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Official Organ of the Lake Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Vol. XLVII Berrien Springs, Mich., August 30, 1955 I IS I lB EIIVILD Ms GLO Y by L. H. ENGELBRECHTT O the Apostle John was accorded, per- Christ was hid in God, and God was re- T haps, a fuller understanding of the see signs and wonders, ye will not be- vealed in the character of His Son. To Messiah's mission than the other disciples lieve," a sufficient revelation to cause the this revelation Jesus desired the minds of received. While to Matthew it was given to nobleman to acknowledge the divinity of the people to be directed, and their write of His kingship, Mark of His quali- the Master and exclaim: "Sir, come down homage to be given."—Id., page 261. ties as a servant, Luke of His character as ere my child die!" God's character — God's name — was a man amongst men, to John it was given Concerning the centurion we read: "As demonstrated a number of times that day. to show forth His divinity. This we gather the 'light which lighteth every man that Perhaps we could choose that aspect which from his opening remarks, which culmin- cometh into the world' had shone upon was demonstrated in the encounter with ate in the expression: "And the Word was him, he had, though afar off, discerned Satan when the madman rushed into the made flesh, and dwelt among us (and we the glory of the Son of God." We recall meeting causing confusion and alarm. Jesus beheld His glory, the glory as of the only his utternace which was in effect: "As I said "Hold thy peace," and peace there begotten of the Father), full of grace and represent the power of Rome, and my was, revealing that aspect of the title of truth." soldiers recognize my authority as su- the Infinite—Jehovah Shalom, "the Lord To reveal God's character was why Jesus preme, so dost Thou represent the power send peace." Judges 6:24. came to this world. Ministry of Healing, of the Infinite God, and all created things We have the man whose great burden page 419. On the last night before His obey Thy word." Desire of Ages, pages was the weight of his sin. We read: "In crucifixion, in talking to the disciples, 316, 317. He had discerned that part of words that fell like music on the sufferer's Jesus said He had finished His work and Christ's character revealed in the title, ear, the Saviour said, 'Son, be of good had glorified the Father's name. John 17:4, Jehovah Sabaoth—the Lord of hosts. cheer, thy sins be forgiven thee.' The bur- 6. This, then, was the work of Christ— Amos 5:27; 3:13. den of despair rolls from the sick man's to reveal His Father's character and in so If ever the character of God was demon- soul; the peace of forgiveness rests upon doing glorify His Father's name, which in strated it surely was on that day at Caper- his spirit and shines out upon his counte- all its variants, portrays His character. naum—and all by a word. The demon- nance. His physical pain is gone, and his In the story which centered around the stration began with that powerful sermon whole being is transformed. The helpless wedding feast at Cana, we read: "This in the synagogue, followed by the release paralytic is healed! the guilty sinner is par- beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of the madman from the power of Satan, doned! In simple faith he accepted the of Galilee, and manifested forth His glory" and the healing of Peter's wife's mother of words of Jesus as the boon of new life. —or His character. What aspect was her fever, and finishing with the healing of He urged no further request, but lay in demonstrated here? It was His ability to the sick of that city. "Never before had blissful silence, too happy for words. The provide in any emergency, and not only Capernaum witnessed a day like this"! light of heaven irradiated his countenance, His ability to provide, but the particular "Thus were spent the days in the earthly and the people looked with awe upon the provision was ample and of the highest life of Jesus. All day He toiled, teach- scene."—Desire of Ages, page 268. quality. ing the ignorant, healing the sick, giving May we ask, Why these miracles? Why We are told "our heavenly Father has a sight to the blind, feeding the multitude; this revelation? The answer is twofold: thousand ways to provide for us, of which and at the eventide or in the early morning, first, that we may know Him whom to we know nothing. Those who accept the He went away to the sanctuary of the know is life eternal, whom to know is to one principle of making the service and mountains for communion with His receive power to become sons of God; honor of God supreme, will find per- Father."—Desire of Ages, pages 259, 260. whom to know is but to put our trust in plexities vanish, and a plain path before In marked contrast was His life to that Him. And secondly, that we may be in- their feet."—Desire of Ages, page 330. of the Pharisees, who sought distinction struments of and to His glory. The demon- That attribute of the Father's character "by their scrupulous ceremonialism and stration was not to cease with His ascen- as portrayed in the name El-Roi—"Thou the ostentation of their worship and sion, for in John 17:22 we read: "And the God seest me," Gen. 16:13, was revealed charities." In the life of Jesus "no noisy glory which Thou gayest Me I have given by Jesus to the nobleman when He read disputation, no ostentatious worship, no them." ihen'inan's 'mind and said:'' "Eiceix ye act „t9, gain, applanse,„v,v,4 ever witnessed. —Australasian Record 2 LAKE UNION HERALD •••••Ailln.111111.4111•1•01MH.M.M10001•41.0..0411•1.0”M.E.O.M.0•=0.1•164140....0041.111•41 .411.0.0..1.0.) wherewithal to cover the cost of the sub- i LAKE UNION CONFERENCE S. D. A. scriptions you send, the beneficiaries will i Statement of Tithe and Mission Offerings have the privilege of beginning with the For Six Months (26 weeks) Ended June 30, 1955 first issue of 1956. Per Per Total Week If a special effort could be made in Membership Tithe Capita Ing'ring Capita Missions Memb'r every church during the remaining Illinois 5,708 $388,400.07 $68.04 $123,029.55 $21.55 $181,674.51 $1.22 / Indiana 4,595 262,365.49 57.10 93,000.95 20.24 138,580.88 1.16 1 months of this year, the subscription Lake Region 3,669 132,069.80 36.00 34,860.62 9.50 63,390.52 .66 list could very well be built up to 10,- Michigan 13,528 816,526.37 60.36 236,079.23 17.45 353,618.90 1.01 000 copies each quarter. We should Wisconsin 4,760 206,052.99 43.29 65,009.17 13.66 98,623.59 .80 have this number as a minimum. Will $1805,414.72 $55.96 $551,979.52 $17.11 $835,888.40 $1.00 1 Union 32,260 you help us? We need your assistance. You are vital to the success of this pro- i Increase over gram. May the Lord bless you in this 1954 $119,876.10 $13,955.23 $20,032.41 special endeavor. i H. A. SHEPARD Secretary-Treasurer Your Committee on Jewish Work Lake Union Conference of S. D. A. i / 0.4.041••••0••040.0•04=1.04M•140”041•10.,M.0.1•111.61 0M1.1111004=.0.411M....0.0.410.0.0•00.111•0+M..11 WISCO1 SIN Our Jewish Bible Around the field there are probably old C. M. Bunker President yellow enrollment cards, which were used L. G. Wartzok Sec.-Treas. Correspondence Course Mail Address, Box 512 Until recently we conducted two Bible formerly. These should not be used now, 802 E. Gorham St., Madison, Wisconsin but should be destroyed. Please request Office Hours: Correspondence Courses for the Jewish Mon.-Thu. 7:30 a.m.-12:15 p.m., 1:00-5:00 p.m. people. One of these was known as "The your conference office for some of the pink Fri. 7:30 a.m.-12:00 m.; Closed Fri. p.m. Sun. By appointment only, otherwise closed. Jewish Prophetic Voice," operated from enrollment cards. There will be an ample Washington, D.C.; the other as "The supply for all. Will you not make a special effort in Daily Newspapers Say Torah Institute," operated from New Distinguished Naval Officer Adresses York City. Due, however, to matters of this matter during the month of Novem- Church's Annual Convention personnel and the necessity for more ade- ber? If this is done, we should have at Portage, Wisconsin—"Christians can quate equipment, it was felt that we least 5000 more enrollees in this course stop worrying about A-Bombs and H- should combine these courses and oper- of study. Will you help us? Bombs when they have made proper spir- ate them from one center. Arrangements Your Committee on Jewish Work itual preparation," a naval medical officer were made for this to be done at a Meet- said last night at the 33rd annual Seventh- ing of the Jewish Committee some weeks Our Jewish Quarterly Journal day Adventist state wide conference here.