The Arctic—at the center of the The grounding of Shell Oil’s huge security issues plaguing the region. sky-blue flag of the United Nations— ocean drilling rig during a winter Some more is required: is more a focus of governments storm in the Gulf of Alaska on New 1. An ambitious international and peoples today than ever before. Year’s Eve 2012 underscores the campaign of public awareness and This is partly because of the region’s need for more careful, even skeptical, public diplomacy to better educate abundant resources and its growing international attention rather than peoples and governments around the impact on global climate change. any posture of benign neglect world to the vital stakes involved. The mostly frigid, ice- 2. The U.S. Congress to bound Arctic is warmer sign the International now than it has been in Law of the Seas, first recorded human memory. approved in 1983 and Because of atmospheric signed by 164 countries change, the Arctic Sea’s since, to allow the U.S. temperature is rising, and to protect its sovereign the glaciers and ice packs rights in the area and are melting. The warming gain some “street cred” of the permafrost which for its concern about covers much of the environmental protection. Arctic, is unleashing long-frozen methane 3. United Nations greenhouse gases into support of the Arctic the atmosphere, thus Council to undertake compounding its effect on more rigorous regulations climate change. The mix is a witch’s brew. Private and moral suasion to best companies—oil and gas, mining, balance public interests and private This big sea change—literally and shipping and even tourism—want appetites in figuratively—is helping to trigger to invest more in the region at just the region. increased appetite for the area’s the time that governments and —Crocker Snow Jr., Director, Edward rich natural resources on land and international organizations are more R. Murrow Center for Public Diplomacy, underwater. More than 30 percent aware of the dangers of limited Fletcher School, Tufts University of the world’s untapped mineral oversight. resources, including precious metals, are found in this northern band at The 8-member Arctic Council the top of the world with a total (Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, population of 4 million inhabitants. Iceland, Greenland, Canada, the U.S.) is, more than any organization, in the The warming of the Arctic has a cause- position of doing something about it. and-effect impact on ocean rise and Operating below the radar of most climate change. As snowcaps melt, of the rest of the world, the Arctic previously hidden resources become Council quietly started addressing ever more accessible. Thus the pull for some of the key scientific, political, increased commercial activity. economic, environmental, safety and A Scientist's Portrait of Arctic Amplification Aging the Face of Mother Nature with the Jet Stream It seems as though the weather gods have gone berserk in temperature difference between the Arctic and mid-latitudes recent years, as nearly every day the headlines report unusual is weakening. This is important because the west-to-east winds droughts, floods, prolonged cold and snow, heat waves, of the jet stream are driven by that temperature difference. or unusual weather events happening somewhere around The jet stream is a fast river of wind high in the the globe. According to NOAA’s Climate Extreme Index, an atmosphere that takes on a wavy path as it encircles the accounting of various extreme weather events in the U.S., the northern hemisphere, forming the boundary between warm frequency is clearly on the rise, particularly since the mid-1970s. air to the south and cold air to the north. As its westerly flow The $64B question is: How much of the increase in extreme weakens, the waves in its trajectory tend to take larger north- events can be linked to human-caused climate change? south swings. These waves control weather systems on the Scientists have been reluctant surface: conditions tend to be to weigh in on this question. In Negative Phase Positive Phase clear and dry in the part of the the past few years, however, a (North America & Europe) (North America) wave where winds blow from ir Spills ir Stays ld A Sout ld A Nor Co h Co th flurry of studies have appeared Stronger, Less the northwest, and it’s generally Weaker, Wavier Wavy Jet Stream in peer-reviewed literature Jet Stream stormy where winds come from documenting connections the southwest. between climate change and As the waves increase in size the uptick in extreme weather because of Arctic amplification, Weaker Stronger events. Most of these implicate Tradewinds Tradewinds they progress eastward more W arm rth the rapidly rising concentrations Air Flows No slowly, which means that the Jeff Masters, Wundergound Co. of greenhouse gases in the weather associated lasts longer atmosphere, particularly carbon in any particular location. dioxide, which is now more abundant than it has been in at Larger waves also form “blocks,” which are like back-eddies in least 800,000 years. a stream that tend to prevent the jet-stream waves on either Some impacts are clear. We know that the warmer side—and the weather associated with them—from moving atmosphere contains more energy, which can add fuel to at all. storms and exacerbate droughts and heat waves. As the Blocking Arctic Amplification atmosphere has warmed, the amount of moisture it contains has also increased owing to increased evaporation from Large excursions of the jet stream caused many of the recent warmer oceans and the larger moisture-holding capacity of extreme weather events, such as the unusually cold, snowy warmer air. This additional moisture not only enables storms winters experienced recently in Europe and Alaska, the to produce more rain and snow, but as that water vapor unprecedented flooding in Spain and , and the record- condenses, heat is released that provides additional energy warm winter during 2011/2012 in the eastern U.S. that can be tapped by weather systems. New research suggests that increased blocking may be connected to Arctic amplification. For example, progressively Superstorm Signs earlier snow melt in northern Siberia, which allows the soil Coastal communities are already feeling the effects of higher to dry out and warm earlier in spring, has been implicated sea levels, as any storm that comes ashore adds surge and in recent summer heat waves and drought in Eurasia. Most high seas to an elevated water level, increasing the likelihood likely the similar snow losses in northern Canada played of flooding. Warmer ocean temperatures contribute to a role in the heat wave and drought in the U.S. during the sea-level rise and also may enable tropical storms to survive summers of 2011 and 2012. The strong high-pressure block farther away from the tropics and lengthen the tropical that was in place over northeast Canada when Sandy tracked storm season. These factors almost certainly contributed up the eastern seaboard helped steer her on her unusual to Superstorm Sandy’s remarkable path of destruction as westward path toward New Jersey. it formed late in the season and tracked up the eastern The shifting patterns are sketching out the portrait of seaboard where ocean temperatures were abnormally warm. climate change that models have projected for years. Mother Recent research has revealed some less intuitive links Nature’s face is not aging slowly or gracefully, the wrinkles between climate change and the escalation of extreme and scars caused by accumulating greenhouse gases are weather. The Arctic is warming two to three times faster than already visible. The good news? Extreme weather is also the rest of the northern hemisphere owing primarily to sea-ice chiseling fissures and gaping holes in the climate deniers’ loss, earlier snow melt on Arctic land in spring, and an increase bunker, leaving a crumbling foundation for their arguments. in the northward transport of moisture into the Arctic. —Jennifer Francis, Research Professor and co-founder of This so-called Arctic amplification means that the Rutgers Climate and Environmental Change Department 2 Two Arctic Observers Cited with IPCC in 2007 Nobel Prize Change "Pollution-Control" to "Clean-Development" Treaty The Arctic is melting because of actions taken in the rest economic development. The problem is not the emissions—it of the world where most people live and which generate is our underlying model of unsustainable development that the heat trapping gases and black carbon that is causing is built upon the heavy reliance on fossil fuels as the energy the problem. Just over 20 years ago, the world agreed to a source of our economy. So it is not in any nation’s interest process to address the heat-trapping gases being added to agree to emission reductions—even though this would to the atmosphere, and by 2005 was implementing the address climate change, which is surely in the interest of Kyoto Protocol that required industrial nations to begin all nations. So I propose shifting from burden-bearing to slowly reducing their emissions by the end of 2012. The opportunity-sharing. People want and need energy services U.S. did not join, Australia joined late and Canada has just such as light, heat, computer and entertainment services and pulled out of the treaty system. Despite this, the modest mobility. They do not want “energy” or carbon dioxide from goal was met by the rest of the developed countries, the burning of fossil fuels. So I propose a mutual gains strategy yet concentrations of carbon dioxide and most other of providing energy services for all in the most efficient, clean heat-trapping gases have continued to grow, and the manner possible. Turn the treaty into a clean-development negotiations system is stymied and not moving forward. treaty from a pollution-control treaty, and improve well being I argue that this is because we are negotiating the wrong while producing much less carbon dioxide and other heat- treaty. We have structured a pollution control treaty that trapping gases. sets emission reduction targets and timetables for heat- —Bill Moomaw, Professor of International Environmental Policy, trapping gases. Negotiators call these requirements “burden Fletcher School, and author of Intergovernmental Panel on sharing.” Government leaders oppose them because they Climate Change (IPCC) recognized with Al Gore for the believe that increased reductions will interfere with their 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.

The Thinner Ice Equation

James McCarthy, professor of Biological Oceanography at TYPICAL ICE IN THE CENTRAL ARCTIC EARLY 1990S Harvard has surveyed and photographed changes in sea ice in and around the North Pole from Russian and Coast Guard icebreakers and research vessels since the 1990s NORTH POLE JULY, 29, 2000 as evidence of warming ocean temperatures. These photographs are from his keynote talk at the Inquiry.


3 The Arctic Nations and their Numbers: The Independent Arctic Triangle Index

The Arctic Triangle Index prepared exclusively by the Warming Arctic staff and researchers measures and compares Arctic countries by their What do you know resources, infrastructure and social systems. about the Arctic? Contact [email protected]. 1. How is “the Arctic” most usually defined? ❏ Those lands and water above 45 Indicators Evenly Divided the Arctic Circle? and Equally Weighted ❏ Those countries with Arctic indigenous populations? Resources (15) Society (15) Infrastructure (15) Renewable Population Physical ❏ Based on media temperature of • Marine fisheries resources • Population • All weather airports and ports • Whales • Indigenous population (% of total) • Miles of pipeline 50 degrees or less in July • Timber • Unemployment rate • Oil and gas major rigs • Fresh water • Government subsidies per resident • Miles of road • Renewable energy • Number of Arctic ice breakers/ice 2. How many people inhabit the Education and Health navigator pilots Non-renewable • Life expectancy • Number of search & rescue teams Arctic? • Onshore/offshore oil reserves • Literacy rate • Offshore/onshore natural gas reserves • Hospital beds per thousand Information ❏ 40,000 • Coal reserves • % of school aged children in educational • Telecommunications • Other mineral reserves (e.g. zinc, copper, institutions • No. of research stations 400,000 platinum) • Pupils per teacher • Internet penetration ❏ • Radio penetration Environment Economic ❏ 4,000,000 • Land area • GDP & GDP growth rate Governance • Sea area • Income per capita (PPP $) • Environmental agreements (bilateral • Endangered species/invasive species • Investment (% of GDP) & multilateral) 3. How much of the world’s • Major environmental spills since 2000 • International trade • No. of disputes • Percent of land & sea mass protected • Arctic tourism (% of GDP) • Self-determination of indigenous untapped mineral resources are • Percent of permafrost land • Ease of doing business peoples (councils, NGO’s, etc.) • Voice & accountability found in the Arctic? • Corruption perception index ❏ 15% © ❏ 30% ❏ 40%

4. Which Arctic condition today Seeking Sustainable Balance has the biggest impact on global

Infrastructure Scores calculated for each of 45 climate change? indicators, starting from 8 for Best (or most) to 1 for Worst (or least), ❏ Thawing of the permafrost?

Resources TOTAL then totaled and normalized. SCORE ❏ Rising of sea temperature

Society ❏ Calving of Greenland glaciers NORWAY SWEDEN USA (ALASKA) FINLAND and ice?

Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure

Resources Resources Resources Resources 178 169 163 162

Society Society Society Society

RUSSIA CANADA GREENLAND ICELAND Arctic Council Priorities "As the new chairman of the Arctic Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Council, our ambassador Leona

Resources Resources Resources Resources Aglukkaq will focus on economic growth 162 158 150 149 of the region, sustainable circumpolar

Society Society Society Society communities and safe Arctic shipping." Aaron Annable, Canadian Consulate, Boston ©

4 The Arctic Nations and their Numbers: The Independent Arctic Triangle Index

5. How many countries are permanent members of the Arctic Council? ❏ Five How Do the Countries Rank? ❏ Eight ❏ Twelve RESOURCES Normalized Absolute SOCIETY Normalized Absolute Arctic Russia 60.85 8 74.00 6 Norway 79.14 8 94.17 8 Arctic Canada 51.64 7 80.00 7 Iceland 71.56 7 68.33 4 6. What percent of the world’s current Arctic (AK) 46.34 6 81.00 8 Sweden 71.52 6 74.67 7 Norway 40.91 5 60.50 3 Greenland 68.63 5 67.50 5 consumption of oil and natural gas Greenland 39.40 4 66.00 4 Finland 68.19 4 66.50 6 Iceland 34.81 3 50.00 1 Arctic US (AK) 59.60 3 60.50 3 comes from Arctic land or water? Sweden 30.00 2 68.00 5 Arctic Russia 56.47 2 59.67 2 ❏ 7% Finland 26.99 1 57.50 2 Arctic Canada 52.73 1 52.17 1 INFRASTRUCTURE Normalized Absolute OVERALL Normalized Absolute ❏ 15% Sweden 67.15 8 68.50 6 Norway 178.45 8 235.17 8 Finland 66.67 7 74.00 7 Sweden 168.67 7 211.17 7 ❏ 25% Norway 58.40 6 80.50 8 Arctic US (AK) 162.70 6 209.00 6 Arctic US (AK) 56.76 5 67.50 5 Finland 161.84 5 198.00 5 Arctic Canada 54.05 4 52.73 4 Arctic Russia 161.81 4 183.17 2 7. What is the ratio of Arctic areas, Iceland 42.49 3 49.50 2 Arctic Canada 158.42 3 196.67 4 land and water, compared to the Arctic Russia 44.48 2 48.50 1 Greenland 150.29 2 166.83 1 Greenland 42.26 1 51.50 3 Iceland 148.86 1 185.00 3 x Antarctic? Normalized results derived from the following formula: ( ⁄xmax) × 8, where x is the value of interest for a particular country and category, xmax is the largest value that any country has in that category, and 8 is the largest possible score. © ❏ 1.5 to one ❏ one to one ❏ one to 1.5

8. Which is the largest native Panning for Key Findings indigenous group living in the Arctic? ❏ The Sami • Norway is consistently top of the Arctic nations in overall scores combining the 45 ❏ The Inuit indicators utilized in absolute or normalized calculations. • Canada (northern territories) and US (Alaska) are the best balanced between natural ❏ The Chukchi resources, infrastructure and social systems to help allow equitable, environmentally aware Arctic development. 9. What is the biggest city above the • Russia and Iceland are the most imbalanced. Arctic Circle? • Pollution problems in the Far North come mostly from outside the Arctic. • Emergency oil spills—land or sea—represent a major risk due to limited capacities in ❏ Tromso distant, dark, icy Arctic conditions. • Territorial disputes are an irritant but do not seem a source of political conflict to ❏ Murmansk handicap Arctic resource development. ❏ Ryejavik • Recent example of Russia and Norway cooperation in North Atlantic / Barents Sea fish catch may be a model for all area countries. • The Arctic Council, celebrating its 12th anniversary, is a repository of balanced 10. How many commercial ships research and consensus decision-making in the North. transited the Russian Northern Sea route via the Barents Sea and Arctic Ocean from Scandinavia to Northeast Indigenous Arctic Insights Asia during the summer months since "A new and increased role for Arctic Indigenous peoples is needed it was newly opened from ice in 2009? to take into account the dramatic changes impacting the fragile ❏ 15 Arctic ecosystem, which are the homelands of Inuit, Sami and

other Arctic Indigenous peoples. Even the single issue of ice-free

10. two 10. ❏ 90 two 5.

navigation of the Arctic Ocean itself necessitates a comprehensive 9. two 9.

❏ 300 one 4. response with direct and effective involvement of Indigenous 8. three 8. two 3.

7. one 7. 2. three 2. peoples. To realize the important elements of good governance

6. one 6. 1. three 1. requires genuine political will and political climate change." Answers: Answers: Dalee Dorough, Inuit leader and ambassador University of Alaska, Anchorage

5 Climate Change Concerns in The Big Three

The Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, Indian Mind Shifts established in 2005, has undertaken public awareness Based on national survey in Nov/Dec 2011 of 4,031 Indian surveys in the U.S., China and India. Here are highlights: adults, 75% urban and 25% rural ▲ Only 7% of respondents said they know “a lot” American Insights about global warming, while 41% had never heard about it or said “I don’t know.” After hearing a short From interviews with 1061 U.S. adults between definition of global warming, 72% said they believe global August 31 and September 12, 2012. warming is happening, 56% said it is caused mostly by ▲ A large majority of Americans (77%) say human activities, 50% said they have already personally global warming should be a “very high” (18%), experienced the effects. “high”(25%), or medium priority (34%) for the ▲ Scientists were the most trusted sources of president and Congress. information about global warming (73%), followed by ▲ A large majority of Americans (88%) say the U.S. the news media (69%), and environmental organizations should make an effort to reduce global warming, (68%). Government and religious leaders were trusted by even if it has economic costs. about half of respondents. ▲ Majorities support funding more research into ▲ 54% said that India should be making a large or renewable energy resources (73%), tax rebates for moderate-scale effort to reduce global warming, even if it people who purchase energy efficient vehicles or has large or moderate economic costs. solar panels (73%), regulating carbon dioxide (CO2) as a pollutant (66%), and eliminating all subsidies for Inquiry Participants the fossil-fuel industry (59%). Speakers Carolina Echeverri, The Fletcher School Craig Altemose, Founder, Better Melissa Freitag, The Fletcher School Future Project Yang Fu, The Fletcher School Aaron Annable, Consulate General of George Gamota , Defense and Space Chinese Concerns Canada Securities Group Kennith J. Boda, Comander, U.S. Coast Allan Henrikson, Professor, of National telephone survey of 4,169 Chinese adults with Guard Diplomacy, The Fletcher School Research Center of Renmin University and Robin Chase, Former CEO, Zip Car Marques Jacques, Canadian Consulate Dalee Sambo Dorough, Professor, Eli Kintisch, Program of Science, MIT Oxfam Hongkong: U Alaska George Kosar, Corporate Relations, Tufts Jennifer Francis, Professor, Rutgers ▲ 93% of respondents think climate change is Val Livada, Sloan School, MIT Heather Goldstone, Reporter, WGBH Linda Malik happening; 55% say that climate change is caused Kwong Bong Kwan, former ambassador to China, Seoul Korea Gilbert Metcalf, Professor of mostly by human activities, while 38% say that Economics, Tufts James McCarthy, Professor, Harvard climate change is caused mostly by natural changes University Kyra Montagu, Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation in the environment. William Moomaw, Professor, Tufts University Nancy Nolan, Lexington Climate Coalition ▲ 78% say that they are either very (23%) or Kartikeya Singh, Fletcher pro-doc Rachael Parrish somewhat worried (55%) about climate change. Crocker Snow, Director, Murrow Center David Peterson 14% are not very worried and 8% are not at all Cammy Peterson, The Fletcher School Moderators Ben Rabe, The Fletcher School worried. Scott G. Borgerson, Managing Ryan Siewert, The Fletcher School Director, Cargometric ▲ Majorities of respondents say that if nothing Alden Smith Steve Curwood, Founder, Doug Struck, Founder, the Daily is done to address it, over the next 20 years Living on Earth Climate Blog climate change will cause more droughts and Observers Elizabeth Terry, NSTAR water shortages, severe floods, disease epidemics, Rasmus Bertelsen, Energy Lecturer, Abigail Trafford, wirter/lecturer Aalborg University, Denmark Mieke van der Wansem, Associate, extinction of plants and animal species and families, Andrew Cockerill, University Relations, BP The Fletcher School and food shortages in China. Antje Danielson, Tufts Institute of Timothy Weiskel, Cambridge Climate Environment Research Asscts. Karin Chamberlain, Triangle Index Jed Willard, Ash Institute, Harvard research Kimberley Wilson, Lecturer, Erin Donahue, Trade Commisioner The Fletcher School

6 Can the Media Be Objective about Climate Change?

The media has a dilemma covering climate change. The phenomenon is slower than watching grass grow, and shows itself more typically with data points and temperature or sea level gradients than in human interest stories. It revolves around science and peer studies. In the effort to be objective, climate skeptics are often given equal media space and time with the vast majority of scientists who accept current data. Two experienced environmental journalists highlight the issue. Media Failings Dilemma of the He-Said-She-Said This is more than an environmental crisis; it’s an existential At their cores, science and journalism are strikingly threat, and should be treated like one, without fear of similar pursuits. Both scientists and journalists are truth sounding alarmist, rather than covered as something only seekers whose credibility—and, thus, success—rests on environmentalists care about. We’re rapidly running out of their objectivity. In science, objectivity is rigidly enforced as time to address climate change in any meaningful way and part of the methodology of any experiment or observation. avoid global climate catastrophe, with incalculable human Objectivity during data collection is essential to ensure suffering. that interpretations of said In face of this situation, data, and conclusions drawn [the media] are failing. Your from them, are as accurate as so-called “objectivity, your possible. In contrast, journalistic bloodless impartiality, are objectivity has come to connote nothing but a convenient an end product that presents excuse for what amounts two or more sides to any story to an inexcusable failure and specifically refrains from to tell the most urgent drawing any conclusion about truth. As climate scientists their relative merits. sound increasingly alarmed, Such he-said-she-said there’s virtual silence in the journalism has contributed to mainstream media. the public misunderstanding of In crisis coverage, there’s certain scientific issues, such as an assumption that readers climate change and evolution, by want and deserve to know perpetuating the misperception FROM GRAND NORD as much as possible. In crisis that these ideas are the subject coverage, you “flood the zone.” You shift resources. You make of major debates among scientists. However, he-said-she- hard choices. The climate crisis is the biggest story of this, said journalism appears to be on the decline as a norm at or any, generation—so why the hell aren’t you flooding the mainstream media outlets. Some media thinkers propose climate “zone,” putting it on the front pages and leading a redefinition of journalistic norms to more closely mirror newscasts with it every day. scientific method, incorporating practices such as referencing, A journalist’s ultimate responsibility is to the public. And reproducibility, transparency, and collaboration. yet, by that measure, you’re failing. It’s time for you to level —Heather Goldstone, Ocean Science Ph.D. from MIT and Woods with the public about the severity, scale and urgency of the Hole Oceanographic Institute, and Science Editor for WGBH crisis we face. —Wen Stephenson, former editor and producer at The Atlantic, Boston Globe, Frontline and current climate activist

Politics in the Weather "Climate change got politicized as an issue when Al Gore won the Nobel Prize for An Inconvenient Truth. It's become a proxy war for the Congress now." Craig Altemose, Better Future Project, Cambridge

7 The Other Side of Arctic Warming and Yellow Dust Invading East Asia

It seems as if we are constantly preparing to fight the last to provide funding for combating in China. war and completely unprepared for new challenges. But But persuading both the Koreans and the Chinese of the one need only travel to the edge of the Kubuqi in importance of the issue, and the need to work together, was to see that mankind faces threats on an a long process. unprecedented scale that call for our united action. We Future Forest and The Great Green Wall must use the full extent of our imagination to come up with solutions to this crisis through new global alliances that I founded Future Forest in 2001 as an NGO focused on require us to completely rethink terms like “security” as we combating desertification through close cooperation with create a new civilization that can lead humans from the dark China. Future Forest annually dispatches its Green Corps night of endless consumption to a hopeful future. volunteers, a group of more than 100 young students, to Northwest China to plant trees in arid regions in danger of desertification. We focused our work on the Kubuqi Desert. The Kubuqi Desert, one of seven great deserts in China, has expanded to 450 kilometers west of Beijing and, as the desert closest to Korea, is one of the sources of yellow dust that has caused environmental damage in Korea. Our greatest achievement was the building of a strip of trees to stop the spread of the desert known as the Great Green Wall. The Great Green Wall has revolutionized land management in the moving-dune desert region by introducing a unique sustainable planting that fixes permanently the moving sands. The Great Green Wall is of ultimate significance because of its impact on Chinese perceptions and resulting changes in policy. Since China is the “lurching giant” in the global ecosystem, we must encourage the most populous country When I arrived in Beijing in 1998 to serve as ambassador with second largest deserts, to perceive desertification as a to China, I was greeted by the yellow dust storms. When I had phenomenon that is both a vital threat and at the same time established myself at the Beijing Embassy, I asked my staff to one that can be stopped through policy and action. conduct a survey about the origins and implications of the —Kwon Byung Hyun, former Korean Ambassador to China, and yellow dust, and how it arose from the rapid desertification of president of the Korea-China Economic Development Association land in China. and Director of Future Forest I learned from that report my staff gave me that the amount of desert in China was increasing at a rate of 2400 square kilometers a year and that nothing had yet been successful in slowing down that alarming rate of The Warming of the Arctic International environmental transformation. I was alarmed. I felt we Inquiry, started in 2010, by The Fletcher School, has been supported needed to do something, and to do something together by the Institute of the North and with China. the Rasmuson Foundation in Anchorage, the Consulate of Making the Desert Visible Norway in New York, and President Kim Dae Jung visited China in November of the Consulate of Canada 1998 and I proposed to him that we should include the in Boston. This report has combating of desertification as one issue for the “common been prepared by Crocker Snow Jr., Director of the Murrow agenda” of Korea-China cooperation to be discussed. Center with layout and printing by President Kim agreed and we started in earnest a dialog Hobblebush Books. on the desertification between Korea and China for the Inquiries: [email protected] • (978) 395-1961 very first time. One of the first breakthroughs we had was persuading KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency)