FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 35 • NUMBER 214 Tuesday, November 3, 1970 • Washington, D.C

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FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 35 • NUMBER 214 Tuesday, November 3, 1970 • Washington, D.C FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 35 • NUMBER 214 Tuesday, November 3, 1970 • Washington, D.C. Pages 16897-16967 Agencies in this issue— The President Agency for International Development Agricultural Research Service Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Civil Aeronautics Board - Civil Service Commission Commodity Credit Corporation Consumer and Marketing Service Domestic Commerce Bureau Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Maritime Commission Federal Power Commission Federal Register Administrative Committee Federal Reserve System Fish and Wildlife Service Food and Drug Administration Foreign Agricultural Service Foreign-Trade Zones Board Health, Education, and Welfare Department Interim Compliance Panel (Coal Mine Health and Safety) Interior Department Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau National Highway Safety Bureau National Park Service Public Health Service Securities and Exchange Commission Small Business Administration Veterans Administration Detailed list of Contents appears inside. Latest Edition Guide to Record Retention Requirements [Revised as of January 1, 1970] This useful reference tool is designed they must be kept. Each digest carries to keep businessmen and the general a reference to the full text of the basic public informed concerning the many law or regulation providing for such published requirements in Federal laws retention. and regulations relating to record retention. The booklet’s index, numbering over The 89-page “Guide” contains about 2,200 items, lists for ready reference 1,000 digests which tell the user (1) the categories of persons, companies, what type records must be kept, (2) and products affected by Federal who must keep them, and (3) how long record retention requirements. Price: $1.00 Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, National FERERALMREGISTER Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, Area Code 202 "V, *»34 Phone 962-8626 pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, ap­ proved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I ) . Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code o p F ederal R egulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended (44 U.S.C. 1510). The Code op F ederal R egulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of new books are listed in the first F ederal R egister issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister or the Code op F ederal R egulations. Contents COMMODITY CREDIT FEDERAL REGISTER THE PRESIDENT CORPORATION ADMINISTRATIVE PROCLAMATION Rules and Regulations COMMITTEE World Law Day, 1970------------------ 16903 Tobacco loan program__________ 16910 CFR checklist___ ............................... 16905 EXECUTIVE AGENCIES CONSUMER AND MARKETING FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM SERVICE Rul es and Regulations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL Rules and Regulations DEVELOPMENT Applesauce, canned; U.S. stand­ Truth in lending; changes in open end credit accounts___________ _ 16919 Notices ards for grades_________—__ 16906 Oranges grown in Florida; ship­ Notices Procuring activities; examination ment limitation____________ ___ 16909 Georgia Railroad Bank & Trust of records and audit and records _____________________ 16942 Co.; mergers of banks (2 doc­ DOMESTIC COMMERCE BUREAU uments) _____________________ 16961 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH Notices Society Corp. ; acquisition of bank Applications for duty-free entry of stock by bank holding company. 16962 SERVICE scientific articles: Rules and Regulations Illinois Institute of Technology. 16949 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Hog cholera and other communi­ Mount Sinai Hospital of Greater Rules and Regulations cable swine diseases; areas quar­ Miami, Inc_____________ 16949 Hunting; areas closed: antined (4 documents)— 16912-16918 Saint Louis University School of Eufaula N a t i o n a l Wildlife M ed icine__________________ 16949 Refuge ____________________ 16935 AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION University of California_______ 16948 Wassaw N a t i o n a l Wildlife University of Hawaii School of R efu g e____________________ 16935 AND CONSERVATION SERVICE Medicine___________________ 16948 Notices FEDERAL AVIATION FOOD AND DRUG Sugar cane in Puerto Rico; hear­ ADMINISTRATION ing on fair prices and designa­ ADMINISTRATION tion of presiding officers; cor- Proposed Rule Making Proposed Rule Making , re ctio n ______________________ 16948 McDonnell Douglas Models; air­ Extensions of time for filing com­ worthiness directive___________ 16937 ments: AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Continuation of long-term stud­ See Agricultural Research Serv­ FEDERAL -COMMUNICATIONS ies, records, and reports on ice; Agricultural Stabilization COMMISSION certain approved new drugs. 16937 and Conservation Service; Com­ Use of impact-resistant lenses in modity Credit Corporation; Rules and Regulations eyeglasses and sunglasses___ 16937 Consumer and Marketing Serv­ Aircraft radio telephone operator Notices ice. authorizations; operator re­ Drugs for human use; drug effi­ quirements ___ ;______________ 16926 cacy study implementations: CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Noncommercial educational sta­ Certain combination drugs for tions; postponement of effec­ in h alatio n _________________ 16951 Notices tive date_____________________ 16926 Methoxsalen____________s____ 16950 Hearings, etc.: Notices Enriched noodle products deviat­ Chicago/Atlanta-Jamaica serv- Filing of equal opportunity re­ ing from identity standards; ice investigation____________ 16951 temporary permit for market Western Air Lines, Inc___ ____ 16951 ports and application require­ ments; effective date____ _____ 16955 testing ______________________ 16950 Hearings, etc.: Withdrawal of petitions for food CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Capital City Communications, additives: In c ------------------------------------- 16953 Elanco Products Co____________ 16950 Rules and Regulations R. T. Vanderbilt Co., Inc_______ 16950 Excepted service; Department of Chapman Radio and Television the Interior____ :1___________ 16905 Co. et al____________________ 16953 Sadow, Jay, and Rock City FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL Notices ^ Broadcasting, Inc___________ 16955 SERVICE Noncareer executive assignments: Department of the Interior___ 16952 FEDERAL MARITIME Rules and Regulations Department of the Treasury (2 COMMISSION Availability of information to the documents) _______________ 16952 p u b lic________________________ 16911 Federal Home Loan Bank Notices Board __________________ __ 16952 Seatrain Lines, Inc. et al.; order FOREIGN TRADE ZONES National Credit Union Ad­ to show cause_________________ 16957 BOARD ministration _______________ 16952 Office of Management and FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Notices Budget ___________________ 16952 Notices McAllen, Tex.: Office of the Vice President___ 16952 Application and issuance of Post Office Department_______ 16952 Hearings, etc.: gran t----- --------------------------- 16962 California Co. et al____________ 16957 Committee of alternates; memo­ Chandeleur Pipe Line Co_______ 16960 randum____________________ 16963 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Cities Service Co______________ 16959 See Domestic Commerce Bureau. Cities Service Oil Co. et al______ 16959 (Continued on next page) 16899 16900 CONTENTS HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Notices Notices WELFARE DEPARTMENT Motor carrier transfer proceed­ Hearings, etc.: ings ---------------------------------- 16966 Bridges Investment Counsel, See also Pood and Drug Admin­ Sabine River & Northern Railway istration; Public Health Service. Inc., and Bridges Investment Co.; rerouting or diversion of Fund, Inc__________________ 16964 Rules and Regulations tra ffic_______________________ 16967 Comress, Inc__________________ 16965 Delegations of authority_________ 16924 Miscellaneous amendments to LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU SMALL BUSINESS chapter____ _________________ 16920 Notices ADMINISTRATION INTERIM COMPLIANCE PANEL « Classifications of public lands: Proposed Rule Making (COAL MINE HEALTH AND Idaho (2 documents)_________ 16943 M o n tan a__________________ 16943 Small business size standards: SAFETY) Utah (2 documents).___ 16943,16945 Definition of small manufac­ Notices NATIONAL HIGHWAY turer of refined petroleum Black Diamond Fuel Co., et al.; products______ _____________ 16940 applications for renewal per­ SAFETY BUREAU Formal procedures to govern mits; opportunity for public Rules and Regulations proceedings of Size Appeals B o a rd ____________ 16939 hearing
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