Pictures! Hats! Hats!
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8 THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO. MONDAY. JULY 14, 1890-EIGHT PAGES. j v 6, Oaklands 2. Struck out—By who, a few days age, shut out at least once, Stockton taking its Prohibition Club and W. C. T. IT. turned out in HEAVY FIRE LOSSES. MISCELLANEOUS :\u25a0'\u25a0"._'. liases— Sacramentos in-law. Jim McDonald. a body, liutlerworlh Post, G. A.It.,was also Harper 8, by Career 6. Double play—lsaacson (un- accidentally opened an old wound on his turn Saturday at the hands of Sacramento. procession assisted). wildpitch—Harper 1. Time of game— l Young suffering represented. The proceeded toO.iK A Large Nam. sr of Stores Burned Oat at right hand. Swieney's absence from the Otto is from malaria and LIMITING Grove Cemetery, where burial were Umpire-Donahue. DEBATE. hour anil60 minutes. Sourer— the services greatly felt by the team, the muscles of one leg are so swollen that to-day Bidding. TALENT Toung. home club has been held. Memorial services wereheld at the TRY IT!I HOME batting and infielders_ are be wains with difficulty. Episcopal His is missed the Methodist Church. Redding, July 13.— 11 o'clock last throwing twenty-five At TDE AStATLUKS. rot so confident to first. When It is minutes' ride by the night a fire broKe out in & Weil's his release was made known to the players street-cars from the business part of Sacra- HOTEL BURGLARY. Willard." Aliens a Close From the. regret. Park. ?_£__! store which proved to bo one of the most The Win Game there were many expressions of mento to Snowll ike * Reports* Sweeney is a prime favorite with the public The Stockton pitchers appear to be al- A Proposed Role to the Jewelry disastrous that. ever struck the town. ENOUGH. early pleased Govern Seattle Bobbers Make a Big Haul of supply entirely inadequate. GOOD lead in the invincible on their home grounds. The The Reports took the and ball patrons would be to see most and Coin. water was part yesterday morning's game, but in him at the first corner for Frisco once more. The fire consumed Willard & Weil's of Finn, THE Seattle, July A burglary was com- store.' the inning the Aliens went ahead, and Give him another chance. Manager KINDERGARTEN*. 13.— Mrs. M. A. Mitchell's millinery store. John filth Charlie's work go long way to- Senate. mitted in Seattle at the Scagrave Hotel, Herzinger's shop, position until the close. and will a Itmnlig of J'lnyetl boot and shoe Martin " maintained first ward bringing pennant Frisco. Games by Future early $700 dwelling, Charley Chase Pitches Fine the the to this morning. Between and Parker's 'new all on the east The features of the contest were Infield About two weeks ago when the Stockton Stars of the $800 side of street, Olney's saloon B«inira_i_N_ l_ill__l_.l__a Buckley Evatt, ln cash and jewelry was se- Market I » Frisco, Work of Broderick, Tom and team was winning, the proposition of the The Morning Calls defeated the only cured by the burglars. A. M. Bird, on the corner of Ink and Tehama streets, Ball for of the Aliens, and Mouel's steady pitching. Directors to transfer the team to San Jose Vassars by a score of 7to 2. The Vassars' Byers' notion store, Mengel's butcher- Republican Caucus who occjpies Room 48, on wak- WILL CURE YOU. The score : raised a howl of indignation and people heavy batters all fell down Swieg- Tbe to Consider It shop, Adams' boot and shoe shop, Tremont MWWMTX before __B FBANCI9-0, JULY 13, 1890. ing up this morning, noticed his SEND FOR NEW BOOK PACIFIC AT hastened to subscribe to a monthly bond for ant's curves. catching could not Hotel and Craddock's stable, on the west COAST TKSTIMO.MALS.. - Reports. AB. R. BH. SB. TO. a. *. maintaining the Brown's window open. His clothes scattered; damage 1 0 the team. Now that team improved upon. Address challenges To-Day. were side of Market street. Much was Monet, p 4 0 2 1 is losingdisgust has seized the subscribers be to papers from pock- done to goods carried .buildings Stockton Gave Perrott Poor Snp. Mrlntyre.c.f 3 1- 1 0 if2 2 F. C. Keny. Fargo about the room and his from the 1J • x and they appear as to whether Room 35, Wells, & Co.'s on the of alley from RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER CO, Thompson, a. s 4 _ 2 _. indilferent Building. ets were strewn about the floor. On look- west side tbe ' Sharp, l.t 3 0 0 a 0 1 0 or not the club goes to San Jose. Said one the north side \u25a0\u25a0- 1332 Market Street, S. F. port and 1 ing through his pockets be found that $00 Tremont Hotel and the Lost. Dunphy.'.b 4 1 I 0 O disgusted crank: "Let San Jose take them ; A. Cos 11. of Tehama street. At time it . mr.- eod Bptt . Creamer, b 3 O 0 0 3J 2 1 The Lusk & defeated the L. $400 bills missing. Mr. one 2 they'll be glad enough to be rid of them. IBlocks by a score of 9 to 3 at Hayes and Clarkson and tbe Postoffice Site— in coin and In were seemed impossible to save the Odd Fellows' Qormly, r. f *4 ______ keeping Board Bird's suite of rooms are off tbe front ver- Hall, building • Gray, lb * 0 0 0 9 0 3 subscribe 55 a month toward the Lyons streets. The feature of the game the Breslnuer and the Bush «..-__, e.~... 1 1 0 6 1 0 team here. I'llgive the same amount now was the box work of Tate and Shields and of Customs Appraisers and M. H. anda on the second story. Entrance was block. Fortunately the wind was not high, Again Instrumental in Downing th* if San Jose will take them off our hands. effected through window from and by tearing down a portion Nathan's Harper 33 « 6 7 24 14 7 the home-run hit of B. O'Neil. the of "THE BRUNSWICK" Totals Yes, we'll give the Garden City a big bonus the veranda. The snite adjoining fruit-store aDd using buckets, the fire was in the AI.IT.B3rS. AB. B. BH. SB. Ptt A. E. The Young Natomas defeated the Lene- Estee's Prospects. Colonels— Eesu'.ts cf Contests 3b. 3 0 0 16 6 0 to take the team, and itwill be good rid- by Mr. Bird's apartments is occupied prevented from crossing Butte street. It Broderlck. bans a score of 7 to 2. The victors by Inveratry. impossible damage Amateur League. Kratt, 4 3 2 0 4b'- dance to bad rubbish."• • • would like to hear from all clubs whose , p- Mr. and Mrs. .The is to estimate the at this Lewis. 2b. 4 110 3 13 burglar apart- time, very heavy. FOLDING-BED! members under 11 years of age. passed the veranda to their but itis COMBINATION Buckler. 1b 4 10 0 8 10 The Cleveland Leader recently gave the are Ad- ments and secured jewelry consisting of a Following is a list of the losers, with VanHaltren. c. 4 13 0 10 0 dress A. Heiraschin, 676 Natoma street. Special Dispatches c__r_ Parker, 3 0 0 14 3 0 followingdescription of the Ewing broth- Youug Bay to The Mornino watch, diamond brooch, diamond earrings, the estimated losses and insurance: and Best Out. e... The Charlestons defeated the $15,000, , . The Latest afternoon was McCarthy.*, 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 ers in the game of the New Yorks against Citys by a of 17 3. The etc., worth about $30*. This jewelry had Willard & Weil, loss insur- The ball game yesterday .Neelon.r. f 3 0 10 10 0 Cleveland: "John is •Buck's' brother, and score to victors been in the family formany generations, ance - $10,000; J. G. Fartiner. £5000, A Cotniilrto Set of Furniture In Itself. considering the poor work Pnllpol, 3 0 0 0 1 would like to bear from all nines. Yoke, July 13.— A wellpatronized p 2 it may truthfully be said, as strange as it The Howards would like hear New Tribune's Wash- and was invaluable to its possessors. No $3000; M. A. Mitchell. $2000, $1000 ; Don't Fall to See Them Before lately doing, and that 2 to from all Thompson $15,000. S900O; Buyin? Any Frisco has been Totals 31 6 6 2 27 18 8 may sound, that although John tossed the clubs whose members are under years. ington dispatch says : Tbe Republican clew whatever of the identity of the bur- Frank John Other.' Stockton is in the tail-end of the league ball Buck did the pitching. The 13 glar bas been obtained. Craddock $3000. S2000; Martin Parker SCORE BYINNINGS. peculiar Address L. Buckley, 2100 Howard street. Caucus Committee, charged with devising race. The home team won the contest 0-4 twist on which each Cleveland player is Deming 52500, $1500; Mcnzle Bros. $5000, Report......'. 1 0 12 0 0 0 0 The Palmers defeated the S. B. some means of limiting debate in the $5000, $2500. handily, but easily, as there were sev- Aliens 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 »-6 supposed to be a trifle weak, was down ny a of 10 3. The $3000; scattering. not (lreen, Nolans score to victors control, game Karned runs-lteports 1. Two-base lilts— 'pal' upon Buck's mental memorandum Senate, has practically finished its work, At midnight the fire was tinder but S eral periods Inthe when the visitors would like to hear from all clubs whose AT Haltren, Monet, Sacrifice bits—Monet, THE HENEY' Evatt, Van and be encouraged John to steer the sphere under years age.