Lake Union Herald for 1949

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Lake Union Herald for 1949 LAKE UNION HERALD Vol. XLI Berrien Springs, Mich., July 12, 1949 No. 28 Lake Region Elects New President HE third biennial session of the by L. E. LENHEIM Fountain, F. N. Crowe, J. W. Allison, Lake Region Conference was called R. F. Warnick, James Smith, Leon T office as secretary-treasurer. Brother to order Sunday morning, June 26 at Davis; A. W. Clark, and T. L. Bass. John F. Lee, former associate secretary 9:30 A. M. by Elder J. G. Dasent, presi- Representing the General Confer- in the Publishing Department, was dent of the conference. The delegates ence was Elder G. E. Peters and Dr. were seated, and .three new churches Frank Yost. Their timely messages were received into the conference. and kindly counsel brought great en- The president's report indicated real couragement to the hearts of the be- progress during the two-year period, lievers. Elder A. G. Stewart and Pastor and the report of the secretary-treasurer Salau visited the camp for one day, set forth the actual financial condition and cheered the people with their mis- of the conference. 'While the tithe in- sion experiences. On the last Sabbath come showed a substantial increase, yet of the camp meeting, Brethren Leon the expenditures for the biennial term Davis and James Mosley were ordained were rather heavy, due mainly to the to the gospel ministry. new academy building program. During the encampment the new Fountain Succeeds Elder Dasent academy campus took on the appear- Elder T. M. Fountain, former Home ance of a tent city. Small tents and Missionary and Sabbath-school Secre- dormitory rooms were used to house tary, was elected by the delegates to the people. Large pavilion tents were serve as president of the conference for erected for the main meetings. The the next two-year term, succeeding crowds were especially large over the Elder J. G. Dasent, who faithfully week ends, and the weather was very served as president for the last four favorable. years. Elder Dasent has the distin- Due to the several changes that were • ELDER T. M. FOUNTAIN guished honor of being the first man President of the Lake Region Conference made at this biennial session, it is im- to serve as president of a colored con- portant that all of the constituents of ference in North America, and during elected to serve as Publishing Depart- the Lake Region Conference pray his administration the work of the con- ment Secretary, succeeding Brother earnestly for their new president and ference grew and prospered under his Virgil Gibbons, who is one of our vet- departmental leaders. Many perplexing leadership. Elder Fountain's former eran workers in the publishing field. problems, including the new school experience as secretary of the Home Through the years he has labored faith- program at Cassopolis will Confront Missionary and Sabbath-school Depart- fully and successfully in various con- the new administration, and I appeal ments will be of real help to him as he ferences, and under his leadership the to all the churches and believers in the assumes his administrative duties and literature work of the conference has Lake Region Conference to loyally continues to carry forward an aggres- made splendid progress. support their new president and unit- sive program throughout the field. The conference executive committee edly press forward under the blessing Elder F. N. Crowe was returned to includes the following members: T. M. of heaven. DO YOU READ THE VOICE reader of the News. Here are just a of Prophecy World Broadcast, etc. OF PROPHECY NEWS? few of the titles of feature articles Each issue of the News contains in. MANY of our good people are not that have appeared on the front page teresting up-to-the-minute news about aware of the fact that The Voice of of recent issues: the work of The Voice of Prophecy Prophecy publishes a regular month- Hindus in India Accepting Christ and such features as a Meditations col- ly newspaper which is called the —A Million Letters a Year. All umn of fine inspirational material, a Voice of Prophecy News, an eight- Answered!—Greatest Single Evangel- Radio Bible question column,, a sermon page paper edited by Ben Glanzer. istic Campaign in World History— by H. M. S. Richards, A Junior ser- You cannot keep abreast of the The Miracle of the Microphone— monette by. E. R. Walde, Answered great progress of The Voice of Evangelizing the World by Radio—. Prayers, Prayer Requests, Poems, etc. Prophecy unless you are a regular How God Intervened for the Voice A few letters from some of our read- 2 LAKE UNION HERALD ers will tell better than we can just *Elder G. E. Hutches will visit one with an education nowhere else what the News means to some folks: Ironwood, Michigan, Sabbath, July 9. received. It strives for intellectual ex- "Your News is always so full of cheer *Elder J. J. Williamson has been in- change, leadership and training, aim- and encouragement. Keep up the good vited to conduct an evangelistic effort ing to elevate, ennoble and refine one, work."—Arizona. at Ionia. It is planned that this cam- and fit him for the society of heavenly "Today I received a copy of The paign will begin Sunday night, Septem- roommates and for a home that Jesus Voice of Prophecy News. It is a grand ber 11. has gone to prepare. paper . I did not realize what a *Elder R. L. Boothby spoke to the The doors of Wight Hall are doors great work you are doing until I read workers Friday, June 24, on evangel- of opportunity open wide to ambitious your newspaper."—Virginia. ism. youth. A hearty welcome to all our "I enjoyed every word of The Voice *Brother Wayne Hyde has been in- Wolverine boys to join us this fall. of Prophecy News."—California. vited to locate at Mio and assist Elder WILLARD MAURO, Dean of Boys "Today my Voice of Prophecy News Crandell in District 7. BERRIEN SPRINGS BAPTIZES 9 came, and after reading it, Oh, it has *Brother Fred Beavon will be going NINE people were baptized in Ber- brought back my faith in God . to Manistee shortly after the first of rien Springs on Sabbath, June 11, as a Thank you so muc,h for sending me August to join Brother Kagels in Dis- result of the winter's and spring's mis- • the News. I am praying that God will trict 8. sionary activities of the Berrien Springs bless each one of you in carrying on *Elder J. C. Miklos reported a Village Church. The service was con- His message of love to the world."— greatly increased number of enroll- ducted by Elder Lee in the E.M.C. California. ments for junior camp which will be chapel, The Voice of Prophecy News has no held this year on the new. site at Gray- Notable among the converts was subscription price. It is sent regularly ling, Camp Au Sable. The buildings Mrs. Vivian Medley of Eau Claire who to all contributors: However, we will are nearing completion and about fifty was contacted during the Ingathering be happy to send you a free sample tents will be pitched for housing. campaign by Brother• and Sister Jewell copy if you will write us: *Elder C. B. Haynes will visit De- Bolegack. Over two years ago Sister The Voice of Prophecy, troit the latter part of July to counsel Medley found this message from some Box 55, with the brethren in that area on in- friends. She began to study and read Los Angeles 53, California dustrial relations. all she could find on the truths of the D. V. POND *Conference 'committee meetings Bible. She enrolled in the Voice of NIMMI*04M144M004••10411111000111111.0.01MINS were held on the campground June 29 Prophecy Bible Course and later in and July 1. MICHIGAN the 20th Century Course. For a .year *Seven young men were ordained G. E. Hutches - - - - President and a half she has been keeping the E. P. Willett - - - Sec.-Treas. to the gospel ministry Sabbath after- Sabbath all alone in her home all the 620 Townsend St. Phone 4-1317 noon, July 2, on the campground. They Box 900, Lansing 4, Michigan time longing for the privilege of asso- were Duane Miller, Alonzo R. Mohr, Office Hours: ciation with our people. Brother and Mon.-Thurs. a.m. 7:30-12 p.m. 1:00-5:15 Wilbur C. Neff, V. E. Garber, Herbert Friday a.m. 7:30-12:30 Closed Fri. p.m. Sister Bolejack invited her to come to Sun.—By appointment only, otherwise Hosford, Edwin L. Byrd and Lawrence closed. Kagels. Elder L. E. Lenheim "preached .111110114=111.111=1.04M104•1•1.4 LAKE UNION HERALD the ordination sermon. Published weekly by the NEWS NOTES LAKE UNION CONFERENCE OF *Elder Obed Klein baptized two C.L.A. INVITES SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Berrien Springs, Mich. at Pontiac, Sabbath, June 11. He is GREETINGS to the noble youth of the Contributions must be submitted to your planning another baptismal service in Wolverine State! local Conference office for approval. September. The doors of Wight Hall beckon this All matters for publicaton should reach the Lake Union Conference office, TUES- *A baptismal service is planned at fall to all of our ambitious young men DAY, 9 A. M., preceding the date of issue.. a district-wide meeting -in Brother fired by the Great Spirit to pursue their Subscription price $1.00. Foreign $2.00. W. F. Grail - - Editor 0. J. Mills' territory shortly following studies in a Christian academy.
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