I , / A ' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER T. 1961 The Weather AYttage Daily Net PrcM Bob rOTMMt *f V. & WMOWr lil SCandia l«dge, Order of Vaaa, nur, toelgM, fog ta leir i lU r iM P v t 3mmm OauUn, eon of Oenununtty Baptist Church. The suits. For further information, call 13,330 ‘V «r M n. EllHbMh T. Geulin of S2 public ia invited to attend. A baby Mr«i Bpy Farris, t. Dnrkin St. will reaume Ita schedule of month­ l«te taalght. TUm animM it. Ruel pt.'. hu . completed recruit sitter will be provided. ly activitlea tonight at S in Oibnge M ceil^ of th* AaOt urday mostly sonay, Ittl* WM Hall with a *’Paat’ Chairman’s BorwHi of dreotetliNi _ ^ ' <*m- trmlnini: et Pnrrie laUnd, S. C.,.»nd lioyal Circle of King’s Xhiugfaters / 1 High sa-BS. ’ U now eUttoned et Ounp Lejeune, Community ..Baptist Church will sponsor a potluck Monday’ at Night” program. Plana Will also.ba. » i ■Wvloe to- made to continue the Swedlah lan­ MtmcheKter^A City of ViUoge Charm to A M t | t '8 U . N . C . ■ Oirls Guild will meet at the church 0:30 p.m. in the Robbins Room at. tomorrow night between 0:80 and Canter. Congregational Church. guage and cultural classes that «(fll be in dMiqp^ In were offered last year. Thoae in­ lb. Um . aervtoe W ll be ' eervlce uiU be held to­ 7- for a mystery ride. Those wish-; Hoatesies w i ll ^ Mrs. Mary Thrall ing to'kwim ere to bring'bathing and Mrs. Rachel Tilden. terested may sign up for these VOL. L m , NO. 288 ^TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1961 (OluMlM AdvertMag on Fags 18) PRICE nVE ClHtS morrow «l 10 m.m. in the chepel classes by sending a card to John Nelson, 40 Harlan St. The Hartford Cojmty Associa­ tion of Medical Assistants will hpld If Ijhey^re Businesslike Soviet Fallout Ito first fall meeting Monday at 8 p.m. in the YWCA. 282 Ann St, Hartford. The program will consist To Cross U.S. of a recording, "Ronald Regan rt>caka out against socialized medi-. Ifli OF UMB This Weekend G O O D E /\ R cine.” A committee meeting for a fall ’ By nANK CARBV fashion show of the Newcomers (AP SdeOns Writer) Club will be held tomorrow at 8 NOW p.m. at the home of Mm. Michael Wfifiliiiigton, Sept. 8 (4=0— W. French, 21 Goslee t>r. Co-chair­ A goveriunent fkllout expert men of the fashion show will be said today the cloud o l radio­ Mrs. Bruce V. Johnson and Mrs. active debris from the first of Henry J. Sauer. The show, with fashions from 'The Fair, will be Moscow;, Sept. 8 (jp)— So-9ex*mli^g, tho problem of disarm- four recent Russian nudlear EVERYONE CAN OVVN A Gl ament.” - tests is expected to cross the presented Oct. 27 at Second Con­ yiet Premier Khrushchev said gregational Church. "If they fail to achieve disarm­ northem United States by Look 'what you today he was ready for “busi­ ament they win never achieve State News nesslike talks” with Presi­ peace,” he warned. this weekend. Alan F. HUls will enter the can do with a Dr. Lester Machta of the U.S. 2nd Man Culinary ..Institute of America in ROAST! dent Kennedy on urgent ‘T call for the v,use of methods Weather Bureau said he could not of-peace and negotiations to solve New Haven;’on Monday as- a first world problems. estimate when debris from the year studeht to prepare for a ca­ our problems: We must heed Everyone enjoys a tender, juicy Plnehurst lamb roast, but A t a friendship meeting for In­ this call. three later tests would reach this WASHER and D reer in , the field of hotel man­ country. But that debris, together ■> ' Iwp-' roasting’* just half the fun! Now Plnehurst shows you how dian Prime Minister Nehru he - "National prestige, is an im-.. Wounded, agement. He is the son of Mr. and went on to denounce President 'with some more from the first Mr.-!. Willard B. Hills. 1652 Man­ to make glamorous company fare of tasty left-over lamb portant thing, but war will add no tidbits. Kennedy’s decision ;to resume nu­ prestige to anybody. teat, may pass over the entire chester Rd., Glastonbury, and for­ clear testing, and declared "Man­ country, he said. Former Inmate merly of Manche.ster. , "W e call for the discontinuation If you want to serve the finest, best-flavor*d lamb, you’ll kind is on the brink of another Machta aaid some ..fallout uill shop Plnehurst for go\?emment graded choice ■.lamb,, .such ihllitary tragedy." of nuclear tests. 'Whatever, the Will Have Art 12 Pound GE Filter-Flo The Ladies of .St. James .will military consideiatloh for these reach the Earth wherever the ra­ a tender and delicate meat that it almost melts in your . "Aggressive forces want to tests, they Increase the danger of dioactive cloud passes over—and open the sea.son uith a roast beef mouth. So, serve lamb this week,, .shop Plnehurst, famous B y SORT O'OmonMfc dinner Monday at 6:80 p.m. in St. plunge, the world into another mankind.” %vlll continue to as the cloud keeps Show in Jail lor the choicest meats in all Manchester. war,” he aaid. "As a pretext for circling the Earth. ' a. ' U-.V'- " James’ School hall. Tickets may TO ROAST lE O OF tA M B: , Nehru spoke for only 16 minutes About 25 setuare miles of be obtained from the co-chairmen, this they are using the questioh of before rtelding the platform to But he offered a qualified view Bridgeport, Sept. 8 (JP)— woodland in 'Vernon, Tolland Roast in open pan in 300 degree the peace treaty with Germany. that the amount of fallout deposit­ Mrs. Charles Ponticelll, 382 Hack­ oven allowing 2>i hours for a 3 Khrushchev. f^airfield County Sheriff Wil­ and Willington was the scene Automatic Washer matack St., or Mrs. John. Con­ "Our aim is to put out the re­ Khrushchev then made the first ed on the United States would be to 5-lb. leg. Roast a 8 to 8rlb. leg nors, 19 Virginia Rd. PINEHURST UMB LEOS maining flm of war by concluding public reference in the So'viet no greater from the first four Rus­ liam T. Burlant today invited today of a continuing mim- approximately 314 hours. For a sian tests "than It has been from the public to attend a one- medium-done roast internal tem­ CHOICE GRADE ONLY ,a peace treaty with Germany, All Union to the four recent nuclear lunt for an unknown, fugitive, sober-thinking people realize' that tests which the United States has any of our own test series in Neva­ man “ art show’’ of a former who is believed armed and perature registered on a meat da in the past.” thermometer should be 175 de­ 8 Lbs, and Over 612 to on the queetion of the peace treaty reported made in Central Asia, inmate at the FRirfield State who may be wounded. one must proceed from the fact of 'rte tests' breached the East-We.st He said this estimate is -base^ grees. For a well-done roast meat on a ^opeful assumption that none Jail, North Avenue, on Sun­ 'The search, b y SUto Police and thermometer , should register an . existence of two German states.” moratorium on such experiments. • W «H ^. 12 PeiHidt "Military preparations., in the of the four device.* exceeded ."H).- day from 2 to 4 p.m. ‘ j'A i '■ 'Vernon constables, began at 4 p.nu internal temj^rature of 182 de­ Speaking earlier at the meeting yesterday When two men. snapecta Truly Cluaii 59H In the Kremlin, Nehru called, "on West have been stepped up,” ' he 000 tons of that equivalent In ex- On display will be 124 feet of a grees. 55fb Civil War murals at the jail and ■ ' ISf In a North Haveii b u r g l^ ,. junqi- the great powers who hold the key ed' from a forisigii aperta ear ea (Continued On Page Seven) (Continued Ob Page Seven) other paintings by Eugene Fran­ CURRIED LAMB SALAD: to war «jd peace to remove the the WUbur Grosa H i f ^ ^ y to Ver» • No Uw9*r WasiMr (Prepared from 'Cold RoMt threat of.war and lead the world cisco, -33. Francisco, who was re­ leased a week ago after serving a non and fled into the wmida ia L.eft-Ovei'S) LAMB PAHIES ,lh. 39c to peac^” front of two TYt>opera wlio' aaw N O M O N EY in one handy liome-pac Combine 2 c. lean diced lamb, 1 c. Nehru, on a 3-day official visit year for assault, will bs on hand them. chopped celery, c. chopped 3ib$. $1.00 to the Soviet Union, came from the for the exhibit. Francisco took up art work dur­ One of the pair waa - cailllit DOWN # 2 Wash Tomps sweet pickle and 2 hard-cooked conference, of nonallgned nations about an hour later and waa IfieB- B eggs, diced. Mix 2 t. curry powder in Belgrade, which urged talks be­ Allies Warn Russia ing his jail term with the assist­ JKHUtg-HXPig ance of the sheriff who has done titled today aa William H. Fra­ With Ymir OM with 2 t. vinegar and add to 1 c. tween • the- USSR and the United zier, 41, of 281 Lewla S t, M d ^ mayonnaise.
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