CHICKEN Ris Jackson, Asked Mayor Ralph John Little to Warren C
Mn »« II THURSDAY, JULY 21, 196^; I f PAGE EIGHTEEN 11 mattflygHter lEngning Ijgrato Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For the' Wedc Ended linear park, from Case Mt. to Fair, cool tonight, low nead The Young Adult Club will Group to Walk 8. Main St., and to run under, July 9,1966 60; coiitiiiued eunny aaid plena- have a dance tomorrow from' 8 Church Delegates Back and around the relocated Rt. 6, P.A.C. aaik tonM»row, hdgh in Um 90a. About Town to li:3 0 p.m, at the Teen Cen Proposed Park Whether the group walks all Robert D. McGarlty Jr. of ter on School St. The “ Msm- the way to S. Main St. or only 14,231 247 Hollister St., president of chester Knights,” a recently Low-Cost Renewal Housing ‘‘Bring your, walking shoes.” to Gardner St. is a matter of Manche$ter-^A City of Village Charm the Manchester Jaycees, will formed Manchester band, will Housing could be co-operative That is the advice of Town conJecture. However far It PRICE SEVEN CEN1B attend a leadership training play for dancing. The group, for Manchester church represen- , MANCHESTER, CONN., PRIDAY, JULY 22. 1966 (Claaeifled AdverUalng on Fnce Bl)] or rental, depending on the Planner Joseph Tamsky, who walks, it will get an idea of VOL. LXXXV, NO. 248 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) seminar tomorrow and Satur those 17 to 21 years of age, is thtlves are interested in form- town’s needs. the walkways, bridle paths and day at the University of sponsored bv the Recreation ing a sponsor corporation that will lead a host of town and rest areas Which Tamsky has BINGO He noted the main stumbling Bridgeport, conducted by the and Park Department.
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