase Mrs. F. S. Clement Miss M. Rosamond Coolidge Miss Martha Chase Mr. Lindsay Cleveland Mrs. Russell Coolidge Miss Mary E. Chase Miss Gretchen Clifford Mr. T. Jefferson Coolidge Mrs. Philip P. Chase Mrs. Walter B. Clifford Mr. Ford H. Coopei Mrs. William F. Chase Mrs. Alice S. Clough Mr. Harry D. Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Charles K. Cobb Miss Jessie P. Cooper David I. Checkoway Miss Madeline W. Cobb Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Daniel S. Cheever Miss Louise Coburn Maurice L. Cooper Mrs. David Cheever Mr. William H. Coburn Dr. and Mrs. Oliver Cope Mrs. Hyman Cherenson Miss Mary McKay Cochrane Miss Linda E. Corey Mrs. A. D. Chesterton Mrs. Russell Codman Mrs. Ward I. Cornell Mrs. Thomas W. Chesterton Mr. William B. Coffin Mrs. Maurice Corrigan Miss Helen T. Chickering Mrs. George R. Cogswell Mr. and Mrs. Miss Emily C. Childs Mrs. Willard G. Cogswell William P. Costello Mr. Robert B. Choate Mrs. Bernard C. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Miss Abby W. Christensen Mr. and Mrs. Eli A. Cohen Charles E. Cotting The Christian Science Mr. and Mrs. Miss Clara V. Cottle Monitor Herman B. Cohen Mr. Jeremiah F. Coughlin Mrs. Elliott B. Church Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Frederic C. Church M. Michael Cohen Donald P. Courtsal Dr. Anna Quincy Churchill Professor Morris Cohen Miss Elsie R. Cowdrey Mrs. Edward D. Churchill Mr. Haskell Cohn Mrs. Joseph W. Cowles

Mrs. J. M. B. Churchill Mr. Robert S. Coit Charles M. Cox Trust Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert T. Colburn Miss Eleanor L. Cox Lawrence W. Churchill Miss Florence Colby Mrs. Gardner Cox Mr. Winthrop H. Churchill Mr. and Mrs. Aaron H. Cole Miss Laura Cox Mrs. Samuel Cikins Mrs. Edward D. Cole Mrs. Charles S. Coxe Mrs. Putnam C. Cilley Miss Ruby H. Cole Miss Mary Florence Coyne Mr. Mrs. Thomas M. Claflin Joseph A. Coletti Miss Ruth Crandell Mr. V. U. Coletti-Perucca Miss Ellen M. Crane Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charles Collens Miss Isabel Crawford William H. Claflin J. Miss Mary E. Collett Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Miles N. Clair Mrs. George W. Collier Albert M. Creighton Mrs. Clift Rogers Clapp Mr. Marvin A. Collier Mrs. Bartow Crocker Mr. David F. Clapp Mr. Horatio Colony Mrs. Bigelow Crocker, Jr. Mrs. George A. Clapp Mrs. Henry F. Colt Mrs. C. Thomas Crocker, III O57] FRIENDS OF THE boston y symphony orchestra (Continued) Mr. Douglas Crocker Mr. W. G. Dakin Mrs. Philip Y. DeNormandie Reverend and Mrs. Mrs. Fred A. Dakin Mrs. Robert L. DeNormandie John Crocker Mr. William G. Dakin Mrs. G. Ellis Densmore Mrs. Lyneham Crocker Mr. Robert A. Dalrymple Mr. Theodore DeRoode Miss Muriel Crocker Mrs. Marshall B. Dalton Mr. Donald R. Desmond Mrs. Samuel E. M. Crocker Dr. William Dameshek Mrs. Louis C. Dethlefs Mr. David C. Crockett Mr. J. Linfield Damon Mr. and Mrs. Charles Devens Mr. John T. Croghan The Dana Hall School Mr. Joseph F. Devlin Miss Helga Crome Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Dana Devonshire Associates Mrs. Arthur P. Crosby Mrs. Carlton J. Dane Mrs. Bradley Dewey Mrs. S. V. R. Crosby Mrs. Jane E. Dane Mr. Henry B. Dewey Mrs. William A. Crosby Mrs. Samuel Dane Mrs. Lewis Dexter Miss Margaret Crowell Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert L. Dexter Mrs. Francis John L. Danforth Mrs. William Dexter B. Crowninshield Miss Margaret Danforth Mrs. John M. Dick Mrs. Thomas St. Clair Cuddy Mrs. Nicholas W. Danforth Mr. Anthony Di Giore Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. Edward M. Dangel Miss Esther Dimick Francis H. Cummings Miss Mabel Daniels Mrs .William H. Dimick Miss Gwendolyn Cummings Mrs. Richard E. Danielson Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Dimond Miss Margaret Cummings Mr. Carl F. Danner Miss Alice B. Dobbyn Mrs. Alan Cunningham Miss Barbara E. Danskin Miss Evelyn D. Dodge Mrs. Edward Mr. Robert Dargie Miss Helen Dodge Cunningham, Mrs. Jr. Nelson J. Darling, Jr. Mrs. N. Phillips Dodge Mrs. John H. Cunningham Mrs. Philip J. Darlington Mr. Robert G. Dodge Miss Mary Cunningham Miss Miriam K. Dasey Miss Sally Dodge Mrs. Guy W. Currier Mr. Wilbur B. Davenport, Jr. Mr. Paul Doguereau Mrs. Robert M. Currier Dr. Charles S. Davidson Mrs. Walter H. Donahue Miss Eleanora Curtis Mrs. Charles W. Davidson Mrs. Malcolm Donald Miss Frances G. Curtis Mrs. Edward Kirk Davis Dr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. J. Davis Gordon Donaldson George W. Curtis Mr. John F. Davis, Jr. Mrs. Wallace B. Donham Mrs. Greeley S. Curtis In Memory of Miss Clare R. Donohue Miss Harriot S. Curtis John Warren Davis Mrs. Alfred Donovan Mrs. Louis Curtis, Sr. Mrs. Lincoln Davis, Jr. Mr. Arthur T. Dooley Mrs. Louis Curtis, Jr. Mrs. Livingston Davis Miss Lillian Dorion Miss Margaret Curtis Mrs. William L. Davis Miss Mary F. Dover Miss Mary Curtis Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Sterling Dow Mr. Stephen Curtis Archibald T. Davison Mrs. Cutler B. Downer Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert H. Davison Mr. and Mrs. Frederic H. Curtiss Miss Amy Davol Jerome I. H. Downes Miss Alice L. Cushing Mrs. Charles W. Davol Dr. John Godwin Downing Miss Dorothea Cushing Mrs. Frank A. Day, Sr. Miss Margaret Dowse Mrs. George M. Cushing Mrs. Frank A. Day, Jr. Mrs. Eben S. Draper Mrs. Winthrop J. Cushing Miss Irena L. Day Miss Marion Draper Miss Elizabeth B. Cushman Mrs. Kenneth K. Day Miss Louisa L. Dresel Mrs. Elton G. Cushman Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dean Mrs. Jesse A. Drew Mrs. Herbert E. Cushman Mr. and Mrs. Miss Lucy B. Drew Mr. and Mrs. C. Bradford Dean Mrs. Edwin J. Dreyfus Norman Cushman Miss Hazel Dean Mr. Philip Drinker Mrs. Rufus C. Cushman Mrs. James Dean Mr. Arthur Drinkwater Mrs. Charles M. Cutler Mrs. Dorothea Dean Mr. John W. Driscoll Miss Elisabeth A. Cutler Mrs. Paul Dudley Dean Mrs. William R. Driver Mr. and Mrs. Miss Dorothy L. Deane Miss Rosamond D. Drooker G. Ripley Cutler Miss Elizabeth C. Dearborn Mrs. Sydney Drooker Mrs. Myer L. Cutler Mrs. J. A. Dearborn Mrs. Edward S. Drown Mr. Miss Eva DeCoste Mr. John Druker Miss Esther C. Cutter Mrs. Thaddeus C. DeFriez Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Cutter Duchess Anna William H. Drury, Jr. Mrs. George B. Cutts de Leuchtenberg Mrs. Marion E. Dubbs Mrs. John C. DeMille Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. Walter Dempsey Frank E. Duddy Mrs. George B. Dabney Miss Kathryn J. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Miss Susanna R. Dabney Mrs. Henry S. Dennison James S. Duesenberry Mrs. John W. Dacey Mrs. G. P. Denny Mrs. Mark M. Duff [1258] FRIENDS OF THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (Continued)

Miss Daphne F. Dunbar Miss Kathleen Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Miss Helen L. Duncklee Mrs. Paul B. Elliott Herman L. Feer Mr. Gardner T. Dunham Mrs. Raymond W. Ellis Miss Catherine Fehrer Mrs. Horace C. Dunham Mrs. William V. Ellis Mrs. Elihu T. Feinberg Miss Marjorie H. Dunham Mrs. William V. Ellis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. W. Emerson Dunlap Mrs. Eben H. Ellison Eugene J. Feldman Mrs. Risher A. Dunlevy Miss Helen T. Elms Mr. Moses D. Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Miss Augusta C. Ely Miss Charlotte Fellman Edward W. Y. Dunn Miss Edith W. Emerson Mrs. Frederic L. Felton Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. Bigelow Emerson Rev. and Mrs. William W. Dunnell, Jr. Miss Mabel E. Emerson Dan Huntington Fenn Miss Elizabeth G. Durkee Mrs. William Emerson Miss Pauline Fenno Miss Josephine Durrell Mrs. Forrest S. Emery Mrs. Fred C. Fernald Mrs. Earnest B. Dustan Dr. and Mrs. John F. Enders Mrs. Cyrus Y. Ferris Miss Catharine H. Dwight Mrs. Henry Endicott Reverend Theodore P. Ferris Miss Frances H. Dwight Mr. Samuel C. Endicott Dr. and Mrs. Miss Laura E. Dwight Mrs. William Endicott Ronald M. Ferry Miss Laura M. Dwight Mr. Lewis L. Engel Mr. Hart Fessenden Miss Margaret Dwight Miss Marlene Engel Mrs. Arthur Fiedler Dr. Richard W. Dwight Mrs. William D. English Mrs. Fred T. Field Dr. Thomas F. Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mary Bates Field Edward T. Englund Mr. Richard H. Field Mrs. Richard Engstrom Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Marcy Eager Mr. Nicholas Eosue Andrew B. Fielding Mr. Edward H. Earle Mrs. Henry A. Erhard Wm. Filene's Sons Company Misses Louise S. and Mrs. Carl H. Ernlund Mrs. Simma Finard Mabel L. Earle Mrs. Roger Ernst Dr. Jacob Fine

The Eastern Company Miss Rachel Estabrook Mr. and Mrs. Milton A. Fine ! Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George Estin Dr. and Mrs. Nathan H. Fink James S. Eastham Mr. Ferdinand Euler Dr. Maxwell Finland Mrs. Augustus Miss Mrs. Melville Eastham Mabel G. Finlay • Mrs. Roger K. Eastman Hemenway Eustis Miss Kathryn Claire Finn Miss Blanche E. Eaton Mr. and Mrs. Warner Eustis Mr. John G. Finneran Mrs. John M. Eaton Mrs. Ann M. Evans Miss Anna G. Fiore Mrs. Lucien Eaton Mrs. David Evans Miss Hazel A. Firth J. : Mrs. Edward R. Eberle Mrs. Alexander B. Ewing Miss Margaret A. Fish ' Mr. and Mrs. Miss Florence Fisher Adrian E. Eckberg Mr. Richard T. Fisher Miss Mary Louise Eddy In Memory of Miss Sara L. Fisher Miss Ruth N. Eddy Enrico E. Fabrizio Mrs. Thomas A. Fisher - Mrs. George A. Edmands Mrs. Harris Fahnestock Mrs. Gertrude S. Fitch Mr. Walter D. Edmonds Mrs. Laura B. Failing Mrs. Seth Fitchet Mr. John T. Edsall Mrs. Madge Fairfax Miss Ada M. Fitts Mr. William S. Edsall Mrs. Wallace Falvey Mr. C. Kimball Fitts, Jr. Mrs. David F. Edwards Miss Savina Farina Master Daniel Hewitt Fitts Miss Esther P. Edwards Mrs. Eliot Farley Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Fitts Miss Mary N. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Farley Mrs. George H. Fitts

Mrs. Neilson Edwards Mrs. Leon B. Farley Mr. J. Edward Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dana L. Farnsworth Mrs. Stephen S. FitzGerald SK John Roos Ehrenfeld Miss Marion B. Farnsworth Mr. John Paul FitzGibbon Mr. Albert D. Ehrenfried Miss Eleanor E. Farrar Miss Elizabeth Flanagan Mrs. Richard A. Ehrlich Miss Frances Farrell Miss Marguerite Flanders Mrs. Barbara L. Einstein Miss Grace Farrell, Miss Marie C. Flannelly Mr. and Mrs. Philip Eiseman Mrs. Paul Faude Mrs. Theodore Fleisher Mrs. Eugene R. Eisenberg Mrs. James M. Faulkner Mr. Donald Fleming Mrs. Samuel Eisenberg Mrs. Richard M. Faulkner Mrs. Arthur W. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Miss Eliza H. Faunce Mr. Frederick C. Fletcher Harold W. Eldridge Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Paul W. Fletcher Mrs. Walter H. Eldridge Nathaniel W. Faxon Mrs. Charles H. Flood Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Elie Mr. A. D. Fay Reverend Thomas A. Flynn Miss Mary Caroline Eliot Mrs. Arthur F. Fay Miss May P. Fogg Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eliot Mrs. Richard D. Fay Mrs. Gertrude A. Foley Mr. Charles Sidney Elkind Mrs. S. Prescott Fay Mr. Henry E. Foley Mr. and Mrs. William Ellery Mr. and Mrs. Willis W. Fay Mrs. Alexander Forbes

[1259] I FRIENDS OF THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (Continued) Mrs. Allan Forbes Miss Alice E. Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gfroere Mrs. Allyn B. Forbes Miss Ruth E. Funk Mrs. Donald L. Gibbs Mr. Edward W. Forbes Mr. and Mrs. Foster Furcolo Mrs. Kirkland H. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Miss Elizabeth Fyffe Mr. Robert P. Giddings F. Murray Forbes, Jr. Mrs. Fred Giduz Mrs. J. Henry W. Forbes Mrs. Henry W. Giese Mrs. Joseph W. Forman Mr. Arthur Gabelnick Mrs. Carleton S. Gifford Noble Foss Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Miss Rosamond Gifford Miss Renee Fosse Irvin George Gahm Miss Jeannette Giguere Miss Elaine Foster Mrs. James E. Gale Mrs. Carl J. Gilbert Mrs. Hatherly Foster Mr. Walter H. Gale Miss Clara C. Gilbert Mrs. Reginald C. Foster Mrs. William W. Gallagher Miss Helen C. Gilbert Mrs. Herbert C. Fowler Mrs. William Albert Gallup Mrs. R. D. Gilbert Miss Laura Fowler Mrs. John Gait Mrs. J. Edward J. Gildea Mr. Isidor Fox Mrs. James L. Gamble Miss Louise Giles Miss Jean Fox Mr. R. H. Ives Gammell Mi;s. A. Victor Gilfoy Mr. John B. Fox, Jr. Mrs. Arnold L. Ganley Dr. and Mrs. Miss Marion Fox Mrs. William Benjamin F. Gill Miss Minnie B. Fox Whitworth Gannett Dr. and Mrs. Mr. Walter S. Fox, Jr. Mrs. A. A. Gans Luke Gillespie Mrs. G. Tappan Francis Mrs. Harry Ganz Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Irving Frankel Mrs. Leslie E. Garde Fernand Gillet Miss Lina H. Frankenstein Miss Olive P. Garde The Gillette Company Mrs. Amherst D. Frazar Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Gardiner Mrs. Herman Gilman Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Margaret E. Gilman A. Stone Freedberg Charles S. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Hiram Freedman Mrs. G. Peabody Gardner John V. Gilmore Mrs. Myron Freedman Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Samuel Freedman John L. Gardner Alfred P. Ginsberg Mr. James W. Freeman Miss Mary A. Gardner Mrs. Richard S. Ginsberg Mr. and Mrs. John Freeman Miss Annette Garel Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ginsburg Mrs. ) Ralph E. Freeman Miss Eleanor Garfield Mrs. Joseph S. Ginsburg Dr. Maurice Fremont-Smith Mr. and Mrs. James Garfield Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Stephen Gargilis Harold J. Ginsburgh David S. French Miss Louise Garland Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George Edward French Mr. Frederic D. Garmon A. Murray Ginzberg Mrs. Gertrude T. Fretz Mr. Arnold Garrison Rabbi and Mrs. Mrs. Helene Freundlich Mrs. William L. Roland B. Gittelsohn Mr. and Mrs. Garrison, Jr. Miss Helen M. Glasle Arthur H. Friedberg Mrs. Bernard F. Garrity Mr. Hyman S. Glass Dr. and Mrs. Fritz Friedland Miss Florence M. Garrity Mrs. Harry Glassburg Mrs. Israel Friedlander Mrs. William W. Garth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Philip J. Friedlander Miss Edith M. Gartland Joseph Glasser Misses Elsie T. and Dr. and Mrs. John E. Gary Mr. Henry H. Glazer Sophie M. Friedman Mrs. Morris Gass Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Friedman Mr. David E. Gates Hollis T. Gleason Miss Kate Friskin Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Albert D. Frost Richard S. Gates Kenneth E. Gleason Miss Evelyn P. Frost Professor and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George Frost A. M. Gaudin Warren P. Gleason Mrs. Harold L. Frost Mrs. Clyde Gay Miss Marie R. Gleeson Mrs. Henry A. Frost Miss Dorothy H. Gaylord Miss Nura Globus Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Albert Gayzagian Mr. George Glover Horace W. Frost Mr. Leslie N. Gebhard Miss Mary Wales Glover Riviere Madame Frost Mr. J. H. Geeson Mrs. Nelson Glover Miss Eugenia B. Frothingham Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Edward F. Gnong Mrs. Langdon Frothingham Simon H. Geilich Miss Marion L. Godfrey Miss Anna D. Fry Mrs. Siegfried Gerhardt Mr. Howard Goding Dr. Claude M. Fuess Miss Linda Gerhardt Miss Susan Mr. Kakuichiro Fujiyama Miss Katharine M. Gericke Godoy Mr. Mrs. Miss Blanche I. Goell and Alvan T. Fuller Mrs. J. W. Gerrity Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. L. Peter Gold Norman W. Fuller Sumner M. Gerstein Mrs. Samuel Gold Mrs. Harold W. Fullerton Mrs. Charles Gessner Mr. Alfred L. Goldberg [1260] FRIENDS OF THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (Continued) Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Benjamin Grassi Mrs. Whitney Hale Benjamin Goldberg Miss Bertha St. J. Graves Miss Anna Hall Dr. Bernard I. Goldberg Mrs. Edward C. Graves Miss Constance Hall Mr. and Mrs. Miss Linda F. Graves Mr. John L. Hall Harold S. Goldberg Mrs. Roger C. Graves Mrs. L. A. Hall Mrs. Maude Goldberg Mrs. C. Chauncey Gray Miss Emily Hallowell Mrs. William Golden Miss Fanny Fay Gray Mrs. John W. Hallowell Mr. Albert W. Goldman Mrs. Ralph Gray Mrs. Isabella Halsted Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Reginald Gray Mr. Stanley A. Hamel Charles Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Miss Esther B. Hamilton Mr. Charles M. Goldman Julian F. Greeley Mrs. Joseph R. Hamlen Mrs. Edward Goldman Mr. Ellis J. Green Mrs. Robert T. Hamlin Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Harold J. Greenberg The Honorable P. Kervin Goldman Mrs. Henry Copley Greene Franklin T. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. I. Lloyd Greene Mrs. Franklin T. IKS Boris Goldovsky Mr. Jerome D. Greene Hammond, Jr. Mrs. Archie D. Goldshine Mr. John G. Greene Mrs. Samuel Hammond Mr. Russell Goldsmith, Jr. Mrs. Theodore A. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Julian M. Greenebaum Edmund M. Hanauer Ralph M. Goldstein Mr. George C. Greener Mrs. Armelle B. Hand Dr. and Mrs. Miss Elizabeth Greenleaf Dr. and Mrs. Walter Goldstein Mrs. Henry Vose Greenough Samuel S. Hanflig Mrs. Joel A. Goldthwait Mrs. Robert B. Greenough Miss Elizabeth A. Hanley m Mrs. Jean L. Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Don S. Greer Mrs. George Hannauer Miss Isabel F. Goodenow Mr. Chandler Gregg Mrs. Lawrence H. Hansel Miss Charlotte E. Goodfellow Miss Agnes Gregory Mr. Reginald W. Hanson Mrs. Albert Goodhue Mrs. Henry S. Grew Miss Blanche W. Harding I Mrs. L. Cushing Goodhue Mr. Gerald Griffin Mrs. Edward Harding Mr. and Mrs. Miss Leslie Grinnell Mrs. Goodwin W. Harding Harry A. Goodman Mr. Roger Griswold Miss Josephine Harding Mrs. Joseph Goodman Mrs. Bennett M. Groisser Miss Katherine D. Hardwick Mr. Morris Goodman Mr. Casper M. Grosberg Miss Blanche E. Hardy Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harold K. Gross Miss Mary Caroline Hardy Reuben E. Goodman Grossman Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Haring Miss Constance Goodrich Mr. Frank Grossman Mr. Vinton O. Harkness Mrs. Wallace Goodrich Mrs. Julius Grossman Miss Jean Harper Miss Edna L. Goodwin Mrs. Norman Grossman Mr. Robert L. Harper Mrs. Frederic S. Goodwin Mrs. Charles S. Grover Miss M. C. Harrington Mrs. Harry M. Goodwin Mr. John Grozier Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert E. Goodwin Mrs. Leopold Gruener Elihu M. Harris Miss Sarah S. Goodwin Mrs. S. Eliot Guild Miss Jacqueline R. Harris Mrs. Abraham L. Gordon Mrs. Paul K. Guillow Miss Leslie Harris Mrs. Frank B. Gordon Mrs. Trygve Gunderson Professor and Mrs. The Misses Mary E. and Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Harris Elizabeth M. Gordon Abraham Gurvitz Mrs. William G. F. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Miss Signhild V. Gustafson Miss Caroline Harrison Robert D. Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Norman Harrower Mrs. Stanley G. Gordon Sidney Guttentag Miss Mary A. Hartwell Miss Susan D. Gordon Miss Maud Colonel Bernard L. Gorfinkle Appleton Hartwell Mrs. Vera Gorovitz Miss Rose Haas Harvard Glee Club Mrs. C. Lane Goss Miss Elsa M. Hackebarth Mrs. Carroll S. Harvey Miss Annie I. Gould Mr. C. W. Hadley Mrs. Elbert A. Harvey Miss Eleanore P. Gould Mrs. Theodore C. Mr. William G. Harward Dr. and Mrs. Haffenreffer Mr. Bartlett Harwood G. Philip Grabfield Mrs. Leland S. Hager Mrs. Herbert E. Harwood Miss Florence A. Gragg Mr. John A. Hahn Mrs. Hugh Harwood Miss Louise Graham Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Sydney Harwood Mrs. Isabella Grandin William Haible Mr. Abraham Haskell Mrs. John L. Grandin, Jr. Mrs. Albert Hale Mr. Alpheus Haskins Mrs. Richard M. Grandin Mrs. Edward E. Hale Mrs. Charles H. Haskins Mrs. Arthur E. Grannis Mrs. Richard K. Hale Mr. George Lee Haskins Mr. Alfred H. Grant Mrs. Richard W. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Elizabeth O. Grant Mrs. Rufus F. Hale Francis W. Hatch

[1261] \ FRIENDS OF THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (Continued) Mr. and Mrs. Miss Madeleine Heyman Miss Charlotte Hood Francis W. Hatch, Jr. Mrs. Chester D. Heywood Miss Emily C. Hood Miss Ruth Hatch Mr. and Mrs. Miss Grace E. Hood Miss Mary Jane Hathaway Sidney B. Heywood Mrs. James R. Hooper Miss Florence E. Hatheway Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wilford L. Hoopes Miss Carolyn Haven Edwin W. Hiam Mr. Alfred Hoose Mrs. John Hawes Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John B. Hawes Francis H. Higgins Gerald W. Hopkins Dr. Lloyd E. Hawes Mrs. John W. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Miss Laura M. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hopkins Mrs. Frank W. Hawley Richard R. Higgins Mr. Charles Hopkinson Mrs. William P. Hawley Mr. Francis L. Higginson Mr. and Mrs. Major and Mrs. Miss Dorothy E. Hildreth Mark M. Horblit Raymond F. Hawtin Mrs. Adams S. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Miss Margaret A. Hayden Mrs. Arthur D. Hill Maurice H. Horblit Mr. Sherman S. Hayden In Memory of Claude P. Hill Miss Carol Horgan Mrs. Joseph M. Hayman, Jr. Mrs. Converse Hill Miss Mary E. Horgan Miss Muriel S. Haynes Mrs. Lawson T. Hill Mrs. Mabel A. Home Mrs. William Haynes-Smith Miss Margaret B. Hill Mr. Abe W. Horowitz Mrs. Harry T. Hayward Mr. and Mrs. Miss Phyllis A. Horsman Mrs. Thomas G. Hazard George E. Hills Miss Barbara Horton Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Sol Horwitz Harold L. Hazen Harry V. Himes Mrs. Murray P. Horwood Mrs. Isabel H. Healey Mrs. Hugh S. Hince Miss Phoebe Lee Hosmer Mr. Henry C. Heaney Mrs. E. Sturgis Hinds Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Houck Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. James Hinkle Miss Elizabeth B. Hough Hamilton Heard Dr. Crawford H. Hinman Miss Constance Houghton Mrs. Bigelow Heath Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Henry G. Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Hinton Miss Mabel E. Houghton Harold B. Hebbard Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Samuel G. Houghton Miss Mary Ann Hecker Oiva E. Hintsa Miss Blanche E. Houlahan Mrs. Elliott R. Hedge Mrs. Henriette Hirshman Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Henry Rogers Hedge Mr. Alfred G. Hite Charles F. Hovey Mrs. William R. Hedge Mr. David L. Hixon Mr. and Mrs. Miss M. E. Hegan Mr. Richard B. Hobart Jack G. Hovey Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heins Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ann Howard Mrs. Arthur Beecher Hobbs Miss Jean F. Howard William Heintzelman Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Hobbs Miss Lucia S. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Peter W. Hobbs Mrs. A. Murray Howe Bernard Helman Miss Rebekah Hobbs Mr. Dudley R. Howe

Mr. S. J. Helman Mr. Walter L. Hobbs Mr. Forest W. Howe Mrs. George W. Hemenway Mrs. George F. Hodder Mr. Henry S. Howe Mr. Seymour L. Hendel Mr. Rudolph Hoefler Mr. James C. Howe Mrs. Alexander E. Henderson Mrs. Charles Hoffbauer Miss Jeanette Hart Howe Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jacques Hoffmann Mr. M. A. DeWolfe Howe R. G. Henderson Mr. John H. Hofmann Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mary A. Hogan William W. Howell Vincent L. Hennessy Mrs. Donald Hoi brook Mrs. William White Howells Miss Laura Henry Miss Edith C. Holbrook Mr. Ralph M. Hower Mr. Andrew H. Hepburn Miss Elizabeth L. Holbrook Mrs. Osborne Howes In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Hennie A. Herman Harold A. Holbrook David H. Howie Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Richard P. Holland Miss Edith A. Howland Louis Hermanson Miss Priscilla M. Holman Mrs. Llewellyn Howland

Mr. Kevin Hern Mrs. Edward J. Holmes Miss Mildred R. Howland Miss Phrae Hernan Mrs. Edward O. Holmes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Christian A. Herter Mrs. Edward Pratt Holmes Weston Howland Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Hector McL. Holmes Mr. Alexander E. Hoyle Robert F. Herzberg In Memory of Dr. and Mrs. v Mr. Bradford F. Herzog Malcolm H. Holmes Lyman H. Hoyt Dean and Mrs. Miss Madalene D. Holt Mr. Charles W. Hubbard, Jr. Paul M. Herzog Miss Katharine A. Homans Dr. Eliot Hubbard, Jr.

Miss Helen H. Hess Miss Marian J. Homans Mrs. Henry V. Hubbard Mr. Bernard C. Heyl Miss Adelaide Homer Mr. Ralph K. Hubbard

1262 [ ] «'< -



Miss Elinor L. Hughes Mr. Lawrence M. Jackson Mrs. Hetty L. R. Kaffenburgh Mrs. H. Maurice Hughes Mrs. Robert H. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Howard E. Hugo Mr. Samuel R. Jackson Abbott N. Kahn

Mrs. Eugene J. V. Huiginn Miss May L. Jacobs Mrs. Arthur M. Kahn Mrs. Paul E. Humez Mrs. William Jacobson Mrs. Benjamin A. Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Louis L. Jaffe Mrs. Rudolph Kaldeck Homer C. Humphrey Mr. William James Mr. Ernst Kallmes Mr. Walter Humphreys Mrs. William James Dr. and Mrs. Miss Mary Ethel Hunneman Miss Helen M. Jameson Lewis W. Kane Mr. Robert I. Hunneman Mrs. J. B. Jamieson Mr. Alexander Kan tor Mrs. Arnold W. Hunnewell Mrs. Benjamin F. Jaques Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Francis Mrs. Richard E. Jeffery Alfred Kaplan Welles Hunnewell Mrs. Charles S. Jeffrey Hon. and Mrs.

Miss Priscilla P. Hunnewell Miss Alice C. Jenckes Jacob J. Kaplan Mr. William P. Hunnewell Mrs. Arnold D. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jerome C. Hunsaker Mr. George O. Jenkins Joseph Kaplan Albert Mr. L. Mrs. B. Hunt James Jenks, Jr. Mr. Anthony J. Kapus Mrs. Charlotte A. Hunt Mrs. Warren Jenney Mrs. Esther Ross Karlson Mrs. E. J. B. Huntoon Mr. and Mrs. Dr. David Karp Mr. Christopher W. Hurd E. Morton Jennings, Jr. Mrs. Max L. Kates Mrs. G. Newell Hurd Mr. James T. Jensen Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. John C. Hurd Miss Patricia Jensen E. E. Kattwinkel Miss Lydia A. Hurd Mr. William Paul Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Max Katz Mrs. Spencer M. Hurtt, Jr. Miss Edith Jewell Mr. Stanley N. Katz Mrs. Benjamin Hurvitz Mrs. Pliny J ewell, Jr. Mrs. Erick Kauders Mrs. Norman Hutton Mr. T. E. Jewell In Memory of Mr. Robert F. Hutton Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell B. Kaufman Mr. Emery I. Huvos T. Edson Jewell, Jr. Mitchell B. Kaufman Mrs. H. Stanley Hyde Dr. Pierre Johannet Charitable Foundation Miss Mary R. Hyde Mrs. Herman Johanson Mrs. Norman B. Kaufman Miss Esther Hyman Mrs. Charles B. Johnson Mr. Axel Kaufmann 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Johnson Mr. Richard L. Kaye

Miss Edith Morse Johnson Mr. William J. Keaney Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frederick Johnson Mrs. John L. Keedy Frederick T. Iddings Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Percy C. Idell George Blake Johnson Joseph H. Keenan Dr. Joseph Igersheimer Mrs. George F. Johnson Mrs. H. Nelson Keene Mrs. Edward Ingraham Mrs. John W. Johnson, Jr. Mrs. Harold C. Keith Miss Ivy F. Inman Mrs. Peer P. Johnson Mr. Jean Reed Keith Miss Minnie M. Inman Reverend and Mrs. Mr. Preston B. Keith Miss Emilia Ippolito Raymond B. Johnson Mr. Harrison Keller Mrs. William D. Ireland Miss Winifred H. Johnstone Reverend and Mrs. Miss Marion R. Irvine Mrs. Arthur M. Jones Howard P. Kellett Mrs. C. Miss Blanche Irving Cheney Jones Mrs. John J. Kelley Mrs. John W. Irwin Miss Dorothy F. Jones Miss Mary Jane Kelley Mr. Kenneth L. Isaacs Miss Eleanor H. Jones Mrs. Shaun Kelly Mr. Israel Dok Isenberg The Misses Eleanor P. and Miss Helen M. Kelsey Miss S. Grace Ishkanian Ruth L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Myer Israel Mrs. Francis R. Jones Charles Kemler

Mrs. William Ittmann Mrs. Fredericks Jones Mr. Henry P. Kendall :

Mrs. J. A. Izenstatt Miss Helen M. Jones Mr. and Mrs. .- Miss Helen T. Jones Walter J. Kendall Mr. Mrs. J. Arthur Jones Edward H. Kenerson . Mrs. James R. Jack Miss Margaret H. Jones Miss Thelma M. Kenison Mrs. A. E. Jackson Mr. Colonel and Mrs. Paul Jones • Miss Annie H. Jackson Clement Kennedy Mr. W. St. Clair Jones Mrs. Charles Jackson, Jr. Mrs. Everett E. Kent Mrs. C. A. Jordan Mr. David W. Jackson Mrs. Ira Rich Kent Mr. Mark R. Jouett Mr. Earl G. Jackson Mrs. Estelle B. Kenyon • Mr. and Mrs. In Memory of Mrs. Mrs. Shirley K. Kerns Henry B. Jackson C. Frederick Joy, Jr. Mrs. H. Kerr-Blackmer Mrs. James Jackson Miss Gladys Tucker Joyce Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Junior League of Pittsfield, John A. Kessler James Jackson, Jr. Massachusetts Mrs. Kenneth D. Ketchum

[1263] I FRIENDS OF THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (Continued) Mrs. Phillips Ketchum Mr. and Mrs. Hans T. Kroto Miss Helene G. Lee Miss Margaret W. Kettell Mr. and Mrs. Miss Holly B. Lee Miss Dorothy E. Keyes Clarence P. Kudisch Mrs. Joseph Lee, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George W. Kuehn Miss Marjorie S. Lee George Khiralla Mrs. David H. F. Kuell, Jr. Mr. Peter Lee Mr. and Mrs. Miss Yvonne K. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert V. Kibrick Kuhn-Regnier Richard M. Lee Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Kibrick Mr. Daniel Kuntz Dr. and Mrs. Roger I. Lee Mrs. Henry P. Kidder Mr. and Mrs. Miss Susan Lee Mrs. Luba Kilstein E. Anthony Kutten Miss Sylvia Lee Mrs. Charles H. Kimball Miss Margaret Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leeder Mr. and Mrs. Chase Kimball Mrs. Eugene Lehner Mrs. Fred Nelson Kimball Mr. Hans Lehner Mrs. Walter E. Kimball Mr. Benjamin Woods Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin King Labaree Royal W. Leith Mrs. Gilbert King Mrs. Charles V. Labovitz Miss Elizabeth Carter Leland Miss Helen C. King Mrs. Alexander H. Ladd Mr. Henri Lench Mr. Henry Parsons King Miss Rosamond Lamb Mr. Richard Van S. Lenk Mr. William King Mr. Robert H. Lamond Mrs. William G. Lennox Mrs. William F. King Mr. Charles S. LaMonte Mr. and Mrs. Miss Marion C. Kingman Miss Alice E. Lamprey Clement Lenom Mrs. E. W. Kingsbury Mr. Clement R. Lamson Miss Adele V. Leonard Mr. Edward P. Kingsbury Miss Katharine P. Lanctot Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Leonard Mrs. Samuel Kingsdale Dr. David Landau Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Wisner P. Kinne Mr. and Mrs. Emery N. Leonard Mrs. Percy E. Kinney Martin M. Landay Miss Marian Leonard Mrs. William Abbot Kinsman Mr. and Mrs. Miss Pauline F. Leonard Mrs. E. Shaw Kirkbride Frederick S. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George H. Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Leonard Mr. Samuel Kirstein H. Richardson Lane Mr. Edward C. Lerner Mrs. R. Kirsten Miss Helen J. Lang Mrs. Louis C. Lerner ) Mrs. Edward H. Kittredge Miss Margaret Ruthven Lang Mrs. H. Frederick Lesh Mrs. Francis B. Kittredge Mrs. Frederick C. Mr. David J. Lessels Mrs. Louis Klebenov Langenberg Mrs. Horace Hardy Lester Mrs. Arthur Klein Mr. William L. Langer In Memory of Miss Elise Klein Mrs. Herbert F. Langley Mrs. Helen O. Leszuk Mrs. Herbert H. Klein Miss Bertha Langmaid Miss Sophie Le* enson Mr. Joseph Klein Miss Bette Lansky Mr. Herman Leventhal Mr. and Mrs. Miss Julia Larimer Mrs. Harry Levi Henry E. Kloss Miss Elizabeth Lathrop Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Levin Harry J. Klotz Frank D. Lathrop Mrs. Cecil Levin Miss Valeria A. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Colman Levin Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Knauth Henry A. Laughlin Mrs. Francis F. Levin Mr. Carl E. Kneuertz Mrs. Charles E. Lauriat, Sr. Mr. I. Norman Levin Mrs. W. S. Knickerbocker Miss Carmela F. Lauro Miss Marilyn Levin Mrs. Carleton Knight Mrs. Charles H. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frederick H. Knight Mrs. Charles H. Myer Levin Miss J. Paula G. Knight Lawrence, III Dr. and Mrs. Orrin Levin Mrs. Walter D. Knight Mrs. James Lawrence, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Levine Mrs. John H. Knowles Mrs. John S. Lawrence Mrs. Carlisle N. Levine Miss Selma Koehler Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harry Levine Mrs. Warren Kohn Stanley H. Lawton Miss Iris Levine Miss Doris Koopman Mr. J. William Leach, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Miss Hattie L. Kopf Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Learned Samuel A. Levine Miss Toby Koritz Mr. Richard E. Leary Mrs. Frederick Jefferson Mrs. William S. Koster Mr. and Mrs. Leviseur Mr. Ernest Kotzian Ernest F. Leathern June Rockwell Levy Mrs. Serge Koussevitzky Mrs. Frederic K. Leatherbee Foundation Mrs. Gerald M. Kramer Miss Elma S. Leavis Mr. Charles J. Lewin Miss Roslyn E. Kramer Mrs. Peter M. Leavitt Miss Eleanor S. Lewis Mrs. Mary Krantz Dr. Paul B. LeBaron Mr. and Mrs. Mr. J. Frederick Krokyn Mrs. Charles E. Lee Frank M. Lewis Miss Jenny C. Kroll Miss Dorothy Lee Mrs. George Lewis [1264] FRIENDS OF THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (Continued)

Mrs. George Lewis, Jr. Mrs. Joseph Lourie Miss Elizabeth Maginnis Mrs. George Albert Lewis Mrs. Henry D. Love Miss Nancy Magrane Miss Lillian K. Lewis Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy Mrs. Calvert Magruder Mr. Philip B. Lewis Mr. Winslow H. Loveland Mr. Donald Maher

Mrs. Philip H. Lewis Miss Kathleen M. Lovely Mr. John J. Mahoney Lewis-Shepard Fund Mrs. Ernest Lovering Miss Alice A. Main Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mary Helen Majo George E. Libby George H. Lowe, III Mrs. B. Buckley Mallinckrodt Mr. Harris Baum Libby Miss Pauline B. Lubell Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Louis Libman Dr. Bertram Lubin George C. Manning Mr. Chi-Sun Lin Mrs. Inez M. Lucas Miss Marion W. Mansfield Miss Constance E. Linberg Miss Mabel Ellen Lucas Miss Sarah A. Marble Mrs. Alexander Lincoln Mr. Stephen B. Luce Dr. Eleanore G. Marchand

Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frank J. Ludwig Mrs. Richard J. Marcus Richard K. Lincoln Miss Helen Lumian Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Marcy Mrs. Allan P. Lindblad Mrs. Lela A. Lumian Mr. Philip S. Marden Miss Edith Lindblom Mrs. Fred B. Lund Mrs. Robert H. Marden Mrs. John H. Lindsey Mrs. Joseph W. Lund Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Linenthal Miss Jean Lunn Bernard Marglin Miss Doris Munroe Linnell Mrs. John A. Lunn Mr. and Mrs. Miss Letitia H. Linsley Mrs. George P. Lunt Joseph B. Margolis Mr. David S. Linton Mr. and Mrs. Lea S. Luquer Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Max Lipson Mrs. Thatcher P. Luquer George A. Markell Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Moses H. Lurie Mrs. Samuel Markell Francis Toppan Lithgow Mrs. Reuben L. Lurie Miss Helen Markey Mr. Bertram K. Little Miss Alma Lutz Mrs. S. Forrest Martin Dr. and Mrs. Brian Little Mrs. Charles Peirson Lyman Reverend Joseph A. Mrs. Harry B. Little Mrs. Harrison F. Lyman Martus, S.J. Mr. John E. Little Mrs. Henry Lyman Mrs. Thomas Marvell

Mrs. Leon M. Little Mr. William J. Lynch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Marion O. Little Miss Blanche E. Lyon H. Crandall Mason Mr. and Mrs. Royal Little Mrs. George Armstrong Lyon Miss H. Florence Mason Mr. and Mrs. Miss Gladys P. Lyons Mrs. Sydney R. Mason Thomas W. Little Miss Mary Elizabeth Lyons Mrs. Edward R. Masters Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Livingston Eugene H. Mather Mrs. Rudolf Lob Mr. Arthur Maass Mrs. Philip R. Mather Mrs. Dunbar Lockwood Mrs. Leslie MacDill Mrs. Alfred Matless Mrs. H. deForest Lockwood Miss A. Harriet MacDonald Mrs. H. N. Matthews Miss E. Laura Lockwood Mr. Arch J. Macdonald Miss Anna R. Maxwell Miss Lena W. Lockwood Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Pierre Mayer Dr. Halsey B. Loder William J. Macdonald Mr. Clarence D. Maynard Hon. Mrs. John MacDuffie, II Miss Florence Maynard Dr. and Mrs. Miss Bette G. Macheras Mr. Robert W. Maynard L. Herbert Loeb Miss Julia G. Macheras Mrs. Lawrence S. Mayo Mrs. H. C. Loeffler Miss Susan H. MacKay Miss Lina A. Mayo Mr. and Mrs. Mme. Marcelle MacKee Mrs. W. Harold Mays Laurence M. Lombard Mr. Arthur G. MacKenzie, Jr. Mrs. John McAndrew Mr. Abram M. London Miss Jessie Bell MacKenzie Mrs. John McCandless Mrs. Jack I. London Mr. Lauchlin J. MacKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John A. Long Miss Mary Jane MacKenzie George McCandlish Mrs. W. T. Longcope Mrs. Alexander Macleod Mr. Thomas F. McCarthy Mrs. Aaron A. Loomis Mrs. Eldon Macleod Mr. Peter E. McCarty Mrs. Robert H. Loomis Mrs. T. D. Macmillan Miss Grace E. McClelland Miss Katharine Lord Miss Anna-Louise MacNeil Mr. and Mrs. D. B. McClosky Mrs. W. H. Lord Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Frederick M. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lord Edward F. MacNichol McConnell, R.N. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Stanley McCormick Atherton Loring, Jr. L. W. Macomber Mrs. Warren A. McCorrison Mrs. John C. G. Loring Mrs. Warren MacPherson Miss Catherine B. McCoy Miss Marjorie C. Loring Mrs. Elmore I. MacPhie Miss Grace S. McCreary Mrs. Dorothy Curtis Loud Mrs. Alfred Madfis Mrs. Lewis S. McCreary Miss Roberta Curtis Loud Mrs. H. Kelvin Magill Miss Zorine McDonnell Mr. Alan D. Lourie Miss Kathryn B. Magill Miss Alice McDowell



Mr. J. Franklin McElwain Mr. Arthur Miller Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Mors Mrs. Holden McGinley Mr. Charles P. Miller Mr. John F. Morse Mrs. Allyn B. Mclntire Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Julius C. Morse Mrs. Alfred R. Mclntyre Edwin H. Miller Miss Leonice S. Morse Mrs. E. Rudolf McKay Mrs. J. F. G. Miller Miss Marianne Morse Miss L. Frances McKeen Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ona A. Morse Miss Sadie M. McKenna Maurice I. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Miss Emily W. McKibbin Mrs. Stanley R. Miller Robert G. Morse Mrs. Walter M. McKim Mrs. V. Rogers Miller Mr. Robert M. Morse Mrs. H. E. McKinstry Mrs. Joseph Knowles Miss Rowena H. Morse Mrs. John B. McKittrick Milliken Mrs. Everett Morss Mrs. Leland S. McKittrick Mr. and Mrs. Harry Milman Mrs. Henry A. Morss Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Paul Mimart Mr. and Mrs. L. S. McKittrick, Jr. Mrs. George R. Minot Henry A. Morss, Jr. Miss Rebecca W. Mrs. Herman A. Mintz Mrs. Noel Morss McLanathan Miss Eleanor E. Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Mors Miss Mary E. McLean Dr. George W. Mitchell, Jr. Mrs. Evelyn H. Morton Mrs. Hugh D. McLellan Mr. Harry A. Mitchell Mrs. William F. Morton Mrs. George P. McNear Mr. Stewart Mitchell Miss Helen C. Moseley Miss Margaret L. McQuaid Mr. William P. Mitchell Mrs. Francis S. Moulton Miss Sarah A. McTarnahan Mrs. Arthur G. Mitton Mr. Penfield Mower Miss Sylvia Meadows Mrs. Samuel Mixter Reverend Joseph

Dr. J. Howard Means Dr. and Mrs. A. Moynahan, D. D. Mr. H. Lester Medlinsky Wm. Jason Mixter Dr. and Mrs. Mr. Frank E. Meehan Mr. and Mrs. Elmer B. Mode S. Richard Muellner Miss Jane S. Megrew Mrs. Richard E. Moerschner Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vincent Meigs William J. Mulligan Mr. Metcalf W. Melcher Erik Mollo-Christensen Miss Alice H. Mumford Miss Ida Meltzer Mr. and Mrs. Harold Molter Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meltzer Mrs. Charles L. Mong, Jr. George S. Mumford Miss Mildred M. Menard Mr. Fred Monosson Dr. Charles Munch ) Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert L. Monroe Mr. James S. Munro, Jr. C. Douglas Mercer Mrs. Hugh Montgomery Mrs. Willis Munro The Merkers Mrs. James A. Montgomery Mrs. Francis F. Munroe Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. James A. Munroe Irving R. Merriam Robert H. Montgomery Miss Margaret Munsterberg Mrs. Robert C. Merriam Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Kenneth B. Murdock Mr. Ezra Merrill Spencer B. Montgomery Miss Barbara B. Murphy Mrs. Roger B. Merriman Miss Mary C. E. Mooney Mr. Thomas F. Murphy Mr. Nestor Merritt Mrs. Edward C. Moore Dr. Arthur C. Murray Mrs. Herbert B. Merser Miss Eva M. Moore Rt. Rev. Edward G. Miss Marjorie L. Merwin Miss Marguerite Moore Murray, D.D.

Miss Marie C. Messer Mr. William J. Moore, Jr. Mrs. Henry A. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Robert W. Murray Frank S. Metcalf Leonard Mordecai Mrs. William M. Murray Mrs. George Putnam Metcalf Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt Morgan Miss Mildred Muscanto Mrs. V. C. Metzger Mr. Philip M. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Max I. Mydans Mrs. Edward C. Meyer Mr. Vincent Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Professor Samuel Eliot Charles H. Myers Henry H. Meyer, Jr. Morison Mr. Herbert J. Myers Miss M. Ruth Michael Mr. and Mrs. Miss Robin Myrer-Hendrich Professor and Mrs. Charles R. Morris Alan S. Michaels Dr. Lloyd E. Morris, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Alva Morrison Mr. J. Maurice Naparstek H. Nargesian Jost J. Michelsen Miss Gertrude Morrison Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Robert M. Morrison Mr. Peter H. Nash Harry S. Middendorf Dr. Arthur M. Morrissey Mrs. E. Geoffrey Nathan Miss Muriel Middleton Mrs. Arthur H. Morse Mrs. Joseph B. Nathan Mr. and Mrs. Boris Migliori Mrs. Carleton D. Morse Mr. Charles F. Nayor Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charles F. Morse Mrs. Peter Nazaretian Charles H. Milender Miss Charlotte G. S. Morse Miss Esther Nazarian Mrs. Joseph L. Milhender Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Saul N. Nectow Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Morse Mr. and Mrs.

Alton L. Miller Miss J. G. Morse James Neely, Jr. [1266] FRIENDS OF THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (Continued)

Miss Helen S. Neill Miss Margaret Olmsted Mrs. Ernst M. Parsons Miss Adeline C. M. Nelson Mrs. Morris Omansky Mr. and Mrs. Talcott Parsons Mr. Carl G. Nelson Miss Nora Z. O'Neill Mr. Claude E. Patch Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Leonard Opdycke Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Patch Dellieware R. Nelson Mrs. Joseph Oppenheim Miss Mary Jane Patch Karl Mrs. Loomis Patrick Mrs. Harris J. Nelson Mr. Oppenheimer Miss Katherine L. Nevins Mrs. Ethel Opper Miss Catharine Patton Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William Dana Orcutt Mrs. James E. Patton George D. Newall Mr. Robert C. Orr Mr. Leonard M. Pauplis Mr. Cammann Newberry Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Eleanor Pavenstedt Mrs. James M. Newell Melvin P. Osborne Miss Amelia Peabody Mrs. C. B. Newhall Mrs. Ralph Osborne Mrs. Charles C. Peabody Mrs. Charles A. Newhall Dr. and Mrs. Mr. Francis W. Peabody Peabody Mrs. Samuel J. Newman Herman A. Osgood Mrs. Harold Mrs. Edwin M. Newton Dr. and Mrs. Rudolf Osgood Mr. Robert E. Peabody Mr. and Mrs. Miss Grace M. Otis Mrs. H. J. Pearlin Harland B. Newton Mr. and Mrs. James Otis Mrs. Charles F. Pease Miss M. M. Nicholls Mrs. Charles H. Overly Mrs. Lincoln Peavy, Jr. Mr. Acosta Nichols, Jr. Mrs. Frank Sewall Owen Reverend and Mrs. Miss Dorothy Nichols Mrs. Madeline Charles Russell Peck In Memory of Crandall Owen Mr. and Mrs. Elsie Quincy Nichols Mrs. W. Myron Owen Alexander I. Peckham E. Peirce Mrs. Henry J. Nichols Miss Katharine Mrs. Rodman A. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Miss Miriam A. Nickerson Miss Marjorie T. Packard Charles O. Pengra Mrs. John T. Nightingale Mrs. Louis F. Paddison Mr. and Mrs. John B. Pepper Miss Nina Nightingale Miss Elizabeth A. Page Mrs. Lawrence F. Mrs. Harold L. Niles Mrs. Richard S. Paige Percival, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Elsie M. Paine Mr. and Mrs. Louville F. Niles Mrs. Frank C. Paine Gino L. Perera Misses Joan and Ruby Nilson Reverend George L. Paine Miss Alice Sherburne Perkins Mr. Philip R. Noble Mrs. John A. Paine Miss Charlotte C. Perkins Bishop F. S. Noli Mrs. John B. Paine Mrs. G. Howard Perkins Mrs. Hyman Nollman Miss Ruth H. Paine Mrs. James H. Perkins Norfolk County Trust Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Paine Hon. and Mrs. Company Mrs. John G. Palfrey John F. Perkins Miss C. Maud Norris Mrs. Franklin H. Palmer Dr. and Mrs. Palfrey Perkins Mr. Edward W. Norris Mr. and Mrs. Miss Sylvia Perkins Miss Ruth E. Norris John Gay Palmer Mrs. Thomas Nelson Perkins Mrs. E. Russell Norton Miss Mildred Paperman Miss Elisabeth B. Perlmuter Mr. John C. Nott Mrs. Roswell Parish Miss Lena G. Perrigo Miss Annie Endicott Nourse Mrs. Charles E. Park Mrs. Arthur Perry Dr. and Mrs. H. Allan Novack Mr. Francis E. Park, III Mrs. Carroll Perry Mr. Kalman Novak Miss Marion E. Park Mr. Donald P. Perry Miss Penelope B. Noyes Mr. and Mrs. Miss Edith M. Perry Mr. Charles R. Nutter Augustin H. Parker, Jr. Mrs. Edward K. Perry Mrs. Robert N. Nye Mrs. Cortlandt Parker Mrs. Finley H. Perry Mrs. Theodore H. Nye Mrs. Edward M. Parker Mrs. Henry H. Perry Mrs. Francis T. Parker Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Perry Miss Harriet F. Parker Miss Pauline Perry Mr. and Mrs. Hon. Haven Parker Mrs. Roger A. Perry F. Robert O'Connell Mrs. J. Harleston Parker Mr. and Mrs. Miss Elizabeth W. O'Connor Mrs. Robert B. Parker Constantin A. Pertzoff Miss Mary C. O'Connor Mrs. William A. Parker Mrs. Everett W. Pervere Miss Mary Elizabeth Mrs. William Stanley Parker Mrs. Alexander C. Peters O'Connor Mrs. John Parkinson Mr. and Mrs. Max Petersen Miss Esther Odell Mrs. Nathaniel E. Parkinson Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Raymond H. Odell Mr. Samuel T. Parks Arthur R. Peterson Miss Martha Oestmann Miss Mary Parlett Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Olans Mrs. Alice M. Parnell Lester M. Peterson Mr. Otto Oldenberg Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Charles Howard Pettit Mrs. Phylis Rome Olian John W. Parshley Mrs. Franklin T. Pfaelzer Miss Carolyn Olmsted Mrs. Brackett Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Mr. George Olmsted, Jr. Miss Dorothy A. Parsons Karl S. Pfaffmann



Mr. George J. Pfannenstiehl Mrs. Alex S. Porter Mrs. John Rabaiotti Miss Marguerite Pfleghaar Mr. Alexander B. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Irving W. Rabb Mrs. Louis E. Phaneuf Mrs. Charles Allen Porter Radcliffe Choral Society Mrs. Mildred C. Phelps Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. B. Harrison Ragle

Mr. Reginald H. Phelps Julian F. Porter Mr. John J. Rallis Mrs. Roswell F. Phelps Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Norman F. Ramsey Mrs. Merchant E. Philbrick James Otis Post In Memory of Mrs. John C. Phillips Mrs. John R. Post Miss Bertha Ramseyer Mr. and Mrs. Miss Constance W. Potter Mrs. C. Theodore Ramseyer Michael Phillips Mrs. John Briggs Potter Miss Elizabeth S. Ramseyer Mrs. Whitmarsh Phillips Mrs. Chester J. Powers Mrs. C. Irving Rand Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George H. Powers Miss Frieda Rand Phillips Miss Katharine William Mrs. John J. Powers Rand Mrs. Charles W. Phinney Mrs. Margaret W. Powers Miss Eleanor E. Randall Mrs. Frederick W. Phinney Mrs. Walter Powers Mr. Larcom Randall Mrs. Leslie Pratt Phinney Miss Mary M. Prall Miss Harriet C. Rantoul Mrs. Richard D. Phippen Dr. George C. Prather In Memory of Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Burleigh L. Pratt Mrs. Lucy S. Rantoul Walter G. Phippen Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Perry T. Rathbone Mrs. Cadis Phipps Edwin H. B. Pratt Mrs. Theresa S. Ratshesky Miss Doris W. Pickard Mrs. Frederick S. Pratt Miss Eleanor Raymond Mr. C. Marvin Pickett, Jr. Mrs. W. Elliott Pratt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Mr. Willard R. Pratt Fairfield E. Raymond Pickhardt, Jr. Miss Rosalia Preble Miss Rachel C. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Miss Marenda E. Prentis Mrs. Edith A. Reddick Dudley L. Pickman, Jr. Miss Mary Eleanor Prentiss Mrs. Eugene Tryon Mr. and Mrs. Miss Alice A. Preston Redmond Edward M. Pickman Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Franklin A. Reece Miss Catharine W. Pierce Elwyn G. Preston, Jr. Mrs. George Hale Reed Miss Dorothy Pierce Mrs. Roger Preston Miss Mabel S. Reed Mr. Edward Franklin Pierce Mrs. William M. Preston Mrs. Paul R. Reed ) Mr. and Mrs. Miss lone Price Mrs. A. William Reggio George W. Pierce Mrs. John Pridgeon Dr. Duncan E. Reid Mr. Henry L. Pierce Miss Annie E. Priest Miss Margaret G. Reilly Mr. Laurence A. Pierce Mrs. Morton P. Prince Miss Mary Louise Reilly Miss Louisa Q. Pierce Miss Joyce Prior Mr. Jan Reiner Miss Antoinette L. Pieroni Mr. and Mrs. Miss Annie Reis Mrs. John Pieroni Edward O. Proctor Dr. Arnold S. Relman Mrs. A. Resnick Mrs. Paul J. W. Pigors Mrs. George N. Proctor Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Emerson Miss Ida G. Reynolds Charles G. Pike Proctor Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Eugene W. Pike Mr. and Mrs. James Robert Reynolds Mrs. Samuel H. Pillsbury Jacob A. Promboin Miss Rachel Reynolds Mrs. Vincent Low Pinkham Dr. and Mrs. Curtis Prout Mrs. Charles A. Rheault Professor and Mrs. Mrs. Henry B. Prout Mr. and Mrs. Walter Piston Mrs. Lewis I. Prouty Winfred Rhoades Mr. John P. Pitcherale, R.N. Mrs. Henri Prunaret Mr. J. B. Ribakoff Miss Saidee F. Riccius Miss M. Elizabeth Pitman Mrs. Patrick J. Pryor Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Plant Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Rice Miss Charlotte Podolsky C. Phillips Purdy Miss Elizabeth S. Rice Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Point Mrs. John C. Purves Mrs. Frederick E. Rice Mr. Ralph Pollan Mrs. F. Delano Putnam Mr. Harold Rice Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. George Putnam Mrs. John H. Rice Dr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Pollard Mrs. George J. Putnam Miss H. Jeannette Pollard Miss Louisa H. Putnam William B. Rice Mrs. H. E. D. Pollock Dr. Marian C. Putnam Mrs. Chester F. Rich Mrs. Vivian T. Pomeroy Mrs. Theresa Putnam Mrs. John F. Rich Miss Alice F. Poor Mr. Warren H. Pyle Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Pope Charles O. Richardson Dr .and Mrs. Carlyle Pope Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ruel P. Pope E. P. Richardson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Gardner C. Quarton Mrs. Elliott L. Richardson Frederic T. Poras Mr. and Mrs. Dr. George S. Richardson Mrs. A. Kingsley Porter Samuel T. Quint Mr. Joseph P. Richardson

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Miss Laura Richardson Miss Cecelia Rosenberg Dr. Kent Salter Miss Mabel C. Richardson Mrs. Jeannette Rosenberg Miss Elizabeth Saltonstall Mr. Nicholas Richardson Mrs. Jerome M. Rosenfeld Mr. John L. Saltonstall Miss Ruth K. Richardson Mrs. Harold H. Rosenfield The Honorable and Mrs. Mr. Aaron Richmond Mrs. Eugene Rosenthal

Mrs. J. B. Richmond Mrs. Louis Rosenthal Mr. Nathaniel Saltonstall Mr. W. Douglas Richmond Mrs. Morris Rosenthal Miss Esther Engel Salzman Mr. R. Arnold Ricks Mr. Richard Rosenthal Mrs. Fan£ Salzman Mr. Ralph Riddle Mr. Harold Rosenwald Mrs. George E. Sampson Miss Edith M. Rideout Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Karl Riemer Chester B. Rosoff H. LeBaron Sampson Mr. and Mrs. Julian S. Rifkin Mr. Harold S. Ross Miss Helen M. Sampson

Mrs. Elmer Rigelhaupt Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Ross Mrs. E. J. Samson Miss Mabel Louise Riley Mr. Thorvald S. Ross Mr. Varoujan Samuelian Mrs. Charles P. Rimmer Mr. Mark Rosser Sanborn Company Mrs. Lyle R. Ring Mrs. Mitchell Rosser Mrs. Ashton R. Sanborn Mrs. Hilda Mr. F. J. Ripley Miss Elsie C. Rossmeisl Charles Sanborn HP Miss Virginia A. Ripley Mr. Morris Rothstein Mr. Robert Alden Sanborn Mr. and Mrs. Karl Rissland Dr. Wilfred V. Rounseville Mrs. Edmund Sandars Miss Carol M. Ritchie Mrs. Hartley Rowe Mr. Frank Sander Dr. and Mrs. Max Ritvo Mrs. George B. Rowell Mr. Rudolf Sander Miss Josephine B. Roach Mrs. Charles F. Rowley Mrs. H. Hayward Sanders Mrs. J. Hampden Robb Miss Florence Rowley Mrs. Russell Sanders Mrs. Russell Robb, Sr. Mr. H. Edmond Rowley Mrs. Thomas H. Sanders Miss Phyllis Robbins Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Rowse Miss Phyllis G. Sanderson Mrs. Royal E. Robbins Mr. Edgar L. Roy Miss Ruth D. Sanderson Mrs. Urbain Robert Mr. C. Adrian Riibel Mrs. Samuel Sandler Miss Ethel Dane Roberts Mr. Fritz A. E. Ruben Dr. Kenneth F. Sands Miss Harriet A. Robeson Miss Celia Rubenstein Miss Dorothy J. Sanford Mr. Dwight P. Robinson, Jr. The Honorable Mr. and Mrs. J. Santangelo Mrs. Frank J. Robinson Philip Rubenstein Miss Curbina Santoliquido Mr. Fred N. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harry C. Sarge*it Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel H. Rubin Miss M. Sasserno G. Elliott Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ruth B. Sather Miss Anne M. Rochefort Alford P. Rudnick Dr. and Mrs.

Mr. Robert S. Rockwell Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Saunderson 1 Dr. Ethel M. Rockwood Ralph P. Rudnick Mrs. Frank M. Sawtell Miss Phyllis A. Rodenhiser Miss Hazel W. Ruggles Mrs. C. A. Sawyer Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. John T. Rule Mrs. David H. Sawyer Grant V. Rodkey Mrs. John C. Runkle Mrs. Donald F. Sawyer Mrs. Rodman Mrs. Susanne Rusch Mrs. Frederic H. Sawyer Miss Nancy L. Roelker Mrs. Allen H. Russell Mrs. Henry B. Sawyer Mrs. Horatio Rogers Mrs. James S. Russell Mrs. Linda Makanna Sawyer Mrs. Julian W. Rogers Miss Margaret W. Russell Miss Mary W. Sawyer Mrs. Leslie J. Rogers Mrs. Otis T. Russell Mrs. Motley Sawyer In Memory of Mrs. Renouf Russell Mr. Myer Saxe Mr. Leslie J. Rogers Mrs. Richard M. Russell Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sayles, Jr. In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Linda C. Rogers Richard S. Russell George Scatchard Miss Lucy F. Rogers Mrs. Robert W. Russell Mrs. Richard Schanzle Miss Marion L. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Rust Dr. Richard Schatzki Mr. Robert B. Rogers Mrs. Edward F. Ryan Mrs. James L. Schaye Mr. and Mrs. In Memory of Mary D. Ryan Mr. Paul Schaye Samuel H. Rogers Mr. Samuel M. Ryburn Mrs. Simon Scheff Mrs. William A. Rogers Mrs. Bertram F. Scheffreen Mrs. Fred Roland Mr. William L. Schermerhorn Mr. Benjamin B. Rolde Miss Tyyne M. Saari In Memory of Miles H. Schiff Mrs. James W. Rollins Mrs. Stephen W. Sabine Miss Angelina M. Schipellite Dr. Seymour Romney Dr. Benjamin Sachs Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Stanley H. Rood Miss M. Sacker Amy J. Walton Schirmer Mr. and Mrs. John A. Root Mrs. Bernard Sadow Mrs. Arthur M. Schlesinger • Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Roscoe George A. Sagendorph Paul A. Schmid Miss Mildred H. Rose Salada Tea Company Miss Elizabeth Schneider


Mrs. Edward L. Schroeder Shell Oil Company Colonel and Mrs. Miss Elinor M. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. A. William Smith Dr. and Mrs. Leon Schuman Herbert G. Shelley Mr. Alan A. Smith Schwann Long Playing Mrs. Ruth Shelton Mrs. C. B. Smith Record Catalog Miss Alice Mabel Shepard Mrs. Charles L. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Misses Edith May and Mrs. Clement A. Smith Harry Schwartzman Grace F. Shepard Mrs. Edward A. Smith, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Miss Emily B. Shepard Mrs. F. Morton Smith Scott, Miss Frances A. Smith Alfred W. Jr. Mrs. Frederick J. Shepard, Jr. Mrs. Austin W. Scott Miss Mary E. Shepard Mrs. Frank C. Smith, Jr. Mr. Donald Scott Mrs. Thomas H. Shepard Mrs. George Gilbert Smith Mrs. Henry R. Scott Mrs. Prentiss Shepherd Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Smith Mr. Roger M. Scott Sheraton Corporation of Mrs. H. Wellington Smith Miss Iphigenia Jane Scourtis America Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. John Scrimshaw Miss Rita M. Sherman Harvey J. Smith Mrs. Robert C. Seamans Miss Carrie E. Sherrill Miss Helen C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Mi. Edgar B. Sherrill Dr. Judson A. Smith Campbell L. Searle Mr. Miles S. Sherrill Mr. Louis C. Smith Miss Edith H. Sears Miss Beulah Shields Mr. Louis P. Smith Mrs. Edmund H. Sears Mrs. John Shillito Mrs. Mallory M. Smith Miss Evelyn Sears Mr. Herbert L. Shivek Miss Mary Byers Smith Mrs. Francis P. Sears Mrs. Abraham E. Shlager Mrs. Nelson H. Smith Mrs. John B. Sears Miss Marion C. Shorley Mrs. Ralph L. Smith Miss Leila Sears Mrs. Seabury T. Short Mrs. Reginald H. Smith, Jr. Mrs. Richard Sears Mr. Jacob W. Shoul Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. James D. Seaver Dr. and Mrs. Hyman Shrier Richard Ilsley Smith Miss Helen C. Secrist Mr. Yechiel Shulman Mrs. Richard M. Smith Mr. Samuel M. Seegal Mrs. Arthur A. Shurcliff Mr. and Mrs. S. Abbot Smith Dr. and Mrs. Albert O. Seeler Mrs. Sidney N. Shurcliff Mrs. Stanley W. Smith Mrs. E. Geeson Seewald Mrs. William A. Shurcliff Mrs. Sumner Smith Mr. Irving L. Seiler Mrs. Alfred Sigel Miss Verity Smith ) Mr. and Mrs. Sigma Instruments, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Seiniger Mr. and Mrs. Warren Storey Smith Dr. and Mrs. Coleman Silbert Mrs. Dean Snow Benjamin M. Selekman Miss Aina Sils Mrs. Frederick W. Snow Mr. Serge Semenenko Mr. M. H. Silverman Mrs. William B. Snow Mrs. Joseph Seronde, Jr. Mrs. Max M. Silverman Mr. Herman Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Morris Silverman Dr. and Mrs. John C. Snyder Harry Sesnovich Mr. Nathan Silverstein Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Henry Seton Miss Ethel Simes Joseph J. Snyder Mrs. Alfred M. Sexton Miss Oiive Simes Dr. William D. Sohier, Jr. Mrs. Herbert B. Shaftoe Mrs. Fred E. Simm Mrs. Adrian Solo Dr. Rose Wies Shain Mrs. Edward B. Simmons Dr. Chester I. Solomon Mr. Alexander Shapiro Mrs. Henry Simon Dr. Philip Solomon Mr. Bernard L. Shapiro Mr. Benjamin Simons Mrs. Rose Tanner Solomon Mrs. Carl J. Shapiro Mrs. H. Edgar Simons Mr. and Mrs. Misses Celia and Mr. and Mrs. Abraham M. Sonnabend Anne K. Shapiro Donald B. Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Melvin I. Shapiro Miss Elizabeth Singleton Roger P. Sonnabend Dr. and Mrs. Mr. Robert Sinnott Mrs. Willard B. Soper Reuben Sharenson Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sisson Mrs. Augustus W. Soule Mrs. Clinton H. Shattuck Mr. Jean Sisson Miss Lucia A. Soule Dr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. John H. Sisson Mr. T. L. Southack George C. Shattuck Dr. and Mrs. Miss Frances M. Southard Mrs. Mayo A. Shattuck Warren R. Sisson Mr. Harry C. Southard Mrs. Frank R. Shaw Mrs. Max Slater Mrs. Richard Southgate Miss Margaret C. Shaw Dr. and Mrs. Albert Sloane Miss Anne Soutter Miss Miriam Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Mr. S. L. Slosberg Mrs. Oscar Moore Shaw Stoddard G. Spader Mrs. Isidor Slotnik Mrs. Sohier Shaw Mrs. Archibald H. Spaulding Mr. Thomas Mott Shaw Mrs. Gilbert Small Miss Dorothy Spelman Mrs. Walter K. Shaw Mr. William T. Small Mrs. Henry M. Spelman Mrs. Donna E. Shay Mr. Harold B. Smilie Mrs. W. Frederick Spence Mrs. Winthrop L. Sheedy Mrs. A. Calvert Smith Mrs. Wilford L. Spencer


Mrs. Nathaniel H. Sperber Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George H. Swift Mrs. Willard L. Sperry Edward S. Stimpson Miss G. Marion Swift Miss Pauline Spivack Mrs. Philip Stockton Mrs. John B. Swift Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Clement K. Stodder In Memory of Julian K. Sprague Mr. George Stoia Howard Swiggett Miss Louisa Sprague Dr. and Mrs. Miss Alice H. Sylvester Miss Maud W. Sprague Bartlett H. Stone Mrs. Herbert R. Sylvester Mrs. Phineas W. Sprague Mr. and Mrs. David G. Stone Mrs. Parker Symmes Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Donald I. Spund Dewey David Stone Mrs. Charles G. Squibb Mr. Edward C. Stone Dr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Taft Miss Helen M. Staats Mrs. Harold Stone Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Taft Mrs. Markham W. Stackpole The Hon. and Mrs. Mr. Edward Augustine Mrs. Pierpont L. Stackpole Harry K. Stone Taft, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Stone Mr. Roger R. Talanian Frederick L. Stagg Mrs. Malcolm B. Stone Miss Beatrice Talbot Mrs. Richard Stall Mrs. Robert M. Stone Dr. and Mrs. F. B. Talbot In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mary Eloise Talbot Carlton F. Stanley Stephen A. Stone Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Shmishkiss Mrs. David Stoneman Nathan B. Talbot Insurance Agency Miss Elizabeth B. Storer Miss Freda Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. C. M. Storey Mrs. Robert M. Tappan Creighton B. Stanwood Strathmore Shoe Company Mr. Samuel E. Tappan Miss Faith Stanwood Mrs. G. Francis Stratton Miss Anita Tarbell Mrs. Frederic A. Stanwood Mrs. Otto G. T. Straub Miss Janice Tarlin Miss Louie R. Stanwood Mrs. June Hookey Straus Mr. Kemon P. Taschioglou Mrs. Max Stan- Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Miss Anna B. Stearns Jacob H. Strauss Frederick Tauber Mrs. Russell Stearns Mrs. Vcevold W. Strekalovsky Mrs. Brainerd Taylor Mr. Livingston Stebbins Mr. Charles R. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Roderick Stebbins Dr. Walter E. Strimling Charles H. Taylor Mrs. George V. Steele Mrs. Fred G. Stritzinger Mrs. Davis Taylor Miss Mabel A. E. Steele Dr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Strock Mrs. Dorothy K. Taylor Miss Harriet A. Steensen Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Frederick B. Taylor Miss Emma Stein Robert W. Stuart Mrs. John I. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Miss Margaret E. Taylor

Henry J. Stein George P. Sturgis Mrs. Mary-Low Taylor Mrs. Herbert L. Stein Mr. Neville Sturgis Miss Millicent J. Taylor Mrs. Alexander Steinert Miss Elizabeth B. Sturm Mrs. Thomas Taylor Miss Pearl M. Steinmetz Mrs. Sydney Sugarman Mrs. C. G. Tedeschi Mrs. Samuel Stellar Mrs. Arthur C. Sullivan Mrs. John W. Teele Mrs. Preston T. Stephenson Miss Elizabeth M. Sullivan Mr. Stanley F. Teele Mrs. W. R. C. Stephenson Mr. John M. Sullivan Mrs. Albert B. Tenney Mr. and Mrs. Max Sterman Miss Faith T. Sulloway Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Richard W. Sternberg Mr. Charles A. Sumner Edward A. Teplow Miss Helen L. Stetson Mrs. Charles P. Sumner Mr. James R. Terrell • Mrs. Abbot Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ruth K. Terry Mrs. Ames Stevens Heslip E. Sutherland Miss Helen I. Tetlow Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Roger D. Swaim Mrs. Louis B. Thacher Brooks Stevens, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra F. Stevens Robert S. Swain Richard W. Thaler Miss Frances S. Stevens Dr. Channing S. Swan Mrs. Ezra R. Thayer Miss Lena M. Stevens Mrs. Charles L. Swan Miss Harriet F. Thayer Mrs. Raymond Stevens Miss Ethel F. Swan Mrs. John E. Thayer Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. Hogarth Swann Mrs. Lucius E. Thayer William B. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Sherman Rand Thayer Mrs. Earl P. Stevenson Edward M. Swartz Mrs. William G. Thayer Mrs. Robert H. Stevenson Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Lt. Col. Robert Stevenson Swazey Kenneth V. Thimann J. Miss Helen Bernice Sweeney Miss Ethel M. Thoday Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Stewart Dr. and Mrs. Mr. Henry F. Thoma Mr. Robert W. Stewart Herman R. Sweet Mrs. Alfred Thomas Mrs. H. H. Stickney Mrs. Homer N. Sweet Miss Genevieve M. Thomas Mr. Arthur Stillis Miss Edith J. Swett Mr. H. Barton Thomas


Miss Grayce E. Thompson Miss Pauline E. Turner Mrs. Mathew Waldstein Mr. Paul B. Thompson Mrs. Ruth I. Turner Miss Alice S. Wales Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Mr. Andrew M. Wales

Randall Thompson William J. Turtle Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. A. Tuttle Quincy W. Wales Richard H. Thompson Mr. Henry C. Tuttle Mrs. Alice Lee Walker Mrs. Elihu Thomson Miss Theresa H. Twombly Mrs. Frederick B. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Miss Florence L. Tyler Mrs. Guy Warren Walker John L. Thorndike Miss Marion L. Tyler Mrs. Harry H. Walker Mrs. Richard K. Thorndike Mrs. Royal W. Tyler Dr. and Mrs. Miss Helen E. Thornton Mrs. William Bartlett Tyler Philip H. Walker Mrs. Henry Thornton Mrs. Griswold Tyng Mrs. William H. Walker Mrs. Ward Thoron Mrs. Edward I. Walkley Miss Clara M. Thurber Mrs. Charles F. Wallace Mr. Daniel G. Thurman Dr. Miriam S. Udin Mrs. Frank Wallace Miss E. Katharine Tilton Mrs. Israel Uditsky Reverend Dr. John Wallace Miss Elizabeth Tilton Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Caroline Waller Mrs. George H. Timmins Hyman B. Ullian Miss Sarah Walmsley Mr. Richard H. Tingey Mrs. Adolph Ullman Mr. James E. Walsh Mrs. Erna Tislowitz United States Dynamics Corp. Mr. John W. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Usen Mr. Joseph B. Walsh Albert Clement Titcomb Mrs. Kenneth Shaw Usher Mrs. Howland Walter Miss Mary B. Tobey Mrs. Samuel Usher Mrs. C. Russell Walton Mrs. W. P. Tobey Mr. Adolf Walz Dr. Rudolf Toch Mrs. Adeline W. Ward Mrs. Eveleth R. Todd Dr. Suzanne T. Mr. Eugene C. Ward Mr. and Mrs. John M. Tomb Van Amerongen Mrs. Katharine L. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Kojiro Tomita Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Theodore V. W. Ward Mrs. John C. Toomey John S. Van Etten Mrs. Hubert M. Wardwell Mrs. James R. Torbert Mrs. John H. Van Vleck Mrs. Sheldon E. Wardwell Miss Kaye Torrant Mr. Daniel D. Vappi Mrs. Edward Winslow Ware Mrs. Adella R. Tousey Mr. and Mrs. John Vasilchuk Mrs. Guy Waring Miss Katharine Tousey Miss Eugenie Vergnes Mrs. Langdon Warner Mrs. Oswald Tower Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Roger S. Warner Miss Blanche Towle Arthur E. Vershbow Mrs. Arthur M. Warren Mrs. Loren D. Towle Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Bayard Warren Miss Annie R. Townsend Daniel R. Vershbow Mrs. Howland S. Warren Miss Elizabeth Townsend Mr. Herman Vershbow Miss Miriam E. Warren Miss Virginia Townsend Mrs. Robert G. Vickery Mrs. Samuel D. Warren Mrs. Alfred M. Tozzer Mrs. Leon Villmont Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. E. M. Tracy Miss Helen F. Vinal Milton C. Wasby Dr. Carl E. Trapp Miss Doris Volland Mr. Henry B. Washburn Miss Jessie C. Travis Miss Elizabeth R. Vollmayer Mrs. Joseph S. Waterman Treadway Inns Corporation Mrs. Cushing Vose Mrs. B. G. Wateis Miss Emma G. Treadwell Mr. Edwin C. Vose Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. George W. Treat Miss Ruth C. Vose Frederic E. Waters Miss Ella C. Tribble Miss Agnes Watkins Mrs. Esther G. Troeger Charles Hadley Watkins and Miss Thelma Trott Mrs. George R. Wadleigh Richard P. Nyquist, Mr. Charles Trupiano Miss Helen Wadman Associate Mr. Alan R. Trustman Mr. Philip P. Wadsworth Mrs. Charles H. Watkins Dr. Arthur W. Tucker, Jr. Mrs. William Wadsworth Mr. George A. Watkins Dr. and Mrs. Miss Eva K. Wagner Mrs. Donald C. Watson Donald A. Tucker Mrs. G. F. Wahi Mrs. Edward B. Watson Miss Ruth Tucker Dr. and Mrs. Hans Waine Miss Frances I. Watson Mrs. Bayard Tuckerman, Jr. Miss Hazel Waite Mrs. George H. Watson Mrs. Henry Dubois Tudor Dr. Byron H. Waksman Mr. J. Kenneth Watson Miss Harriet E. Tuell Mr. Charles F. Walcott Mrs. Ralph G. Watson

Miss Mary J. Tully Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wald Miss Sylvia H. Watson Mrs. Peter Turchon Mr. and Mrs. Miss Sarah L. Watters Miss Dora Turitz Israel B. Wald Mr. and Mrs. Miss Mary C. Turnbull Mrs. Gretchen H. Waldo William G. Watters Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ruth N. Waldron Miss Gertrude H. Watts Howard M. Turner Mr. William A. Waldron Mrs. Charles A. Weatherby

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Mrs. Florence G. Weber Mr. Walter L. Wheat, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Wick Vf rs. Edwin S. Webster Miss Barbara Wheatland Mr. Francis M. Wiener

Vlrs. Laurence J. Webster Mrs. Stephen Wheatland Mrs. Robert G. Wiese VIr. and Mrs. Miss Adeline E. Wheeler Miss Barbara Wiggin Albert R. Wechsler Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Joseph Wiggin \Ar. Charles F. Weden Alexander Wheeler Mrs. Morrill Wiggin

\Aiss Clarice J. Weeden Miss Elizabeth Wheeler Dr. and Mrs. vlr. Daniel R. Weedon Miss Eunice Wheeler William C. Wigglesworth Hiss Mary Weeks Mrs. Leeds A. Wheeler Mr. Richmond G. Wight Ars. Robert S. Weeks Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William H. Wightman vlr. and Mrs. Leonard Wheeler Mr. Wade H. Wigington, Jr. Sinclair Weeks Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Rufus L. Wilbor tfr. and Mrs. Frank C. Wheelock, Jr. Mrs. Adeline T. Wilder William D. Weeks Mr. George W. Wheelwright Miss Alice L. Wilder Ars. F. C. Weems Mrs. Henry M. Wheelwright Mr. and Mrs. Ars. William M. Weigle Mr. Charles L. Whipple Samuel A. Wilkerson, III Ir. and Mrs. Bruno Weil Mrs. Sherman L. In Memory of Ir. Robert P. Weil, Jr. Whipple, Jr. Katherine Wilkins Irs. Ira J. Weinbaum Miss Anastasia K. White Mr. and Mrs. Irs. Leslie S. Alfred R. Weinberg Dr. Charles J. White Wilkins Ar. Irving Weiner Mrs. Charles P. White Mr. Marshall Sumner Ar and Mrs. Miss Christine White Wilkins Moses A. Weinman Mrs. Eva Whiting White The Hon. and Mrs. At and Mrs. Mrs. Frank S. White Raymond S. Wilkins Lewis H. Weinstein Miss Gertrude A. White Mr. Warde Wilkins Av and Mrs. Mr. Harold R. White Mr. A. C. Wilkinson Nathan Weinstein Mrs. Henry K. White Miss Vivian B. Wille Ar. Daniel Weisberg Mr. Henry Wade White Mrs. Alexander Williams Irs. Robert Weiss Mr. James N. White Mr. Alexander W. Williams Irs. Soma Weiss Dr. and Mrs. Miss Hannah Williams )r. and Mrs. Malvin F. White Miss Hazel Williams Claude E. Welch Miss Marian E. White Miss Hilda W. Williams Irs. E. Sohier Welch In Memory of Mary E. White Mrs. Horace D. H. Williams Ir. and Mrs. James O. Welch Mrs. Richardson White Miss Janet M. Williams Ir. John F. Welch, Jr. Miss Ruth M. Whitehill Mrs. John T. Williams liss Elizabeth Mr. Jordan M. Whitelaw Miss Margaret C. Williams Rodman Weld Miss Anne Whiteman Miss Marion Williams liss Helen Weld Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Moses Williams Irs. George J. Weller Homer Whitford Mr. and Mrs. Ir. and Mrs. Mrs. James E. Whitin Ralph B. Williams Raynor G. Wellington Miss Isabel Whiting Mr. and Mrs. Irs. Gordon B. Wellman Mrs. Jasper Whiting Robert S. Williams ^he Albert B. Wells Mrs. Mason T. Whiting Mr. and Mrs. Family Trusts Mrs. Max O. Whiting S. P. Williams Irs. A. Turner Wells Mrs. Howard S. Whitley Mr. John W. Williamson liss Edna Wells Miss Emily Jane Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. Ir. and Mrs. Miss Dorothy Whitman Robert W. Williamson John M. Wells Miss Grace H. Whitman Mrs. James B. Willing Irs. William K. Wells Mr. Lee Whitman, Jr. Mr. Harold B. Willis Irs. Barrett Wendell, Jr. Mrs. Raymond Whitman Miss Ruby Willis liss Margaret Wentworth Mrs. Burgess Whitney Miss Ruth C. Willis Ir. and Mrs. Mrs. Byam Whitney Mrs. Wesley P. Wilmot Mark R. Werman Mrs. C. Handasyde Whitney Mrs. Albert O. Wilson Ir. and Mrs. Ralph Werman Miss Margaret Whitney Mrs. Edward Chase Wilson liss Barbara H. West Mrs. A. F. Whittem Mr. and Mrs. Irs. George S. West Miss Mildred E. Whittemore Grafton Lee Wilson Ir. Richard S. West Mrs. Wyman Whittemore Mrs. John Otis Wilson liss Dorothy P. Wetherald Mr. and Mrs. Miss Sara Lou Wilson liss Martha Wetherbee Robinson S. Whitten Miss Florence B. Windom Irs. Daniel B. Wetherell Mrs. James P. Whitters Mrs. H. W. Winer Irs. Betty Wetten Mr. and Mrs. Miss Erne May Winger Ir .and Mrs. Eugene P. Whittier Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Weyerhaeuser Mr. Nathaniel Whittier David H. Winnick trs. William P. Wharton Mrs. Frederick S. Whitwell Mrs. Laurence L. Winship


Mr. Frederick Winslow Mr. and Mrs. Miss Katharine I. Yerrington Mrs. Allen P. Winsor G. Wallace Woodworth Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Frederick Winsor Mrs. Kennard Woodworth Herschel I. Yesley Mrs. Sidney H. Wirt Mrs. John Wooldredge Miss Miriam E. Yoffa Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wise Miss Anna R. Woolf Mr. Sidney R. Yoffe Mrs. George B. Wislocki Mrs. George H. Woolley Dr. and Mrs. Morris Yorshis Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Wit Miss Constance R. Worcester Dr. and Mrs. Miss Eva M. Witham Mrs. William C. Worth Edward L. Young Mrs. Una C. Withers Mr. and Mrs. Paul I. Wren Mrs. Henry Melvin Young Dr. and Mrs. Mr. George L. Wrenn, II Abraham Wolbarsht Miss Elizabeth P. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wolcott Most Reverend John J. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Gerard Wolfe Wright Sydney Zanditon Mr. Wolffers Jules Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Louis Zetzel Mr. Eric Wolman Kenneth A. Wright Mrs. Percy Rolfe Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Walter P. Wright Mr. Irving P. Zieman Lee Marc G. Wolman Mrs. Edgar N. Wrightington Avedis Zildjian Company Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Walter Wrigley Mr. R. Zildjian Cornelius Ayer Wood Mrs. Frederick R. Wulsin Mr. and Mrs. Miss Louise Wood Mr. Francis E. Wylie George M. Zimberg Miss Katherine Woodberry Mrs. Morris Zimman Miss Beatrice S. Woodman Miss M. Emma Zoller Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Woods Mr. and Mrs. A. Joel Yancey Mr. and Mrs. Irwin S. Zonis Mrs. James H. Woods Miss Mary E. Yassin Mr. William Zumwalt Mrs. Robert A. Woods Mr. Herbert H. Yeames J.

List of Non-Resident Members for Season 1956-1957 (Rhode Island members are listed on page 1280)

Mrs. H. L. Achilles—Connecticut Miss Mazie Becker—New York ) Mrs. William Ackerman—New York Mr. and Mrs. Jean Bedetti—Florida Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Adams—New York Mrs. Frank Begrisch—New York Miss Hannah M. Adams—New York Beinecke Foundation—New York Mr. Joseph Dana Allen—New York Mrs. Haughton Bell—New York Mrs. Philip K. Allen—Washington, D.C. Mr. Elliot S. Benedict—New York Mrs. Robert J. Allen—Maryland Mrs. Edward Herbert Bennett, Jr.—Illinois Dr. Harold L. Ailing—New York Miss Georgina Bennett—New Jersey Mr. Lloyd V. Almirall—New York Mrs. Samuel C. Bennett—Vermont Mrs. Robert R. Ames—Maine Mr. and Mrs. Oscar F. Berg—New York Miss Elizabeth B. Andrews—New York Mrs. Henri L. Berger—Connecticut Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Angell—New York Mr. John H. Bergmann—New York Mrs. E. B. Armstrong—New Hampshire Miss Anna Berley—New York Miss Louise H. Armstrong—Maine Mr. Louis K. Berman—New York Mr. Robert K. Armstrong—Minnesota Mr. Myer Berman—New Hampshire Dr. I. Arons—New York Mrs. Edwin E. Bernheimer—New York Mr. George C. Arvedson—Michigan Miss Mary Bernstein—New York Mrs. Arthur O. Asher—New York Dr. Frank B. Berry—Washington, D.C. Mr. Gifford W. Asher—Washington Miss Dorothy L. Betts—New York Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Ashton— Pennsylvania Mr. Rene Bickart—New York Mrs. Richard A. Atkins—New York Mr. Georges Bigar—New York Miss Gladys M. Bigelow—Maine Mrs. Grace D. Bahr—Illinois Mrs. A. W. Bingham—New York Mrs. Edward L. Ballard—New York Miss Mary Piatt Birdseye—New York Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Balz—New Jersey Mrs. Louis G. Bissell—New York Miss Isabella Fraser Barnes—New York Miss Edith C. Black—New York Miss Laura Barney—New York Mrs. George Blagden—New York Mr. Arthur Baron—Missouri Mrs. Robert Woods Bliss—Washington, D.C.

Mrs. Richard A. Bartlett—New Jersey Mr. Samuel J. Bloomingdale—New York Miss Helen L. Bass—New Jersey Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Blum—New York

Mr. Emil J. Baumann—New York Mr. Edward C. Boettcher—Wisconsin Mrs. G. C. Beach—New York Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bogin—Connecticut Mr. Gerald F. Beal-New York Mr. Herbert L. Borgzinner—New York Mrs. Norwin S. Bean—New Hampshire Mr. Douglass C. Boshkoff—New York

[1274] I ' • I'

- '


Mr. and Mrs. Burnham Bowden—New York Mrs. Alan J. Cummins- New York Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bowden—New York Mrs. Edward L. Cutter- -New Hampshire Mrs. R. M. Bozorth—New Jersey Mrs. Louis Brecker—New York J. Mrs. Charles Whitney Dall—New York Mr. Thomas W. Bresnahan—New York Miss Rachell E. Daltry—New York E. T. Brewster—New York Mr. Miss Dorothy Dalzell—New Hampshire Mrs. William H. Briggs—New York Mrs. Robert E. Darling—Connecticut Mrs. Richard deW. Brixey—New York Mrs. Franck Darte—Pennsylvania Mrs. Fred Brodkey—Nebraska Mr. and Mrs. Ismer David—New York Miss Ethel M. Brown—Canada Mr. Aaron W. Davis—New York Mrs. Mabel Wolcott Brown—Connecticut Mrs. V. Davison—Maine Miss Mary Loomis Brown—New York J. Miss Mildred L. B. deBarritt—New York Miss Virginia F. Browne—Connecticut Mr. Vincent Dempsey—Missouri Mrs. W. S. Browne—New Jersey Mrs. Leopold Demuth—New York Dr. Howard C. Bruenn—New York Mr. Clement S. Despard, Jr.—New York Miss Lucie M. Bryant—New Jersey Mr. John Deveny—California In memory of Mrs. George S. Buck- Mr. Harvey Dickerman—New York New Hampshire Mrs. William R. Dickinson, Jr.—Illinois Mrs. Arthur M. Bullowa—New York Miss Margaret Dieckerhoff—New York Mr. Campbell Burton—New York J. Mrs. Monroe L. Dinell—Connecticut Mrs. Clarence Buttenwieser—New York Mr. R. Dionne—Maine Miss Alice D. Butterfield—New York J. Mrs. Clarence C. Dittmer—New York Mrs. L. K. Doelling—New York Mrs. George A. Campbell—New Jersey Mr. Max Doft—New York Mrs. William H. Campbell, Jr.—New Jersey Dr. and Mrs. George B. Dorff—New York Mrs. H. Bissell Carey—Connecticut Miss Marian Drury—Connecticut Mrs. Otis Swan Carroll—New York Mrs. A. H. Duerschner—New York Mrs. A. Hartwell Carter—Hawaii Miss Annie H. Duncan—New Hampshire Mr. Frederic D. Carter—New York Miss Beatrice Dunn—New York Mr. and Mrs. John F. Caskey—Connecticut Mr. John K. Dupress—Connecticut Mrs. Charles A. Cass—New York Mrs. Jack Dworin—Pennsylvania Mrs. W. R. Castle—Washington, D.C. Mrs. B. Duvall Chambers—South Carolina Mr. Jackson Chambers—New York Mrs. Henry C. Eaton—New Hampshire Connecticut Miss Rosepha P. Chisholm—New York Miss Florence L. Eccles— Miss Mabel Choate—New York Mr. and Mrs. Nathan D. Eckstein—New York Mrs. Henry Cannon Clark—New York Miss Cornelia Ann Eddy—Louisiana Miss Elizabeth Clever—New York Mr. Harold N. Ehrlich—Michigan Mr. Chalmers D. Clifton—New York Mr. Louis H. Ehrlich—New York Mrs. McGarvey Cline—Florida Mrs. A. Benbow Elliman—New York Mr. H. H. York Mr. William A. Coffin—New Jersey German Emory—New Mrs. Isadore M. Cohen—New York Mrs. A. W. Erickson—New York Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Cole—New York Mrs. Arthur O. Ernst—New York Miss Constance Coleman—New York Mrs. William A. Evans, Jr.—Michigan Mrs. Dayton Colie—New Jersey Mr. Martin F. Comeau—New York Mrs. Joseph Faroll—New York Mrs. Arthur C. Comey—Maine Miss Jocelyn Farr—Maine Mr. and Mrs. James B. Conant—Germany Miss Helen M. Farwell—Maine Mrs. Rae H. Conklin—Illinois Mr. Peter W. Fay—California Miss Shirley Conklin—Illinois Mrs. W. Rodman Fay—New York Mrs. W. P. Conklin—Connecticut Mrs. S. L. Feiber—New York Miss Lucy B. Conner—New Hampshire Mrs. Cornelius C. Felton— New York

Miss Charlotte D. Conover—New Hampshire Mr. Robert J. Fenderson—Maine Miss Luna B. Converse—Vermont Dr. J. Lewis Fenner—New York Mrs. Francis R. Cooley—Connecticut Mr. Luis A. Ferr6—Puerto Rico Mrs. James E. Cooper—Connecticut Mrs. Dana H. Ferrin—New York Mrs. Stanley M. Cooper—Connecticut. Mrs. Winthrop B. Field—Connecticut Mrs. Adelaide T. Corbett—New York Mr. Samuel Fischman—New York

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Cox- Mr. L. Antony Fisher—Pennsylvania New Hampshire Miss Margaret Fisher—New York Miss Margaret Cranford—Connecticut Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Fitch- Miss Constance Crawford—New Jersey New Hampshire Mr. Swasey Crocker—New York Miss Mary R. Fitzpatrick—New York Mrs. F. S. Crofts—Connecticut Mrs. Howell Forbes—New York



• FRIENDS OF THE BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA (Continued) Mr. Sumner Ford—New York Mrs. Harold H. Hackett—New York Miss Helen Foster—New York Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hadley—New York Miss Edith M. Fox—New Hampshire Mr. Paul D. Haigh—New York Miss Flora Fox—New York Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. Hall—Turkey Mr. Irving Fox—New York Mr. and Mrs. N. Penrose Hallowell— Mrs. Lewis Francis—New York New York Miss Faustina Freeman—New Jersey Dr. Edmund H. Hamann—Connecticut Miss Elizabeth S. French—Vermont Mr. and Mrs. M. Gordon Hammer—New York Miss Helen C. French—Vermont Mr. Frank R. Hancock—New York Mr. Arthur L. Friedman—New York In Memory of Ilmari Hannikainen—Maine Mrs. Evelyn Friedman—New Jersey Miss Ruth Gillette Hardy—New York Mr. Stanleigh P. Friedman—New York Mrs. Benjamin Hartstein—New York Miss Helen Frisbie—Connecticut Miss Marjorie E. Harvey—Connecticut Miss Edna B. Fry—New Jersey Mrs. Samuel C. Harvey—Connecticut Miss Margaret M. Hasson—New York Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Hatch- New Hampshire Miss Elizabeth Hatchett—New York Mrs. Charles T. Gallagher—New Hampshire Mrs. Victor M. Haughton—New Hampshire Mrs. B. Gardner—New York Mrs. Harold B. Hayden—New York Miss Marion A. Gardner—New York Professor and Mrs. Albert I. Heckbert— Mrs. Stanton Garfield—Washington, D.C. New York Mr. Charles Garside—New York Mrs. Irving Heidell—New York Miss Regina A. Garvey—New Jersey Mr. Gustav P. Heller—New Jersey Mrs. Louis R. Geissenhainer—New Hampshire Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Hemingway- Mrs. Herman S. Gelbin—New York Mr. Edwin Gibbs—New York Connecticut Miss Amy M. Hemsing—New York Miss Helen L. Gibson—New Jersey Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Henderson- Miss Irene M. Gilbert—New York York Miss Selma Gilbert—New York New Mr. Robert Henrickson—New York Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ginsburg— New York Miss Joanna A. Henry—Michigan Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Heymsfeld—New York Mrs. Bessie Ginsburgh—New York Hill—Maine Mr. John Giriunas—Maryland Mrs. Percy V. J. Whiley Hilles—Connecticut Miss Mary Glann—New York Mrs. Frederick J. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Himmelblau— Miss Elizabeth S. Glenn—Georgia Connecticut Mrs. Norman S. Goetz—New York Mr. Philip E. Hinkley—Maine Mr. A. Goldfarb-New York J. York Mr. Emanuel Goldman—New York Mr. Eliot P. Hirshberg—New Miss Elizabeth M. Hirt—New York Miss H. Goldman—New Jersey Dr. N. Hobstetter—New Jersey Miss June L. Goldthwait—New York John Mr. Harold K. Hochschild-New York Mr. I. Edwin Goldwasser—New York Mrs. H. Hoermann—New Jersey Jacob & Libby Goodman Foundation, Inc.— Hampshire New York Mrs. Robert S. Hoffman—New Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hofheimer—New York Mr. and Mrs. John D. Gordan—New York Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hofheimer—New York Mrs. William S. Gordon—New York Mrs. Lester Hofheimer—New York D. S. and R. H. Gottesman Foundation- Mrs. Arthur Holden—Vermont New York J. Holzwasser— York Mrs. Irving Graef—New York Mrs. Regina New Mr. Henry Homes—New York Dr. and Mrs. Roland I. Grausman—New York Mr. Hamilton Gray—Ohio Mrs. F. E. Hoover—New York P. Hopkins— York Mrs. Marion Thompson Greene—New York Miss Edna New Mr. William C. Greene—New Hampshire Miss Myra H. Hopson—Connecticut Mr. Henry Greenfield—New York Mrs. Edith G. Home—Florida Mrs. Isador Greenwald—New York Miss Gertrude R. Hoyt—New York Mrs. Harry A. Gregg—New Hampshire Mr. Whitney F. Hoyt—New York Dr. Albert W. Grokoest—New York Miss Alice M. Hudson—New Jersey Mr. Harold Grossman—New York Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Huebsch—New York Mrs. James A. Grover—New Hampshire Mr. Frederick G. L. Huetwell—Michigan Mr. Mortimer Grunauer—New York Miss Carolyn F. Hummel—New York Mr. and Mrs. Luther Gulick—New York Hampshire Miss Bertha L. Gunterman—New York Mrs. Chester B. Humphrey—New Mrs. DeWitt Gutman—New York Mrs. M. C. Humstone—Connecticut Mrs. John T. Gyger—Maine Miss Libbie H. Hyman—New York

[1276] ) i


Mrs. F. N. Iglehart—Maryland Mrs. George S. Leiner—New York • Miss Louise M. Iselin—New York Mr. William Lepson—New York Mrs. A. N. Leventhal—New York Mr. Harry Levine—New York Mr. C. D. Jackson—New York Mr. Milton Levitt—New York Miss Lilian Jackson—New York J. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram S. Lewine—New York York Mrs. William K. Jacobs—New Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewinsohn—New York Colorado Mrs. Marion H. Jacobson— Mr. Herbert Greenleaf Lewis—New York Moritz York Dr. Jagendorf—New Dr. and Mrs. Richard Lewisohn—New York York Mr. Halsted James—New Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lewi tt—New Hampshire Mrs. Henry James—New York Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Liebmann—New York York J. Mr. Sidney Jarcho—New Miss Helen B. Lincoln—New York Miss Edith L. Jarvis—New York Mr. Louis Livant—New York Edith York Miss Jertson—New Mrs. Frank L. Locke—New Hampshire Mrs. Theodore C. Jessup—Connecticut Miss Edith M. Loew—New York Mrs. Kenneth E. Jewett—New Hampshire Dr. Marion C. Loizeaux—New York Charles York Mr. Jockwig—New Mrs. Natalie L. Longstreth—New York Miss Dorothy E. Joline—New York Mr. Henry G. Lord—New York Mrs. T. Catesby Jones—New York Mr. Charles R. Lounsbury—New York Mr. Wallace S. Jones—New Jersey Mrs. Walter Lowell—New York Mr. and Mrs. George E. Judd—New York Mrs. Isador Lubin—New York Mr. Arthur Judell—New York Mr. Irving B. Lueth—Illinois Mr. Irving H. Jurow—New Jersey

Mr. Leo B. Kagan—New York Mrs. Edward M. Mackey—New Hampshire Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kaim—New York Dr. Norman W. MacLeod—New York Mr. Arthur Kallman—New York Dr. M. C. Mangle—New York Mrs. F. Karelson—New York Mr. Otto Manley—New York Mr. A. S. Karol—Pennsylvania Mrs. John F. Manning—Vermont Mrs. Alexander Karp—New York Mrs. William Ellis Mansfield—Georgia Mrs. Irving D. Karpas—New York Mrs. John Manuel—New York Mrs. Gerald L. Kaufman—New York Miss Ellen W. Marciante—New Jersey Marcus & Company— New York Miss Irene J. Kaufmann—New York Mrs. Leonard Kebler—New York Mrs. Parker E. Marean—Maine Mrs. George A. Keeney—New York Mr. M. N. Margulies—New York Miss Florence B. Kelly—New York Miss Augusta Markowitz—New York Mr. W. Houston Kenyon, Jr.—New York Mr. Everett Martine—New York Mr. Alfred K. Kestenbaum—New York Mrs. Edwin R. Masback—New York Mrs. Frances Parkinson Keyes— Miss Priscilla Mason—Washington, D. C. New Hampshire Mrs. Richard E. Mason—New York Mrs. Warner King—New York Miss Katharine Matthies—Connecticut Mrs. Lucian S. Kirtland—New York Mrs. Harold A. Mattice—New York Mr. Benjamin R. Kittredge—New York Mrs. Jeanne Maurin—New York Miss Elena H. Klasky—New York Mrs. Charles H. May—New York Dr. Lester Klein—New York Mrs. Edgar Mayer—New York Mr. and Mrs. Victor W. Knauth— Mrs. John C. Mayer—New York Connecticut Mrs. Joseph L. B. Mayer—New York Miss Edith Kneeland—New York Mrs. W. M. Mayes—California Mr. Ferdinand F. E. Kopecky—Tennessee Mrs. John V. McAvoy—New York Mr. and Mrs. Otto L. Kramer—New York Mr. John McChesney—Connecticut Miss Sarah Kreutzenauer—New York Mrs. James A. McCutcheon—New Hampshire Mr. R. H. Kruse—New York Mrs. Robert McKelvy—New York Miss Mary K. McKnight—Illinois Mrs. John R. McLane—New Hampshire Mr. Arthur Landers—New Hampshire Dr. Christie E. McLeod—Connecticut Mrs. Jesse E. Langsdorf—New York Miss Helen M. McWilliams—New York Mr. Charles C. Lawrence—New York Mr. and Mrs. George Melcher— Mrs. James F. Lawrence—New Jersey New Hampshire Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Lazarus—Ohio Mrs. Chase Mellen—New York Mrs. Benjamin Lazrus—New York Mr. Mark C. Meltzer, Jr.—New York Mr. Elliott H. Lee—New York Mrs. S. Peter Melville—New Hampshire Mrs. Allan S. Lehman—New York Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Mendel—New York Mrs. Arthur Lehman—New York Mr. Walter Mendelsohn—New York



Mr. Nilo Menendez—California Mrs. Robert S. Perkins—New Hampshire Mrs. William R. Mercer—New York Mrs. Russell Perkins—New York Mr. and Mrs. C. H. S. Merrill- Miss Lillian Phelps—Texas New Hampshire Mrs. H. R. Pierce—Vermont Mr. Henry F. Merrill—New Hampshire Miss E. Marion Pilpel—New York Mrs. Houghton P. Metcalf—Virginia Mrs. W. R. J. Planten—Vermont Mrs. K. G. Meyer—New York Miss Alice B. Plumb—New York Miss Mary Jane Meyer—New York Miss Lilly Popper—New York Mrs. Lester C. Migdal—New York Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Potter—New York Mr. Edmund G. Miller—New Hampshire In memory of Mr. Charles E. Potts—New York Mr. Gavin Miller—New York Mrs. George Eustis Potts—Florida Miss Grace E. Miller—New York Mrs. Alvin L. Powell—New Jersey Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller—New Hampshire Mrs. Horace M. Poynter—New Hampshire Mrs. M. J. Miller—New Jersey Mrs. H. Irving Pratt, Jr.—New York Mrs. Norman F. Milne—New Hampshire Miss Priscilla Presbrey—New Jersey Miss Anna E. Mohn—New York Mrs. Joseph K. Priest—New Hampshire Mrs. G. Gardner Monks—Washington, D.C. Dr. Sara S. Prince—New York Mrs. Charles E. Monroe—New York Mr. Edwin Higbee Pullman—New York Colonel John C. Moore—Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Hale Pulsifer—New York Mr. William Osgood Morgan—New Jersey The Honorable William H. Mortensen— Connecticut Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. S. Quarles— Dr. Eli Moschcowitz—New York New Jersey Mrs. Roger G. Mosscrop—New Hampshire Miss Marian Quell—New York Mr. Jasper R. Moulton—Connecticut Mr. Vernon Munroe—New York Mrs. C. Randolph Myer—New Hampshire Dr. Hyman Rachlin—New York Miss Marion Ransier—Iowa Dr. and Mrs. David G. Nathan—Maryland Mrs. Endicott Rantoul—New Hampshire Miss Emily S. Nathan—New York Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Rappaport—New York ) Mr. and Mrs. George W. Naumburg— Mrs. Alice K. Ratner—California New York Mrs. H. Maynard Rees—New Hampshire Mr. Walter W. Naumburg—New York Miss Marie Reimer—New York Miss M. Louise Neill—Connecticut Mrs. Clara B. Relyea—New York Miss Katharine B. Neilson—Connecticut Miss Katharine N. Rhoades—New York Mrs. Roy Neuberger—New York Miss Rose Riccobono—New York Mr. John S. Newberry, Jr.—Michigan Mrs. Benjamin M. Rice—New Hampshire Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Newburger— Mrs. Carolyn-Rita Rice—Maine New York Mrs. Ralph Richards—Maryland Mrs. Laure Nichols—Washington Mrs. Anna S. Richmond—New York Mr. John W. Nickerson—Connecticut Mrs. Maximilian Richter—New York Mrs. William R. Nonnenmacher—Connecticut Mrs. S. Herbert Riesner—New York Mr. Gustav A. Nyden—New York Mrs. Oscar Riess—New York Mrs. G. Gates Ripley—Missouri

Mr. William J. Ober—New York Mrs. Leonard J. Robbins—New York Miss Dorette W. Oettinger—New York Miss Mary H. Roberts—New York Mr. Leslie P. Ogden—New York Mr. Walter G. Roberts—Indiana Miss Emma Jessie Ogg—New York Miss Gertrude L. Robinson—Maine Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred A. Openhym— Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.—New York New York Mr. Edgar Roedelheimer—New York Miss Ida Oppenheimer—New York Miss Bertha F. Rogers—New Hampshire Mr. Edwin M. Otterbourg—New York Miss Elizabeth Rogers—New York Mrs. C. V. Romney—New Jersey Miss Bertha Pagenstecher—New York Miss Hilda M. Rosecrans—New York Mrs. Peter S. Paine—New York Miss Lillian Rosen—New York

Miss Eleanor Gilbert Parker—California Mr. Leonard J. Rosenfeld—New York Mr. Franklin E. Parker, 3rd—New York Mr. David Rosengarten—New York Miss Hilda M. Peck—Connecticut Miss Bertha Rosenthal—New York Miss Mary M. L. Peck—Connecticut Mr. Laurence B. Rossbach—New York Mrs. W. H. Peckham—New York Mrs. Aaron H. Rubenfeld—New York Mrs. Everett S. Pennell—New York Dr. I. C. Rubin—New York Mrs. Charles E. Perkins—New York Misses Leonora B. and Charlotte M. Rubinow Mrs. Grafton B. Perkins—New Hampshire —New Jersey

[1278] - - -


Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Rubinstein- Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Starkman—New York New York Mrs. Ellsworth M. Statler—New York Mrs. Ralph C. Runyon—New York Miss Anna Stearns—New Hampshire Mrs. Percy P. Russ—New Hampshire Miss Elisabeth Stearns—New Hampshire Mrs. Gerald S. Russell—New York Miss Sophie B. Steel—New York Mr. Thomas W. Russell—Connecticut Mr. Meyer Stein—New Jersey Mrs. Samuel Stein—New York Mr. William S. Saevitz— New York Mr. Julius Steiner—New York St. Paul's School—New Hampshire Dr. Karl Steiner—New York Mrs. Aaron B. Salant—New York Mrs. Albert M. Steinert—New York Mrs. Freda Salomon—New York Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Stern—New Jersey Mr. George Salter—New York Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Stern—Louisiana Mrs. Hiram P. Salter, Jr.—New York Miss Helene Stern—New York Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Saltmarsh—Florida Mr. Ernest N. Stevens—Maine Mrs. Robert Saltonstall—New Hampshire Mrs. Rudy C. Stiefel—New York Mr. Charles F. Samson—New York Mr. Jacob C. Stone—New York Mrs. Morris Samuel—New York Miss Marion Stott—New Hampshire Mrs. Alvin T. Sapinsley—New York Miss Aline C. Stratford—New York Mrs. Morris Sayre—New Jersey Mrs. Herbert N. Straus—New York Mrs. Otto E. Schaefer—New York Mrs. Charles H. Street—New York Miss Sadie Scherr—New York Mrs. B. W. Streifler—New York Mr. Henry G. Schiff—New York Miss Hattie M. Strelitz—New York Mrs. Cyrus T. Schirmer—Maine Mrs. M. E. Strieby—New Jersey Mrs. Helen E. Schradieck—New Jersey Dr. George T. Strodl—New York Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Schultz—Indiana Mrs. James R. Strong—New Jersey Miss Edith Scoville—New York Miss Jeanette D. Studley—Connecticut Miss May Seeley—New York Mrs. Edwin A. Stumpp—New York Mrs. Carl Seeman—New York Mrs. J. H. Stutesman—New Jersey Mrs. Isaac W. Seeman—New York Mrs. Peggy Sugar—New York Mr. Melvin R. Seiden—California Mr. and Mrs. Alvah W. Sulloway— Mrs. S. Seidenbond—New York Connecticut Miss Dorothy Sellers—New York Mrs. Pauline S. Surrey—New York Mr. and Mrs. I. Shatzkin—New York Miss Mildred Sussman—New York Mr. Abraham L. Sherwin—New York Mr. William R. Swart—New Hampshire Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Shirley- New Hampshire Miss Elizabeth D. Tallman—New Hampshire Mrs. Henry M. Shreve—New Hampshire Miss Lucy O. Teague—New Jersey Mrs. Sidney E. Shuman—New York Mrs. Charles H. Thieriot—New York Miss Nancy K. Sift— New York Mr. and Mrs. William B. Thomas—New York Mrs. Robert E. Simon—New York Mrs. R. C. Thomson—New Jersey Dr. Olga Sitchevska—New York Mrs. Edward L. Thorndike—New York Mrs. M. N. Slater—New York Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thorndike—Maine Miss A. Marguerite Smith—New York Miss Bessie H. Thrall—California Mrs. Ernest Walker Smith—Connecticut Mrs. Charles F. Tillinghast—New Hampshire Miss Gertrude Robinson Smith—New York Mr. S. H. Tolles, Jr.—Connecticut Mrs. Helene Corey Smith—New Jersey Mr. Stirling Tomkins—New York Mrs. Henry Oliver Smith—New York Dr. Anne Topper—New York Mrs. J. F. Smith—New Jersey Mr. Benjamin H. Trask—New York Mrs. William Smith—New York Mrs. Arthur A. Traum—New York Mr. and Mrs. William Mason Smith, Jr.— Miss G. W. Treadwell—Maine New York Miss Ruth True—New York Mr. Samuel S. Solender—New York Mr. Howard M. Trueblood -New York Miss Marion E. Solodar—New York Mrs. Gregory Tuchapsky—New York Mrs. Irwin L. Solomon—New York Miss Alice Tully—New York Mr. Sidney L. Solomon—New York Mrs. Gardner C. Turner—New Hampshire Miss Honora Spalding—New York In Memory of William P. Sparrell— Mrs. Seymour C. Ullman—New York North Carolina Mrs. Ernest H. Sparrow—New York Mr. and Mrs. Byron E. Van Raalte—New York Miss Frieda S. Spatz—New York Miss Anna Veder—New York Mr. and Mrs. Girard L. Spencer—New York Mrs. Russell C. Veit—New York

Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Sproul—New Jersey Miss Maria B. Velasquez—New York Miss Elsie M. A. Stanley—New Hampshire Mr. Simon J. Vogel—New York Mrs. Philip B. Stanley—Connecticut Mrs. Tracy S. Voorhees—New York



Mrs. Bernard Wagenaar—New York Miss Edith A. Whitney—New Jersey Mr. Charles M. Walton, Jr.—New York Miss Ruth H. Whitney—New Jersey Miss Anne S. Wanag—New York Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Whittaker— Mr. Ethel bert Warfield—New York New Hampshire Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Warga—New York Mrs. E. B. Whittemore—New Hampshire Mrs. W. Seaver Warland—Maine Miss Agnes L. Wiley—California

Mrs. Milton J. Warner—Connecticut Miss Viola B. Williamson—New York Mr. Eugene Warren—New York Mrs. Alfred Willstatter—New York Miss Marian Way—Vermont Mrs. Willis K. Wing—Connecticut Miss Grace C. Waymouth—New Hampshire Dr. Asher Winkelstein—New York Miss Mathilde E. Weber—New York Miss Ellen Winsor—Pennsylvania Miss Mabel Foote Weeks—New York Mrs. Thomas Winston—New York Mrs. Percy S. Weeks—New York Mrs. Keyes Winter—New York

Mr. Leon J. Weil—New York Miss Mary Withington—Connecticut Miss Ruth E. Weill—California Miss Anna J. Wolff—New York Mr. Nathan Weinberg—New York Mrs. Peter Woodbury-r-New Hampshire

Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Weksler—New York Miss Janet K. Woolever—Ohio Mrs. Austin H. Welch—New Hampshire Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Wright—New York Mrs. H. K. W. Welch—Connecticut Mr. Carroll M. Wright—New York Mrs. Thomas B. Wells—New York Miss Mary E. Wright—Connecticut Mrs. Edward T. Wendell—New Hampshire Mr. Lucien Wulsin—Ohio Miss Jeanne Wertheimer—New Hampshire Mrs. Lawrence H. Wetherell— Mrs. John L. Young—Maine New Hampshire Mr. Robert W. Whipple—Washington, D.C. Mrs. L. E. Zacher—Connecticut Mr. Victor E. Whitlock—New York Mrs. Edmund Ziman—New York

List of Rhode Island Members for Season 1956-195']

Mr. George Abrich Mr. and Mrs. Miss Elizabeth C. Conlon Miss Eleanor M. Curtis B. Brooks Mr. Edward Corcoran ) Addison J. Col. and Mrs. Walter Adler Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Michael R. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. David Aldrich John Nicholas Brown Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ada F. Almy Mrs. Pierre Brunschwig W. Donald Coulter Mr. and Mrs. Miss R. Ethel Bugbee Misses Clara R. and John A. Anderson Mary L. Crosby Mrs. R. Edwards Annin Mrs. Gammell Cross Mr. Everard Appleton Mr. John Hutchins Cady Mrs. Joseph H. Cull Miss Marguerite Appleton Mr. William H. Cady Mr. Raymond Curtis Miss Maria L. Camardo Mrs. Charles C. Cushman Mrs. Wallace Campbell Dr. and Mrs. Morgan Cutts Mr. Donald S. Babcock Miss Harriet M. Cappon Mrs. Harvey A. Baker Miss Margaret Chace Miss Mary Daboll Mrs. John W. Baker Dr. and Mrs. Mr. John N. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Chafee Mrs. Murray S. Danforth Norman V. Ballou Chaminade Club of Mr. M. S. Danforth, Jr. Mrs. Paul Bardach Providence, Rhode Island Mrs. C. Coburn Darling Miss Charlotte R. Bellows Madame Avis Bliven Miss Myrtle T. Dexter Mr. and Mrs. Charbonnel The Dilettanti Club Dana R. Bellows Chopin Club of Providence Mrs. Robert B. Dresser Mr. Harlan G. Bemis Mr. and Mrs. Roger T. Clapp Mrs. Martin Duchan Dr. and Mrs. Miss Alice K. Clark Mrs. M. Dart Dunbar Emanuel W. Benjamin Misses Elizabeth L. and Miss Margaret B. Dykes Mrs. Bruce M. Bigelow Katherine F. Clark Blackstone Valley Music Miss Ruth M. Clark Miss Edith W. Edwards Teachers' Society Miss Ruth D. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Misses Ada and Miss Sydney Clarke William H. Edwards Janet Blinkhorn Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Lowell Emerson Miss Mildred G. Blumenthal Benjamin F. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. E. S. R. Brandt Mrs. George E. Comery Edward S. Esty Mrs. David A. Brayton Miss Alice M. Comstock Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brier Mrs. G. Maurice Congdon Mrs. Henry H. Fales Miss Harriet M. Briggs Mr. Johns H. Congdon, II Mr. Edward M. Fay


Mrs. R. Henry Field Mr. Frederick Lincoln Kateon Miss Helen C. Robertson Miss Louise M. Fish Dr. and Mrs. Maurice N. Kay Mrs. Fred F. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lt. Colonel and Mrs. James A. Fletcher A. Livingston Kelley Robert W. Rogers Miss Virginia Fooks Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Francis B. Russell Mr. Raymond G. Franks Howard A. Kelley Mrs. Clarke F. Freeman Miss Marion L. Kesselring Mrs. Evert W. Freeman Mr. Eugene A. Kingman Mrs. Lea Scheinziss Mrs. Hovey T. Freeman Miss Helen G. Kurtz Dr. and Mrs. Miss Margaret A. Fuller Morris Schussheim Dr. and Mrs. Ezra A. Sharp Mr. Paul R. Ladd Mrs. Henry Dexter Sharpe Mr. Thorwald Larson and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Caroll M. Silver Mr. Mrs. Peter H. Leavell Stanley S. Gairloch Mr. Ben Sinel Miss Priscilla H. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Levy Edward Gately J. Walter C. Slade J. Mrs. Austin T. Levy Miss Hope Smith Mrs. Maurice Genter Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Smith Mrs. Peter G. George Y. Loveridge Mrs. Leo Gershman Mr. Edward S. Spicer Mrs. Barney M. Goldberg Mrs. Thomas E. Steere Miss Charlotte M. Greene Miss Janet MacDougall Dr. Julius Stoll, Jr. Mrs. Joseph Warren Mrs. Kenneth B. MacLeod Mr. David A. Strasmich Miss Helen T. Sutherland Greene, Jr. Mrs. Albert E. Marshall Greenhalgh Charitable Miss Margaret Marshall Mrs. O. L. Swats Foundation Miss Christina K. Martin Mrs. Morris Grossman Mrs. Reune Martin Mrs. Royal C. Taft Mr. W. Gunther-Stirn Mr. Stanley H. Mason Miss Margaret E. Todd Mrs. Irving J. McCoid Miss Mary R. McGinn Mrs. Richmond Viall Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. E. McGregor Edwin O. Halpern Mrs. Charles H. Merriman Mrs. E. Bruce Merriman Mrs. Albert Harkness Mrs. Wadleigh Mr. George Pierce Metcalf Mrs. Henry C. Hart Mrs. Ashbel T. Wall Mrs. Jesse H. Metcalf Mrs. Joseph C. Hartwell Miss M. Beatrice Ward Mrs. E. C. Mowry Mrs. Jonathan H. Harwood Dr. and Mrs. Eric Waxberg Miss Dorothy M. Hazard Mr. Phillips R. Weatherbee Mrs. Thomas Pierrepont Mrs. John K. H. Dr. and Mrs. Hazard Nightingale, Jr. Joseph B. Webber Miss Bessie Hepstonstall Mr. Hans C. Weimar Miss Mabel G. S. Hirst Mr. Mark Weisberg Miss Marian O'Brien Mrs. Paul H. Hodge Mrs. Abraham Weiss Mr. Bernard J. O'Neill Mrs. Bernard J. Hogue Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wells The Misses Owens Cantor and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hohenemser Peter J. Westervelt Captain Edward J. Holubek, Dr. Thomas Perry, Jr. Mrs. Alan R. Wheeler DCUSN Mrs. Clarence H. Philbrick Miss Ruth A. Whipple Mrs. E. R. Hood Mrs. George F. Phillips Miss Helen L. Whiton Dr. and Mrs. Dr. Alfred L. Potter Miss Madeleine U. Wilcox Manuel Horwitz Mr. Clinton N. Williams Mrs. Edward B. Hough Dr. and Mrs. Mrs. Karl Humphrey Mrs. Frederic B. Read Harold W. Williams Mrs. Harrison B. Huntoon Mrs. Ludwig Regensteiner Mr. Charles P. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Richmond Mrs. Donald E. Jackson Mrs. Beverly S. Ridgely Mrs. Louis E. Young Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Saul Zarchen Robert E. Jacobson Thomas H. Roberts

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^4 The ' Boston Symphony Orchestra

' CHARLES - MUNCH, Music Director •


The Berkshire Festival Twentieth Season , CHARLES MUNCH, Conductor

The Berkshire Music Center Fifteenth Season, CHARLES MUNCH, Director

To receive further announcements, write to Festival Office, Symphony Hall, Boston


280 Dartmouth Street Boston, Massachusetts

KE 6-5183




ACCOMPANIST TEACHER Technique analysis Studio: 500 Boylston St., Copley Sq. AS 7-1259 Boston KE 6-4062

UNUSED TICKETS people an In the present completely subscribed season, many concert. Sub- waiting for an opportunity to hear a Boston Symphony their tickets will do a double scribers who at any time are unable to use of tickets last service in turning them in for resale. The resale season made a substantial reduction of the Orchestra's deficit. Leave the ticket at the Box Office, or, if more convenient, telephone the location — COmmonwealth 6-1492.
