pilot, Icon has designed several courses in-house to satisfy pilots courses in-house to satisfy has designed several Icon civilian flight train- One major departure from standard focus on briefing and debrief- There is also a strong has hired are former Icon all of the instructors Currently, - program first training the experience to a chance had I visit to northern California, the more recent During my by winds was dominated planned training day The first of the immaculate production facility and completed the of the immaculate production facility and completed TX-Sthe named has Icon what of portion ground-school who already have course, the program offered to pilots a seaplane rating. This course includes a home-study four and approximately portion, ground instruction, before they take delivery of their airplanes. Icon had origi- had Icon of their airplanes. delivery before they take in about three weeks train new pilots nally hoped it could in developing But their airplanes. right before delivering this goal found to be the company its training curriculum, platforms at of A5 training With the availability ­unrealistic. training can be pilot the country, various locations around a longer period.spread out over of flight experience. with a wide variety pilots and student ­ F/A-18 Navy “Hilda” Brunn, a former U.S. With Jeremy the curriculum is loosely as the core program developer, based on military flight-training philosophies. as a primary instrument. focus on angle of attack ing is Icon’s on the panel. is located top and center the AOA And in the A5, briefing allows ing each training flight. The preflight the to go of the flight. The debrief ­instructor through the details training, director of flight operations and uses what Icon’s with a Marine Corps-trained pilot Zackney, Greg “Groucho” calls the “Blue Angels Harrier, AV-8B ­experience flying the focus on constructive wherein there is a strong ­method,” criticism without judgment. department will hire civil- the flight however, military pilots; says. certain criteria, Zackney who meet ian instructors program Icon’s main instructor. hand with Zackney as my amphibious experience flying the $250,000 first my not was who part of a group of journalists I was summer, LSA. Last top- and from a to Valley Napa were limousined around were treated to an incredible We in Calistoga. hotel notch skiing, water houseboats, with two Berryessa on Lake day Ski-Dooing and more under clear skies and calm winds. This time around, as different as the weather. mood was Ias area the over towered winds gusty and clouds ominous by at the headquarters at Nut Tree Airport (KVCB) ­arrived transportation. own my would be no good which Zackney said for 20 knots, over to fly a light- set that we were training. And considering a tour I of flying, got sport aircraft, I agreed. Instead

training madness, madness, //BY STEPHEN POPE STEPHEN //BY //PHOTOS BY JIM BARRETT BY //PHOTOS “improve and control the manufac- “improve Icon has taken a lot of flack in the in flack of lot a taken has Icon on training?focus this new Why fter a fitful production start for the fter a fitful production Aircraft A5 light-sport aircraft, Icon has has regrouped. The company built a composite factory in Mexico to ­ turing process while simultaneously founder Icon’s says reducing cost,” the While Kirk Hawkins. and CEO, composite shopnew Tijuana-based has up and running, Icon is getting opened two training facilities for its A5 amphibian — one at its head­ California, and quarters in Vacaville, . A Tampa, one in downtown third facility is expected to open soon at an undisclosed location in Texas. sales restrictive a for months 10 past contract that angered some buyers, pro- early the of for reserving all and duction airplanes for its flight-­ - program. But there is a solid strat egy behind this apparent ­ can customers if and promises, Icon end upremain patient, they may thanking the leadership team for its decisions. 1,800- that of Icon’s says Hawkins about 30 to 40 plus deposit holders, there is Hence percent are nonpilots. buyersthose training for need great a A 600 LEARNING TO FLY TO LEARNING PA-46 TO NEW HEIGHTS. TO NEW PA-46





JANUARY 2017 | FLYINGMAG.COM | 38 pilots water

THE LAKE. THE ICON TAKES TAKES ICON STRAIGHT TO NEW STUDENTS STUDENTS NEW between $100 and $140 per hour. So those with a tighter hour. per $100 and $140 between While the weather during my recent trip to Vacaville was recent trip to Vacaville While the weather during my dark rain but instead the second day, The winds died down However, the fun factor is pretty much guaranteed to be much guaranteed the fun factor is pretty However, for non­ As soon as the second lesson, the curriculum includes “deck-angle drills,” in which the student uses power uses power in which the student drills,” includes “deck-angle the ­ above as a few feet altitude as low to maintain a set If you touch the too. around with, I played — an exercise yeah. Heck who cares? Fun? ­water, scuzzythe for, known is California what of opposite polar the some of the insight into conditions helped me get better back taking a step a part in Icon played have ­issues that may LSA.in the production process of the carbon-fiber Icon’s Flight Center. Light-sport airplanes generallyairplanes Light-sport rent Center. Flight Icon’s for ­ training at a their would be well advised to start pocketbook money. save to local LSA flight school through than forcing the students Rather higher with Icon. to land how stalls before learning flight and slow maneuvers, lake.to the straight new students takes Icon the airplane, altitudesto fly at gradually lower students its instructs Icon while maintaining an at 500 feet, starting the water, over confine- lateral narrow the Without heading. ­approximate fun and scenic way far the most this is by ment of a runway, to control an airplane, and possibly the best to learn how Rather than flying a specific for teaching landings. method speeds, and flap settings settings, at precise power pattern and focusaway right flaps full up with set can the student control- and AOA the on line white the maintaining on only ling the airplane until it kisses the water. are easy to identify with their easy to identify with their are scheme and a large identifying identifying scheme and a large Airplanes in Icon’s training fleet fleet Airplanes in Icon’s training number on the vertical stabilizer. stabilizer. number on the vertical distinguishing red-and-white paint paint distinguishing red-and-white All of Icon’s courses are billed on an All of Icon’s can certainly receive Nonpilots flown before, you can expect to flyflown quite a bit more. hourly basis at $250 for the airplane, and anywhere $95 for the instructor, ground- the for $600 to $150 from portion, depending oninstruction the course. There is also a sport-flying ­introduction flight offered to pilots of $595. for a cost and nonpilots training at a regu- their sport-pilot lar LSA flight school for less than it the certificate at to achieve will take - appears opti new, refreshing examples to simplify new, never for trainees who have concepts in a cockpit. There is an Initial foot set Sport Solo program for those whose that they can fly thegoal is to prove about estimates airplane alone. Icon this10 hours of flight time to complete course (a number that ­ an license covers A sport pilot mistic). course with a sea- entire sport pilot at 20plane endorsement, estimated hours of flight time. That is the mini- amount of flight time requiredmum never for the certificate, so if you have licensed Zackney also took the time to deposit nonpilot With so many and a half hours of flight instruction and a half hours of flight instruction with landings. courses work. the other ­explain how course is offered for ­ The TX-L also offers specific train- Icon holders, ing for buyers without prior flight ­experience. The training material uses pilots who are not seaplane-rated. Its who are not pilots ground portion goes deeper into the with operations, of water concepts foreight hours of flight time estimated the course. completing


A small picture A small picture An armrest An armrest A Trig comm comm A Trig A single power A single power The panel The panel At the center the center At and transponder, and transponder, and a Garmin portable GPS, small, provide lightweight avionics solutions. 4. on the screen, to the left of the gear lever, shows whether the airplane is configured for water or land. 5. you control the center stick. 1. field of the pilot’s of view is the gauge, which AOA makes it easier for new students to learn how to land and keep the airplane in a safe flight attitude. 2. includes basic only instrumentation, as the airplane is designed for VFR flight only. 3. controls the lever Rotax engine. 6. adds ergonomic comfort while The cockpit The cockpit the layout of A5 is Icon reminiscent of a sports making it car, more inviting to nonpilots.



IS MADE FOR. WHAT THE ICON A5 A5 THEWHAT ICON THIS KIND OF PLAY IS IS THIS KIND PLAY OF While I imagine many deposit holders are disappointed are holders deposit many imagine I While After the debrief with Sullivan and a quick snack, Once at the main portion of the lake, I progressed fromOnce at the main portion of the lake, chop mak The conditions were perfect, with light surface I went back out with Zackney to complete the final flight I went back out with Zackney to complete in Lake things that make the TX-S curriculum. One of many is its changing a perfect training environment Berryessa mid- to the lake When we returned weather conditions. with whitecaps in some water, choppy morning, there was As a result, I got some real- were glassy. areas while others conditions, world practice in normal, rough-sea and glassy usually accomplished in the same that is not something I also had a chance to try beaching, a challenging but day. fun exercise. the training cen- bring their A5 home yet, that they can’t fun with the airplane today. some them to go have ters allow to excited I’m can also rent the airplanes. Qualified pilots and family experience friends my and let to Vacaville return fun of amphibious sport flying. the extreme ing it easy to gauge the distance from the water. We also did We water. the from gaugeto distance the easy it ing up to 4,000 the Rotax Powering operations. a bunch of water werethat birds small numerous among plow-taxied I rpm, The seawings way. quick and smart enough to get out of the and on the water stability exceptional on the A5 help provide for much sharper turns than a regular seaplane. This allow wipe I could not A5 is made for. Icon is what the kind of play KVCB. we landed back at my face as the smile off canyon a few feet above the water in the early-morning light. in the early-morning the water above a few feet canyon waterbasic touch-and-goes to short-field in the open water the tree- The approach took us over cove. landings in a tiny opened as the cove side of the lake clad hills on the western wide-open core. After a couple of practice into the lake’s before the end the amphibian stopped able to get I was runs, landing distance amazed at the minimal and was of the cove, training. a little after just I achieved

water, water, A row of A5s designated for training — distinguished by of A5s designated for training — distinguished A row to surprised not I was summer, experience last After my Zackney the required maneuvers, After completing around and headed back to the airport. Rather turned We visit, and the third my fortunate to be able to extend I was clouds threatened the area. The ceilings were around 3,000 area. The ceilings were around 3,000 clouds threatened the concerned that our flight would be so I wasn’t feet, to 4,000 is made for ­ canceled. I reasoned that since the airplane training despite thewe would be able to continue the flight threat of precipitation. a largeand paint scheme red-nose a tail,each number on designated number in the training ­indicating the plane’s perfectly lined upstart) — were (there will be 15 in all to fleet preflight, After a thorough outside the maintenance hangar. 912 hp Rotax up the 100 in, powered Zackney and I strapped the training to start engine, and climbed north from KVCB the flat farmlandsover stalls flight and slow turns, with steep in the southern part of the Sacramento Valley. any speed. Once to fly at stable and easy very find the airplane in fact, if you straight; the A5 stalls in the red area of the AOA, it barely trembles. it in the , keep that cuts a canyon me to point the A5 toward ­instructed The clouds over Berryessa. scenic Lake the toward straight lush val- the over than those and lower the hills were darker water practice. As we but they were plenty high for ley floor, rain California State Route 128 into the canyon, followed falling on top of the just wasn’t ­began to fall. But the water dripping into the cockpit. It was sexy shape of the Icon. and did in the pattern than cut the lesson short, we stayed landings in With only two runway some touch-and-goes. expected a challenge. than belt, I But other the A5 under my during the last attitude used to the slightly nose-low getting stages before the flare, I found the landings easier and much The airplanes of this weight class. than those of other stabler taxiing. slow-speed a bit challenging was only thing that was took rising, I was sun the As charm. the definitely a was day who pilot Navy F/A-18 flight with Shane Sullivan, a former easternmost the reached We Icon. recently hired by was the and I flew above low, finger dropped down of the lake, to the main part of tracking the scenic canyon water, glassy - few flying experiences can beat the unobstruct Very the lake. a narrow ed view from the cockpit of an A5 while flying down allow delivering, With the parts already in supply, Icon With the partsalready in supply, Some customers may be dismayed by Outside the main production building, proved Aerospace companies have read this, production at the Tijuana-basedread this, production at factory The should be up and running. in arrive to expected are airframes first in May. assembly for final Vacaville 21 airplanes. Whileis producing a total of air- of those early some of the customers purchase, all ofplanes will complete their the airplanes will be leased back to Icon. The company will maintain, insure and store the airplanes, and the owners can come fly them for the cost of fuel (once course the training completed they have appropriate to their flight experience). Once the new airplanes start ­ these customers will get a new A5, which all the improvements. will incorporate As noted in the story leaks,with the rain there are some quality issues that Icon is ironing out. but they should this major delivery delay, air- the Keeping overjoyed. be fact in centers will ­ planes at the training Icon to put them through their paces and - air get feedback to make the delivered squawk-free. planes relatively there are smaller office buildings and two hangar structures, where the completed One greatmaintained. A5s are stored and fold the benefit of being able to quickly wings of the A5 is the ability to fit many small space. airplanes in a relatively time and again that certification is only the first major challenge in becoming a Getting qual- successful manufacturer. ity is at least as production up to speed FAA difficult as obtaining that coveted companies in recent sign-off. Several years went out of business after failing to get production and quality up to speed. are two prime and Eclipse Adam Aircraft examples. It would be a shame to see the same thing happen to Icon, as the com- a new attracted pany has successfully industrythis something — pilots of breed need of.is in desperate unable to keep up with the rate ofunable to keep up with the rate For example, to meet the strict weight For The biggest change is that the produc- While a look into the factorythe into look a While makes demand. Some modifications have also­demand. Some modifications have been made to the initial design of the A5. limits, the initial design had thin cables for the flaps, which made the flaps stick at times. Thicker cables were installed to weight- Other the problem in ASN2. solve reducing efforts included eliminating the filler (used to smooth out the composite not necessary. texture) in areas where it’s Filler is still used for areas where aero- dynamic efficiency is critical, such as the in also are Modifications edges. leading the offing for the airspeed indicator and altimeter to make them easier to read. for thetion of the composite airframes to Mexico. By the time you A5 has moved Walking around Icon’s factory floors Icon’s around Walking walk- is much like virtually in Vacaville ing through the renderings the company ­released in 2014 when it first announced its initial headquarters from the move California. The offices are in Tehachapi, modern and the production floors are squeaky clean, with parts and pieces organized at each production perfectly paint booths are erected, ­station. Two and there is space for a third. Behind the componentscarbon-fiber booths, paint are glued together into what some con- sider to be the ultimate flying toy. a visitor feel good about the structure and organization of the production, the CEO lack of activity tells another story. chain Kirk Hawkins says the supply was ­ aircraft manufacturers. manufacturers. aircraft the supply-chain and quality and quality the supply-chain The new Vacaville production production Vacaville The new Now the company must iron out out must iron the company Now challenges that often impact new that often impact new challenges WHAT HAPPENED WITH ICON’S PRODUCTION? ICON’S WITH HAPPENED WHAT facility provides plenty of space for plenty of space for facility provides hundreds of Icons to come together. of Icons to come together. hundreds