Tested Recipes, 1948
, - - .I . - TESTED RECI-PES 1948 PUBLISHED BY American Legion Auxiliary Urban-Hanson Post No. 118 HARTFORD, S. DAK. r ,· .<; Foreword • Always · Remember The ADVERTIZERS Made This Book Possible The ladies of the Auxiliary wish to thank all these business men who, by their support, have helped make this publication possible. &m�- •-· .. - . TabJe ·of Contents Breads, Rolls,- Biscuits, Waffles and Pancakes ... 5 Cakes, Fillings and Frostings .....·........... 17 Cookies and Doughnuts .....................83 Candies . .. ............... � ..........,. 46 Desserts . � . .. .. .. •. .. .. .. .. .. .. 51 Pies and Pastries ......................... -.61 Pickles and Preserves ................ � ...... 68 Baked Dishes ....... : .......... � ...........7� Salads ....................................77 Baked Dishes: Meats, Fish, Vegetables ......-... 82 Soups .................................... - 92 Foreign Dishes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ 94 Frozen Foods . .............................- 96 .. HARTFORDW. E._ HAUGEN, EXCHANGE Manager HOLDA DANSMANN W. G.HAUGEN - ALICE BORCHERDING I -t( u·nion Telephone Co. Hartford, South Dakota TRI-STATE ELECTRIC COMPANY, Sioux Falls, S. D. Electric Equipm-ent-Wholesalers . - - - --- - - - -- - -- --- i- .. ·- - ---- --- . --- --- -- ---.... �ARTF0RD, S. DAK., COOKBOOK 5 BREADS, ROLLS ' · BISCUITS, WAFFLES AND PANCAKES Butter Hom Rolls 1 cake or package dry yeast in a little warm water, add 1 tblsp. sugar, stir until liquid; 1 cup lukewarm milk; ½ cup shortening; ½ cup sugar; 3 well beaten_ eggs; 1/2 tsp. salt; 4 cups flour or enough to make a soft dough, but stiff enough to knead. Let raise until good and light or double in bulk, then divide in half and roll until as near round as possible. Brush with melted butter, then ·cut like -pie in sixteen pie-_ ces. Roll from the wide end. Set in butter tins. Let raise until real light. Bake in a moderate oven.-Faye Haugen Refrigerator Rolls (makes 3 dozen) Cake compressed yeast; ½ cup sugar; 1 tsp.
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