SOUTH WALES. Pardre Richaxd, Lronmongejr, 6S Commercial Street Thomas David, Traffic Manager to Kixon's Kavigation Co
sao . MOUNTAIN .ASH. SOUTH WALES. Pardre Richaxd, lronmongeJr, 6S Commercial street Thomas David, traffic manager to Kixon's Kavigation Co. Penrhlwcelber Industrial Society Limited -(Wm. Limited, Pf'imrose him Lewis. n14mager), grocers &; drapers, 27 Bheola street, Thomas' Elizaibeth {:Mlr!!.), shopkeeper, 7 Caradoc street Penrhiwceilber & Union street Penrikyber Navigation Colliery Co. Lim. {The) (Thomas Thomas Evan, grocer, Penrhiwce~ber road, Jones,. sw.; Willia.Dll James, manager); telegraphic ad. Thomas Gilbert. grocer, tea dealer &; provision mer- dress, "OaIfbon, Pen'l"hiwceiben-;" telephonid address, chant, 58 Clllrdiff il'Olid Western Counties, No. 7, Aberdare, Penrikyber Thomas John, china dealer, 62 -Oxford streeh People'S' (The). Benefit Boo& Co. boot &; &hoe warehouse. Thomas John, grocer, Allen street CO!DlmerciaJ stree~ rr'homas John EdwMd, dl'aperl 52 Oxford street Phillips David Thomas, solicitor, &; s'Olicitor to the Monn Thomas Mary A. ('Mrs.), tinplate worker, Oxford street ta-in Ash Permanent Building ,Society &; solicitor to the Thomas Marf F. QMrs.), general ironmonger, 62 Com- Tynte Building Society, &; solicitor to the Graig-Isaf mercial &treet Building Society, Post Office chambers; & at 24 Thomas Thomas, grocer, tea dealer &; provision merchant, Cannon IJtreet, Aiberdare 8~, High street J?hillips Eleaa;er, butcher, Cefn-Pennar Thomas 'William, buteher, 32 OXlford street Phillips George, china dealer, iMarket house, Oxford st Thomas William ·George, ass-istant surveyor to the urban Phillips William, tailor, Rheola. street, Penrhiwceibe~ distr~ct council, Dayllesford villa Phillips Wm. Hy. drpr. &; tobacconist, Clarence ho.~:t:iskin Volunteer Battalion (3;rd) Welsh Regiment (0 &; D Cos..) Pinuer John & Co. saddlers, 37 Oxford street (0 Co. Oapt. M. Morgan, commanding; D Co.
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