After the end of the Bot War, MBoS was troubled by their losses, both in hardware and manpower. While the new conquered facilities could provide the first, they had no easy source of the former, until the Warrior (a general at the time) noted that the super mutants accepted previously as soldiers excelled at it, and they had many of them in labor camps. Those mutants were ordered to appoint a leader that could speak by all of them, so that a deal could be made. A former Nightkin, Danny, won in unarmed combat against the others competitors, becoming the new Gammorin. Then, MBoS made the following proposal: Any super mutant captive was to be freed, and put under service as a MBoS soldier. During this, the scribes would restart the sterility research acquired from the Jefferson laboratory, and provide a system capable of creating new mutants, without the need of FEV and human captives. This system would be installed at their former Osceolla base, that would be theirs again. The deal was made and, during several years (I imagine 15, until 2213, as an acceptable measure of time), super mutants acted as "honorary" MBoS personnel. The scribes were able to combine advanced medical technology and cryogenic chambers into an machinery capable of producing super mutant clones, grown at an accelerated rate dubbed the "Hatchery". Most mutants left to Osceolla, lead by Gammorin, but there were those that prefered to stay as MBoS members or something more appealing to them. At first, the new Gammorin's army was unsure of what goal they should pursue, and how they could adquire supplies, from foodstuff to chemicals for the cloning process. Gammorin was one of the few with a good level of intelligence, and he decided that super mutants were, are, and always will be good soldiers: loyal, tough, strong, fearless. But, this time, they would hire their services, defending against raiders, slavers, criminals, creatures and all the threats found on the wastes. They would become mercenaries. There was opposition to the idea, but, gradually, it was accepted as the best choice. Nowadays (2277), about one hundred* mutants are from the "original" generation created by the Master. Over the years, many died in combat or suffered with senility. Those that survived, however, make the veterans and upper ranks: the tougher, more experienced, best equiped, more expensive mercenaries. The clones make the bulk of the "Green Mercs", as they came to be called. Green Mercs are famous by never breaking their contracts, but they won't take any job, such as slaughtering a tribal village, although there's no problem on "reminding" someone of their debt to the local water merchant**. A Green merc is usually too costly to be hired by anyone. They are usually hired by wealthy individuals (Booze baroness) or whole communities (Mardin), working as bodyguards, militia, auxiliary forces, caravan guards and shock troops. Besides their base/village at Osceolla, they have "stores" at Junction City and Digger Citadel, where one can hire them. Under gammorin, there are four liutenants, who act as dealers for the contracts, negotiating equipment, requirements, duration and other details of the contracts (they are amongst the brightest). There is one liutenant at each store, and the remaining two stay at Osceolla. Hired Green Mercs usually have their own equipment, included on the price, but often accept extra ammunition and foodstuffs as part of the payment. In an effort to have better protection, super mutants had an interesting idea. All those disabled bots lying around seemed pratically new, and one of the brighter thought: how about making armor like usually, but using their armor plates instead of scrap metal? This resulted on bot armor and heavy bot armor, similar to plating and spiked mutant armor, but made from materials scavenged from bots. Heavy bot armor, for example, offers as much protection as , but without the enhancements, and only Gammorin wears one. The Green Mercs follow this chain of command: Gammorin, wearing heavy bot armor and using a M2 machine gun loaded with .50 DU; four liutenants, bot armor, M2 or gatling laser; sergeant, spiked armor, rocket launchers or miniguns; regular soldiers, plating armor or none, automatic support weapons, frag grenades, sledgehammers, super sledges. The greater the position, the more it costs to be hired, the greater the level, etc. At Osceolla, there is a character ouside the chain of command, but with great importance: Uncle. He is a Harold-like mutant***, someone that resembles a but is result of faulty FEV dipping, that worked at the Mariposa base, assisting in super mutant creation. He is responsible for the cloning process, and personally monitors every clone, naming them when "born" and explaining things. He acts like the "cool uncle", teaching what one wouldn't nowhere else. One of his first lessons to all of them is to aim at vital spots, like the head, heart and groin, no matter the enemy. He is someone that answers their doubts, is a good listener when necessary, etc. he also has some super mutant assistants (clones with above average intelligence), whom he also teaches how to operate, maintain and repair the system in case something happens with him.

*Is that a good number? I couldn't find numbers of how many super mutants were created, how many survived, etc, anywhere. I prefered to have a "numerical idea" of population on all aspects of the , but feel free to disconsider it.

**They usually follow the local customs and laws. A Green Merc at Coldwater will be more prone to violence than at Junction, because Coldwater is more anarchical and violent. On the whole, super mutants seem to need a "father figure", replacing the Master, presently Gammorin, to guide them, define "right" and "wrong". MBoS mutants follow their orders as best as they can (understand), making even a member that hates mutants admit that they have thir value, even if it is as (quite survivable) cannon fodder.

***Harold isn't the only one. Talius also appears at .