




Nepal Area of Focus


Mali Niger

Senegal The Gambia Central South African Sudan Guinea-

Sierra Leone Congo, DRC Cote Country Polio Status d'Ivoire Congo Endemic Re-established Importation case since 22-Aug-2010 No importation case 22-Aug-2009 through 22-Aug-2010



Agadez NIGER

Agadez Agades Agadez


Tahoua Tahoua

Tânout Tahoua Zinder Zinder Tillabery Tahoua Tillabery Tahoua Keïta Ayorou Tillabery Maradi Illéla Filingué Tahoua Tahoua Tillabery Tillabery Maradi Gouré Tahoua NIGER Zinder Dosso Tahoua Maradi Maradi Zinder Diffa Kantché NIAMEI Dosso Maradi Aguié Tillabery Diffa Maradi Maradi Zinder Diffa Maïné-Soroa Dosso Maradi Say Dosso Zinder Dosso Dosso International Tillabery National boundary Airports Other Gouvernorat Airport Type Airport Class Prefecture 1 2 3 4 Urban Airport Authority Humanitarian Use Dosso Airport Type Ocean port 1 - Airport 4 - Fixed helicopter landing zone Gaya 2 - Airfield 5 - Improvised helicopter landing zone River 3 - Airstrip 0 - Unspecified

Airport Class Inland water 1 - International 2 - Domestic Populated Places 0 - Unspecified (Estimated Population) Airport Administrative Authority 1 - Civil private 4 - Mixed Civil/Military Population not known 2 - Civil public 5 - None 3 - Military 0 - Unspecified 1 - 24,999 Humanitarian Use 25,000 - 99,999 1 - Entry Point 4 - Final Delivery Point BENIN 2 - Primary Hub 5 - Operationally Significant Location 100,000 - 249,999 3 - Secondary Hub 0 - Unspecified 250,000 - 999,999 Roads 1,000,000 - 13,831,900 DATA SOURCES: Comité de Promotion de l'Information Géographique au Tchad; Europa; Food Primary road Programme, Logistics Cluster; Food and Organization of the United Secondary road Nations; Europa; Natural Earth Tertiary road Map Creation Date: 03-Apr-2013 0 50 100 Miles Trail

0 50 100 Kilometers

CCeenntteers ffoorr DDisiseeaassee C Coontnrotrlo al nadn Pd rPevreevnetionntion

AAggeennccy ffoorr TTooxxicic S Suubbsstatancnecse sa nadn Dd iDseisaesea sRee Rgiestgryistry Niger Detail Log GPEI CDC SA-GRASP (2013-Apr-03) Poster E-mail: [email protected] | Web: www.atsdr.cdc.gov The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official posCitionA of CeMntersE for DRiseaOse CoOntrolN and Prevention