Historical Dictionary of the Republic of Macedonia
HISTORICAL DICTIONARIES OF EUROPE Jon Woronoff, Series Editor 1. Portugal, by Douglas L. Wheeler. 1993. Out of print. See no. 40. 2. Turkey, by Metin Heper. 1994. Out of print. See no. 38. 3. Poland, by George Sanford and Adriana Gozdecka-Sanford. 1994. Out of print. See no. 41. 4. Germany, by Wayne C. Thompson, Susan L. Thompson, and Juliet S. Thompson. 1994. 5. Greece, by Thanos M. Veremis and Mark Dragoumis. 1995. 6. Cyprus, by Stavros Panteli. 1995. 7. Sweden, by Irene Scobbie. 1995. Out of print. See no. 48. 8. Finland, by George Maude. 1995. Out of print. See no. 49. 9. Croatia, by Robert Stallaerts and Jeannine Laurens. 1995. Out of print. See no. 39. 10. Malta, by Warren G. Berg. 1995. 11. Spain, by Angel Smith. 1996. Out of print. See no. 65. 12. Albania, by Raymond Hutchings. 1996. Out of print. See no. 42. 13. Slovenia, by Leopoldina Plut-Pregelj and Carole Rogel. 1996. Out of print. See no. 56. 14. Luxembourg, by Harry C. Barteau. 1996. 15. Romania, by Kurt W. Treptow and Marcel Popa. 1996. 16. Bulgaria, by Raymond Detrez. 1997. Out of print. See no. 46. 17. United Kingdom: Volume 1, England and the United Kingdom; Volume 2, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, by Kenneth J. Panton and Keith A. Cowlard. 1997, 1998. 18. Hungary, by Steven Be´la Va´rdy. 1997. 19. Latvia, by Andrejs Plakans. 1997. 20. Ireland, by Colin Thomas and Avril Thomas. 1997. 21. Lithuania, by Saulius Suziedelis. 1997. 22. Macedonia, by Valentina Georgieva and Sasha Konechni. 1998.
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