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Influence of hydrological regime of an Andean river on salinity, temperature and oxygen in a fjord,

J León-Muñoz, R Marcé & JL Iriarte

To cite this article: J León-Muñoz, R Marcé & JL Iriarte (2013) Influence of hydrological regime of an Andean river on salinity, temperature and oxygen in a Patagonia fjord, Chile, New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 47:4, 515-528, DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2013.802700 To link to this article:

Published online: 06 Aug 2013.

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Download by: [] Date: 21 December 2017, At: 08:16 New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 2013 Vol. 47, No. 4, 515528,

RESEARCH ARTICLE Influence of hydrological regime of an Andean river on salinity, temperature and oxygen in a Patagonia fjord, Chile J Leo´n-Mun˜oza,b, R Marce´c and JL Iriarted* aDepartamento de Economı´a Ambiental, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, Santiago, Chile; bFundacio´n Centro de los Bosques Nativos FORECOS, Valdivia, Chile; cCatalan Institute for Water Research, Girona, Spain; dInstituto de Acuicultura, Universidad Austral de Chile, Puerto Montt. Centro de Investigacio´n en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia (CIEP), Coyhaique, Centro COPAS-Sur Austral, Universidad de Concepcio´n, Concepcio´n, Chile (Received 21 November 2012; accepted 16 April 2013)

Patagonian fjord ecosystems might experience new scenarios due to climate variability (decreasing annual precipitation and glacier melting) in the short term. Herein, we studied the seasonal variability of the Puelo River regime (North Patagonia, 19442007, mean streamflow: 650 m3/s) and analyses its influence on surface salinity, temperature and dissolved oxygen in the well-stratified Reloncavı´Fjord (41.58S). Our results show a decreasing trend in the Puelo River streamflow since the late 1970s that is frequently associated with regimes lacking a defined interannual pattern. During the study period, years with prolonged periods of low streamflows in autumn and winter were common. On a scale of hydrological years, the influence of the Puelo River on the surface layer of the Reloncavı´Fjord varied strongly in function of both the river’s streamflow level and regimes. Years with markedly mixed regimes (rainfall/snowmelt), high autumn and spring streamflows (Q1000 m3/s) resulted in significantly cooler, fresher conditions in the fjord. These temporal patterns, in turn, determined high, constant saturations (100%) and concentrations (10 mg/l) of surface dissolved oxygen. By contrast, the discharge pattern of 2007 led to stable, low streamflows in autumn and winter (Q250 m3/s) that did not influence temperature or salinity. A significant association was found between the temporal variability of the salinity (increasing from 6 to 28 psu) and low dissolved oxygen saturation (B50%) and concentration (B5 mg/l), largely dominated by wind events. Keywords: hydrological regime; Puelo streamflows; wind influence; hypoxic events; Patagonian fjord

Introduction 1995; Morey et al. 2009) and the transfer of Downloaded by [] at 08:16 21 December 2017 Along high-latitude marine coasts, freshwater energy to higher trophic levels such as local inputs and sources vary in importance according fisheries (Le Pape et al. 2003; Lloret et al. 2004; to their spatial scales. In open coastal areas, Frame & Lessard 2009). The southern region of direct precipitation over the water surface pro- the eastern South Pacific, specifically Patagonia, vides the most important contribution, whereas has several relevant features: (1) a complex in semi-closed systems, this comes from the interaction between the atmosphere, land and largest tributary rivers (Mattha¨us & Schinke ocean (strong poleward winds, the poleward 1999). Rivers with high streamflows (Q) that Cape Horn Current) (Strub et al. 1998); (2) empty into coastal and estuarine zones signifi- heavy input of freshwater and terrestrial organic cantly influence circulation patterns (Liu et al. matter from rivers, melting ice and rainfall 2007), biogeochemical processes (Malej et al. (Pickard 1971, 1973); (3) vertical stratification

*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

# 2013 The Royal Society of New Zealand 516 J Leo´n-Mun˜oz et al.

due to freshwater input (Da´vila et al. 2002; the fjord’s main tributary (Q650 m3/s) and Calvete & Sobarzo 2011); and (4) an enhanced heavily influences its oceanographic character- terrigenous sediment supply (Silva et al. 2011). istics (Baste´n & Clement 1999; Valle-Levinson The Patagonian region is a complex intercon- et al. 2007; Gonza´lez et al. 2010); and (3) the nected set of austral fjords and channels*one of Puelo River streamflow has shown a decreasing the largest interior seas on the planet*and its interannual trend that is representative of the oceanographic characteristics are significantly as- streamflow regimes of other southern rivers that sociated with high freshwater contributions from empty along the north and central Patagonian direct precipitation (33.5103 m3/s) and continen- coast (41488S; Lara et al. 2008). Finally, the tal run-off (27.8103 m3/s) (Schmitt 1995;Da´vila Reloncavı´Fjord is also intensely used for salmon et al. 2002). The high input of freshwater from farming an activity that has presented an in- tributary rivers generates important variations in creased fish mortality during some of the last salinity that characterise the distinct water masses autumn periods caused by higher salinity levels present in this channel and fjord region (Pickard and lower dissolved oxygen concentrations in the 1973), resulting in a stratified water column (two to surface layer (Baste´n & Clement 1999). three layers; Ca´ceres et al. 2002; Valle-Levinson Herein, we hypothesise that the interannual et al. 2002) with strong spatial salinity gradients in decrease in the Puelo River streamflow deter- the surface fraction (B30 m; Acha et al. 2004; mines: (1) that the freshwater contributions to Gonza´lez et al. 2010). Reloncavı´Fjord present intra-annual input The oceanographic research carried out in patterns different from the mixed regime and these semi-closed systems has typically assumed (2) that in anomalous periods of low streamflow, that the influence of tributary rivers is associated the temporal variability (on hourly and daily with markedly mixed hydrological regimes in scales) of the surface layer of the fjord is largely which pluvial and snowmelt peaks are determined influenced by external factors (e.g. wind) and by the strong influence of the Andes Mountains not by the main tributary river. The main (screen effect, meltwater contribution) and the objectives of the present study were (1) to combinations of geomorphologic (exposure, establish the effect of the interannual decline shape) and biogeographic (land cover and land of the Puelo River streamflow on the river’s use) attributes of the drainage basins (Niemeyer hydrological regime, and (2) to analyse, under & Cereceda 1984). However, time-series and contrasting hydrological conditions, the influ- dendrochronological studies have shown that, ence of the Puelo River streamflow on the regionally (35468S), over the last few decades, surface salinity, temperature and dissolved oxy- precipitation and tributary river streamflows gen of the Reloncavı´Fjord. Our results could have tended to decrease and show high inter- have important implications regarding ongoing Downloaded by [] at 08:16 21 December 2017 annual variability (Lara et al. 2005, 2008). At changes in freshwater inputs to fjord ecosystems present, the repercussions of this temporal trend of southern Chile caused by climate change and on the freshwater streamflow regimes and, how these alterations affect the physical stability therefore, on the oceanographic processes and of the near surface water column, nutrient their consequences for the North Patagonian advection to the surface and ultimately the fjords and channels (41468S) remain unknown. magnitude and fate of the primary productivity The present study analyses the influence of of fjord ecosystems in southern Patagonia. the Puelo River hydrological regime on the Reloncavı´Fjord (418S) over two time scales. Materials and methods The Puelo RiverReloncavı´Fjord system was chosen for the following reasons: (1) the Relon- Study area cavı´Fjord is the gateway to the North Patago- This fjord is approximately 55 km long and 3 km nian fjords and channels; (2) the Puelo River is wide, with maximum depths of 450 m at the Hydrological regime on a North Patagonian fjord 517

mouth and 100 m at the head (Fig. 1). It has a towards the head of the fjord (Valle-Levinson three-layer circulation pattern in which the sur- et al. 2007). In this area, the marine ecosystem face (less dense, B20 m) and deepest (80 m) corresponds to a positive estuarine system, with layers tend to move toward the mouth, whereas high salinity (31 psu) and high nutrient loads the intermediate layer (B20 to 80 m) moves entering the fjord area below a surface layer of Downloaded by [] at 08:16 21 December 2017

Figure 1 Reloncavı´Fjord in the context of southern Chile; the light grey area shows the Puelo River drainage basin. The circles indicate the sites used to measure streamflow, wind direction and speed in the Puelo River, and surface temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen in the fjord. 518 J Leo´n-Mun˜oz et al.

fresher (225 psu) estuarine water. In terms of in spring (Niemeyer & Cereceda 1984)(Fig. 2). dissolved oxygen concentrations, the fjord has The temporal streamflow pattern from the Puelo haline stratification and high biological activity Riverissignificantlyrelated(r20.9, PB0.05) to resulting in a marked oxycline (74 mg/l) at 10 m the other two main tributary rivers that empty into (head) and at 20 m (mouth). Below this oxycline, the middle sector (Cochamo´River Q100 m3/s) the dissolved oxygen concentration drops to and head (Petrohue´River Q350 m3/s)ofthe around 3 mg/l (Gonza´lez et al. 2010). Reloncavı´Fjord. The estuarine condition of the Reloncavı´ Fjord is closely tied to high freshwater con- tributions from the drainage basin, particularly Time-series of the Puelo River streamflow from the Puelo River (Fig. 1). This river begins Streamflow information was obtained from the in Argentina (Lake Puelo, 250 m a.s.l.) and hydrological station Carrera Basilio (41.68S, covers 84 km before reaching its mouth in the 72.28W) of the Direccio´n General de Aguas de middle of the fjord (Fig. 1). The incidental Chile (General Water Office of Chile, DGA). precipitation in the drainage basin of the Puelo This database consists of the daily streamflows River and Reloncavı´Fjord is dominated by between the hydrological years 1944 and 2007 seasonal variations of the eastern South Pacific (1 April 1944 and 31 March 2008). This gauging anticyclone off the Chilean coast (Aceituno et al. station is the closest to the mouth of the Puelo 1993). Specifically, precipitation in the Puelo River in the Reloncavı´Fjord and offers a River drainage basin (8817 km2) is 2800 mm/ representative view of the total contributions year on the Chilean side and 700 mm/year on the from this river’s drainage basin (Fig. 1). The Argentinean side (Lara et al. 2008). The mean seasonal trend of the streamflow series was monthly streamflow of the Puelo River fluctu- analysed through the non-parametric Mann ates widely, averaging 650 m3/s (Q150 Kendall trend test and the regression of the 2350 m3/s), and its hydrological year lasts from Sen slope (Gilbert 1987; Helsel & Hirsch 1992). April of one year to March of the next. The river These statistical methods have been used has a mixed hydrological regime characterised to analyse seasonal data without a normal by greater pluvial concentrations in winter and a distribution (Molna´r & Ramı´rez 2001; Zhang higher influence from snowmelts (nival regime) et al. 2001; Birsan et al. 2005; Pellicciotti et al. Downloaded by [] at 08:16 21 December 2017

Figure 2 Hydrological regime of the Puelo River corresponding to the time-series between 1944 and 2011. The box (grey rectangle) corresponds to the 25th and 75th percentiles; horizontal line median; error bars minimum and maximum values; grey circles monthly mean of hydrological year 2007. Hydrological regime on a North Patagonian fjord 519

2010). The data were processed in the MAKE- the fjord (Fig. 1). The wind data (direction and SENS application (Salmi et al. 2002)andana- speed) were gathered in winter (MayJune) and lysed at the level of three seasonal scales: (1) spring (OctoberNovember) 2007, and were hydrological years, (2) months and (3) ratios processed considering the orientation of the between months. fjord axis in the section used for measurements The interannual variability of the Puelo (658 with respect to the north). River regime was analysed by classifying each The information was analysed based on (1) hydrological year (19442007) in terms of its two different temporal scales between August type of streamflow regime (mixed: rainfall and 2006 and December 2007 (streamflow vs tem- snowmelt peaks, or nival: spring peak by perature, salinity, dissolved oxygen) and (2) in snowmelt). The hydrological regimes were clas- two contrasting periods of streamflow in 2007 sified according to the mixed regime of the (MayJune and OctoberNovember; wind vs Puelo River (Niemeyer & Cereceda 1984) and temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen). In the nival regime of the Baker River (47.88S, both cases, we applied analyses of continuous Q870 m3/s). The classification criteria used wavelet transform (CWT) and cross wavelet were the Spearman rank correlation coefficient transform (XWT) (Grinsted et al. 2004; Cazelles (PB0.05) and graphic analyses between the et al. 2008). This approach evaluates the asso- hydrological years of the Puelo River and ciations (timefrequency) between variables at the type of streamflow regime (mixed or nival). the seasonal level (Labat et al. 2004, 2005; The years that did not agree with either of the Marce´et al. 2010). The identification of regions two streamflow trends used (P0.05) were in the timefrequency space with significant and classified as irregular regimes. consistent phase relationship between series is interesting because it suggests potential causal mechanisms linking the time series (Grinsted River and fjord environment measurements et al. 2004). Specifically, the application of (20062007) XWT allows determination of the common To analyse the freshwater influence of the power of two CWT decompositions, identifying Puelo River on Reloncavı´Fjord, we compiled a when two series oscillate in a common fre- database consisting of streamflows (m3/s) and quency, be it in phase (e.g. simultaneous max- the surface values of salinity (psu), temperature ima and minima) or in anti-phase (e.g. maxima (8C) and dissolved oxygen (saturation % and of one signal aligned with the minima of the concentration mg/l) collected at a depth of 1.5 m. other). The areas of significance in the wavelet The sensors were fixed to a surface anchored graphs were estimated using Monte Carlo platform that followed the near surface motions techniques (Grinsted et al. 2004; Maraun & Downloaded by [] at 08:16 21 December 2017 (i.e. tidal-wave conditions). Thus, the absolute Kurths 2004). The CWT and XWT analyses measurement depth was always 1.5 m below the were developed using software provided by surface. The streamflow was obtained from the Aslak Grinsted ( hydrological station Carrera Basilio (DGA), search/waveletcoherence/). and the surface data of the fjord were taken from a multiparameter sensor (YSI 600 OMS) Results installed opposite the mouth of the Puelo River (Fig. 1). This information was recorded by the Puelo River streamflow variability and mixing sensor every 2 h between August 2006 and regimes December 2007. To determine the effect of the Between 1944 and 2007, the Puelo River wind, a meteorological station (H21-002) was streamflow showed high interannual variability installed at a height of 10 m and an anemometer and a significant decline (year 1945885 m3/s, (Hobo S-WCA-M003) in the middle section of year 1998347 m3/s), both strongly associated 520 J Leo´n-Mun˜oz et al.

with the decreasing tendencies of the summer (October; PB0.01) months (Fig. 3B). By con- (January, February, March) and autumn (May) trast, October was the only month with an streamflows (Fig. 3A, B). This seasonal pattern increasing pattern, which was, moreover, signifi- was associated with lower precipitation (e.g. cant in relation to the streamflows of November, February, May), decreasing the capacity of the January and February (PB0.01). As a whole, drainage basin to reload and slowing the usual these variations were associated with an exten- pluvial increase of streamflows. Specifically, the sion of the period of lower streamflows towards month of May presented a significant drop in the end of autumn (May) and an advance of the streamflow compared with the previous the greater springtime (October) streamflows winter (June, July, August; PB0.05) and spring (Figs. 2 and 3C) associated to early contributions Downloaded by [] at 08:16 21 December 2017

Figure 3 Trend of the Puelo River streamflow between 1944 and 2007: A, average annual streamflow and hydrological regimes; B, average streamflow for month May; C, ratio between the average streamflows for MayOctober period. The dashed lines indicate the level of 350 m3/s (B) and the ratio of May/October equal to 1 (C). The black squares highlights the hydrological year 2007. Hydrological regime on a North Patagonian fjord 521

of meltwater from increased temperatures. At the level of the hydrological regime, two highly contrasting stages were distinguished in the 64 years analysed (Figs. 2 and 3A). Thus, until the end of the 1970s, the mixed regime was the most frequent discharge pattern (23 of 36 years), with a generally stable ratio (1:1) between the maximum streamflows in winter (MayJuly: Q815 m3/s, pluvial contribution) and spring (OctoberDecember: Q750 m3/s, including meltwater) (Figs. 2 and 3C). On the other hand, the hydrological years from 1980 on showed regimes other than mixed (Figs. 2 and 3C). Therefore, in this period, it was common to record irregular streamflow patterns with pro- longed periods of low streamflows (e.g. year 1998: Q347 m3/s) and nival regimes. This last anomalous streamflow pattern (e.g. hydrologi- cal year 2007) was characterised by low, constant streamflows in autumn and winter (MayJune) (Figs. 2 and 3A, B, C).

Relationships between streamflow and oceanographic variables Between August 2006 and December 2007, the Puelo River presented highly contrasting flow periods, recording typical ranges in spring (SeptemberDecember, mean730, SD270 m3/s) and strongly anomalous ranges between February and August 2007 (mean310, SD30 m3/s) (Fig. 2). In the surface fraction of the Reloncavı´Fjord, the temperature revealed a marked difference between the periods of summer Downloaded by [] at 08:16 21 December 2017 (178C) and winter (98C), salinity increased con- tinuously until the end of winter (December 20065 psu, August 200719.5 psu), and the dissolved oxygen showed a strong decline in its Figure 4 Spectral cross-wavelet power between the Puelo River flow (Q,m3/s, grey line) and surface mean concentrations and saturation levels during temperature (T, 8C), salinity (S, psu), and dissolved the months of May and June 2007 (MayJune oxygen (DO, %) of the Reloncavı´Fjord (1.5 m). 50, SD20%; mean5, SD2.2 mg/l) (Fig. 4). The black contour lines indicate coherent oscilla- The XWT analysis identified oscillations in tions at significance level of PB0.05, and the arrows temperature and in salinity coherent with those indicate the relative phase relationship between in streamflow (Fig. 4). These associations were series in a portion of the time domain (right phase; leftanti-phase; down first series leads stronger and longer in the spring months of both the second by 908). The white area indicates the years. During these stages, we recorded signifi- absence of temperature data during the month of cant couplings at different periods (1, 15, July 2007. 522 J Leo´n-Mun˜oz et al.

1025, 4060 days) and mainly in the anti-phase differed highly in terms of freshwater contribu- (Fig. 4). By contrast, between February and tions from the Puelo River (T1 mean230, August 2007, the significant couplings between SD40 m3/s vs T2 mean765, SD245 m3/s) these variables decreased noticeably and were (Fig. 2). Although both periods were influe- limited to sporadic events of greater stream- nced mostly by winds coming from the southern 3 flow (1621 April 2007; Q700 m /s) (Fig. 4). component (Fig. 5), the maximum wind speeds Respect to the streamflow and dissolved oxygen, registered were distinct (Fig. 5). In these contrast- the XTW analysis registered coherent oscilla- ing periods, the XWT analysis showed stronger, tions (periods 10 days) that were significant more significant associations between the wind and prolonged until mid-autumn 2007 and from time-series and the surface oceanographic vari- August to the end of December 2007 (Fig. 4). By ables of the fjord in the autumn months (Fig. 6). contrast, in May and June 2007, this coherence Specifically, between May and June, the wind was practically non-existent in periods shorter speed series presented prolonged significant cou- than 90 days (Fig. 4). The significant coherence plings (periodsB1day,315 days) with respect observed at many periods well illustrates the to salinity and dissolved oxygen (both associa- degree of influence that the Puelo River has on the physical and chemical characteristics of the tions near anti-phase) (Fig. 6). The time-series of fjord’s surface layer, via its control over the temperature and dissolved oxygen also registered thickness of that layer, suppressing to a greater coherent oscillations. However, their significant or lesser degree, the upwelling of more saline, couplings (anti-phase, periods between 3 and 10 less oxygenated water. days) were more sporadic and less prolonged than those observed with respect to salinity. By contrast, between October and November 2007, Wind influence on the surface layer of the fjord the influence of the wind was weaker and tied The autumn (T1 MayJune) and spring (T2 mainly to significant couplings with respect to the OctoberNovember) 2007 sampling periods temperature (periodsB1day,23 days), whereas Downloaded by [] at 08:16 21 December 2017

Figure 5 Wind speed and direction measured in the Reloncavı´Fjord in autumn (MayJune) and spring (OctoberNovember) 2007. The direction indicates the wind source. Hydrological regime on a North Patagonian fjord 523 Downloaded by [] at 08:16 21 December 2017

Figure 6 Spectral cross-wavelet power between the wind (W, m/s) and the surface salinity (S, psu), temperature (T, 8C) and dissolved oxygen (DO, %) of the Reloncavı´Fjord (1.5 m). The black contour lines indicate coherent oscillations at significance level of PB0.05, and the arrows indicate the relative phase relationship between series in a portion of the time domain (right phase; left anti-phase; down first series leads the second by 908). 524 J Leo´n-Mun˜oz et al.

in the case of salinity and dissolved oxygen, the (periods B1day,25daysand1015 days) coherent oscillations with the wind were limited were in phase, with increases in salinity and to the moments of low streamflow and were mainly temperature associated with increases in registered in periods of B1 day (Fig. 6). During the constant and high levels of dissolved oxygen spring samplings, the significant couplings of the saturation (mean100, SD7%) and concen- variables of the surface fraction of the fjord tration (mean10, SD1.2 mg/l) (Fig. 7). Downloaded by [] at 08:16 21 December 2017

Figure 7 Spectral cross-wavelet power between the surface temperature (T, 8C), salinity (S, psu) and dissolved oxygen (DO, %) of the Reloncavı´Fjord (1.5 m). The black contour lines indicate coherent oscillations at significance level of PB0.05, and the arrows indicate the relative phase relationship between series in a portion of the time domain (right phase; left anti-phase; down first series leads the second by 908). Hydrological regime on a North Patagonian fjord 525

Discussion represent the average streamflows of these rivers, The eastern South Pacific Ocean off austral Chile the referential use of such times series involves a is characterised by high precipitation due to the high degree of uncertainty since: (1) they do not strong influence of sub-polar low-pressure sys- consider the decreasing interannual trend de- tems associated with rainfall (Silva & Neshyba scribed for precipitation and streamflows from 1979;Da´vila et al. 2002; Calvete & Sobarzo local tributary rivers (Lara et al. 2008), and (2) 2011). The Andes Mountain Range facilitates the average streamflows tend to mask heavily con- accumulation of water in the form of ice and trasting hydrological regimes (e.g. year 2007: nival regime, Q462 m3/s; year 1999: pluvial glaciers, and rivers eventually discharge this water 3 into the sea. In general, the temporal influence of regime, Q499 m /s). Thus, greater efforts are tributary rivers on coastal systems is widely needed and must include the hydrological re- described at the level of physical and biogeochem- gimes of major Patagonian tributary rivers (e.g. Puelo River, 41.68S: Q650 m3/s; Baker River, ical processes (Malone et al. 1988; Mattha¨us & 47.88S: Q 870 m3/s)asrelevantwatersheds Schinke 1999;Costaetal.2007;Martinhoetal. modulating the continentocean interface. 2007; Buranapratheprat et al. 2008). Our results The analysis of hydrological and oceano- highlight the dominance of streamflow patterns graphic data on a scale of hydrological years other than the typical mixed regime and an revealed that the Puelo River influence on the increase in nival regimes associated with the trend surface layer of the Reloncavı´Fjord varied as a of lower streamflows registered for the Puelo function of streamflow levels and temporality River since the mid-1970s. Considering these (hydrological regime). Thus, in autumn and characteristics and that the variability of the Puelo spring of 2006 and 2007, the high streamflows River streamflow is correlated with that of other of the Puelo River (e.g. SeptemberDecember; important rivers in southern Chile (41.5468S; 3 Q730 m /s) caused a significant decline in the Yelcho River363 m3/s, 130 m3/s, 3 3 fjord’s surface salinity (mean7psu)andallowed 240 m /s, Ayse´nRiver628 m /s; high, constant concentrations of surface dis- Lara et al. 2008), it can be predicted that, like the solved oxygen (mean10 mg/l). By contrast, Reloncavı´Fjord, other North Patagonian chan- the low streamflows in autumn and winter of nels and fjords are being influenced by fresh- 2007 (MarchJune; Q265 m3/s) did not influ- water discharges without a defined interannual ence the temporal patterns of the fjord’s surface pattern. Although the oceanographic processes layer. The same situation has been reported for and patterns of the North Patagonian fjords coastal systems highly influenced by tributary and channels are highly regulated by variations rivers at other latitudes. During periods of low of salinity (Pickard 1973; Valle Levinson et al. flows, the spatio-temporal variability of salinity Downloaded by [] at 08:16 21 December 2017 2002, 2007; Iriarte et al. 2007), little information and circulation processes is largely dominated by exists regarding the temporal influence of high internal waves, tidal cycles and wind events freshwater inputs from tributary rivers. From (Schroeder et al. 1990;Dongetal.2004;Liuetal. our small scale (spatial and temporal) approach 2007; Buranapratheprat et al. 2008). In turn, using long and short time series, we emphasise anomalous hydrological events (e.g. prolonged the potential coupling of the streamflows of tri- periods of low flows during nival regimes of the butary rivers and the physical and biogeochem- Puelo River) have been associated with the ical variables of the coastal systems into which upwelling of a more saline, less oxygenated water these rivers empty. Here, oceanographic studies mass to the surface layer of the coastal system at have had to rely on the temporal patterns of the river mouth (e.g. Yin et al. 2004;Melroseetal. hydrological regimes (mixed or nival) described 2007; Guo & Valle-Levinson 2008). Recently, in more than 25 years ago (Niemeyer & Cereceda the Reloncavi Fjord, it was hypothesised that low- 1984). Although these descriptions may correctly oxygen and high-salinity deep waters below the 526 J Leo´n-Mun˜oz et al.

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