248, 254 Adaptor Proteins , 241-242 Adrenal
INDEX Acetylcholine, 202 Alternative splicing (continued) Acetylcholine receptors, nicotinic , 108 in Cav2genes, 385, 387-396 Action potentials (APs), 248, 254 therapeutic considerations, 396 Adaptor proteins , 241-242 in Cav3genes, 396-397 Adrenal fasciculata cells, 2I5-2I6 considerations for drug development, 400 Adrenal glomerulosa cells, 2 I5 identifying and confirming splice isoforms of a-Adrenergic modulation, 201 Caygenes, 374, 376 z I3-Adrenergic receptors (I3-AR), 348 in L-type Ca + genes, 379-385 I3-Adrenergic stimulation, 199 confers oxygen sensing to Cavl.2 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACI1I), 200, channels , 382 215-216 modifies inactivation, 380 eo-Agatoxins. 105 modifies pharmacology of Cavl.2, w-Aga-IA , 105-106 380-381 w-Aga-I1A and o>-Aga-I1B, 106 nomenclature of splice variants, 377, 379 processing of pre-mRNA, 375- 377 w-Aga-IIIA, o>-Aga-I1ill, and o>-Aga-IIID, 106 splice isoforms of Ca and Ca subunits , o>-Aga-IVA, 100,110,I II, 128,389 vl3z v134 398-400 and depolarizing shifts in activation voltage, I I I-I 14 AM-336 : see o>-CTx-CVID inhibits inward current by altering Amiloride, 194 chann el gating, I I 1-112 AMPA receptors, 320-321 knockoff of, 113 Amygdala neurons, central, 288 Analgesia, 163-165; see Pain sensitivities of splice forms of Cav2.1 to, Anandamide, 194 387 Anesthetics, 193 splice-form specific affinity for Cav2.1, Angiotensin II (All ), 202 126-127 structure, 157, 159 ANP: see Atrial natriuretic peptide Antiepileptics, 191, 193,213 w-Aga-IV A binding site, 124-126 Antihypertensive agents, 190, 384
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